Animation Domination General #1: Week Before Easter Edition




Disney's Animation Domination™ continues to contactlessly serve you a piping hot fresh batch of all new episodes of your favorite shark-jumped animated sitcoms that are definitely not far past their expiration date. Really FOX (a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Corporation™), come on, JUST DO IT ALREADY.


>Why does Marge sound like that now?
She has as much enthusiasm voicing for the show as you do watching it.

>Why does Dr. Hibbert sound like that now?
Black Actors Matter™, or something.
>proceeds to give all the black roles to the same high-profile famous and wealthy black voice actor who is already a part of the recurring cast

-No Family Man tonight

The schedule is as follows:
>7:00/6:00c - The Rerunsons - Pixelated and Afraid (RERUN): When Homer and Marge are lost in an icy wilderness, they must push themselves to survive.

>7:30/6:30c - Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade (SPECIAL): Two bunnies target Sid's booming egg-sitting business and hide his charges.

>8:00/7:00c - The Lisasons - The Sound of Bleeding Gums (NEW): Lisa meets the son of the late musician Bleeding Gums Murphy -- and attempts to improve his life.

>8:30/7:30c - The Thirty Minute Snore - Dead Moon Walking Adventure (NEW): After seeing something he shouldn't have, Moon incurs Debbie's wrath.

>9:00/8:00c - Ted's Tarantulas - The Spider House Rules (NEW): Louise befriends a house spider; Bob tries to make a friend who's not a restaurant customer.

>9:30/8:30c - Doug and Baby - Cootie & The Blowhard (RERUN): Stewie takes drastic measures when he thinks he is diagnosed with terminal cooties.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>No New Family Guy
Why can't they just order 22 episodes instead of taking two week breaks with only 20 episodes.

>Lisa meets the son of the late musician Bleeding Gums Murphy
Oh neat, good call back
> -- and attempts to improve his life.
Jesus again?

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>another Lisa episode

Reminder that Bob's Burgers is getting a fucking THEATRICAL FEATURE FILM THIS YEAR

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>Simpsons rerun before 8 is of a GOOD nuSimpsons ep
Freakin' finally.

>next Family Guy on the 24th will actually mention Lois's piano as a focal point
They actually fucking remembered that pre-cancellation is a thing. Holy based.

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>The Sneedsons (NEW) - Marge becomes a dyke, meanwhile Homer creampies in his own butthole.
>The Great Bore (NEW) - No One Gives a Fuck
>The Belcher Kids, Fuck Bob (NEW) - Tina becomes pregnant
>Family Words, But a Normal Guy (NEW) - Peter becomes a Christian and makes the family go to Church.

Now all they need to do is bring back Chris's interest in painting.

Francine being a smoker is hot post McFarlane girls enjoying tobacco products

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Never gonna happen. Now he's a walking, talking masturbation joke who's occasionally used as the most geeky FG writers' mouthpiece for meta jokes. I still find present-day Chris to be entertaining, but I doubt he'll ever get to return to his roots.

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Lung cancer is not hot.

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>The Simpsons - "My Octopus and a Teacher" (4/24/2022) Bart can't control his feelings when he gets a new teacher. Meanwhile, Lisa befriends an octopus.
>The Great North - "Beef's in the Toyland Adventure" (4/24/2022) Beef struggles when the boat needs repairs and he can't fish for a whole week. Meanwhile, Wolf and Honeybee meet the best-looking man in Lone Moose.
>Bob's Burgers - "Clear and Present Ginger" (4/24/2022) Linda has a big day planned when her friend, Ginger, comes to visit. Meanwhile, Bob and the kids help Nat with her Limo competition.
>Family Guy - "All About Alana" (5/1/2022) When Lois' piano student, Alana, comes to work for the Griffins, Lois is initially glad for the help, until she realizes Alana's intentions are more sinister than she thought.

>that promotional art
Promo art is full of soul. Seemed like they were really keen to sell Chris' interest in art as a plot point

>clear and present ginger
That's horrible.


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I guess they couldn't find a way to incorporate Ginger into the movie, so this episode may finally reveal her appearance.

>Lisa helps out X episode
Fuck off, Al Jean. Rolling for how it ends. Cast your bets here.
>evens: "If this ordeal has taught us anything, it's that nothing works better than the status quo." Also LE DEAF LIVES MATTER!!! Lisa is a cunt and Homer and Marge's marriage is on the saxxy rocks. THE END!

>odds: "ₕₑY ᵣₑₘₑₘᵦₑᵣ ₘₒₐₙᵢₙG ₗᵢₛₐ?! Wₑ ₙₑᵢₜₕₑᵣ" THE END!

>9: BotH

>0: something actually different for a change

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My 7 says that the episode will be shit but not because of Lisa. Lisa in this episode will act like her classic self and that some stupid bullshit with [insert musician pop star here] will throw the whole episode off the radar.

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4 says that Lisa will creampie her own onahole and Bleeding Gums Jr. will do a le wacky union contract shit, something something Yea Forums something *cough* *cough*

"Back to the Pilot" made me really appreciate the wonky look of the OG seasons. I'm fine with the way Family Guy looks these days, but those early episodes are just somethin' else.

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Bets on whether or not they discuss the whole, "Deaf culture" thing?

My 5 says it'll be so bad it's good.

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I've never met a single deaf person who wasn't a complete asshole to literally everyone they saw. I guess lacking the most basic form of human communication would take it's toll but seriously fuck them.

Yes it is especially when compared to fetal alcohol syndrome

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>another women hate each other episode

Whatever happened to Easter episodes?

>Bob and the kids help Nat with her Limo competitio
Why are they pushing such annoying recurring female characters? Even that classmate of Louise's got on the movie poster.

If even Bob's Burgers hasn't bothered doing more than one Easter episode, then it's not a holiday worth covering every season.

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Because Loren was pressured to include more women and he caved completely.

is deaf the new trans? should i stop "pretending" to be autistic on tiktok and start being deaf? why don't deaf people just use closed captions? honestly what is the point of having a sign language person on TV?

>honestly what is the point of having a sign language person on TV?
normativity and awareness mindset i guess

>It's a "pissing on Bleeding Gums Murphy's grave" episode
>It's a Stewie (and most likely Doug) episode.

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i don't think i know a single deaf person lmao. i know one person who learned sign language and went on to be a nurse but afaik she doesn't even work with deaf people its just a +1 on her resume

>Marge becomes a dyke
Already happened.

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Homer can do better anyway.

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>Pixelated and Afraid
Other than that botched up first act, they finally have a reference for a good post-Golden Age episode. It took like, what, 20 fucking years? Goddammit, permutation really is a bitch.

>Why are they pushing such annoying recurring female characters?
The biggest Bob's Burgers fans are women. And since Bob doesn't really have many friends of his own, it only makes sense for the show to feature a large female cast.

Also Brooke Dillman needs that check.

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Of course when my teeth start tingling/gums are probably bad we get an episode about "bleeding gums" murphy. What a timely choice.

where does bobs burgers live

New Jersey

is that supposed to be sora? why does he look so...realistic?

>oh no, Women

>fox is showing the spongebob egg special again
valentines day was months ago, no wonder i remember seeing this shit so often on sunday nights if they don't only show it in january

to justify the insane development times and also because nomura is turning the series into his version of final fantasy 15 whether people like it or not.

where do you live

wait what? I thought it was from a sora if he real meme

And at the very least Nat the Limo driver is not voiced by Brooke Dillman so that's a plus.


What the fuck is this

>mfw PimEyes shows this
Man is it good at identifying Japanese shit.

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They've been going for the realistic route since the shitty teaser at the end of the kh3 dlc


we havent had anything except mom and chibi shit since though

>PImEyes thinks NuSora is a girl

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Are you autistic?

>They remembered Lois was a piano teacher.

>Do something for shits and giggles because realism in video games is nothing more than a meme and Nomura is a fuck
>"You're autistic"
Shut the fuck up, chud.

You're kinda ruining the autistic vibe here, you should leave.

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>After seeing something he shouldn't have, Moon incurs Debbie's wrath.
Is this going to be some bathroom thing.

>Sunny is now in an 8-episode cancer stage and slowly resembling Season 13-24 Simpsons by a high caliber by how awful, animation and cheesy the characters and everything else are getting
>South Park is a 6-episode per season mediocrityfest with nothing to offer, the characters aren't acting like themselves, everything feels postmodern, and it's most promising arc ended on a very weak cliffhanger to be resolved in a shitty fucking movie
>The Great North has nothing to offer
>Duncanville is on hiatus
>Bob's Burgers is now mediocre, has lost all of it's good edge and therefore there is nothing to offer until the movie, in which is quality will be very uncertain, especially when the lead designer died in a skydive

>Family Guy has been getting increasingly watchable since Seasons 16/17
>Simpsons has won two-three nights so far and there has been some decent-good episodes recently
Am I living in a dream or is this a fucking nightmare?

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>Family Kino is a rerun

>winning nights
This means absolutely nothing except that one episode is not as bad as the rest, which is a case by case basis. like those nights where literally nothing fucking happens in any of the episodes except one show where it's actually also bad but at least did one thing for one scene that counted as doing something at all.

I don't know why outside of any given night people bring this up like it's not all about context.

If they do make Ice Age 7 it better be about Sid starting a family. It's been around since the second movie that he wants to and yet we repeated shit with sitcom Manny for 2 movies in a row.

Free streaming

>Kevin Michael Richardson Bleeding Gums
Jesus Christ

streaming take that
song bastardization

>random 4:3 flashback
also did the couch gag just sing "salty nuts"

Fuck you Lisa, I work for the lottery industry

>flipping Disney the bird

Off to a good start.

Why the fuck did they redub an old clip? Why did they dub over Ron Taylor for Micheal Richardson?

Oh Lisa, you were doing so good

Again the Lovejoys are pulling crap out of their asses

This is already boring.

>All the jazz hole patrons are black
>All of them is voiced by KMR

I thought he was voiced by Ron Taylor originally?

That wasn't an old clip.

I already hate this episode.

>Brockman didn't win the lottery again

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Of course they forgot Kent won a looooong time ago.

Didn't Kent already win the lottery...?

>lisa shits on everyone for being dopes for buying into the lottery
>cue montage of every man in springfield mindlessly singing the jingle like a zombie
and no it doesn't count that wife lovejoy was next to her husband about it
>americans steal black music
So it's just going to be the worst Lisa episode ever like always.

Have they changed Brockman's voice?

Great. A pretentious Lisa episode.

and here's weasel lawyer

How did Lisa teleport from the jazz club to back home?

Why didn't they just use the old clip?

Ask them.

Man this Simpsons episode sucks so far

Oh. It's a Lisa episode. They already had two so called jokes that weekend went on too long

Why is every episode with her just pitting Lisa against strawmen who... are men.

Lemme guess... Bleeding Gums didn't know he had a son either, meaning Lisa is right as always.

What's new?

>just got back home
>it's a Lisa episode
>see you in thirty minutes
>The Great Snore hasn't been canceled yet
>make that an hour

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So when did the Simpsons change from the Simpsons to The Lisa Show: featuring Simpsons characters?


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Well the synopsis already says Lisa meets him and "attempts to improve his life" so he's already low and Lisa gets to be better than him.

Man, they don't even use the intro anymore.

Homer is so wise, just don't care about things. Who's happier in this episode? Homer or Lisa)

Prepare for apathy