
Double update today, no pages on Wednesday.

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That look on Quigley's face is just pure suffering.

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Jesus, Quigs
You're really trying to paint yourself as a villain so you can feel justified about your self hate, aren't you

I'm not really 100% sure on the stage directions here; Jivi's going backwards in the carriage and Elka's heading up front? Or are they both going to the cockpit

Jivi heads up front first, then Elka follows afterwards

Quigley clearly loves his son but refuses to be the man that his child needs. Being a plat is suffering.

Why is she so sexy bros?
Also based Quiggley breaking the cutie.
I can't wait for Duane to see his family again, it will be hilarious to see how he reacts to his brother cucking him and basically taking over his life.

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fuck, i actually teared up a bit. really wasn't expecting this turnaround

kys yourself

Is the suffering because he realized he was worse than he thought, being the same as zealot duane, or that he wasn't as bad as he thought, in the company of 'good Ald tm' Duane?

what's with all the sorrow?

He broke up crying because he thought he was better than Duane for being the equivalent of a reddit atheist that only believes in fax and logic while looking down on Duane as a brainwashed retard that only follows his fee fees.
But that crashed down when told that on some level they are the same.

>TFW people were saying Duane would have been better

I wouldn't be sure it's not like Duane is in the best of shapes right now.

The difference between quigley and duane is that quigley's betrayal of vienne was a moment of cowardice, where as for Duane it would have been a moment of patriotism.

He was trying to push people away again with this big gloating list of his horrible deeds, and Duane just sliced through his false-bravado. Not with disbelief or denial, but affirmation that another human being understood his feelings and agreed with his desperation (though I'm not certain I believe it from Duane)
He was puffing himself up with loathsome hype, and Duane let the air out, leaving Quigley to crumple into the saggy bag of sad he's been all these years

He was probably hoping for Duane to admonish him in his Duane way, but got a sympathetic response instead.
Which probably hurt his guilt-wracked soul way the hell more.

i think it's partially that, but also likely because he went into this whole spiel in an attempt to alienate himself from everyone, expecting that he'd be met with scorn, so when Duane hits him with his ashamed understanding it fucks Quigs up. He's been holding this shit in for years, and when he finally lets it all out, he's basically being told that he's only human rather than the monster he's built himself up as in his head.

I get that Duane is coming from his own nadir and presenting a humbled view of himself, but we've seen him in his younger days and I can't quite see him being that perfect instrument of state tyranny and going through with tossing his own family to the torture rack

He was the model of a perfect alderrode citizen before his death. He would have been a model citizen no matter what. Even though he faltered with mikala, being a traitor to alderode would never have gone well.

I thinks it's just because someone sympathised with him.

He'd have compunctions about it but that doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't have gone through with it anyways. He's shown himself to be a coward before (mainly the "that's right" line at the end of the flashback sequence that got Lemuel all fucked up)

>Duane-sama, I kneel

He would've told the state about the first earth discovery before it got to that point.


These pages actually got me. I think anyone would expect a Duane lecture, but this simple acknowledgement that someone like Duane could have easily made the same choices in similar circumstances is so much more powerful. It broke Quigs and it broke me too.

Looks like he drove away those squishies with his negativity also? Or is that just a metaphor for his good times/bad times life story?

damn sette look pissed

Okay, I get Quigley here. I've been floundering a bit for the last week because his mindset was hard to empathize with. But I totally get it. "Outsider" found someone else like him. She started changing, he stayed the same. Seen it happen, and it's happened to me as well.

That's the difference between between Duane at the beginning and Duane now I think. Duane at the beginning would have deflected and say he never would have let it get that far, he would have stopped Leysa before it devolved to that point. Which is probably true, he would have put his foot down, but all of that would be to avoid the fact that if indeed Leysa was committing treason and Duane was stuck between choosing between turning his wife in or dying treasonous along with her it wouldn't have been any easy choice. He drank the kool-aid, he was part of the system, though he thought he could make it better. Perhaps Duane is just at a low point at the moment and is consoling Quigley by saying he would have as well when it would have been up in the air. But I do think the possibility exists that if Duane was put in that impossible position, he might very well have chosen Alderode over Leysa. Which is something he could only admit to given his new self-awareness. He wants to be the man that wouldn't pause before choosing his wife.

I dunno if Duane would do it NOW. But I could totally see him having done it in the past with how devoted he was to Alderode.

It's the former. He's spent his whole life believing that he hates Alderode and that he'd do anything to destroy the shitty country and system he was born into, then he discovers that when it came down to it, he'd make the same decision as the ultranationalist that he despises

He WAS bringing down an already down mood by being a right bastard. Everyone lost people today and he's having an edgy monologue.

>Can't even win in his "I am evil" rant
I almost feel bad for Q*igley

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Nah, he deserves it. I'm always up for Quigley getting wrecked. He doesn't deserve to even be smug over what a shitty person he is.

Lol and Sette probably hasn't a clue what's going on since Duane's admission was in Tainish

Say what you will about Shartes, but they (generally) don't sell out their kin, especially not to the fuzz. Hell, Stockyard's da went so far as to take the bullet for him.

looks like they're coming across the aftermath of Prakhuta's attack from a some pages back, that's ought to snap everybody out of this anti-pity party.

Hundreds of anons have tried to take shots at Quigley for this, but you all know deep down inside what Duane is brave enough to admit now: you'd have done it too.

Sette's da literally sold her

Duane is a nationalist, of course he would have done it. Don't see what that has to do with me

I didn't even notice those 's that makes it even funnier that Duane gets to run away with his confession

>Stockyard's da went so far as to take the bullet for him
wasn't this considered as rather extraordinary of him?

I mean, it's probably pretty easy for her to figure it out given the context

>I would have done the same
I really cannot imagine him doing that based on what I've seen of his interactions towards his beloved family.

Anyway, I hope Matty kicks his dad in the balls at least once before moving on.

Yeah and?
Most people don't want to be horribly tortured and killed.
Everyone wants to imagine himself as the heroe but at the moment of truth it's alot harder to follow through.

That may be part of it, but I think part of it is also that Duane is very much heroic in most circumstances. The opposite of Quigley in many ways. Quigley was really trying to paint himself as a villain here but he gets told by this guy, who seems to pride himself in being principled and morally righteous, that he would have done exactly what he did in that situation. It's hard to keep pretending to be a villain when someone non-villainous understands your actions, and even admits they themselves would have done them in your shoes.

Bastion foresaw that a Tacit caster could reattach their own head because they do not have to speak to perform pymary so long as someone helped them with their eyes. That's so smart. That's why he couldn't attempt this stunt with a non-tacit caster or that he has already but they couldn't handle the decapitation.

That's a real stinkeye Sette is giving Quigley. It's prudent (I don't want to debate if it was cowardly) of Duane to agree with Quigley in Aldish.

Also, they've arrived and the outside is totally on fire. It's game-time and they have to put on their warfaces. Your head gets attached and you immediately have to start fucking people up.

What's funny is that, at least in my opinion and I'm sure most would disagree, Duane would have done it for worse reasons too

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Could she hear what was being talked about in the back room there?

>Bastion foresaw that a Tacit caster could reattach their own head because they do not have to speak to perform pymary so long as someone helped them with their eyes. That's so smart. That's why he couldn't attempt this stunt with a non-tacit caster or that he has already but they couldn't handle the decapitation.
A non-tacit caster would have trouble immediately when their diaphragm doesn't work anymore.

lil bitch

everyone on screen heard this- jivi, matty, knock, sette, duane

he had to do it with a tacit caster because it seems it wouldn't work otherwise, period. being able to reattach his own head is just a bonus

Stockyard's dad saw the sense of not dragging his son down with him. As a criminal himself the authorities were just waiting to pin something on him and now they have something and they're going to find him guilty whether or not he was.

It wasn't an act of charity. Or maybe in Sharte culture it is considered an act of charity to not spitefully finger the true perpetrator and have both of you hang together.

I think the self-reattachment is more of a fortunate side effect (for Duane) than the main reason he was picked. Delicieu seemed to say Duane wasn't really meant to be conscious in the first place.

>the outside is totally on fire
I just had the weirdest thought

This whole clusterfuck in Morstorben is basically a country flipped version of the initial doom-vision Ilganyag showed Duane of the Silver attacking Durlyne. You've got a town in flames, and will presumably have Bell's treacherous troops and even a few Alds doing some killing in the mix. Would be wild if we got to see the Silver in its full on godzilla form rampaging about

Honestly it's a different decision for Ssaelit than it is for Gefendeur, because of Alderode's status as The Only Place Safe To Be Ssaelit. It's very easy for Duane to believe that treason to alderode is itself betraying their family because whatever replaces the existing government is not particularly likely to be better for Ssaelit.

Considering Toma's pretty dramatic calling for Elka and the fact that the area outside the car is on fucking fire, I assume shit's about to get real again on Friday.

I mean not that it isn't real right now, but I assume they arrived at the chaos

It's this. He's trying to push people away with the lies about himself that he says. The events are the truth, sure, but what they say about him? Not so much. He's lying with the truth to get everyone to hate him, to let him die alone and get what he deserves. And then Duane comes and shows him the one thing he didn't consider a possibility at all: empathy and understanding, humanity. The same understanding he just said he's been longing for ever since he lost it from his wife, and lost his wife after that. And he just got it from the least human-looking member of our cast, someone he thought was a mere artificial personality.

I don't think he's saying any lies here. He's just also playing it up to make everyone disgusted with him.

Ironic, Quigs resents his kid but is stuck raising him as a disgusting survivalist and his wife loved her kid but died stupidly out of closeted niavety.

I have to agree. Might one argue lies of, what, inflection? Emphasis? Perhaps. But the bare facts are still the facts.

Pity for those who wished he was just trying to snap Matty out of happy ghost land. I can sort of see it, the way Quigley mentioned that Matty had done this before. Maybe suggesting he'd had to snap his kid out of funkytown then too?

If we're looking at "how could things possibly go WORSE" then at this point being in close proximity to the silver is very, very bad. The sweet li'l cinnamon roll was just dipped into a cup of his dad's diarrhea and the level of anguish has to be the most delicious thing for the silver to feed off of. He might make Ana's pain look like a tic tac by comparison.