You all hated her when the trailer came out. Now you all love her. What changed?
You all hated her when the trailer came out. Now you all love her. What changed?
Knee jerk reactions are different than actually watching the film
The porn emerged
The movie didn't suck and the outrage astroturfers gave up and went back to /pol/
No one likes this cunt.
movie good and people seethe with tears of anger about it, couldn't be a better outcome.
The trailer was fucking terrible and the movie is really good.
Simple as.
The outrage machine has already moved on to the next big thing that's gonna apparently make western civilization crumble into flour or whatever.
/co / has a heavy concentration of conservative reactionary /pol/ refugees that will obsess over anything involving minorities or lgbtq people as both being doomed to fail and the downfall of western civilization until they actually come out and are successful. Then they just drop it and move onto the next thing.
Bias and anonymous forums to express them.
culture war shills are so tiring, they might as well live on a diet of midnights edge and doomcock.
Wrong, we still hate her.
Also wrong, also no john you are the astroturfers
If anything the lack of discussion about the movie indicates that most people here hated it or didn't watch it. It blew up on day 1 because it was the new thing and all the baitposters came out for it, but now it gets fewer threads than High Guardian Spice did after it came out.
my feelings remain the same
The art styles still had. None of the body parts look connected. From the eyes, to the teeth, to the head attached to the next.
It's a big flaw with the current style they're using.
For real who loves her now? It’s flavor of the month. Luca is basically forgotten about now and so will this.
No one likes her.
Horny cunt
Fake news
>Muh vagina, muh period, me little girl so horni THE MOVIE
Gee, thanks Pixar. Why did this not go to theaters again?
Because the trailer made her seem so obnoxious, but it turned out she's a really sweet and fun gal.
Her milf mom
Cunny power.
All the Yea Forumsfags up and left because Mei didn't look real enough for them.
>roasties mad cuz men identify more with a rat or a toy rather than a little girl
>you can't enjoy Yea Forums unless you're a liberal douchebag
>the only reason you hate new Yea Forums products is because you're /pol/
>it can't possibly be because Yea Forumsntent has gotten worse in the last two decades
I hate you limp wristed dickbags
Don't like her, never even watched the film
Actually I hated Abby. But now I love Abby.
Go back
He's right though. Notice how all these "muh western civilization muh pedo enabling" fags fucked off at the same time. It happens every time something like this comes out.
People like me who still hate her stopped coming here until the flavor of the month ended.
Now that it's over, I'm back, and her movie is still shit.
>Everyone with views I don't like is from /pol/
Have you retards considered that people with different views than you exist outside of your Boogeyman?
>The movie got old and people moved on to other things
You don't say?
Look at the size of those teeth. Are we positive she isn't a racist caricature?
Fuck off.
I've enjoyed cartoons and comics before your ass was out of diapers and I'm sick and tired of you faggots acting like your high and mighty beyond any criticism just because of your political ideology. Guess what dickmire? But anyone can like cartoons and comics. And there's plenty of shit to be said about how awful a lot of the contemporary works are. Sure you'll get a diamond in the rough every once in a while but don't you dare act like Turning Red was a good movie just because it pissed off a few conservatives. It still was trashy film with ugly visuals, an unbelievably forced visual metaphor, and overly reliant on Nostalgia baiting a time period that it hardly understood itself. Sorry you think there's no legitamate reason people might hate a film that tries to have a heartfelt emotional story about accepting yourself juxtaposed with a cartoony twerkoff between two fuzzy animals. Sorry the movie has an absolutely abysmal art style that doesn't properly meld between character and environment designs. But hey if all that matters to you is a person's political opinion and you just disregard legitamate critiques as a result then you continue being the mental 5 year old and enjoy your mediocre film that only found popularity with the coomers on this site jerking it to a fat version of Trixie Tang.
>Now you all love her.
Don't speak for me
No I still hate her. I hated because she acted unbelievably obnoxious in the trailers and in the beginning. The hate has died down but it’s still here. The only ones that like her are pedo cunnyposters and turbo mouseshill autists
Movie came out and it was actually pretty fun
Only FOTMfags give the remotest of shits about this visually obnoxious film.
mucho texto
Nobody even said that, you buttblasted faggot. You want to be persecuted so fucking badly.
Too long; didn't read
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I gave it a chance instead of perpetually judging a book by its cover.
I still hate her, faggot. She's an entitled brat.
>Notice how all these "muh western civilization muh pedo enabling" fags fucked off at the same time.
no they didn't lmao
anything that helps embrace cunny is fine by me. if normalfags are openly accepting cunny because of this movie then i see no problem with it. cunny remains patrician taste
I don't fathom why morons here whine about le /pol/tards when it's the cartoons themselves getting more and more partisan politicized.
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Not as much as you do though, dumbass
Found the /pol/smokers lol
At this point, i believe all the twitter outragefags that lurk here are paid by rightoid twitter influencera: you always see the same few names in the twitterposts.
I wonder what events are happening that keep feeding and vindicating them?
It's because of the pedophiles
Because /pol/ constantly tries to bring up politics in places where they don't belong and/or exaggerates the issue. You can barely talk about The Proud Family, old and new, on here simply because most of the characters are Black.
Yeah it’s crazy that right wing politicians keep passing laws ensuring child brides are still a thing in the south while deflecting attention away by proclaiming teachers who openly affirm lgbtq students as being pedos. If I were a right wing user I’d probably project my frustrations similarly on a cartoon character instead of on the real life people who openly fuck children.
You know that child marriages are actually legal in 44 states right? Many of which are bluer than your balls.
The kind of nutbar that reposts Rufo tweets is the kind of nutbar to do it for free
Hank Hilk would think you’re a crybaby faggot
Yeah that’s bad. Maybe /pol/acks should focus on how fucked up that is instead of shrieking about cartoon period metaphor panda girl
Romeo and juliet laws arent the same as a 40 year old man marrying a child, try again.
because they agree with that partisan politicization and are offended that others don't
what is this image meant to convey
New proud family explicitly goes into idpol though
that and most movie theaters smell of gym socks and piss. The screen has a stain from somebody throwing a milkshake at it and the sound system is busted.
Also it costs like 80 bucks to take people to the movies these days.