This serum contains both steroids and timberwolf estrogen

>This serum contains both steroids and timberwolf estrogen
>timerwolf estrogen
What did he mean by this

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Took me forever to realize that this same character appears in Justice League, what a strange throw-away character to reintroduce.

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I guess that's how you grow the hair

>The Underdwellers
>It's Never Too Late
>Prophecy of Doom
>Moon of the Wolf
These are channel changers. At least I have Batman in my Basement had Penguin.

It's Never Too Late is fine. It's a bit too preachy and PSA-like but it's still a compelling story.

Tell that to seven year old me.

Then Doomsday kills him. Pretty grim way to go.

And he gets killed by Doomsday. Pretty grim way to go.

>The Lion and the Unicorn
>Paging the Crime Doctor
>The Mechanic

the duality of grim ways to go

Shh, the Red Claw waifufags will hear you.

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I fucked up and thought I didn’t post it right the first time.

Does it turn you into a busty strong wolf girl?

Femboy Timberwolf?

Attached: Timber-Wolf-S2.png (1916x1076, 698.12K)

What's with that red dot?

Sure did

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He's only throwaway in the sense he's a minor character from the comics themselves.

Less steroids please

So He'd got breasts while in werewolf form?

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He was hoping to make an army of buff tranny furries.

thank you Doomsday

>The Underdwellers
Yeah this one is pretty weak
>It's Never Too Late
It's so-so but the flashback scenes are pretty compelling and well-animated
>Prophecy of Doom
Cute premise with a great final fight
>Moon of the Wolf
Legitimately like this episode. Just a cool gothic werewolf story with Batman

You only delay the yiffpocalypse.

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It was kind of cool, I liked how the DCAU would bring back minor plot points to make the universe seem more consistent. I wish Hugo Strange wasn't prevented from doing the torture sequence

Now we know that Doomsday doesn't like furries.

Attached: Doomsday2.png (897x1440, 1.32M)

It's weird how they created a sexy terrorist for the show's primetime debut and nothing became of her.

I have no fucking clue how that got there

>killed by Doomsday
You know what they say
Pretty grim way to go

He got anal vored by Doomsday. Pretty grim way to go.

He looks grim

Me too. If they had him with that annoying red headed female partner he had in some episodes, it would have been a dead give away to me that he was the same guy.


What were they thinking having such an obvious death in a children's cartoon? Way too grim for kid entertainment

what the hell are you talking about

this turned out to be a very grim mistake

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It's Never Too Late is by far the most mature and contemplative episode in the entire series

Okay, So what is the deal about mad scientists that are being too obsessed with using test subjects or themselves as guinea pigs to just to painful becoming into an aggressive furry beasts? Just what is their fucking problem? It is some kind of a fetish thing?

Attached: Mighty Max - Three-headed Werewolf.webm (668x480, 2.44M)

To be fair if you are going to test some experimental thing that can mutate someone into a horrible monster, would you really want to test it out on an unwilling subject?
That’s just a good way to get your creation to turn on you.


That's the like nearly every damn Resident Evil game ever.
>scientist/megalomaniac/both creates a new virus/parasite/pathogen/whatever
>administer it to themselves
>now they're a 50-foot-tall goo monster
>there's no explanation whatsoever to determine whether or not they can go back to being human or they're stuck that way unable to really do anything because they're a fucking 50-foot blob

>Shitting on Paging the Crime Doctor

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Seven year old user... You are fucking dumb as shit and you'll never amount to anything in your sorry ass life.

Why does the mechanic exist? Why not just make the black mechanic Lucius? And just make him more a part of The supporting cast?

Well, He's not the only mad scientist that obsessed with turning his test subjects into furry beasts.

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What was Bruce Timm's problem?

>It's a "Batman fights random mafiosos or some z-lister from his rogue gallery for the 6795th time again" episode

I started watching this a while ago and I wish I had looked up a guide beforehand like I did with Star Trek TOS.
too late for that I'm afraid. at the very least this makes the decent eps shine brighter.

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>mfw when I get killed by Doomsday--a pretty grim way to go.

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If you are eight years old, yes

dude was doomed from the beginning. pretty grim way to go

Always has been

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These were episodes of the Sean Catherine Derek that Timm hated, IIRC.

>Sean Catherine Derek era

Gotta counteract the excess steroids or your nuts are gonna shrink

Michael Reeves clearly didn't get the memo since he wrote a sequel comic with Tygrus and Romulus.

I didn't read that one but I read the one by Puckett and Parobeck where Man-Bat, Tygrus and Romulus just beat the shit out of each other until the lab where they were exploded.
That was pretty much the whole plot.

That's why you test it by making the subject drink it in a separate locked room that you can push a button to make fire shoot out of the ceiling and incinerate anything inside, or make the floor drop out into a pool of acid.

Red Claw was such a cool character, and could have had a lot of interesting interactions with other Batman character (like Poison Ivy). Really a shame that they never did anything with her.

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She was boring. Just some generic evil woman villain