Indie comics thread!
It's NCBD so talk about indieshit you've gotten, what you read, and what you're excited for. Anything from Image to Aftershock to Aardvark-Vanaheim is welcome.
Pic related is Robyn Hood Cylt of the Spider Queen from Zenescope.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm looking forward to The Legend of Luther Arkwright.
Wasn't that a title from the 80s?
I've begun reading pic related. I like it. There was a new issue last week so there isn't one this week but Im posting about it here anyway
>Jacob Phillips
Didn't he do That Texas Blood?
I like capeshit but I'm tired of big shared universes with dozens of books. Are there any good indie capes that are just one comic preferably with a single writer? I've already read Invincible.
>Are there any good indie capes that are just one comic preferably with a single writer?
There's The Wrong Earth by Tom Peyer (Ahoy). It's about a Batman parody who meets his alternate self. Basically Dark Knight Returns meets 60s Batman. It was fine, but I got tired of it before finishing the first story.
Savage Dragon by Erik Larsen (Image). Jokes about cum geizers aside, it's pretty fun and fast paced. Sometimes too much, but it never wastes time dwelling on dumb broody shit for more than a page or so.
> Favorite specific indie comics, runs & arcs?
> Favorite indie heroes?
> Favorite indie villains?
> What obscure &/or dormant indie characters, teams, universes or companies do you want to see return with what creative teams? (like valiant did for example)
> Movie/Tv adaptations you would like to see?
> Casting ideas?
The Wrong Earth is awesome
the current Barbarella (2021) is good
I started rereading Kick-Ass. God, Miller is so unabashedly himself. I respect that it feels like he's not pandering to anyone but his own boner.
>Favorite specific indie comics, runs & arcs?
Parker by Cooke
anyone read bermuda?
First issue. I like the art, but I'm just waiting for it to be complete before I bother
Nah what's it about
> Favorite specific indie comics, runs & arcs?
Southern Bastards and The Goddamned. I just love the gritty in your face storytelling that doesn't care if it offends your sensibilities or not. It's a shame SB is essentially cancelled and TGD comes out once a decade, but I still love them.
> Movie/Tv adaptations you would like to see?
I Hate Fairyland, but without puppet rig animation like Rick & Morty. If the guy who does Big Top Burger got to adapt it with his style that would be great.
> Casting ideas?
Kristen Schaal as Gert, Eda Clawthorne's VA as Queen Cloudia and Gilbert Gottfried as Larry
It's part 3 of the title The Adventures of Luther Arkwright. Part 2, Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright, cane out in the 90s.
I like part 1 best, but since part 2 was still good, I'm looking forward to this, which I think is supposed to be the final installment.
> Favorite specific indie comics, runs & arcs?
From Hell, The Adventures of Luther Arkwright, and several arcs from Love and Rockets, Cerebus, and Bacchus.
I like a story with a lot of meat on it.
> Favorite indie heroes?
Maggie (Love and Rockets), Marv (Sin City), Bacchus (Bacchus), Luther Arkwright, Cerebus
> Favorite indie villains?
William Gull (From Hell)
Treason apologism should be a capital offense, trial to be by a court of Citizens, with no appeal, sentence to be executed in a manner chosen by the court.
From Hell was so fucking good. Even knowing the big twist in advance, it was a great story with so many details and care put into it. I just recently got a copy of the Providence Compendium, and while it's not on the same level as From Hell, it's still a great comic and I look forward to going through it in a single collection.
Anyone here familiar with Mind The Gap from image? Shit went on hiatus like 8 years ago and never came back what the fuck
Probably the same thing that happened to many creator owned comics: nobody bought it / the creators lost interest / the title didn't get optioned for a movie fast enough so they threw a hissy fit and gave up.
Like 5 years ago the writer wrote on Twitter that the comic was still very much alive but nothing after that
Probably a mixture of no. 1 and no. 2.
Shit man I was liking it. The art was really nice
i hate when that happens
C'est la vie. It's part of being an indie creator and following them. That's why I prefer mini series, even if they never make another comic ever again, the mini series will be finished and have some kind of narrative conclusion even if it has a sequel hook at the end.
Hey guys I'm getting back into comics after not reading since 2016. I want to read more indie stuff this time around. Amy recs? As far as genres go I like mystery and crime stuff. Basically things that feel tense. I really enjoyed the bunker by oni press
Kill or Be Killed by Brubaker/Phillips is a great crime story about a guy who survives a suicide attempt and starts seeing a demon. The demon tells him that, if he wants to continue living, he needs to start killing people. The demon doesn't specify who, so the protagonist starts targeting criminals.
The ending is a bit of a letdown, but the journey there is a page turner. The art is very hit or miss, depending on your tastes. I thought it was fine, but could've been better.
Thank you user looks interesting I will check it out
Anytime. Brubaker's also got some new crime books at Image, mostly OGNs and part of a series. I haven't read them so read at your own risk.
bump because we need more threads like this
They're slow, but they kindle hope in a bright future for comics. I remember we had some /croc/ threads (creator owned comics) a couple of months ago, but then they stopped. Someone made a few /indie/ treads and then nothing.
If a Wednesday rolls around and you see neither of those threads user, pick up the torch and carry it. There's good comics out there and we have to spread the word.
Good cunny comics? I've already enjoyed Gotham Academy.
get the fuck off my board
I made a guide!
I kill giants sucked no idea why people hype it
You need Courtney Crumrin.
What would you replace it with?
A list of non big two comics that released today:
Fire Power #19
Lego Ninjago – Garmadon #1
Little Monsters #2
Loaded Bible – Blood of My Blood #2 (of 6)
Monkey Meat #4
New Masters #3 (of 6)
Radiant Red #2
The Scorched #4
The Walking Dead Deluxe #36
2000 AD #2276
The Cimmerian – Hour of the Dragon #2
The Ocean Will Take Us #1
The Joneses #1 (of 5)
No Holds Bard #5
Alice Ever After #1 (of 5)
Buckhead #5
Magic #13
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller – Shapeshifters #2
Apache Delivery Service #4
DIE!namite Never Dies! #2
Pantha #2
Project Superpowers – Fractured States #1
G.I. Joe – A Real American Hero 291
Star Trek – Discovery – Adventures in the 32nd Century #2
Star Trek – The Mirror War #5
The Rocketeer – The Great Race #1
Solomon’s Men – Monks With Guns #3
Belle – War of the Giants
Grimm Spotlight – Mystere – Divinity
Van Helsing Annual – Hour of the Witch
>Grimm Spotlight – Mystere – Divinity
Preordered this one. Zenescope's stuff has been pretty good, but sometimes a little thin depending on the issue. Still better than Marvel or DC. Based Brusha and Francini, keeping the cheesecake alive.
>betty and veronica
shit list but please post the leon art from the top.
Yeah, it needs work. The thread was on page 10 and I had to just throw some shit in there.
Though really, B&V and Sabrina is just old-school still-sexualized cunny.
Forgot the art
Full sized version.
good lad
New Red Room came out today. Really good. Really wish someone would storytime the series, it's really awesome and deserves love here on the board.
So I've read that the current omnibus trade of Strangers in Paradise and Bone, plus the colorized Bone trades from Scolastic are both "directors cuts" type deals. With dialogue changes and pages/panels cut for "storyline flow". Anyone got a list of all of the changes?
I think it'd be neat having an INDIE anthology storytime once a week or something, storytiming a few different new issues from series, sorta like those X-Men threads.
seems like that's too broad to make a thread about. x-men ones are easy because it's just all the x-men books of the week. for a big indie thread it would just be the op picking and choosing random stuff. i doubt it would be all that active. indie storytimes in general are pretty dead.
what is that I don't see it on the usual pirate sites
Just post a loli, something controversial or DC vs Marvel shit. Tards would bump the thread eternally.
So is there a big indie book that's really popular nowadays? The Walking Dead got massive because of the show, and then Saga was really popular before it's hiatus. I feel like there isn't that indie book everyone's talking about right now.
Zenescope have a bunch of female heroes and they all look so fucking horny.
what did user mean by this ?
is that rodney Dangerfield ?
What? Come on man, that's Jean Gabin.