Synopsis dropped in the UK. Take bets on the big bad. Ben friends are allowed but please keep the whining about the current comic situation to a minimum. This thread is for Spiders with an actual future.
A Across the Spiderverse thread
Will he be in it?
They’re gonna retcon it so Miguel’s inspiration is Miles and not Peter calling it now
>Spider-man movie
>no spider-man in sight
Yeah it’s gonna be terrible, the bad guy is anyone who pays to see this
Might be the inheritors? Or it could be an inter dimensional sinister six. I think they were setting that up since Lady Ock got fucking btfo’d by that bus.
It’s either Morlun himself or the Inheritors. Rather it be the Inheritors because that’d just make sense for a two part movie.
Bets on SpOck or some other evil Spider-Man
that whole fucking crossover could have taken like five minutes if they had punisher or any non spider based hero kick morlun and his families shit.
>hating on Miguel
What the shock.
They were weak to radiation.
Just gather a bunch of alternate Hulks and throw them at the Inheritors.
God, fuck Dan Slott.
>claiming to like Miguel
>liking a movie where he’s obviously going to job to miles
There is no hope user, it’ll be a pretty looking empty mess spitting on peter
Eh, Miles was a jobber in the first movie desu, I got faith he'll fuck up and job again to show the seriousness of the situation since he's the newest to the business. The real question is will Miguel be in character and how will they handle the invisibility and Venom Blast so the story works.
Part 1 implies that its gonna finish as a bad end like infinity war, with part 2 consisting in unfucking everything
>Take bets on the big bad.
It's gotta be Morlun or a Green Goblin.
Venom, maybe, like an army of venomized alt Spiders.
>This thread is for Spiders with an actual future.
Used to be jealous of Miles and Gwen soaking up all the attention for no reason. But now I'm honestly glad no one ever mentions him and ruins him with their shit ideas.
Would inheritors be too soon? Also the Synop. makes it sound like a singular entity.
I've heard the big bad is Spot.
I really hope it isn't Spot. I don't trust the movie to do him any favours. With an ensemble cast, the villain won't have much development
He's in the new spidey games isn't he?
desu, spot doesn't need to have much character or talk at all. him just being visually interesting and his spot portals make him perfect for some weird dimension hopping shit. Like imagine seeing a fight against him where you see limbs popping out of his holes when punches are thrown at him moving about simultaneously or every hit he lands knocking them into new scenery like transitions. He doesn't need to be a compelling character, just good for the visual story telling aspect.
>He's in the new spidey games isn't he?
The Insomniac one, the first one? He's a costume. If you're talking about some new game then I have no idea I haven't heard anything.
lol that was it, i haven't played it but I saw him have his guitar riff as an ability.
>He doesn't need to be a compelling character, just good for the visual story telling aspect.
And your thinking is exactly why the movie wouldn't do him any favours.
>But now I'm honestly glad no one ever mentions him and ruins him with their shit ideas.
It’s the ultimate Monkey’s Paw
Yea, more than enough for me.
I know, but better nothing than this Sony shit.
Lol, sorry user, I'd probably be pissed too for say Black Mask being in a film that gave him a weird characterization that didn't fit with my love for him (THANKS ARKHAM JOKER AND BIRDS OF PREY) but at the same time I really just want to see him in animation that isn't fucking the 90s series at its cheapest. Literally he's a treasure trove of interesting visuals and weird shit primarily in my mind. Its why I love Scarecrow, Johnny Boy isn't usually a super interesting or compelling character but he can create some fun set ups.
You realize Hobie is getting a Mini this year right? He and Miles are canonically friends, and out of all the new Spiders that could potentially show up in ATSV he's always in the top 5. If he isn't in this movie he'll be in the next.
Has he ever had dialog with spider punk? Hell has he ever met 616 hobie? Has Aaron ever acknowledged that he’s the 2nd prowler?
might as well repost my dumb idea for a Spider-Verse sequel;
>Liv goes out into the multiverse to gather enemies of every different Spider-Man in order to form the Sinister Sixty
>every living Spider-Man from the first film returns(including Miguel and '66 from the after credits scene)
>they have to go recruit more Spider-Man's from throughout the Multiverse in order to stop Liv's plans
>new members of the team include;
>Toku Spider-Man(with Leopardon)
>Mangaverse Spider-Man
>Spider-Man Reign
>Spider-Woman(Jessica Drew/ Female Peter Parker clone )
>The Superior Spider-Man(Dr Elliot Tolliver/ Dr Otto Octavius )
Yes. They've teamed up before. No he's never met 616 Hobie though and Hobie has been reworked into a member of the Slingers since Beyond happened. The last time he was prowler was in friendly neighborhood which is sorta(?) canon.
Now that Brown Recluse is running out of likeable Spider-Men to flanderize and be propped up by, how will Sony keep this up?
Friendly neighborhood was canon, it’s where they dealt with aunt mays cancer subplot, though I don’t get why they canceled the book. Pete needs a decent second ongoing and that fit the bill well
A Hulk might be beyond Sony's reference range. Do they even emit radiation? I thought Banner just absorbs it.
>You realize Hobie is getting a Mini this year right?
I didn't
>He and Miles are canonically friends
I thought they were friends like all the spiders were friends...well most of the spiders were friends.
>If he isn't in this movie he'll be in the next.
That's honestly what I don't want. I liked the movie overall and I liked this version of Miles and his origin, which might be somewhat inflated by how bad all the Miles stories were up to this, but all the side characters were awful comic relief bullshit versions their to prop up Miles and his love interest Gwen. And I'm just not interested in seeing that happen to Hobie.
>but all the side characters were awful comic relief bullshit versions
That was my issue too. Peter and Miles are the only ones to get any amount of development, Noir, Penny, and Ham are just there for laughs, and Gwen does literally nothing of note throughout the entire movie besides being easily the most competent
Miles has always been good though. It's just now the obscurity of comics is gone and everyone knows it now. It's why vague generic claims like yours are the new go to for the Miles Haters.
We already know it’s the Spot.
Miles has never been good, he just exist to shit in peter and give bendis clout and money
Name a good Miles story
Miguel will be Miles' descendant, the big bad will be an evil Peter Parker, someone will tell Miles that he's the real actual true Spider-Man™ of the multiverse
>Miles was a jobber in the first movie desu
He took down Kingpin with ease, the same Kingpin that killer Peter A with ease
Shut the shock up
Could it be?
This was dumb and gay so I sincerely hope not
>multiverse movie
>they're all out of characters OCs wearing skins of existing characters
This defeats the purpose of multiverse in the first place
But brand tho
At this point why won't you make a fan fic since you are obsessed with this idea?
Why make a fan fic when the movie that proves that point won an oscar
The sequel is not out and you say this in every thread.
No. Absolutely not. Fuck those vampire larpers and the entire totem bullshit.
>Lord Recluse
There is only one right answer, even if it's too good to be true.
Blame Lowe for turning all Benfags anti Miles in one stroke
late but
wtf are you talking about, he got his ass kicked for almost the entire movie.
>tried doing spidey parkour shit
>broke the USB goober
>spent the entirity of his fight with prowler running for his life
>the other spideys shit talk him and he can barely use his powers consistently
>casually gets webbed up and dumped for them to go after kingpin
>Kingpin spends most of the fight laughing off everything miles throws at him until he gets off a venom blast after a long confrontation so it doesn't feel like an instant i win
also Peter A was very obviously dying user or at least severely injured after fighting Prowler and Goblin, being thrown into the collider beam, being caught in an explosion, having a shit load of debris fall on him. Kingpin essentially finished him off given Spidey was shown to hold his own in a fight against him during the flashback.
god does this have to get posted every fucking thread. its so gay to rehash the same talking points.
He has a point though, why should Pete bother always getting back up when somebody else can just take over?
desu it exists solely as a what if type deal in my mind. like think of all the what ifs that end with Peter getting bad ended and the idea of Spidey getting subverted or the mantle being taken on by Flash or a black chick or betty brant or he's an actor or he gets arrogant. It's not like any of this shit is new, we've had Peter quit with Mayday or when he thought he was a clone or when he got replaced by SpOck, Yeah, I get the issues with it but its just a story that uses the mythos as a foudnation, the original comics will always exist. they aren't ruined forever cuz somebody spat out a new take on material that's been tread out now for like what, 60? 70 years?
Miguel Morales has a nice ring to it.
Have him marry Mayday so she gets an alliterative name too.
You aren't really addressing the movie's problems, you're just deflecting and saying it was fine because of some completely unrelated circumstances
Too kino to be true, but I want it
I'm showing it has prescient, there's plenty of other spinofffs from main series but nobody was saying Marvel 2 was diluting the worth of Peter by letting his daughter take the ropes but everyone rags on this for doing the same shit despite them both being very close to emulating Spider-Man without Spidey, does Miguel, Mayday, Ben, Kaine, and so on inherently affect this be my destiny? If there's times where peter fails in a story and somebody else takes up his place does that mean everything he's accomplished is for nothing? No. You're essentially saying that no spinioffs can exist without cheapening the original source material, its kinda silly when Spidey has been in more marvel team ups then anybody else in the world and has had several series alongside him. Like Web and Spectacular. Still even if its derivative of Spidey, so long as its entertaining what does it matter. idk why everyone treats this movie so skeptically, i get miles sucks. in this movie he's a serviceable newcomer protag who allows for people to tell him what's going on so the audience isn't lost while also allowing Peter and Miles to show their fatherly sides and affection to emotionally connect. Also it allows Peter to be a fucking adult in one of these movies holy shit. Do you know how boring it is to have teenage Peter and Web having college Peter for five seconds. You get the teenager learning the ropes and the experienced miserable spidey who's seen it all and has had enough parker luck to go through this scene once or twice before for both sides of the spidey experience. The multiverse stuff is essentially window dressing when the plot can pretty much function with Miles and Peter only. It's just to allow for subversion of expectations and shit like liz or cool set pieces like the collider battle or neat little background details. I do agree that the mutiverse stuff is unnecessary and distracting but it serves its purpose for spectacles' sake. Its essentially like lego movie
>no spinioffs can exist without cheapening the original source material
>Also it allows Peter to be a fucking adult in one of these movies
By having him retread the lesson he learned as a teenager?
>The multiverse stuff is essentially window dressing when the plot can pretty much function with Miles and Peter only
This is a bad thing
Lego Movie has all these characters and things going on but most of it is really irrelevant and is meant to make the world fuller. The really essential characters in LEGO Movie are Emmet, Lucy, and Vitrivus, everyone else is narrative superfluous. The crossover elements aren't really essential for lego movie lol. It's there for SPECTACLE .
The lesson of how to manage his responsibilities with his adult life? The entire thing that Spider-Man is all about and he struggles with? It's in character and its always been his thing. Him struggling with his superheroing and daily life putting him in a bad place and having to work out of it whether through his own or somebody reminding him. That's nothing bad. As for the other points
>he hates on Batman Beyond
gay homo gay, spinoffs are just that, they're derivative works but it allows them to have their own style and tone.
I know but that's not a narrative choice but a stylistic choice, its essentially allowing for weird shit to happen as a justification for neat visuals and bullshit. It will probably be more essential in the sequel as this is just establishing spider-man and how the multiverse works lol. That and setting the groundwork for characters to spring board off of into in the next movie.