reminder this happened
and underage trans beaver with double mastectomy scars in a toddler cartoon in a faggot pride parade
Reminder this happened
representation of transmen is incredibly scarce when compared to transwomen, they need more than a beaver
Okay nigga, and?
this is a youtube video not in the actual show
So OP is seething over a nothingburger again?
Colour me surprised.
Why do you lie user?
What about this am I supposed to get emotional and outraged by?
The cisvirgins, threatened, reveal themselves, only to get slaughtered by the transchads
>slang for a woman's vagina
>portray a transsexual female to male as a beaver
No fucking way, somebody had to have written this as a cruel joke.
I wonder what else he was right about?
>patchy messy beard
ow, lol, I keep growing this shit out to make me look older but i've got eternal babyface.
desu nobody really hates ftms they're fine and less insanely mentally ill than mtfs who are obnoxious troons. Culturally we've accepted women dressing as men for a long time and going further into masculine statuses. a woman becoming a man isn't an issue. a man emasculating himself for femininity however is.
FtM transition and realize they just rolled hard mode. MtFs transition and expect to have life on easy mode.
>kids don't watch youtube
>activism on /pol/ and /fit/
I recommend giving it a try every November to check.
my beard doidn't grow in properly until my thirties.
Also OP a faggot and not the fun kind.
He was on the right track until he got to white imperialism
I can't really think of any culture that had inherent male kinship, like he proposes
Maybe the hellenic greeks?
... Has transsexuals ever been observed outside of humans? I'm not talking frogs being able to switch sex for reproductive purposes or any similar phenomena, that's just part of their normal biology. I'm talking about creatures, who just like humans can't naturally change their sex, trying to emulate the behaviour of the opposite sex despite that being atypical.
>cheering for Ellen Paige's self-mutilation
Trannies are pure evil
You get a lot of that in African societies, lots of hugging and hand holding. Doesn't mean they aren't hugely homophobic., it's just considered a different kind of intimacy.
Males having to present an uncaring facade isn't a uniquely western thing, but it isn't universal either.
god this hurts me in a way i can't describe, somebody who understands why we're all fucking such weirdos about bullshit. every man's an island, god we need to invest in boats and oars. mtf is so fucking weird, like if they pass i don't mind but holy shit mtf are so fucking ugly when they don't. Like jesus fuck they need another few years in the oven with whatever they're cooking up. ftms are just like at worst kinda androgynous cuz it turns out even an ugly girl makes for a passable guy even if they're really girly looking lol, you just assume that they are babyfaced.
huh, i know of homosexuality in animals but that's not quite the same. I think there's a fish that tries to mimic female behavior to get laid but that's only the trannies that aren't gonna make it.
Greeks and Roman people were eternal bros with their fellow man. That's however due to a cause of like martial culture event then you couldn't have outbursts, only confidants who you shared your heart and soul with. Lol, the problem is you usually had to do this with people of equal or lesser standing than you. power dynamics are a bitch
and they just do it to fuck
Seems to me like that'd be very hard, if not impossible, to gauge, even if that is the case
thank you! I'll give it a try user!
How come She-Ra didn't end with Adora becoming Adam?
No because animals don't suffer mental illness
cuz the author didn't go full self insert enough.
Objectively wrong, animals can suffer from a wide range of mental illness, they just don't tend to survive
>I think there's a fish that tries to mimic female behavior to get laid
>and they just do it to fuck
Why does this make so much sense?
Cis dudes are just jealous cause FTM Chads are taking all the straight girls
I do appreciate the representation but I feel it was kinda overwhelming
Thread's already starting to repeat itself
Like you do you but don't trans people kill themselves when miss gendered or something
>this tranny can kick user's ads
lmao, Yea Forumsmblr is the best place to ask, how do you feel about companies using media to project an air of allyship despite their efforts rarely being more than token at best for actual support. The whole meme of rainbow icons for pride month being dropped the moment afterward for instance?
desu that's ftm, they have elevated suicide rates since they're still suffering from their own issues but not as high as ftm retarded amounts
Shit is whack.
Corporations pushing children to chemically castrate themselves for profit? That’s doesn’t at least warrant a wtf from you?
desu they gotta know about homos somehow and trannies so they don't act like a retard and make fun of them on accident and get sent to the principal's office for it.
lmao look at all those tripfags
That's your cynical assumption. Part if being able to talk about gender issues with kids is letting them know that they don't have to seek medication or anything else to be the gender they're comfortable with.
isn't Yea Forums filled with tripfags?
A thread for tips about grooming minors
In the same way an anti-LGBT thread is about tips for fucking children.
>look in thread
>mostly civil and rational discussion
wut crack are u smoking?
You're thinking of proLGBT threads there kiddo
Trying to make the ukrainian war about themselves
>entered the thread to spam links to lgbt
for what purpose?
No I'm thinking of all those "they're really just using money and power to fuck and murder children" threads. It's weird that they can't stop thinking about that, almost as if they jump to that conclusion because they relate and see it as normal.
It could not possibly the russian state and russian society being vehemently anti-tranny, it must be ukrainian propaganda.
user, the world got along just fine for MILLENNIA with trannies being either treated for the psychosis they have or shunned for the fetish they are, yet in less than a DECADE of both government and corporate mandates PUSHING this the world has been brought to the brink of the apocalypse , they’re nothing more than the mentally feeble being exploited for profit.
Go back, hon.
Imagine transitioning from most privileged group (white women) into a most discriminated group (manlets).
She will be in end of her rope soon.
No, since I'm not a snowflake outrage addict living on Twitter.
>"trannies brought the apocalypse"
>links to schizophrenic sourceless graph
You seem like a very sane and rational individual that im sure isn't brainwashed at all.
Дa, тoвapищ.
For people that really hate trans people, you guys sure keep talking about them every other day.
Sorry, back to the frontlines you go
putin hates gays, transexuals, and such, I know Winnie the PPC hates gays and effeminate men.
I hate mtfs not ftms, its a realization.
This. You guys are literally seething and coping endlessly while these trans folk just carry on.
When are you guys going to move onto the next faux outrage topic?
Caps for emphasis just highlights how emotionally driven your ideas are. There are more factors than wealthy educated liberals with LGBT family gravitating towards positions for the wealthy and educated signaling they support LGBT... while those not completely on board appreciate the distraction from corporate nepotism and exploitive practices. The corporate elites can signal true, controversial, things to distract you from those real issues and real solutions. They like how you assume it's not shunning trannies that led to you feeling this way, even as you see it as the brink of apocalypse. You're exactly what they want.
So they can't like Harry Potter anymore but every other fag is a massive weeb even when anime/manga shits hard on the alphabet people.
I don't, I just think the flame wars started over them are funny and more than happy to throw fuel on the fire.
It’s more just people paying attention user
thats cuz japanese people speak another language, what are they going to do yell at them in english and hope they understand? The LBGT community in japan has been pushing but they're more lax with this shit.
desu i get really upset when this happens in generals but here I feel mostly nothing.
>So tell us, Grandpa, how did you infiltrate the Reddit Legion during your KGB days.
The graph was satire about how legalizing gay marriage would NOT bring about all these terrible things conservatives claimed.
Which directly it probably didn't but loe and behold today every one of those boogeymen have come true in some way, so the creator of the graph was right, ironically.
I think it's just you, and the fact that you've posted that picture a dozen times here shows that it's a deep obsession bordering on brainwashing.
>one creator
>a bunch of creators
By that logic, the gayness of Marvel cancels out the anti-gayness in some manga by way of them both being in the same industry.
thank god i'm autistic so they can't send me to die for other people.
>acknowledges gay people didn't cause the apocalypse
>"but yeah the graph is right"
This is what is called "cognitive dissonance," and to everyone else, it is an incomprehensible bound in logic.
..what made conservatoids into this mess of unhinged Twitter crazies they are now? Was Qanon a trigger event or just part of something more? Because they look more and more like a parody of Hydra these days desu.
>same industry
By that logic comics are doing fine.
actually its correlation not equaling causation. Yea Forums is really guilty of this where they misinterpret facts for a narrative but I bet other places do it too.
Simply because you support the evil in power now doesn’t make you good user, here’s another greatest hits from our crumbling standards
user we’re on a cartoon board, every single one of us are adults who’re trying to ignore the degradation of the world outside by drowning in nostalgia and children entertainment, now it’s found those places are breeding grounds for this sort of degeneracy spreading. You’re right yhat it’s a distraction, but evil targeting children is something that should be confronted and not compartmentalized away with “but WWIII is starting so we have more to worry about
>cognitive dissonance
But men can become women and viceversa tho
That's a lot of cope on your part.
I don't think about the skyrocketing crime rate in my area all day every day but whenever some nigger attempts to hijack a car with a white old woman driver and smear her across the pavement I get to see those little shits' parents cry out they didntdunuthin