Sinfest thread
Sinfest thread
Trannies are based. Of course a feminist cuck like Sinfest thinks women shouldn't get what they deserve.
Isn't there a war in Ukraine right now?
Fuck identity politics.
Ah yes, TERF SWERF Tatsuya Ishida. Fuck him.
Sinfest is now just Stonetoss with a different art style
Is he finally attempting humor after his mess of a plot-driven comic?
Why are you bothering?
3, 2, 1, pruned
Yeah but Russia is losing bad and no one gives a shit about dead Russians
Except the little annoying cunt on the tricycle is 1000 times worse than his mascots.
>Sinfest finally achieves memedom as it exposes the Protocols of Zion as fact and how they have been implemented upon society, sending Slick and the Sisterhood to join forces and destroy Satan's True Boss: The (((THEM)))
Is this an attempt at a joke or is he really so far gone he genuinely believes in lizard people now?
Reptilians are seething in this thread right now.
You never fooled me Reptilians I just played along too be polite.
are lizard people furries?
That's the great thing about Sinfest
You never can quite tell thanks to the writer being a complete recluse hermit
>the Reptilians are actual interplanetary sex pedo freaks who want to sexually liberate society's moral state to allow them to emerge and run things with their erotic iron-fisting rule.
What happened between the second and third panels?
horseshoe theory is real
He's a terf which is just a right wing feminist who wants women to rule over men.
Daaaaaamn, the secret lizard people look like THAT?!
now THAT's a good joke
If war is politics by other means, then the war in Ukraine is identity politics by other means. Much of the divides are based around differing ethnic groups and languages, and competing visions of what the cultural identity of Ukraine and its people should be.
Fuck, I actually laughed at this.
I chuckled.
I know what you mean but that's actually a traditional form of idpol - who governs you and what your country is called
I love it when women suffer
Rightists don't care about your trivial wars, when they have real issues like gender terror, the trans agenda or islamisation to worry about, tranny.
This man's beliefs are a goddamn rollercoaster.
>Isn't there a war in Ukraine right now?
>Fuck identity politics.
Hilariously enough, the army often upheld as a symbol of manly virtue by American rightwingers is the one currently getting bodied by an army with a ton of female soldiers and an LBGT unit.
It all makes sense when you view it through the lens of a boy who feels he has wronged women through his actions and is desperate for a redemption that will never be granted. He views male to female trans as men trying to earn praise they haven't earned (the praise of being a woman) so he's against male to female trans. He views female to male trans as women giving up their super special awesomeness to degrade themselves into lesser creatures, so he views them as mentally ill. After all, all men are evil horrible beings who degrade women, thus all men need to be punished, except for those men who also hate other men and worship women, those men are okay and might someday earn the privilege of getting laid.
New meme
it's russian revanchism, it has nothing to do with ethnic identity politics.
>upheld as a symbol of manly virtue
you will never be a woman
Why should I care about that?
man, I've been meaning to draw more porn of this.
I wanna fuck the lizard.
Imagine taking politics seriously in [current year] it's all just contrarians tripping over one another in a constant struggle to have the most contrarian opinion
Russia didn't win, so now everyone's pretending they weren't hoping for this to be the final downfall of the degenerate west
Go back to bed, Vlad.
>started a new payment system
>tied his nation's currency to gold
>still fighting
>DIDN'T win (as in, it's already over)
The duality of man
Then your programming is complete.
Covid made identity politics even worse. What's a war in Ukraine going to fucking do in the face of a global pandemic? The left has successfully rotted us out from the inside. This is all there is now.
>What's a war in Ukraine going to fucking do in the face of a global pandemic?
Funny way of saying "becoming a chinese proxy within the year"
I which dyke do you want to see getting mating pressed?
IdPol is clearly affecting our society more than the war
Now try thinking of things that came AFTER the invasion.
The devil girls.
All of them.
Adam Ellis did it years ago without the polshit.
I'll admit I chuckled at that one
I thought all the pronoun jokes are used up by now
War isn't as important as much feelings!
There are new pronouns faster than there are new jokes about pronouns, so you're half-right
This is that same joke again.
It's especially funny since wasn't his position the one that hates men as well?
post them
I for one welcome our new and insanely sexy reptilian overlords
why do reptilian have boobs?
How long before Tat's pet mod deletes the thread because we make fun of him?
I don't have them on hand.
....uh, ok?