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I wanna see her give birth

I really don't understand femdom Looma, sure I get she is stronk and usually big buff women fall into that category but character wise she is far from that, she is as girly and sweet as a alien barbarian princess can possibly be.

She is more likely to break out your bones for hugging you too hard that to try to subjugate you with her strength.

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I suppose gay stronk is acceptable in this thread if you must


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I suppose it's likely that she's a casualty of being seen for her muscles first and her in-show personality never by artists, lol

Also if Janny kills this thread again for no reason, can he at least sweep up the /ss/ faggot thread as well

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>Neither Kevin nor Ben wanted anything to do with her even when they weren't dating
Are they fucking gay or what?

It is a mystery

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>stronk red
>stronk green
Is it possible to create a full of rainbow of canon stronk Yea Forums girls?

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I mean, they probably didn't want to fucking die. Considering beating you in single combat is tetramand mating, what are their other romantic dynamics?

>Looma rips your head from your spine
>"I think we should see other people."

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I mean, here's stronk yellow.

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>Also if Janny kills this thread again for no reason, can he at least sweep up the /ss/ faggot thread as well
It makes me laugh how the muscle girl thread got deleted but the one writing greentext about Barbarian Pacifica fucking twin futa Mabel and Dipper lasted until bump limit.

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Do you not know what board you're on?

I like how disney gave us two gym girl almost at the same time.

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I want to lick She-Hulk’s abs

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I don't bother with Owl House. What'd they do?

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When's the last time /stronk/ wrote anything other than ideas?


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Does Sasha finally bulk up any or is she still a noodle?

i crave violence

Not so much true bulkiness, but in-show her arms are more...arm-shaped instead of the usual noodle limbs. (As in she actually has a defined upper arm and forearm.) Combined with this promo art from one of the crew, Sasha's pretty much canon jacked at this point.

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High impact snu snu violence?

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My take on femdom Looma is that she wants to de dommed, but you have to work for it.

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Has anyone on Yea Forums read Enemy Quest?
It has a great big red lady.

I came up with the Berberlyhill Barbarian idea and drew some stuff, but I don't think anyone else did any OC after that.

>What'd they do?
Willow the fat plant girl has been training to become captain of her own sport team, you actually see her training in the background of some episodes but in the last one you actually see her whole routine and also see that she became quite strong.

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>4 armpits...

I think she is quite ready to be dommed but is so strong there is nothing a human can actually do to her.

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Never understood the horizontal scar across the bridge of the nose trope

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I want to see HUGE muscle bitches

Wish there were more stories about cute bois hooking up with friendly buff girls

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Yes, as well know, nobody here could be female.

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I like the idea of Powergirl going full STR but does that actually makes her stronger? wouldn't a sun bath give any average Kriptonian the same strength?

Why does he need 4 rings?

Probably. Maybe more muscle cells means more solar energy storage, or wherever they store it.

That is correct