Miles Morales is shit

Miles Morales is a non character and an obvious attempt to pander to minorities on a very, very lazy manner.

The writers clearly planned to kill Parker off so Miles could replace him and kept on giving him random new powers so he would seem "better" than petter when no spider can give electric shocks or turn invisible.

Miles are steals the spiderman name without a care.
Miguel o'hara did not have a Peter Parker around and still named himself the spiderman of 2099 and adopted the name Spiderman 2099 later on out of respect.

Miles is just "the other" spider-man now and is even called that in the ps4 game.

He also has not had any incredibly heroic moments like Peter had nor his own rouges gallery, he just fights Peter villians, he is a bad character and a propaganda piece for Marvel to seem woke and replace their old cast with more racially diverse characters instead of actually coming up with something new.

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But representation though and his suit is cool

>Miles are steals
necesito decir más, OP?

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tengo sueño we

Miles is the best.

So what you are saying is Miles should get more focus and we should push his own diverse rouges gallery?

I’m genuinely baffled he doesn’t really have his own rogues, like uncle Aaron us the most he gets

He’s got the Assessor, Quantum, Ultimatum, Mindspinner, Selim, Ceres, the Snatcher, Frost Pharoah, Tomoe and Bombshell’s mom

Either get rid of all legacy characters or massively rework them because they're l fucking redundant

What about Barry Allen and Carol Danvers?

They aren't redundant, Jay was supposed to be retired and mar'vell is dead. I have nothing against legacy if the original isn't around anymore.

As much as I hate to admit it you could survive without Barry and nobody cares about Carol

he is such a petty, lifeless character that he doesn't even have hot girlfriends, the gallery of girlfriends and villains lacks women like Charlotte Witter and Black Cat

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Bombshell? Starling? Barbara Rodriguez? Gjost-Spider? Kamala Khan?

They should really just change his power too "becoming the black version of the hero".

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>Ultimatum, Mindspinner, Selim
>Miles, Miles, and Miles
It's amazing how they took one of Pete's dumber storylines and just went full hame with giving Miles clones

The many Flashes, Robin, Green lanterns, Supermans, and more share villains tho.

>nigga hulk with the fade

>The many Flashes
They worked together and Kid Flash took the name after Flash was out of the picture
They worked together with Batman. They pissed off his villains too
>Green lanterns
They're literally coworkers
Sure, Kryptonians usually go off to do their own thing.They should have different villains

Miles still doesn't have a 616 reason to call himself Spider-man or face Pete's insane rogues.
He has a meta-reason, but no in-universe reason.

>Miles steals the spiderman name
>is black

checks out

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Doesn't Bruce get a more brutish face when he Hulks out?
Is that a bruce-only thing or do the others also get a brutishface (hulking, red hulk, Cho-hulk)
Did they avoid doing that to black Hulk to avoid cries of racism?

>Flashes, Robin
those live in cities that only have their own respective legacies operating. Only robins/batfam live in Gotham, so obviously they'd share the villains. While both Miles and Peter live in NYC that is overpopulated by superheroes with their respective rogues galleries. So how come Miles only ever gets Peter's second-hand villains and not, say, Daredevil's?

they avoided it because it would of a been monkey face

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meant to reply to

His female villains are Ceres, Bombshell, Tomoe, and Miriam Blakemoore.

That’s only Bruce.
It doesn’t happen to Amadeus, for example.

>Frost Pharaoh
Fuck that mort of the month candidate
She is a Ironman villain made by Bendis

Yeah nah, Riri's villain.
I hate myself for knowing this or digging through Bendis trash.

I don't even think Riri met her. I remember her because of her taking down both Ironman and War Machine with Ninjas and her OP powers

How did a fucking Sony Animation picture have a better Miles than his own fucking comic?

He was Spider-Man in his universe. Also why aren't people out raged about 3 spider-girls? At one point we had 5 active 616 Spider-Man.

I need to know your reason to why Miles being called Spider-Man is a bigger problem than a redeemed villain who stole and clone Peter body.

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Origin story is the easy part

They gave Miles more of a outgoing personality than the whiny one that Bendis made. Him getting bit by a quantum charged spider while doing graffiti art is better than the spider being brought to him in someone bag like they where giving him the powers. His uncle was a murderer but he really cared for Miles and didn't want him to be like him. His father was a cop which is easier to understand than him being a former shield agent.

>Also why aren't people out raged about 3 spider-girls?
Back in the 70s, it was considered common sense that Spider-Woman shouldn’t just be a girl rip off of Spider-Man. That’s why she has a completely different backstory, different powers (which a spider can still do), different themes, different costume, and she rarely interacted with Peter.
How things have changed.

>it was considered common sense that Spider-Woman shouldn’t just be a girl rip off of Spider-Man.
Dude they made her in a week to hold onto a trademark. Every other Spider-woman since Julia was a girl rip of Spider-man and she was around born you was probably born.

Because of franchising

Bombshell and gwen are from peter, starling honestly has a more interesting connection to peter through here grandfather, which is someone miles hasn’t fought. Barbara is fuckin Ganke and Kamala is her own character in her own book

>I need to know your reason to why Miles being called Spider-Man is a bigger problem than a redeemed villain who stole and clone Peter body.
Because one of those went away and the other didn't
I never liked SpOck or the stupid-pills the 616 had to swallow as a whole to make his storyline work.
>Also why aren't people out raged about 3 spider-girls?
Because they don't get nearly as much publicity.
I'm not a fan of Anime though. Mayday's cool, but she's in the future and future heroes get to be homages (especially when they're related by blood and/or train under the original).

his rogues are white supremacy and the patriarchy

Superior has return also the devil "permanently" killed Mayday. Miles appeared least amount times in the main comics compare to other Spider-Man.

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>Superior has return
Right, what idiocy cause this?
>the devil "permanently" killed Mayday
The bright side is that there's nothing post OMD worth keeping, so you can undo the deal and reset the universe whenever,

>also the devil "permanently" killed Mayday.
Technically he killed Anna.

Wasn't Mayday the one who puts his plans for future domination at risk?
I vaguely remember him talking about a spider opposing him if the marriage stayed and it's Pete opposing him on the 2page spread, but then he says something about 'though I never said which spider' and it's mayday and her avengers fighting him,

I thought it was implied she was peters kid

It was maydays design in the flash forward so who knows what’s going on. Annie only happens AFTER mayday, regardless of it being a still birth

Holy fuck if you think Miles is just a race swapped Peter you are the denser then a god damn fucking black hole
NWH fucking thrived because of the legacy of Toby and Andrew Spider Man
that's like saying Guardians of the Galaxy did terrible because it didn't make as much money
PS4 Miles Morales game was a glorified DLC
honestly shouldn't have gotten it's own release like that
But none of those 'failed' because of Miles Morales
FUck none of those did fail
ITSV Is one of the most celebrated animated and superhero movies
Miles Morales is a great add-on to PS4 Spider-Man, plus gives us Spider-Man the cat
Fuck Miles Morales isn't even very political in his own comics
it fucking discourages him
holy fucking shit at least read The comics and about the characters before you spout more shit from your mouth then Trump at a rally
My god
I am


explain racist

Damn that’s crazy, didn’t read any of that

Um... sure?
'Racist' is a term for people who judge individuals based on their skin-colour instead of their character.

explain why i am wrong retard

But she is a Miles love interest.

Because one of the core points that bendis hammered home about miles is “he’s important because he’s black” don’t believe me read his run. Miles is a nothing character, with no motivation, no stories, no connection to peter beyond being responsible for his death (in the meta sense). There is nothing there, he’s just for bitch ass self inserters, it’s why his character is different in the movie, it’s why it’s different in the game, it’s why it’s different between writers, he has nothing to say or be beyond a check mark or a pay check.

No I read through spiderverse and no, she really isn’t. But you’re a bitch ass self inserter so of course you think this nothing character will get with another nothing character

"No motivations" dure litteraly became Spider-Man when he was even younger than Peter because he thought that the world needed a Spider-Man

Oh, that's because you posted nonsense


Why do bendis haters always go back to race even when it's not a thing? For example his Superman run don't even have a spooky scary black and it still make people angry. For real if he was white Y'all wouldn't be so angry. Y'all are jealous that bendis is the modern day Stan Lee and he is able to create so many successful characters and stories.

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bitch it's been 11 years get over it

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dumbest possible argument