I hated this feminist diarrhea of a show but goddamn do I want to fuck the talking red panda in it

I hated this feminist diarrhea of a show but goddamn do I want to fuck the talking red panda in it

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excellent taste op

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Thank God, another red panda character that isn't fucking related to the Pixar shit.

another user with excellent taste

Does she ever shapeshift into something other than a red panda? I only watched the first two episodes, how often does she do butt stuff?

Is this fucking High Guardian Spice? Because if yes, I won't watch even for the panda.



Well, HGS, you lost a viewer by existing.

>wants to fuck red pandas
>but hates Pixar
What a conundrum you find yourself in, user.

whatever happened to tzgz

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She looks like she gets really shy about asking to use the bathroom

I'd love to just have a chat with this cute little ball of joy. Shame she was stuck with two annoying losers.

Nut: Hey, that's not a fing- ooOOH!

Dead by all appearances. Everything is on Tubi now, with the exception of Dallas and Robo which wasn't syfy's, and MGFS, which still seems to be in limbo.

Putting it directly against Toonami wasn't a smart move on their part.

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>Most attractive character in the magical girl show is the talking red panda

Actually has sex

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>sexy voice
>sexy design
>good personality

Did Aggretsuko make red pandas suddenly more popular or something? I know there's Master Shifu from KFP, but it feels like they are more common of an animal nowadays

made for corruption

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They're pretty much the current generation's meme animal, as llamas were to millennials.

>I hated this feminist diarrhea of a show

technically they've been around in animation as far back as the late 50's

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>user asks why they're more popular now
>posts a literal who
Just answer the question.

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I wanna cuddle Nut though. And watch her dance

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>implying you wouldn't
just felt like pointing it out. Helps that she's also a girl though

Anyways, all I can say regarding why they're in vogue now is well... it's simply trendy, which is fine by me. Hell I'm more surprised they haven't caught on earlier, though I guess the giant panda it's been erroneously associated with stole much of that thunder in those times.

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needs more art

It's coming along OK. I'll finish up soon

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you're doing god's work user


>sexy design

A panda is fine too, eh?

Filthy zoophile.

Let's add these guys to the pile. ( from Rock Dog cheapquel).

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where did you get this

>wanting to fuck the red panda from the cringe libshit syfy show
your taste is shit

forgot to post picrel

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No, that's a character from Magical Girl Friendship Squad. It's a SyFy show.

What's her name?

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the bunny of ink

I'll give the show credit, it did it's own thing and yeah it has the Beanmouth shit in it, but it was fine.

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yeah I can definitely give them props for that


Mana was a cutie

Nut, Base Model

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I thought it was feminist trash but i want to clap the red pandas cheeks

Buster move more like bust in her shoes

Those "I'm fed up with your shit" tired eyes really do it for me, for some reason.

Thanks, now i will draw her with an earth-shattering, Forastero-tier swap-sweaty ASS anda HUGE pubic bush


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oh mama


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don't mind if I do

His name is Buster Moon

I've actually spoken to the main writer on this show after watching another show she made for facebook through email

she seems like a pretty cool and normal person and not the "SWJ femanazi" people make her out to be and even took the time to tell me some stuff she wanted to do with other characters if the show got another season

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Didn't know someone involved with MGFS was also on Human Kind Of. I thought that show had a lot of potential.

well don't leave us waiting user tell us

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