Your favourite:
And your least favourite:
Your favourite:
And your least favourite:
Other urls found in this thread:
Korra Alone/Endgame
Beginnings Part 2
Enter the Void
Season Three
Season 2
The first two episodes are genuinely good.
Episode 3 and 4 are arguably worth watching but they lead into the rest of the show which is not worth anybody's time.
I miss the weekly hate threads after every new episode.
Best episode: Season 1 Episode 2.
Worst episode: Season 1 Episode 7 i think. The moment Korra and fireboy here argue in front of the stadium before their match, the exact scene where the show died for good with no hope of recovery.
Season 2 was crap.
People say season 3 was good, no it fucking wasn't. How could anyone watch the first show yet grow no standard for what an avatar cartoon should look like.
>How could anyone watch the first show yet grow no standard for what an avatar cartoon should look like.
No one is disputing that ATLA was a superior show. Korra had a lot of faults but it was still entertaining enough to keep a lot of the fanbase appeased and even helped build the world up (EXCLUDING the Raava/Vaatu shit). Plus Korra's villians were actually interesting personifications of different ideologies instead of just another "I'm going to rule the world because I'm evil" type like Ozai was.
>helped build the world up
nigga it burned the existing lore into the ground and exchanged it for some of the most retarded and contrived concepts yet conceived of
>different "ideologies"
>i'm a communist (but, secretly, i'm evil)
>i want what's best for the water tribe (but, secretly, i'm evil)
>i want everyone to be free (but the writers don't even bother having me pretend i'm not evil this time)
>the earth kingdom needs a strong ruler to bring an end to chaos and unrest (i am an actual nazi)
wow, some compelling villains you got there. couldn't wait to find out next episode how boring ass korra was right and everyone else was wrong/evil yet again, with no attempt made to portray shades of grade of any sort
A lot of people hated it already before the first season was done. You thought Amon was cool? With the blood bending and all?
And the fact he was a guy pretending to be himself? It's a common pitfall of writing, trying to make characters realistic like real people forgetting they are characters with a role in a story. You see it everywhere. Making the character do retarded things because doing retard things is merely human, well the result is you put a retard on screen, like Amon. The writing is bad on purpose and that's why it's good.
Fucking Unaluk? An interesting personification of "i tricked your 5yo out of his candy i'm so smart".
But these two are the least of the show's problems.
Let's talk about Ozai next.
>in a row?
op is a faggot
>"I'm going to rule the world because I'm evil" type like Ozai was.
Did you even watch TLA?
korra is good only for hentai
Communists aren't 'secretly' evil, its intrinsic to the ideology and obvious to everyone on the outside.
Ozai isn't a deep character but at least he doesn't have a sad backstory to make us cringe with.
Go back to
Ozai barely even shows up and he didn't need to show up or establish a relation. A plot device makes the plot run. There was plenty of dynamics each episode already.
Communists are as evil as capitalists
Ah FUCK i'm rewatching the pilot episodes now, it's GOOD. There's attention to DETAIL, it's well animated, nobody's acting stupid and abrasive for teenage drama, a theme is being set up, i'm feeling things!
Why did I think this was an AoA thread from the thumbnail? Was I the only one here?
seriously the show is so unmemorable and this is coming from a guy that gave the show chances.
Your favourite:
Character: Zaheer, probably.
Episode: I don't know
Season: Also probably the one with Zaheer.
And your least favourite:
Character: Korra? I really do give her chances but she's just plain annoying.
Episode: How am I suppose to know this
Season: Either the season about Earth element or Water element.
>even helped build the world up
Which was shitty. Not everything about a fictional world needs to be explained, and some ambiguity is fine.
this is shit tier compared to the last airbender
I only watched the airbender scenes. I had absolutely no interest in korras arrogance and worthless spirit labrador
>Your favourite character
korra, i want to rape her
>And your least favourite character
korra, i want to rape her
Don't need to post anything but pic related
>you're oppresing yourselves!
>i'm oppressed!
>starts out down to earth and compelling equalist villain
>ends with all characters flanderized and with retarded gigantic CGI robot villain and random gay shit
Fuck all of the zoomers who suggested it like "if you love ATLA you gotta give whorra a chance" it's not worth a chance
every liberal wet dream
>Plus Korra's villians were actually interesting personifications of different ideologies instead of just another "I'm going to rule the world because I'm evil" type like Ozai was.
Ozai motive were stupid but it is not crucial point at all compare to Korra.
ATLA is very simple and yet fun. It's cartoon that made for children and everyone.
while TLOK tried really hard to be deep and mature.
They tried to "criticize" over ideologies and they failed miserably.
For example, Kuvira.
>le Fascism is bad becus work camp
>le Anarchism is bad becus he want total freedom
This aren't smart, this is stupid. they want to do that yet they don't go all the way. as if they restrained themselves. and so the result is something that's dumb.
>Legend of Korra
Korah money grab that had to go to only because they decided to make it all woke and lesbian.
You're unironically stupid if you think that's the real reason why Korra is inferior than ATLA
read my post
Amon was a fucking lie not a compelling villain.
Ming Hua
Season 3
Season 2
Cant be bothered to remember every single episode
Of course the writers tried to go political, the "politics" of the 2010s. Tell 9gag it's anarchy by the way.
>People say season 3 was good, no it fucking wasn't.
Thank you!
People only dick-sucked S3 because it wasn't AS terrible as S2 and 1.
It's literally the same thing people did with Mandalorian, where people acted like the show is a masterpiece because it wasn't as terrible as the nuWars trilogy movies. People who celebrate mediocrity are worse than people who unironically enjoy 1/10 shows or movies.
this bitch deserves rape
I agree that S3 of Korra is overrated but their action scenes are one of the best in cartoons history
Sorry we don't have such low standards that we ignore fundamental writing problems because le fight scenes were well animated.
dropped the show early in season 2 which is sad because that character looks cool
I want to cuddle Korra
>have a bunch of really cool character designs
>show sucks
I bet the artist was pissed
oh well at least there's porn
yeah me too, after i brutally beat and rape her
here they are
Yes we do lol, writing isn't everything (otherwise Marvel movies wouldn't be so popular)
Post more Korra god damnit
Well animated, maybe but not creatively choreographed and kickpunching the air only took them so far. There shouldn't have been so much fighting if it's all they could come up with.
Anyway we have season 3 stuck in the middle, you'd have to rewatch season 2, get over the teen drama, scrap up little bits of fun when you can.
No one will ever get me to like LoK more.
Wait what the fuck is legend of genji ?
>Your favourite:
Rule 34 Korra
Porn Parodies
Hentai Adaptations
>And your least favourite:
All of them
All of them
All of them
Don't care about the myriad of problems when there are awesome scenes like this:
At the end of the day it was an animated cartoon series for kids aged 11-14 so why so many people complain that the writing wasn't "deep enough" or the characters not "well written" is placing their expectations much too high. This isn't a Scorsese film, it's anime-inspired entertainment about people with powers in a japanese steampunk style world. Just have some fun with it.
Which thing are you talking about? The first thing or the second thing?
>writing isn't everything
I'm sure it doesn't matter to a pebble-brained consoomer like you.
It's a good thing that the writing team of ATLA didn't share your same views. Otherwise, ATLA would have been as aggressively mediocre as Korra.
Why did Toph have two baby daddies? Why was Pema characterized as a Quiverful broodmare doing it for the airbender cult?
Young Red Lotus show would have been money.
>Why did Toph have two baby daddies?
to give the shippers more to speculate about
You know, the thing. Do the thing, Zhu Li!
Allison Stokke. The character designer actually used her as a reference when designing Korra.
Yeah. Children don't deserve good storytelling.
There isn't a single likeable character on that noncanon series.
"hope is something you give yourself, it's the meaning of inner strength" is a pretty good wisdom to have for a child's cartoon.
I really liked ATLAB but I couldn't get past the first 3 episodes of LOK. Why did it suck so bad? I haven't been able to put my finger on it.
I don't know why jannies like this show so much
Ozai was 1000x more memorable, threatening, and entertaining than any of Korra's villains.
>Your favourite:
Korra (gets my penis hard) or Zaheer
Korra Alone (s4e1)
Either 3 or 4
>And your least favourite:
A tie between 75% of all episodes
damn, george lucas bust a cap in those fools
Bolins brother
Season 2 finale
Season 2
She barely gets any screentime
Legend of Korra? Legand of Korra more like fucking Legend of Korma you know what I mean mate? and I'd rather have a vindaloo anyway someting a little bit spicier if you know what I mean. Loved Avatar The Last Fuckin' Airbender, me and all the lads did but this shit? not thanks eh? I'll stick to the original series thank you very much this shit looks silly, trains? are you having a laugh eh. silly.
damn shame
I support this message
ATLAB worked because Aaron Ehasz was there to clean up their ideas and work them into an actual story and script. They didn't bring him back for Korra because they bought into their own hype so nobody was there to filter out their idiocy.
>Ming Hua with arms
Yeah. She was voiced by Grey Griffen/Deleslie (Azula)
>She was voiced by Grey Griffen/Deleslie
based she's always good
the AoT thread got nuked, which had double the amount of poster than this thread btw, and that would be fine if the mods deleted the anime threads all together, instead of selectively
"Brush your teeth." Now where's my award for best screenwriting?
>the AoT thread got nuked, which had double the amount of poster than this thread btw, and that would be fine if the mods deleted the anime threads all together, instead of selectively
yeah but mods are colossal fucking faggots that don't even uphold their own rules
Your favourite:
Varrick or Bolin.
Don't remember an exact one but Season 3 had the most kino of all in general.
Season 3 then 1.
And your least favourite:
Again, don't remember just one. The last episodes of S4 were pretty weak and rushed. Same for S2.
Season 2 then 4.
Tenzin was based
He was. He also clapped Zaheer with no effort. Only way he lost was getting ganked by all 4 fag lotus
thanks hotpockets now we have to talk with the mentally ill
>He also clapped Zaheer with no effort. Only way he lost was getting ganked by all 4 fag lotus
Which still seems a little bullshit to me considering how strong these benders were. But ok, I guess Aang was a really good teacher
It might seem trite to us now but younger ones needs to go through some basics. At least you can put avatar in the list of cartoons which aren't going to start poisoning the mind.
>Aang was a really good teacher
That and Tenzin is the Avatar's only airbending son. He's inherently talented. It makes perfect sense.
Back to Yea Forums, by happenstance, after all these years.
Remember the weekly hate threads during season 2? Pacific Rim Korra?
I've been hearing you guys became homosexuals since then.