why is she so delightful bros

Attached: kamen america.jpg (663x1005, 112.18K)

it's an indie artist who basically kickstarts each volume, so im not sure how ethical a storytime would be. I highly recommend you guys give her a read.

Attached: kamen america 2.jpg (681x701, 137.13K)

Shes not.

>137 KB
> it's an indie artist who basically kickstarts each volume, so im not sure how ethical a storytime would be.
Shill hands wrote this post.
For everyone else, storytimes are up on desurachive. Search this image for the start of the second volume's.

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this shit fucking sucks and is about as hamfisted and in-your-face in its politics as any other sjw comic
LITERALLY the only that's good about it is the cover art

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Is this good for anything other than cheesecake covers? The art on the inside is much less boner inducing and I dont give a shit about 'reverse woke' politics.

Alright, that answers that.

not really
it's about as derivative as any totally-not-anime thing out there and if that's not your thing you'll just find it boring with a plot that goes nowhere

I enjoyed playing "spot the anime/video game character this is based on" but that got old after the first issue.

>good covers
>not good anything else
That is the summary of every single Kamen America thread. There's no point straining yourself trying to find something else, just be thankful for American flag slutwear, even the sullied kind.

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with the way they advertised it, you'd think that it'd be more like a shonen anime where there's at least a decent amount of fight scenes but not only do the fights suck and happen too quickly the majority of the book really is just nothing but mouthpiece after mouthpiece
unironically if there was just more mindless fighting it would be better

Shilling your shitty comic again, eh, OP?

the art is over-all good, but the anatomy is so fucking trash...

>anatomy is so fucking trash.
Can I ask what you mean? Like the proportions?

I like the interiors so idk what to tell you. I like the east/west fusion- we need more of it.

We had enough east-west infusion in the 2000s, and everything from that time period Did it better

sorry. I'm just judging by the two cover pages posted. The actual comic may be better.

The proportions are bad, yes, but what's much worse is that the bones cannot twist into the shapes being made by those poses. She looks heavily deformed. Whomever drew those cover shots reminds me of terrible "bimbo" fetish artists from deviantart or something.

The pic in OP is by genzoman, who yes, does have a DA page, and generally does a lot of commissions and pinups.
The actual comic though? It's definitely worse. Proportions tend to be all over the place there, especially when it comes to the size of hands and feet.

i like it, Somehow has a cozy sailor moon sort of feel to it. I'm pretty sure the artist created the character as a response to how hard the mainstream comics industry was trying to suppress boobie books.

You might be right, but I like to think of it as a living genre. lots of nice fusions these days. like monstress.

Attached: kamen america 3.png (791x1237, 2.17M)

I like how the dialogue seems to imply that Kamen UN is supposed to look woke and bad but her design is one of the better ones.

I know I'm supposed to look down on her but the writer oozes smug cunt into every single panel that it's just not happening

And what she's saying isn't even that offensive unless you've got brain rot.

the undertone here is that this girl was one of the vapid popular girls from the protagonists high school, so the personal growth arc here is that Carly learns to put aside her desire for recognition and learns to find joy in simply being someone who does good work.

Hi Mark.
Your comic sucks and you will never ever EVER write for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And IDW even hired a colorist to write backup stories!

I don't care about shit that exists for the sole purpose of being virtue signaling.

>the undertone here is that this girl was one of the vapid popular girls from the protagonists high school,
Doesn't seem all that different from the protagonist t b h.

I think it's very telling that an artist who complains about left-wing and liberal biases responds by writing up a comic where characters are black and white cutouts with simplistic, straw-man level positions which exist purely to be deconstructed by the protagonist.

The art isn't too bad though.

Wew, THIS is what I call a shill post.

Each of her books are woth $5 tops.

>There's no point straining yourself trying to find something else
Don't forget the based manager. Sure he's a straw man, but hes also the only likeable character because of how shameless he is. It's like they fused Deku with Ed, Edd and Eddy.

Attached: FOtUjkqXwAMXQm6.jpg (667x1000, 603.47K)

Not-Deku is great, and should be the main character.

This is the guy who did wall might right
And now he's just ripping off little witch academia

Literally just Cutie Honey

Because you have shot standards

Cutie Honey > Kamen America, unironically.

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It's pretty bland story with ok art, but the fan art tends to be pretty dang good.
it mainly triggers /leftypol/ because it is something not sufficiently "left," nor are its creators, in a space that they consider their territory, i.e. comics.

Attached: co tumblr.gif (375x304, 877.19K)

But more covered up.

To be fair (lol) there's also some Kill la Kill and Rival Schools in there too, as well as the usual mix of Marvel and MHA.
Kamen America herself is Tiffany Lords mixed with a little Carol Danvers.

Attached: tiffany-omardogan.png (440x650, 243.04K)

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

It goes from below average to pretty alright in storytelling, It might help that it got progressively less in your face about it's politics Might be why agent Hops is better
Not sure why but I really do like her look. It might be in general US color schemed characters always. From left or right or parody or serious they always looked appealing. I don't think it's just the colors cause I don't feel the same way for say captain Britain.

Attached: kamen america 63278.jpg (617x960, 282.75K)

>It goes from below average to pretty alright in storytelling,
BUT it's still over priced. I'd buy the physical books for $5 each at the max.

>BUT it's still over priced
Yup, good thing the internet is a thing.

Yarrrr, so it be matey.

It toomk me a while Tim, but I'll have you know I've commissioned 30 different artists to draw Kamen America getting blacked.(Robaato included, didn't come cheap and it sure as fuck took some convincing) Be prepared, Timmy boy. The clock is ticking.

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It would be amazing if that's all you saw when searching up rule34 for her


absolute madlad

Not into that shit but honestly surprising it took this long considering things.

>sanic autist
>into blacked
not very surprising honestly

This guy.
If we had a comic just about him, I'd buy it.


Can you post proof this is real?

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If she doesnt go full bimbo with qos tattoo im not interested

Alternatively, you could edit the scans from the actual comic and have her express interest in black guys and make other convincing edits and pass them around other boards as if they're real.

I don’t know why. American Heros are just better looking. I think it might be the stars. Like you said I doubt there’s a lot of heros who could rock the Union Jack or France’s flag.

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>Agent hops
>US Army propaganda with bunnies
Really, user?

>I preferred comics when they were jingoist!

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You made this same boast months ago and nothing came of it.

That's not a bad idea actually, but how would that even work? Just have her randomly say interest in black men?

>That's not a bad idea actually
For what? Do you fags unironically jerk it to blacked shit to spite people you'll never even know?

They jack it to BBC to own the chuds

The only thing being ”owned” in that case is the last fragment of self-respect they thought they had.

Should I check out these comics? I like the pages I have seen so far on Yea Forums. I’m the kind of guy who is okay with stuff being campy or simple(as a matter of fact I like that stuff more than the bullshit they churn out these days). A lot of people say that it’s overly political and I hate politics regardless of stance but I also know that in this site small stuff tends to get overplayed so I don’t know if it’s actually """too""" political in reality. Of course I also like hot girls that these comics seem to have. What do you guys suggest?