What made you turn against Disney?

For me, it was finally hearing the true story of Pocahontas, and being so disgusted that Disney saw nothing wrong with turning that story into a princess movie

(And yeah, Fox is guilty too because of Anastasia and The Greatest Showman)

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Everything they stand for, handling and doing since about 2009

I'd heard the "Walt Disney was an antisemite" rumor for years from my grandparents, so I got the sense he was a shit, but I didn't start hating the company as an entity until it started its run of acquisitions and monopolization of the movie industry. It's like, they buy Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, fucking 20th Century Fox - an entire other film conglomerate with tons of IP in its catalogue. It's like they're getting bolder and bolder with how much they can centralize in their hands.

I’m here to say : I simply don’t believe you.
I won’t come back to this thread for an argument
So bye

Disney always aimed to be as generic and "family-friendly" as possible to hit the lowest common denominator. You just grew up.

It's a well-known fact that Disney waterdowns fairy tales to be as non-offensive as possible.

It isn't surprising they'll do the same for a historical story.

And they thought that film will be their big hit. They're delusional.

The only reason anybody had ever heard of Pocahontas was that her son, Thomas Rolfe, inherited a ton of land in Virginia from his father and possibly Grandfather (Powhatan). Then he became the common ancestor to a bunch of Virginian "First Families"
Those landowners liked to claim indian blood to strengthen their claim to the land right up to the American War for Independence.

They should’ve just done Sacagawea going on fun adventures with Lewis and Clark.

Walt Disney was anti-communist, but lot of the communists in Hollywood were jewish so later people started to believe he was anti-semite

Making it obligatory that animation needs to be for kids, and feeling the need to insert musicals in their shit.

There's no good music anymore.
Frozen had like 1 good song.

When I found out they practically own the Oscars and win every year due to nepotism.

for me it was always weird how her actual husband John Rolfe only showed up in the direct-to-video sequel

>Disney saw nothing wrong with turning that story into a princess movie
Aurora is raped and impregnated in her sleep.
The little mermaid endures torture, cuckening, and dies.
Your parents never exposed you to the Bros. Grimm, sad.

When I found out they're groomers.

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There's a reason "Disneyfication" is in the dictionary.

When I realised Fox and the Hound was their last good film.

When the Jews took over after Walt’s death.

Business practices mostly. The way they single handedly turned copyright into a corporate tool. Their media consolidation. The animal abuse in "White Wilderness." That last one was pretty egregious too. To this day people still use the word "lemming" in a way that's based entirely on a myth Disney cooked up by throwing some arctic animals off a cliff.
And then there's the fact that evidently in Florida they get special governing autonomy sanctioned by the state for their theme park.
Their films have never bothered me as much as their business practices for the most part. I even still watch their cartoons. But as a company, people need to recognize they're pretty brutal.

Aurora and the little mermaid were always fictional characters, Pocahontas was a real life and blood girl. That makes it more skeevy, at least for me

since they started making garbage with good movies few and far between

I really don't know if I like or hate Disney after a certain point. The stories they tell have never gotten more ambitious or interesting in almost 90 years of existing. Consider the fact that the Studio Ghibli films 'My Neighbor Totoro' and 'Grave of the Fireflies' released on the same DAY (april 16 1988), and are more varied and interesting than anything by Disney in the 1980s. This should show how big the divide had grown by then. Disney's stuff is really stagnant and samey. Don't know if I should congratulate or dislike this fact.

For me it's the grooming.

Pocahontas is a Romeo and Juliet story with Indians and colonialists. Not really a bad idea, but the execution was subpar.

This. However he was absolutely a high-degree freemason, so idk what to believe.


>Things were different in the past so I'm going to squeal about children's movies!
Don't you have something else to get upset about, somewhere else?

>Pocahontas was a real life and blood girl. That makes it more skeevy, at least for me
That's the rub with historical figures. Is difficult for an estate to claim injury from a cartoon depiction hundreds of years old.
Do you get angry when Napoleon is depicted as short?

>Disney consumes and destroys large amounts of world media while delivering propaganda for like 50 years now
>the "groomer" accusation comes from trans shit, when they had just gotten flack for taking out all lgbt shit in certain movies


they shouldn't have sided with the tranny groomers

>oral tradition says she was raped
Yeah oral tradition....

Poorfags can't into secret societies. Freemasons will sooner work with fascists, like in Italy during the Years of Lead, before communists. Asides that, Freemasonry was established as a front by rich liberals to conspire against the monarchy.

The movie should've been the entirety of her life: 1st half, Native America, 2nd half, England.

I'm just gonna say it here, most of the wars against the natives were justified. The Trail of Tears was the only real dick move.
t. ancestor's homestead razed and family butchered by natives

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Goddamit now I can't unread it.

That and the truth of the white man's success over fucking minorities. It's because they were minorities working with other minorities who hated the majority at the time.

That's how I feel about Disney, honestly. That and I just don't see the fun in some corpo amusement park that gets more expensive every year and gets less fun too.

When Disney promoted Jennifer Lee to CCO of WDAS after just a few months before the movie she penned, A Wrinkle in Time, bombed in the box office.

user I'm a teacher, they wanted a native american princess to have something topical and vaguely historical to play when you needed a substitute.

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>And then there's the fact that evidently in Florida they get special governing autonomy sanctioned by the state for their theme park.
hilariously, they keep trying to do the same thing in California and Anaheim keeps telling them to fuck off

it took you that long?

The issue is the activist orgs like GLAAD and HRC care about the trannies even if they are a super minority compared to the other LGB niggas

Encanto and Moana had good music

user the trail of tears was a mercy compared to the previous policy of shoot and fuck em

What was so bad about A Wrinkle?

Of course. After all. Anaheim Electronics doesn't want Disney on their home turf.

These people are sick, they use their kids as accessories with which to get social credit, and in la la land, the top currency right now is having children who are LGBTQ.

Disney is a bubble, filled to the brim with sociopaths who have no qualms about abusing their own children for gain.

At least sickos like Charlize Theron adopted kids who she turned trans for clout, these people do it to their own flesh and blood.

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it just wasn't a very good movie, but some anons decided to take that personally because it had black people in it

It had a woke interpretation. The word "warrior" does not appear a single time in the book but the line "Be a warrior" was used in most commercials for the movie. That's just one of many examples. The book wasn't good, but the movie was just so, so bad.

To be fair at least Anastasia is this fantastical story based on an old movie, based on a play based on a bunch of rumors about princess Anastasia being alive. Pocahontas, now that is bullshit.

the hunchback of notre dame
seriously who in the hell thought that story needed to be a disney musical with a happy ending? Encanto was awesome, though.

user they needed a new medieval movie and it was pro immigration propaganda to prepare for the waves of muslim migrants Disney would fund

I've hated them for years but when I saw the blatant racism in their overseas marketing for Star Wars I decided to never give them a penny again

in 1996?

It had to seem into the minds of future voters

have you ever read the book? it's about a stripper, a pickpocket, and a circus freak and everyone dies in a fire at the end.

.t tyrone. The new movies were all shit anyways

And the little mermaid is supposed to die at the end of her movie too.

The mouse takes creative liberties

literally no one dies in a fire in the novel, you pseud

>but some anons decided to take that personally because it had black people in it
That is a very reasonable reason to hate a movie.

i love the music in moana. the two songs in the beginning always give me chills for some reason.

LMM is a great songwriter even if some people around here hate him for writing a show where the Founding Fathers are played by darkies (and even though he's a terrible vocalist)


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