Has anything from a comic ever legitimately shocked or surprised you? In this day and age can they even still deliver anything even remotely shocking?
Has anything from a comic ever legitimately shocked or surprised you...
When i saw this for the first time online it shocked me that this was allowed in a non max marvel comic
>Doesn't say anything to the blind man and just points him to a room
What did he expect to happen?
Motherfucker didn't even call an ambulance first
Why does feel like a fetish?
read 52 DC
Foggy always forgot Matt was blind
Because it is.
>Has anything from a comic ever legitimately shocked or surprised you?
Moon Knight has consistently shocked me. Particularly his second solo issue where Crawley runs out of places to sleep and finds himself face to face with a serial killer.
When a show is actually good and not pandering to twitter in terms of politics or trying to make "tweetable moments"
wow, I hate this
A lot of Duck Avenger stuff surprised me few examples being
>hostage situations taken care of by corporate hitsquads
>suicide bomber decoys
>government corruption and coverups
>a good guy alien committing near genocide in her vendetta against the enemies who took out most her people
>sacrificial death by a failure to defuse a bomb
>self immolation in a burning mansion
>a reporter having ptsd to his days as an embedded combat press
>hijacking a plane and faking a death
Made for a good storytime
Nice try but Disney wouldn't made this.
What comic is that and did that happened for real?
Crossed and it's pretty clear to me that yeah it did happen, which is why it's confusing to me that someone was surprised by an obvious twist.
the thing with crossed is it's only shocking if you are just unaware of gore in comics
once you read it the shock value tanks immediately because they never let up or really develop the characters to the point of being able to care much.
>legitimately shocked or surprised you
Crossed by Garth Ennis. The context is that the guy thinks that the Crossed (infected humans that turn evil) have a weakness to salt. He makes a bad call and instead of saving his daughter he tries to ward them off by making a circle of salt around them and consequently gets him and his family raped and killed.
It shocked me when Iron Man said the spooky nigger word and then burned a shitload of Jews on a cross.
How does Raimi keep getting away with this?
I was shocked when I read this issue of Hellblazer in a good way because the the writing and art was that good and made me realize that John Constantine used to be human before they made him such an unlikable character.
Julia failing to save Brittany and Tiffany in Gold Digger legit surprised me. Also surprised me how long Brittany and her daughter we absent too before Gina found them.
This is the dumbest over the top shit I've ever seen.
Did he smell the poop in her panties or something?
So that's the only good issue? Kek
unironically he probably did smell that she voided her bowels
it's basically the point
the best pages are just a big where's waldo of gore and destruction and the writing is comically bad
Consider the possibility you have adrenal fatigue.
And some maladaptation behavior that makes everyone else responsible for your emotions.
Nah, there's plenty of good stuff but that one is just great.
The funniest thing is that even if the salt worked, the Crossed are intelligent enough to just camp there while the family sits there awkwardly. There are glimpses of something interesting in Crossed comics but they almost always get drowned by edgy bullshit.
Ironically, it's most consistent when it's just treated as pitch black comedy instead of trying to make you feel sorry for any of these people.
Recs pls
Italian Disney is a beast on its own.
Original Sins, The Family Man arc, Damnation Army arc, Golden Child arc, Dangerous Habits, Royal Blood, Guys and Dolls
Jason's death in Shattered Grid.KXGSS
Ty mate
Recently, or ever?
Ares's death.
If you can handle it, try the Fear Machine arc. It might be too English for some readers.
Recently (2021) pic related. It's told chronologically backwards. You learn tidbits about why current things are happen as you progress backwards, and it's not a big deal or anything, so whenever something clicked, it was very satisfying.
Honestly, that was the most edgy scene in the original Crossed. Most of the rest of the comic was really pretty tame in comparison. It wasn't until the sequel series that it REALLY started earning it's reputation for being edgy.
I unironically enjoy Crossed when it embraces black comedy. What trades would you recommend?
Did they end up poking each other's eyes out with those noses when they tried to kiss?
Shockwave got all the best surprising reveals iIDW Transformers.
Fuck it, I'm really drunk and will impulse buy almost buy anything. give me recommendations.
One hour looking at my dick on webcam, just 5 dollars
Jk, buy eternal warrior, the 90s run, or keep your money and read online
They actually managed to lure retards with this story line by serving one nothing burger after another FOR 3 + FUCKING YEARS
I dipped the fuck out after the HAR HAR HAR IT WEZ HARRY ALL ALONG HAR HAR HAR but there were literal faggots defending it. Fucking ugh
I will admit, it gave me immense pleasure when they blue balled you fucken niggers. I thoroughly enjoyed your tears
>Has anything from a comic ever legitimately shocked or surprised you?
Yeah, when I find a good comic.
>In this day and age can they even still deliver anything even remotely shocking?
Yeah, when I find a good comic.
Crossed makes no fucking sense
>But not just zoombies
>This isn't because the Walking Dead was fucking popular at the time or anything
>They are superior than normal human because they embrace their instincts
>And they have stronger lifeforce
>These edgy zombies don't bumble around like literal retards
>They are smart
>Super smart
>The smartest ones among them are even almost as smart as your average human
>Anyway they are the next step in human evolution
>So anyway, the Crossed inherit the Earth as the next evolution
>Which is average human, but they talk like literal retards
cry more about it
Yeah, that's really shitty, especially since she's hanging. Matt's just supposed to pinata into her?
Invincible, the bit where Rex/Robot just up and fucking murders 80% of the heroes and villains.
There's a few different moments in Chew. I don't want to spoil any of them. Go read Chew.
im still mad the chew tv series never happened and we never got an iZombie/chew crossover
I just want a Chew buddy cop show on USA.
Zombie Plastic Man shocked me the first time I saw him break his disguise as a blood moat.
The first issue of Crossed. You know the part.
As far as twists go that was a pretty good one.
It would have been a much more satisfying twist if it were the Riddler.
Ehhhh maybe? I mean one of the reasons it works so well Imo is because he flat out says he's going to come for the black glove at the end of rip and it still manages to throw you off just by how different he's acting.
When the bro cop died I balled like a baby. I knew it was coming but still.
Sucks to be you, I only heard about it, which was enough to learn Sins Past got retconned and that one Osbornfag got cucked out of his mind.