I would legit like his channel if his design matched his voice...

I would legit like his channel if his design matched his voice. Hearing a grown ass Scottish man’s voice come out of a little kid’s mouth is just fucking weird.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What comic or cartoon is being discussed here?


>320 Replies, 14 imagines of Veronicas tits, and 20 posters later...

The cartoon that is LS Mark's life

>14 imagines of Veronica's tits
Anyone got any pictures of her feet?

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Another literally who thread?

I just think its funny when Mark and Veronica take pictures together, its like a mother and her child

A Sabespark thread?

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>Veronicas tits
pics or it didn't happen

I like that he is obsessed with Butch Hartman sucking at art when he is about just as bad

>oney cucked by lsmark

>Shares LS around because he badmouths Game Grumps
>Introduces him to his girlfriend
>GF dumps him for LS instead
Backfired p hard on him

I'll give him credit where credit is due.
He's actually going forward with his shitty cartoon project.

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and it looks like generic shit

He’s like only 19 so it doesn’t sound that old of a voice

He traced that from an official sonic art image

>yeah we want the sonic fanbase
What a gooner.

Veronica looked disgusting--nipples portruding--in her pink shirt at the Halloween party. Very very disrespectful.

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>only 19
What?... Wait how old is Veronica then? Oh no...

It's cause oneyng kept sucking on them so they permanently swelled up.

This is why you never pivot from commentary to production. The curse is real.

why is this true?

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Most if not all cartoon reviewers are like this

Someone definitely gave zach a makeover he went from virgin to chad overnighT

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it looks generic and boring as fuck, but the animation itself looks marginally better than most e-celeb critic cartoons, so i'll give him that

honestly mark doesn't look that bad irl, he's just extremely average-looking. this is the most recent image of him.

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Considering the MILFy way she draws herself, I'm willing to bet she has some sort of dommy mommy fetish.

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>Implying that the top 'sona is better looking

that's also how he got da big Simpson lip dontcha know

I'm like 500% sure he's Irish and he's 20.

He looks like an awkward sperg.

Did that happen? I have no idea how they ended up together. It's super weird that him and her are hanging around like, "once removed" Oney Newgrounds circles though. Isn't she like 27?

If you want to talk about youtubers, fuck off to fucking youtube.
Everyone else should report this thread for off topic and advertising.

They're just talking about these people's personal lives. Why the fuck is this thread even still here?

This nigga literally sounds like LSP

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>Expecting Yea Forums jannies to do their job

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>this dork has a hot gf and i don't

He could score any chick if he could keep his voice lowered or not speak at all. Imagine if he did his glep voice just out of nowhere.


Eh, I prefer Turker Thomas, I legit wanna peg him in the butt


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>this boy stole her from Oney
How? He looks sexually unthreatening.
And how can I learn this power?

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how many times will you samefag?

the animation looks awful what are you talking about

He's soulless and his reviews are devoid of any personality

Why are you fuckers talking about oneys ex gf so much

because I can't believe my boy got cucked by thsi fucking faggot
the donkey kongess should be for oney

people shouldn't care this much, but it probably has to do with how much chemistry she and Oney had. They really did feel like they were made for one another but life happens. People just really like Oney too. I don't really care for Mark, i think his content is kinda boring but let the dude be happy. Oney seems happy

>harsh movie/cartoon/comic reviewer tries to make their own work
>it always turns out worse than the shit they criticize
Why is this always happening?

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Honestly if that's what happened, Chris had it coming. What a faggot thing to do.

he looks like a tismo with his hair swoop and oversized glasses

please link me to the episodes

big gobbo tits

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If you break up with a girl and she dates someone else, how is that cucked? You are a virgin faggot

What proof is there that mark is dating Veronica?

>wanting to see Veronica's flapjack goblin tits

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If anything Oney broke up with Veronica, she's doing that thing normie girls do when they get dumped they always try to get with someone that still resembles their ex
think about it, Mark has a lot of superficial qualities similar to Oney

Also isn't she like 30 while Mark is 20?
If a man pulled this shit they would be canceled immediatly

that's another thing that makes it seem weird
I feel like most people that date way younger than their own age do it because it's easier to get a younger person to do what you want compared to someone who knows better from age
not really predatory behavior obviously but it's clear they just want someone as a "pet" rather than an actual partner because anything resembling that is too difficult for them