CAPTAIN AMERICA 4 Star Anthony Mackie Reveals Tupac Song That Inspired The Film


It's "Hit 'Em Up".

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It’s going to be garbage if the show is any indication of the quality.
>Falcon never once mentions race


That was literally not the point, though.

Tell me the point.

It is going to be cringe Anti-White Propaganda.

It is going to be cringe like the show.

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>Captain DO-BETTER
No thanks.

Holy shit user I cant wait to watch this shit bomb. Niggas in spaaaaaaaaaace an sheeiiiit!

>Meanwhile Colonel Rhodney

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The cop scene was so embarrassingly unsubtle that I could feel my braincells rot watching it.

Alright, so I haven't watched any of the Disney+ shows post Endgame. Can someone give me a rundown?

I really liked the idea of Sam getting the shield because of the trust fostered between these two. Sam was there to sorta fill this void and be his sidekick when everything was going to shit post-Winter Soldier. Like when Steve goes to the VA looking for advice, or asks to crash at his house when he's on the run. Sam probably could've gone back to civilian life but then chose to be an Avenger and train with Steve instead. It's understated compared to Steve and Bucky, but there was always something here that seemed nice.

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They completely hijacked Sam’s character to make him a mouthpiece for vague and lazy soapboxes, or for people around him to be random strawmen.

Not that user but I think the point is ironically that it doesn't matter if Falcon thinks he's ready for the shield, or if Steve thinks it, or if Bucky agrees and doesn't want it for himself, because what matters is what the masses will think and not everyone is going to be comfortable with the idea. Steve was well meaning and right, but that's just not enough to win everyone over.
I mean shit it's just meta commentary. A lot of the people angry at this were just as angry when Sam took over in the comics.
Why does everyone here get angry that a show says "some people won't like a black captain america" after they themselves have gotten angry about the idea of a black captain america?

It's been a while since I saw it but iirc the government asks for the shield back since it's government property or something and Sam doesn't feel up to the task anyway so he lets them have it.

Nah, he is the one who gave it up.

It’s a boring, contrite issue that still puts Steve in the wrong for not considering race as a factor, and is only shown in the show by continuous poorly written strawmen.
I learned more about Sam as a character from the movies than I did from the show.

Because nobody that reads comics was mad about a black Captain America - Cap fans have literally agreed for years that if the mantle were passed down it would go to Falcon or Bucky - they were only mad that Sam got co-opted into this weird out of character culture war going on with Marvel comics at the time he took the mantle. Obviously there would be difficulties with a black Cap that should be explored, but he got sucked into weird fucking shit like "Brother Clubs" where all the black heroes across the planet are magically supposed to be friends and in close contact and have super-sekrit meetings with each other.

>Because nobody that reads comics was mad about a black Captain America
Come the fuck on.

Provide source besides your imagination.

No, YOU come the fuck on. Butthurt twitter warriors on either side do not read comic books. They just see headlines and bitch. You stupid faggot nigger. Falcon's been popular and accepted as Cap's equal for decades. Kill yourself for pretending there was some kind of problem with him for being black, and not because he got hijacked to be an OOC mouthpiece.

kill yourself and stream it you lost
just like how black cap lost all its sales

>>Because nobody that reads comics was mad about a black Captain America
Except I didn't say people that read comics were mad.
I said people that post here were mad.

You don't even know what the people you're talking to are saying, you're completely subsumed by /pol/ memes and can only see in strawmen.

>I said people that post here were mad.
And they don't fucking read the comics, they just get mad at headlines and probably came here to begin with because they saw one of those pages of Red Skull's speeches.

>B) Writers just use Sam’s new status as a soapbox instead of a character,
Captain America has always been like 60% soapbox.

>Falcon's been popular and accepted as Cap's equal for decades
stop lying faggot you lost i won

Glad we're on the same page.

Not that user, but I did not see anyone legitimately complain about Sam Cap because of race.

facts again to BTFO you again
no one likes falcon as cap even comics
you are a lying scumfuck retard with no human rights or value we all hate you
stop samefagging and breathing

this is my "DO BETTER" by putting you down

>60% compared to the show’s Sam’s 99%
Yeah. And Sam was like 39% soapbox to begin with, so when you add that to the 60% of Captain America, it adds up to 99%. That's just basic math.

Kinda like what the Netflix show did to Luke Cage

what the fuck is the janny doing?

>Doesn't know Luke Cage material....

>I learned more about Sam as a character from the movies than I did from the show.
I can see an argument that this would be intentional. If the point is that Sam was always good enough and it was the world that didn't see that, having Sam change his character would be counter productive. I also don't think Steve was really shown as "wrong" since at the end of the day his decision held and Sam continues to be Captain America; it was just overly optimistic.
Which isn't exactly a bad or uncharacteristic thing given the character we're talking about.

>Punk gay sensitive little dick bastards
>2paclypse mutha fuckin' know
>Y'all can kiss my ass and suck my dick
>And my uncle Tommy's balls
>Fuck Y'all
>Punks, punks, punks, punks, punks.

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Are people still attached to the MCU??? I mean I did watch the last Spidershart movie due to nostalgia bait, but after that everything else looks like shit. The only movie I was remotely interested in was Doctor Strange 2 until I heard America Chavez was going to have a Cameo and Wanda was going to be shoehorned in. Now I just don't care anymore, haven't watched any of the films after Endgame save nostalgia bait spiderman, and skipped all the tv shows.

The masses voted in Barack Obama. We have a black man on the Supreme Court. We've had black congressmen for approaching 150 years. When will this meme that America = the KKK die? We have to put up with it with the X-Men, where we must pretend that a majority of Americans would hate a certain class of superpowers but not hate any other because uhhhhh hurrrr durrrr the civil rights movement metaphor. So why should we have to put up with it regarding Captain America?

A cop calming approaching a black man in real life? And the black guy just reacts like a rational human being? Yeah this is pretty unrealistic

People in America have treated blacks well in Media since arguably the 80s (look at all the kino black roles that were in cinema up until about the mid-late 2000s). Obama should've been the end to this bullshit and fully fixed race relations but instead he and his party stoked the flames and fractured shit to the point of no return. I'd say he's one of the most detrimental presidents we've had in recent times, but Biden is already fucking up more in 1 year than he has in his entire run so far.
- t black user.

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Its weird I'm black and have never really had a bad encounter with police (I don't like cops but thats more so for what they'll end up doing down the line than race bullshit.).

This would've been more subtle if the cop pulled out a whip and told Sam to get back to picking cotton

A BLACK BOXER? Damn they really pushed the boat out far on that one, such a risky move making a black guy good at sports

If the police are patrolling your neighbourhood specifically looking for a disturbance and you are arguing in the middle of the street they are going to approach you no matter what your race is.

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>When will this meme that America = the KKK die?
When conservatives become extinct.

Retard take
Apollo Creed was also America's defacto representative of the sport, was a multilayered character who had an amazing arc of going from arrogant antagonist to having a comradery with the main character to even becoming the main character's mentor, on top of that he never shown as being purely in the right or the wrong, having soley virtues or vices but a mix of both. Even when he was antagonist he was shown to be loving husband and father just cocky, and even when he became a supporting role to the protagonist his vices weren't fully erased and such as his pride which led to his undoing at the hands of Drago. Unlike today where blacks are written as dindunuffin good boys with little to no flaws or their flaws are written as being good, case in point the shitty Creed movie. But do go on being retarded user.

Watch another sports movie retard

is falcon gonna rap?

Stop being a disingenuous piece of shit, your lack of ability to come up with an actual rebuttal shows that, or maybe your are just a drooling idiot

Is this the live-action Mobile Suit Gundam movie?

based, falcon bucks btfo.

>A lot of the people angry at this were just as angry when Sam took over in the comics.
There is always someone who gets upset when a replacement takes over for the original character but when it comes to Falcon Cap in the comics the hate really started with Spencer's run.

Rememder's run was well received here.

I thought Remender's run was dogshit, but that had nothing to do with FalconCap.

>When will this meme that America = the KKK die
When whites stop being racist.

Netflix luke was based off bendis cage. If it was classic Luke cage It'd be a blaxsploitation show like black Dynamite.

Bendis is cancer.

Probably but I am shameless and will watch it anyway.
I thought 4 stars was the subtitle lol

I dont think obama is to fault for this.
He had to react to a spo taneous social movement
And many times he tries to put brakes on it

>Even in the What If series he still btfo’d Killmonger
God I hope his show is good.

Counter argument. The entire reason Apollo Creed was killed off was because he was a black guy that dared to appropriate American imagery and be proud. It's Real American Rocky, a blue collar white guy, that gets to actually win on the world stage.