This is Michael in The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder

This is Michael in The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder
Say something nice about him

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Fruity nigga's black panther.


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That's not michael. That face is too biofem to him.

I hope he paves the way for more broken bucks in media. People of melanin are incredibly compassionate and their suffering strongly intercepts with that of the LGBTIAQ+ community.

Literally the most helpful friend Penny's got right now.

I just wanna know who looked at the obviously gay kid from the original series and thought:
“We can make him gayer.”

do you think he fucked anyone while he was aged up to a college kid for a week?

he's p. cute

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Hottest and best girl in the show.

>t. white boy on psyop duty
Blacks hate fags. Everybody knows that. Your propaganda is too weak and too late.

He actually became a better person, I would be honored to plunge my BWC into his donut hole

Between things like this, Ru Paul, Little Nas X and SonicFox we're seeing the Black members of the LGBTIAQ+ community really rise up to the occasion. We've even had big name, straight Black individuals like Will Smith and Idris Elba promote alternative lifestyles, like allowing your wife to have relationships with other men or raising kids you know aren't yours. Black Americans are a truly open-minded group of people, who understand and appreciate the value of diversity through the lens of historic oppression.

Something nice about him.

Did he? How was he in the original show, I remember him being super loud & annoying.

cute young buck

He's got a great earring

Just because blacks hate gays, doesn't mean they can't be made.... the victims of sexual assault.


>whole point of his character in the original is to not let yourself be bullied for not being outwardly masculine.
>revival show makes him a full fucking tranny
Fucking great job. Shit like this is the reason I'll never watch this propaganda trash.

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Good to see him achieving his final femboy form.

This adult design looks much better than whatever the fuck he was doing as a kid.

Cute femboi

>took the chadest straightest male character
>made him non binary and gay
fucking disney

woke lgbtq+ stuff aside, does anyone else feel like Nu-Proud Family just isn't very good? Something about the writing feels different than I remember. Was the original Proud Family always like this? Simultaneously topical zoomer references AND extremely-outdated Gen-X references? And this show seems likes its trying to be grounded in realism while simultaneously trying to be a wacky cartoon, I feel like I'm getting whiplash from watching this show sometimes when it feel like a semi-realistic slice-of-life and then there's randomly cartoony.

Looks infinitely better with shorter hair than whatever he had going on in the first episodes.

>not masculine in the original
>still not masculine in the reboot

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he's gay not a girl user

I'm enjoying it, I appreciate that it can be unapologatically silly and cartoony when so many shows now try to be serious hyper-continuity dramedies
it's also just nice to look at because of well done coloring

That's not saying much.

There's a world of difference between "not masculine" and "walking gay stereotype", you disingenuous jackanape.

Indeed, and he was always both.

Take that thong out of your bussy, playa

Blacks are literally the most homosexual race, their idle and saviour Tupac was a well known pole polisher

I liked it better when he was short

That one pants leg rolled up like that annoys me

poor little black and white bois...
They don't know the future belongs to the Chinese-Latinx alliance

How many preteens fucked Al Roker‘s college? Adults can go there too so how many adults do you think fucked preteens at Al Roker‘s magic college?

It’s true Will Smith shows us the lifestyle of a cucked simp black male.

Trusting the Chinese in an alliance? Never heard of the romance of the three kingdoms have you?

He looks and sounds nothing like the original so I'm not sure why they didn't just call him a new character.

Probably not the same writing staff

Michael is the period appropriate gay, nothing changed

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>Black Americans are a truly open-minded group of people, who understand and appreciate the value of diversity through the lens of historic oppression.
There is no way you typed that with a straight face

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>age up BeBe and CeCe to toddlers
>everybody's using smartphones
>2010s culture
>show makes references to the original series(including literal clips as flashbacks)
>Penny is still14, for some reason

Make up your mind!

He looks like a fucking Final Fantasy character

>Was the original Proud Family always like this?
Most of the episodes are on Disney+. You could just give it a watch right now, if you want to find out.

Buck Status: BROKEN

I liked his original fuzzy haircut

quite peculiar indeed

Congrats on missing the point with him.
Holy fuck, 2016 was 6 goddamn years ago, let it go already.

Honestly, I remember the original show being just like this, just have genx and y references instead of z. I don't want anyone to tell me the show changed when the original series had a cringy anti piracy episode. It always had hits and misses.

Globohomo media is desperately trying to make blacks accept LGBTQs troons and faggots, but black America refuses to have it.

Remember this the next time you're asking why so many black people prefer anime over cartoons.

To be fair he and penny’s mom are the only ones who don’t act like assholes at any or every opportunity. Same for the old show, I’m still surprised Disney would allow it’s first black led show to have such an unlikable cast of characters.

>whole point of his character in the original is to not let yourself be bullied for not being outwardly masculine.
No retard, it was to literally not let others put you down for just being who you are. You anime loving monkey-fucker.

It's almost exactly like the original when it comes to writing, though in my opinion a bit snappier. Also much more visually pleasing to look at.
>I feel like I'm getting whiplash from watching this show sometimes when it feel like a semi-realistic slice-of-life and then there's randomly cartoony.
Bruh this is the same show that had one of the most reasonable and well-balanced portrayals of Muslim Americans just a few years post 9/11 while also ending in a movie about a bunch of talking peanut monsters and a dance party.

The truth is, the buck was broken from the start.

why did they make him a fucking femboy

Shit never really got like 20 references in one episode to pop culture
Just like 5 match

I'm sorry to tell you that you're smooth brained. Enjoy your shit and try to stay out of normal peoples way.

They improve him from flaming gay to femboy

They buck broke him.

They talk faster, act cruder and & more mean spirited and it overall feels like they are trying to push stereotypes rather than make fun of them.

It's supposed to represent how twisted and abnormal he's become.