Why was Nixon such a villain in Futurama? Guy was already dead for years, why treat him so badly?
Why was Nixon such a villain in Futurama? Guy was already dead for years, why treat him so badly?
Boomer creators loved to hate on Nixon
Nixon wasn't a particularly likable guy.
Low hanging fruit.
Mecha-Nixon was kind of fun though.
He was hard on the boomer hippy free love culture of the 60s and 70s. which made many boomer creators hate him. Also Watergate certainly didn't help.
The Earth in Futurama is pretty much an American imperialist's wet dream.
Nixon is a fun, easy, domestic villain.
He was kind of a bastard, but not like Stalin level of evil. You don't want to make your goofy recurring cartoon villain someone who imprisoned and killed millions of his own citizens.
>Guy was already dead for years, why treat him so badly?
Because they could get away with it.
He's the original leftist boogeyman
Until recently he was considered one of the worst, most diabolical presidents in US history. So he's an obvious choice to be the corrupt asshole president in a comedy show.
I think this gets to the heart of it. It's amazing though, without a shred of charisma he became president.
That picture took you less than 3 minutes to find and post.
Do you have autistic memory, or autistic organization skills?
Zoomer, it’s a good show.
>Do you have autistic memory
Given the timestamp, it's likely this.
Memorizing thumbnails is easier than you think, and is a great bait image with weasel doing a black power salute.
Typical of them. They are the ones who ruined the good times and now blame everyone but themselves for fucking future generations over. The sooner they end up in the grave, the sooner we can force society to return to racism and anti-homo.
Boomers deserve their brains getting splattered across the pavement. Nixon should ordered his cop to fire with live ammo.
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.
Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?
Episode name?
Happy baboon balloons
>They didn't had the balls to do a MLK cartoon
Wasn't he literally caught cheating ?
Libs are still seething over him telling the truth about Jews and homosexuals in American while simultaneously getting a man on the Moon and ending Vietnam. Given that Groening&co. are notoriously liberal it's no surprise they chose Nixon.
He was a burglar. He literally had goons break into his opponent's office to steal shit. Keep in mind that this was before the hyperpartisan jihad-tier politics of the 21st Century. Even in the 1970s, the US electorate had values that transcended the culture war. They weren't prepared to tolerate a criminal POTUS.
Nixon was proto-Trump in the sense that he figured out a weak point in the Democratic coalition and attacked it. In Nixon's case it was realizing he could flip the South over the civil rights act; in Trump's case it was Hispanics and the White working class having very different priorities to the academic/activist wing of the Democratic party. In both cases the Democrats lost their shit over it.
>Futurama berates Nixon and had a blatant global warming episode
>Nixon actually created the EPA in 1970 due to rampant pollution from factories
I don’t think they’re stupid and don’t know it; I think they just can’t accept such a thing.
>>Nixon actually created the EPA
Forgot about this. Man was so insanely based. America wasn't ready for him.
Way before Trump, the media used to shit on Nixon, and even after Watergate and his resignation the media still goes after him.
Fuck off zoomer, IM Weasel and Cow & Chicken were certified hood classics.
>media used to shit on Nixon
You make it sound like the guy wasn't running for the most powerful political office on the fucking planet. Tricky Dick wasn't going to the store to buy milk and being hounded by razzi. He wanted to be POTUS. What, was the media supposed to be 'nice' to him?
Reminds me of when Nixon debated Kennedy and people who listened to the radio thought he won.
everything about him has more comedic potential than other republican presidents like regan or bush
You aren't allowed to be critical of conservatives. Their feelings get hurt.
That's because Nixon would likely be considered a liberal today by modern crazy right that supports people like Greene and Gaetz.
The EPA, just like every other government policy that's vaguely positive, only passed because protesters and voters pressured Nixon into passing it. It's not like Tricky Dick was particularly fond of the environment.
Conservative feelings don't care about your facts.
I think a better question is why was James Dean such a perfect president?
You're projecting hard,
Especially when there are worse villains to target
>angrily replies, showing his feelings were hurt
Sasuga, snowflake-kun.
Back then conservatives were eh about the environment; it was only with the Reagan administration that they began to act like captain planet villains
>ending Vietnam
cringe. communism destroyed southeast asian. we should have pushed harder and finished the vietcong
>can't cope with their hypocrisy so has to strawman HAHA U MAD
You literally get assmad at cartoons not being liberal. Seethe retard
Yea all the war crimes and the extreme alcoholism didn't help.
Holy shit, u mad
Facts don't care about your feelings.
Nixon also put Lewis Powell on the supreme court and Powell was the champion of the idea that corporations have a god-given right to take control of the government and do whatever they want to nature. Whatever good Nixon did for the environment had already been cancelled out before he left office.
Why are you talking to yourself, you unstable schizoid?
>so mad he tried to use the "I know you are but what am I?" line
Lmao go to bed
>nuuu you're the one mad and not me for obsessing over the post rent-free!!
>keeps seething after being called mad
>no you're obsessed and mad!!
Lmaoing @ ur life rn fr fr
>tricky dick
>muh media
I forget that literal baby boomers browse Yea Forums at times.
Also what retard started the ‘before hyper partisan politics’ shit for you idiots? Does the ‘68 DNC riots and Weather Underground just not exist in your world?
Republicans make all the evil presidents, it’s annoying
Democrats get like, a perverted or plotting Clinton at worst. It’s annoying.
Extremism has and always will exist. What's changed is the MAINSTREAM political culture of the US.
Voters are now way more scared to lose and therefore more willing to tolerate shit behavior from their politicians. Trump brushed off scandals that would've been grounds for resignation in the 1960s
I like Ike
>Hated Nazis
>Hated Commies
>Hated McCarthy's Bullshit
>Supported Civil Rights
>Supported the real China
>Highest Corporate Tax in US History
>Best Economy in US History
>Expanded Social Security
>Created NASA
>Created the Interstate Highway System
>Refused to bend the knee to the Jews. Put his foot down against Israel.
nixon actually takes action on the environment in the climate change episode though
granted it involves mass murder but he's doing it for the right reasons
Ike is based, but Ike should've supported McCarthy more.
The biggest mistake in American history in the last 50 years is not letting McCarthy go harder.
McCarthy ruined anticommunism's reputation by going after people who definitely weren't communists.
>Guy was already dead for years, why treat him so badly?
Think about the ages of the creators of Futurama, and how old they were during the Nixon years.
I think he's talking more about how quick to the draw he was with it
either his filing system is superb, he has the location of that exact picture memorized, or he found the pic almost immediately, saved it, then uploaded it here in under 3 minutes
>>Best Economy in US History
I like ike, but its hard to fuck up the economy when all your competition is rubble.
Biden is so boring compared to Trump
This, it doesn't matter in the long run who he was right or wrong about, because he muddied the waters by trying to slip in his own personal and political enemies among the accused. It delegitimized the entire concept.
>Until recently he was considered one of the worst, most diabolical presidents in US history.
And he still remains so. You can also add petty to the list.
Because Nixon sucked. The fact that he is the only President to just straight up quit because he was about to get in trouble should tell you something.
So people wouldn't forget what a truly evil person he was...