For Quigley, there is no Best World.
Jesus fucking Christ, man
jesus christ what an asshole
I'm still waiting on an answer on the ethnic makeup of this comic. It seems to be skewed heavily towards those of a darker skinned persuasion.
Bitch didn't know how to cook so I see no issue with what he did
>he didn't know what would happen!
Get absolutely fucked Quigfags
Sure but you can understand how his life led him to be this kind of ground down cynical shell of a man
Honestly it's only surprising that the entire Platinum caste aren't a sea of Quigleys
>For Quigley, there is no Best World.
There was. It burned.
>blacker than her cooking
Sounds deserved. Bitch should've learnt how to cook.
I still like Quigs as a character.
>you're a liar Matty for pretending I did nothing wrong so we could try to be a family
Quigley is such a piece of shit
The widespread theocidal Gefendur crusades of the past that lead to their current dominance over all religion probably skewed demographics in the favor of its initial adherents as well.
Well of course. A good character doesn't have to be a good person, and I love to hate the guy, even when I wanted him to come around. Now though, I want to savor his spiral.
It'd be funny if Quigley spilling this all out so casually right in front of him while he's losing his mind and vision caused Matty to spontaneously commune with the Khert and rattle off just enough Tainish in his rage and grief to finally kill Quiggers
Quigley has to live long enough to style on Mikaila in pyramy and teach her some fucking humility.
Oh? I thought he was talking to Jivi, lol
How would a mediocre wright like Quigley style on a prodigy like Mikaila?
Actually interesting theory.
Why the fuck would he be saying that to Jivi? What exactly was Jivi supposed to have known all along?
At this point I'd rather Matty just find a way to live a fulfilling life in spite of him.
Quigley probably couldn't have humbled Bett. Whose word are we going to take, his? Starfish's?
>Thinking Quigley could ever prevail against an Adelier
Quigpigs are truly delusional. I bet Simon doesn't even have the gift and could style on him
Matty is currently letting the khert wash over himb like heroin, which is how many plats go insane. The best way to get him out of it is to piss him off enough
Quigley is still an asshole
i guess to be fair, it also seems like he might be trying to deliberately rile Matty up in order to keep him from wallowing in that psychadelic khert thing Plats can do to escape reality, at the end of the day he DID end up going on a rampage to steal Matty and Uaid back so there could still be more to it than he's letting on roght now and is just doing a whole "is this what you want to hear?" thing
shit nigga I dunno, I was trying to figure it out myself
Is that a thing? I suppose one way or another it's best that they're finally airing out this shit now
Go sicko mode on her for dropping a bomb on Matty and Uaid.
And still lose because he's mediocre, like I said
Mediocre wrights do not burn the magic KBG down to the goddamned ground. He loses to Duane, certainly. But that's only because Duane is just that OP.
>he thinks there was anyone but pencil pushers there at the time he broke in
How do Quigley fans get so far into their denial?
It's a thing, but Cope internationally keeps it vague whether or not Quigley is trying to get Matty out of his funk or is just being an asshole letting it all out
Probably a bit of both
You're definitely underselling Quigley
Mikaila is a teenage figurehead who according to Ash didn't even have a proper teacher after her dad got put on ice
Meanwhile Quigs is a member of the most gifted pymaric caste and an experienced combatant
It's true Duane bested him but he at least put up a fight
he was willing to leave Matty to those wolves
Quigs remain trash
>but he at least put up a fight
Duane wasn't even trying. He was lecturing the entire fucking time
He doesn't like it when Matty tries to be family.
We’ve also seen very little outside of the Big Three nations, so i can’t claim a full picture without digging through a decade of Q&A. But it is worth noting that the Shartes fully accepted Gefendur thanks to the efforts of a sect of native converts that have literally never stopped crusading, and the only “white” Alds that aren’t freaky caste mutants are the Tains - who are steadily dying to attrition over their weird heretical religions.
It's funny; if Quigley had admitted all this to Duane before Duane had his revelation in the shrine, Duane would probably have commended him. Ironically, that probably would've insulted Quigley more than if Duane intentionally insulted him
Is user still gonna say that Quigs isn't the shithead we knew him to be?
Sael, its just quig cope and apologists in this thread
Oh I love Quigs as a character. Half the fun is seeing how horrible of a person he can be. He's literally the worst, but that's his appeal.
Quigley is super hot on this strip though
Why are people so against Quigley? What exactly has he done wrong? He's just a guy trying to survive.
I was about to defend Duane but I think you're right that full sicko mode Duane probably would've implicitly approved of her murder
Ashley writes the "good man horribly poisoned by ideology" too well
Duane > Keon = Quigley > Elka > Rahm > Mikaila > Bastion > Evans >>>>>> Bett > Will
I believe Ash said that the place was largely empty of anyone who could put up a serious fight which is why Quigs didn't get the death he desperately wanted.
>Keon = Quigley > Elka > Rahm
>Sold out his wife to the gestapo, leading to her horrible death (and the deaths of a bunch of other people)
>told the gestapo they could do whatever they wanted to his son
>Felt bad about it but rather than trying to make up for it, he just planned a suicide attack that somehow succeeded
>Was going to kill himself again later too
>Helped out child slavers for money
>Is generally a self important shithead
There's tons of reasons to be against Quigley. I mean he's a fun character to watch, but he's just a horrible horrible human being.
Interesting parallel between Sette "living in her best world" to push out the bad memories a few pages back and Matty here attempting to wall himself off with the happy memories and failing to do so. I also like the visual contrast between the ugly reality Quigley is saying and the abstracted red and black form. Good way to emphasize the emotional pain it's inflicting.
I figure it's a little of that, a little of "I'll be dead in a few years so I'd best toughen him up to soften the blow" but he is still probablytelling the truth. Kinda hoping Jivi or Elka kicks him for being a cunt about it
Duane has done far far worse.
Such as?
Leaving his wife and daughter to suffer.
You mean by getting murdered?
He was literally murdered
Homie he got fucking killed
Because... oh yeah, he assaulted a nobleman who ordered his death.
Duane is an arrogant self important shithead.
>he assaulted a nobleman
That's based though, unlike anything Quigley has ever done
There's a difference between punching a nobleman who is baiting in a fit of passion and deliberately, coldbloodedly, going to another city and turning your wife in to the secret police who you DEFINITELY know will torture said wife to death (oh and also you are throwing your son away to them as well).
If you honestly don't see the difference, I dunno what to tell you.
Would you rather be a Copper or Jet?
Probably Jet. Still get a pretty long life, but also pymary.
>he thinks Bodie orchestrated the assassination
>he thinks anything Duane had done that day would have taken the target off his back
Quigley isn't mediocre, he just isn't a genius like Duane Fucking Adelier. And we have pretty much zero indication of what Mikaila's like with pymary at this point. She was extremely interested as a kid, and probably still is, but since we know almost dick fuckall about her in the present day we have no reason to believe she's a "prodigy", especially when it comes to actual combat (which Lemuel has already expressed a desire to keep her away from).
I don't think Quigley's gonna throw down with her though.
you can tell the quig pig lost since they shifted the attention to another character. Duane is pretty shit too (looking forward to a reread of this chapter and see this "man of god" as
being a cringe lord)
but we are talking about the PLAT not the PLOD
Jets seem fairly "normal" whereas I have the feeling that Coppers also have a grotesque end of life cycle like the Plats, like they grow so large and out of wack they become immobile mountains of tumors until their hearts finally give out
Well, first of all, none of them are human so
Wait, they're not human? I thought they were. What the fuck are they then?
I've kinda just assumed that Quigley is more raw talent than skill. He has his natural plat affinity with pymary which gives him an edge over your garden variety plat, but against a properly skilled wright, that isn't going to be enough.
I mean yeah, he's not like a novice at pymary with the amount of experience he has, but he probably lacks formal training.
He's just making racist joke, they're humans.
Anyone who doesn't say Jet is lying
Who do you like then?
>the girl who was tacitly casting as a child isn't a prodigy
Ok user
squid people. they don't even have fucking uvula, they're goddamn monsters
Cope has straight up said that the "humans" in the comic are not humans and if they were do come face to face with someone from our world they'd recognize us as a different species
Well I'd be curious to know what exactly would be the difference between the two species. I'd imagine it's internal.
user above me is correct, she planned on them not having a uvula
but then she fucked up and drew someone with one so
Tacit casting is just a genetic quirk that makes non-verbal spells reach the khert- not all tacit casters are Duane fucking Adelider, Bringer of Death
Mikaila turning people green doesn't implicitly make her better than one of the best wrights we've seen in-comic
Kasslynians are squid aliens, their human look is artistic license.
Being a tacit caster doesn't imply a high level of skill, just genetic ability and enough know-how to put together a spell.
Kasslynians are weirdos who hear with their souls, host a virtual copy of their mind that gets uploaded to the cloud the moment it detects clinical death, and so on. But they’re sufficiently human to let you fill knowledge gaps about their traits with basic assumptions as a reader until it is shown to be otherwise.
I mean I feel like that's a bit silly. They are human within the setting compared to other sentient beings within the setting.
I guess their biology doesn't match ours then?
lol, art school anatomy strikes again.
Bah, it's like Overlanders and regular humans in Sonic. Yeah obviously they have changes virtue of being in a fantasy world, but aside from how they interact with the Khert it's a insubstantial comparison
>one of the best wrights we've seen in-comic
Except we were talking about Quigs, not one of these
It's a mutation. You can use it to cast without saying anything but that's very different from having the amount of talent needed to be great in it. There are a lot of people who have a better voice or a larger build. That doesn't mean they have the skills to be a professional singer or basketball player. they just have a leg up.
Yeah, unless they have like other biological quirks that don't match real life humans that are actually relevant to the story somehow, I'm gonna just call them human.
It's very silly. It's also mostly a meme Cope uses to fuck with people on tumblr.
Dying in the real way as soon as your heart stops is a pretty important difference.
No CPR allowed on these boys
Well beyond tacit casting, she is grasping how pymary works at a pretty young age intuitively. She makes mistakes, but she's still doing pretty well.
If there were only pencil pushers at a place where they're holding detainees, what was stopping said detainees from leaving on their own? Clearly there were defenses in place, but said defenses were not enough to deal with a ground down Ex-Glowie magical artillery caste going postal.
Why do people think Quigley is a shit wright? Because he's a jobber? Is Vegeta a shit fighter?
>what was stopping said detainees from leaving on their own?
A heavy wooden door
my opinions are objectively factual
His lack of solid core techniques
I think we've just got one guy who's leaning into the trolling bit
How heavy are we talking here?
>Why do people think Quigley is a shit wright?
Because he objectively is. He skates by solely on being a plat
>Quig as good as Keon
>Elka better than rahm
You forgot to put Anna in at the bottom
It's not trolling. We have never seen Quigley do anything impressive as a wright
I mean there may have been some guards too, the point was the place wasn't packed with combat wrights like Quigs expected there would be. The security was a lot laxer than expected.
There should have been only Elan in S for Sweaty
this comic has so many classic lines
Don't necessarily fully agree, but not a bad list.
He took on like 5 guys at once during the nevergreen arc without much issue.
Quigley is genuine fucking awful, Jesus christ