What's the most offensive joke or scene in cartoon history?
What's the most offensive joke or scene in cartoon history?
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Implying that Yea Forums finds anything offensive.
This place is full of faggots that complains about Meg being abused on Family Guy or people who finds Tom and Jerry too violent, specially if it's about this funny angry owner on the pic.
fucking hell dude drawn together kicked so much ass
the average 4channoid (weak white male) is constantly upset and offended. the presence of a black guy (tyrone who bullied them) is enough to enrage them.
That one gag in ThunderCats Roar where they show the skull of Panthro in reference to Earle Hyman dying
calling a gun a Puerto Rican credit card is still one of the funniest jokes in cartoon history
>actually believing this
That was a low blow indeed. I think I never felt offended by any other sort of offensive joke. That entire show was pitiful.
That's not the same people who think Drawn Together is one of the greatest shows ever made. Like me.
> a group of people is just a monolithic entity that thinks the same
> 2022
>le poo joke
The show isn't offensive. It just plain cringe.
I actually find your post very offensive, every 4channer is an individual and you should stop trying to put us in the same category.
cheers. Bladefox8
Apparently its portraying Muhammad.
Either baby captain hero fucking his babysitter's corpse or stewie getting mpreg with brian's babies.
If you can count either as jokes anyway.
yeah Im gonna go with this one. Fuck ThunderCats Roar and everyone who worked on it.
The south park portrayal I think takes the cake, it actually caused real death threats
>im thirsty
"hi thirsty"
The Roar staff didn't work on that episode though. That was entirely the TTGO writers, who are notoriously petty bastards.
theres no way that "joke" was intentional
user, this is 4channel.
Also this is Yea Forums, this board is EXTREMELY easy to offend.
As has nearly every portrayal of the prophet
It was fine years ago. Hell, the old Archie TMNT comic had him front and center on one page, and no one cared.
Naturally, IDW didn't reprint that one.
The Aqua Teen 100th episode about raping and murdering that woman
It felt really out of place for the show
yea, that was kind of messed up
The Tom and Jerry episode where Tom goes to Heaven and a wet sack turns up at the pearly gates and some kittens come out of it is way worse than this.
That's actually what rural people do with cats/kittens that they don't want on their property or are being a nuisance, put them in a burlap sack and drown them.
How can that be offensive though? They're not glorifying it. The gatekeeper goes out of his way to look down on whoever was responsible for it. Given this practice was commonplace at the time, it can even be taken as social commentary and criticism.
The cartoon doesn't expect you to laugh by showing you three drowned kittens.
Drawn Together did much worse
Hyman was the only primary cast member to have died within decades of that episode coming out though. They could have picked any other member of the cast besides Panthro and the actor would have either still been alive or had passed almost twenty years earlier.
How about the ATHF episode where they microwave not one but two cats in a really gruesome manner.
>$3/lb pork sausage
it was a different time
Absolutely this. I couldn't believe that. Did anyone from the show try to explain that or even apologize?
how can anyone be offended by shows like South Park, ATHF, Family Guy, Drawn Together when offensive humor is just what they do every episode?
There are no consequences and no continuity so who gives a shit?
ATHF post S3 overall had a lot of awkward moments like that where the bit wasn't even funny just awkward and offputting
Family Guy is an epitome if beanmouth show. Gene Deitch Tom And Jerry is light years better
>Epitome of beanmouth
I like how the skeleton has a tongue
Wasn't that Teen Titans Go?
I like how the hook on the doghouse is slightly detached, showing that the dog was really struggling to reach thevwater bowl and probably could've broken it eventually, but just didn't make it in time.
It was, and iirc it was even done without the TCR team's knowledge.
Bojack was cancelled.
Oldfag here on Yea Forums and overall as I'm nearly 40.
Yea Forums was always tumblr-lite but never safe space-lite until a few years ago. While a lot of anons will scream that the influx of 2016 /pol/ tourists to Yea Forums is the root cause. That's not the reason behind anons being easily offended. The real reason is the push for accepting troons and those that make up the LGBT alphabet soup illness.
As a former teacher, I've noticed that anyone under the age of 25 to say, 28, is incredibly easy to offend with almost any content. Not because said content is offensive but due to how being offended can provide them with victim status to receive attention. It's why I got out of teaching high school due to the number of victims that would emerge whenever I attempted to teach history (US and World depending on grade level).
Platforms such as twitter, leddit, etc. only allow people to more easily exploit their victim status for attention. Only a matter of time before it would hit Yea Forums.
Genuinely miserable. Even had to throw in virtue signalling with the dumb animal characters.
I really don't enjoy the fact that animal abuse shit seeps into adult cartoons so often. I dropped the Simpsons over that episode where Lisa keeps killing cats.
Thanks for the wise words. Must suck for you to be a teacher on this era. You probably can't talk about lots of things or even declare your opinion on many topics.
>Thanks for the wise words. Must suck for you to be a teacher on this era. You probably can't talk about lots of things or even declare your opinion on many topics.
It does and did. That's why I resigned and changed careers. Students were extremely influenced by peer pressure from social media influencers. A lot of hidden racism against anything white or American/European/Western history.
Perhaps I have a negative viewpoint as a former history teacher. An example was when I attempted to teach about the Civil War was akin to going through a minefield on a pogo stick with a large footprint.
This is a weird case but if you were black and you liked your hair straight you would understand her position here. But regardless if it was a fro or just straight, no black woman likes to have their 5-hour hairstyle fuzzing up. Stella is still so rude lol, you think after the curses she's endured she would be more humble.
Thinking there's too much reliance on something is not the same as pearl clutching. They're just looking offended because they're fixated and angry, which comes across as similar. This whole board is full of moaning mongoloids, moangoloids if you will, and I dare say that after a while one can get too fixated on their moaning and be very apt to do it themselves. Looks like they rubbed off on you.
And me. I just want some fun threads, but they all get deleted by the jannies because of moaning turds.
I do not care for Bojack i never even watched it
Yeah, you did well. At least you can keep it up as a hobby, without anyone watching what you read and learn.
And then some fun threads about things without anything wrong, dumb or toxic also almost don't get bumps. They just go and drop hard. This board is almost dead. A pity.
I think that crossover single headedly killed any hope Thundercats Roar might have had
>Clint Clobber
What a fucking larp
Yea Forums is offended when anything shows minorities existing.
anyone have the one with captain hero saying what comes after asphicseven?
Straight or not the hairstyle looks cute on her