JSA Storytime: Punisher 2099

Good evening owls,

Let's read some before I fall asleep

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Hello, Storyteller.

>that cover
Just when you think this book was done taking your for a ride, it comes up with yet another curveball.

when are chick Punishers not cool, I ask you???

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Wow, can't believe the woke crowd got to Punisher 2099!

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This is like healthy robohomosociality, I guess

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So let's sit down and talk, man to man, errr, robot

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>femme vigilante

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>Hey that looks cool
>Page 1

>when are chick Punishers not cool, I ask you???

>look it up
>Rachel Cole and Lynn Micheals exist
So what's the over/under on Marvel giving them a push?

... This parrot can fuck off.

She's already had how many reaction-image worthy faces now

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with how scratchy this art is, I think modern digitals would look terrible. Not even recolouring, but just the linework. A lot of DC stuff from that era looks rough


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and now....

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>Zatanna Webtoon
>with Constantine
>about Jack the Ripper

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Okay, sorry to be that guy, but who the hell would ever go within fifty feet of anything called "Femsmile"? That sounds like some Stepford shit created by a cult.

Oh hey, some of Ellis' worst work! (Hellstorm)

Can we have an indefinite moratorium on all fiction related to Jack the Ripper?

it's pretty close to real shit that gets around

I mean, she's pretty relatable here

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It's a pretty good idea, I think. I dunno if these "web tunes" things are for me, but that's exactly why I'm glad they're doing it.
There are a lot of fan artists I follow who would kill to do something on this scale for DC, there's so much potential.

But also yeah they need to quit trying to make John Constantine a thing in their superhero line, they've been trying for ten years now and it just doesn't work.

I still get a chuckle just thinking about HECKBLAZER

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>My gender brings men into this world... it's only right that a woman should send them out of it!

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That was funny, but Ennis himself disregarded most of John's previous characterization.
But it sold, so people latched on to it

I mean, who among us is not cheering for her here

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I was gonna say, this is sadly something that's not too far off from what certain parties are trying to achieve. Upside, the comic hasn't gotten around to predicting the attempts to legalize pedophilia. Yet.

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>tfw no sadistic superstrong robot gf

This is the most 90s thing I've ever seen, and we read WildC.A.T.S.

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It's all there. The impossible legs, the long torso, weird head thing, giant gun,

Her boobs being the cheek bones of the skull is incredible

They know it's not grooming, they're just lying because they're no longer allowed to call gay people degenerate subhumans like they want to

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Y'know, real talk, Vendetta's outfit is actually kinda cool.

As always, the fuckin' bold faced hypocrisy is the best part.

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this is great, now we're together as man and bike

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Hudsucker Proxy is a wonderful movie

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>In the place you call...the heart


Fuck it, I ship it.

I'm looking through the first Judge Anderson trade since it seems like it could fit with this thread, and I completely forgot that:
1. The first story is a very long sequel to Judge Death stuff
2. Most of the stories in the trade are very long.
I don't blame OP if she looked at it and was like "what"

I couldn’t remember if we were on tonight phew!

I'm just glad Jake's putting himself out there. So to speak.

SO how are you all, I gardened today instead of playing vidya inside all afternoon

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Marvel setting up Punisher Hand vs Daredevil and Electra Hand is actually hyping me a little?!!?

Work sucks!! I’m tired all the time! I just wanna play Elden Ring! I’m so far behind on the games discourse!

>you know, for kids!

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ok groomer

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I didn't really do anything of note today, and that fact makes me feel like shit.

I never guessed there would be so many faggots in a punisher thread

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Do any comics these days still do credits gimmicks?

The last week has been killing me, I hate the internet

I know you're not actually stupid enough to believe that gay people == gay sex, so just go ahead and say you think homos should be sent to the gas chambers like you really believe, you don't have to keep the mask on on this site

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She never skipped leg day

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Really, Jake? I mean I know you're a murderous vigilante and all, but casual sexism? Tsk tsk.

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The bill specifically prohibits talking about sexual subjects, it doesn't mention "gay" at all.
You don't want to sexually groom other people's kids because you're gay, you want to sexually groom other people's kids because you're a leftist.

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Genemods mean never having to worry about workouts.

Notice how they never call for hetero relationships to be banned from media or their existence concealed from the children.

Let override, let overwrite.

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does she have cyber-tits?
do they shoot boob missiles?

when the fuck is he going to write A FAR CRY?

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when they give me unexplained erections.

Not soon enough!

sounds like a "you" sort of problem

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>Notice how they never call for hetero relationships to be banned from media or their existence concealed from the children.
notice how straights also aren't calling the anti-grooming bill "a blow to hetero rights for not being able to talk about hetero sex with kintergardeners".

Of course the grenade has the Punisher's logo on it.

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I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my throbbing erection.

Again, we're all old enough to have seen the gay panic at least twice over, we know you're being disingenuous and not actually stupid enough to not know what's going on here. These are all the same exact talking points and misdirections I've had to argue against literally my entire life.