Wtf, Calarts was around in the Middle Ages!?
Wtf, Calarts was around in the Middle Ages!?
>has no stripes
American education
This joke works even if it's wrong.
more like English education. Americans didn't create that piece.
>be a scribe
>spend your professional life writing dictated letters and copying the bible by hand
>get the chance to make a fun little cat doodle
>centuries later, people use lightning-boxes to mock you
faggot deserves it. that's a shit-ass tiger.
C'mon now, that scribe probably never even saw a Tiger in his entire life, depends on the location of course, but likely chance that faggot never even saw a Tiger.
That’s what tigers looked like back then, why would a scribe lie in art form in a book?
Next thing you’ll tell me all those giant rabbits battling knights the scribes all kept doodling about weren’t real.
Had he seen a cat tho?
Just draw a cat, but more wild and beefy.
>copying the bible by hand
I love this, which bible? Plus, if it truly is the word of god then god is a piece of shit narcissist that likes to promote murder and being a judgmental fuck. God is such a fucking narcissist that he literally made a human version of himself just to rub it in that we are all inferior. Keep in mind, jesus wasn't a real person and even if he was he didn't turn shit into fuck, walk on water, and he wasn't a white neckbeard. Christianity and all of it's subsets are fucking stupid. This shit was forced and projected on me at an early age and 1st grade me knew it was fucking bullshit. Life is better without religion, period. When you need someone else to live your life for you, it ceases to be your life. You're merely a puppet or an avatar for some divine being or leader.
You are like a dumb dog who thinks that humans want to do something bad to them when they're trying to get the fleas out of their fur.
Stay mad faggot
AAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEE i-is that a- i-i-is that a... PARD!?!?
sound like the average leftist to me, it's like he was tailor made for this world
>Amerimutts always talking about freedom
>they don't want to be free from religion
I bet he's going to spew some nonsense about the giant snails and the nun tended penis trees weren't real either. Fucking historylets.
Its the fish from Mercian Dad
>Free from religion
Actually that's France's law, France is about freeing the people from religion. While the US is about to freely choosing what religion you want.
So, by your comments you're a frog.
Wow go to Church you bigot.
>Keep in mind, jesus wasn't a real person
Bro, even atheists agree that jesus was a real person.
But i guess that won't stop you from being mad that mom forced you to go to mass.
Jesus was and is real.
Well, there's plenty. From the shroud of turin to reports to the fact that he created the world's largest religion.
Or do you think some random retard created a book about a man no one knew of and for some reason it expanded? Stop being a teenager.
Based, christcucks will seethe at this though
>t. Doesn't know history
I bet you think the big bang also disproves religion, don't you?
Does this count
prove Napoleon was real
>Created a book
The bible is a compilation of stories from various people ranging from the earliest periods of human history to the late Roman times.
Any anons who think the bible has one single author (Don't pull that God shit on me) is a retard.
>CalArts graduates are only as good at art as a scribes casual drawing from the 16th century.
freedom of religion is a thing
"Of" and "From" are two different things.
>The bible is a compilation of stories from various people ranging from the earliest periods of human history to the late Roman times.
Yes. So you think it was all a random creation? That all these people from all these periods just randomly created a random guy and for no reason at all were willing to martyr themselves for him, preach it with extreme success to people who would then martyr themselves to keep believing, solely for an made-up man?
Whether you believe in his holiness or no, jesus's existence is not in question and it never was.
Amerimutts don't even know how to speak English anymore.
Are you 13
You sound 13
t. beaner
I believe Jesus was a man, and real. But I believe he's just a guy who wanted to reform Judaism but got killed.
So his followers decided to split off make a new religion based off his teachings.
This one is pretty on point considering the guy drawing just had descriptions of it to go on
I'll never understand why it took so long for humans to figure out how to draw properly.
This is my position on the matter. Not really sure why so many people get butthurt over this of all things.
atheism turned to communism for meaning, materialists are religious in every way except on paper
Or the fact that Mary Magdalen was a whore.
I mean shit started to get good around the Renaissance.
Sure, but that's incredibly late in my opinion. They could create impressive structures, statues, had metallurgy and whatnot for hundreds or thousands of years, but never figured out shit like perspektive
What's your opinion on Islam and Judaism?
better than having Fentanyl Floyd as your lord and savior
In the Middle Ages the true high art was always seen as the tapestry, it really wasn't until the renaissance that painitng became seen as a serious art form again and not just for decorating plain surfaces. Tapestries are what all the great artists were doing, them and sculpture and carvings. So to judge Medieval Art based on its paintings and manuscript doodles is like judge modern art on comic books and the sketches in a kid's note book.