Thor Love & Thunder Toys Leak

This is from /toy/, a trailer has to be dropping next week right?

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gorr looks like shit, still hoping bale can pull off a memorable performance though

>King Valkyrie
Wasn't his whole arc in the last movie about him learning to be a good king?


For a second I thought Gorr was cancer Jane Foster.

and then he gave it all away to her anyways at the end of End Game.

Remember when people thought BRB was a sure deal in this movie?

Why the fuck are we having fucking whor in a movie now

To give Jane Foster an arc

But no one gives a shit about her and her feminazi fake thor

Since Loki is no longer in the Thor movies, they brought Jane back as the deuteragonist.

I can't imagine that even Natalie Portman gives a shit about that character

Nobody cares since Natalie Portman left the MCU because the Thor movies were shit and they didn´t pay her enough.

“Not Thunderstrike” looks pretty good

Now that she’s Whor, she does give a shit.


because studio executives feel bad that natlie portman can't be put in multiple movies and tv series because unlike kat dennings no body wants to fuck her and she can't act for shit

>Tobey, Andrew and Tom on the roof
>Not memorable

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Oh God, I hope Valkyrie isn't that important because Tessa Thompson is carisma vacuum.

Why are they adding femthor?

Jason Aaron cashed in a few favors and gave some head.

Because Jason Aaron

Don’t blame Feige

Because those years of shitty forced diversity need to pay off

>king valkyrie

>When you're excited for Jane Thor and Valkyire

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Some Disney exec probably wants to push the movie by shilling Whor on "The View" again.

I hope Gunn puts Peter back on the track GotG 2 had him on that the 2 Avengers movies kind of knocked him off of.

It was in the comics

Therefore it MUST be good right? Right?

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And then the arc after that was realizing he never really wanted to be king anyway.

All Thors are fake.

I already forgot about NWH. It was shit and boring really.

>Spiderman being one of the only memorable things in marvel

>Where have i seen this before

You mean you want the movie to focus on Hemsworth who is even worse, and his romance with a woman he has zero chemistry with in any movies thus far? So what are we watching exactly if we just skip those three?

>FemThor's in the MCU now
I'm not surprised, but I sure as hell am disappointed.

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Why King and not Queen?

Imagine defending fucking whor. The absolute state of this board sometimes

Go back to Twitter. The whole site hates the movie now. You’d love it there.

He’s not. He’s shitting on all Thors.

I hope Fosthor dies of cancer in the film

>Go back to Twitter

stay mad some people like her

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You guys know Thor is still Thor, right? Jane isn't taking away his title or anything. Stop being mad about nothing.

How big a role is Quiplord going to play in this film?

>stay mad some people like her

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Your feminist shit cunt whor should have never been in the MCU

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>King Valkyrie
Fucking WHAT

I don't use twitter and that user is right, NWH was so forgettable

King Valkyire was in Endgame. Y'all fall asleep or something

>King Valkyire was in Endgame. Y'all fall asleep or something

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You know who I miss? Sif.

Calm down user. Even Storm was the White King of the Hellfire Club at one point.

I still can't tell if this is legit or an absolutely incredible prank

the Israel comment sure aged well, neolib feminsts lel

When the fuck are we getting Hercules in the MCU?

>Using contractions is a leftie thing

Zeus is confirmed to be in Love and Thunder. So Hercules is coming soon.

y'all can't behave

I guess “can’t” “don’t” and “we’ll” are SJW terms too huh?

Another Eternals-tier success story here

I forgot about NWH within 5 minutes of leaving the theater.

And the arc after that will be that he wanted to be a woman anyway.