how do mutilated faggots multiply?
>our descendants
By grooming and molestation, it helps that they’re backed by every corporation that wants to do all of us harm
>trannies have gotten more acceptance in society than the average incel user
Did you miss that Twitter tranny who was sending teenagers homemade HRT kits?
>be a faggot
>thinking he will have descendants whatsoever
thankfully I did miss that
Ban evasion is against the rules.
this artist is a unhinged fucking freak
Phoneposting was a mistake.
Remember how the creator of these comics was found tracing photos of toddlers and jerking it to them?
I don’t get it
i hate trannies so much, it's unbelievable. I don't care about the rest of the LGB but the T makes me want to reconsider having children in fear of what they would do to them
Like Super Mutants.
no descendant with mutilated jewels, freak.
You wouldn't have children anyway, but that's a nice cope.
Not sure how I feel about the wording on this one.
At least he has the option, all you have is pushing a child to make the same bad decisions you did.
Why is this idiot still walking around free with his skull not caved in?.
I'm not a tranny, but that's a nice cope.
what's the cope? trannies really are just awful.
It’s an admission that they’re going to continue being predators even as the world sees them for the monsters they are
Why do we hate trans people again? Not trolling, just curious.
Because trannies have more acceptance in society than you do.
No you just defend the self mutilation of children for the sake of the mentally feeble continuing to pay big pharma for their castrations?
It's fucking creepy and unsettling, isn't it? "It doesn't matter how many laws you make, we WILL get your children and we WILL groom them."
it's all artificial.
The cope is that you'll never have kids and use trannies as an excuse.
Not him, but I already have two kids, and you will never be a woman.
I'm not defending the delusions in your head, no.
Notice the comic didn't say "Homosexual" or "Our children". They don't want to have children, they want yours. It's not even about being gay, it never was. They want everyone to be as confused, lost, and full of self-loathing as they are.
i'm not him. trannies are disgusting. nothing he said is a cope.
Why would you assume that they're not just men? You would validate their gender by saying that in that case.
Well Yea Forums?
Just, why the word "multiplying"? Makes them sound like a disease.
You will never be a father.
Correct, your own self-destructive nature will stop you and that's not a good thing I really wish all my trans/nb friends got help
Because they are a disease
phoneposter plebtrash
Why does the last panel make me laugh so much?
I'm as against trans people as I am against deaf people. I want them to get the help they need. If deaf people started putting acid in my kids' ears I'd be pissed off.
It’s nice to know that you fags are still hated by everyday people while being so pushed by the rich and powerful, because trannies are nothing but tools of oppression
So you're defending your schizophrenic obsession?
quick reminder this dude has a middleschool aged character in a sexual relationship with an adult.
remember when this artist got outed tracing photos of toddlers for furry diaper kink art
Sounds like every manga.
I'm not the user you responded to.
You can tell he never had to raise children. You don't give a child everything they want just because they've seen it on tv.
It’s genuinely stunning how much shit trans people get away with online. They can openly say they mail HRT to preteens and not get ousted from their community. A legion of trannies always runs in to defend them. It’s almost fascinating how they work like a hive.
>it's nice to know you're hated by everyone
Stopped reading there.
A dozen seething third worlders on Yea Forums aren't the whole of society.
Sorry sweaty, they've already gotten acceptance from society, while you stay on Yea Forums talking to the same dozen fags about the same things. You lost.
and this shows how old the kid is
Don't care what you guys have to say about me personally but here I go. Fuck Sophie Labelle and all she stands for. Not even us trans people want her around. She's disgusting.
I thought that's an Elden Ring monster.
Just so you know, deaf people consider it 'genocide' to offer their children cochlear implants.
There's a deaf community where parents try to make their kids deaf. Just wanting misery to continue.
they're losers trying to drag anyone down with them to their level. their relations with other trannies are bound in misery and self loathing. they are just losers that want nothing more than to hurt others.
You're only upset he keeps saying the quiet part outloud.
user the picture I responded to here shows that double the amount of people hate what the trans industry is doing to our sons and daughters. Your support of this horrific industry hurts people
By corrupting children. It's kind of like that one episode of Voyager with the alien race that reproduces by stealing corpses & implanting personalities & alien DNA into them.
thisis what he considers a "transphobic law" the idea was that ID could have sex and gender as different catagories. you could even have the sex changed as well as long as you'd underwent sexual reassignment surgery. he considers this "forcefully sterizing trans people".
If only they'd voice that instead of tolerating him like a cult would do cause he's still one of them.
Why call Billy a girl? You know he had ANOTHER porn account using his name as billy where he drew weird adult on kid porn.
>shows that DOUBLE
Lmao, that graph shows how obsessed rightoids are, which you prove right every time.
They won.
Chinese grid method
The comic has characters?
The problem is toxic positivity among woke cultures in general. They want to ignore conflict instead of solving it because they're pussies. So they'll just sit down and take whatever some dumbass does because they're afraid to stand up and say it's wrong.
not everything is political, you weirdo.
I have yet to see a single actual argument against the wording of the florida bill.
wait seriously?
How’s that gonna happen?
>Speak out against crazy people
It sounds like a literal cult bound in extremism. Not sure there's a light at the end of that tunnel.
>oh darn, my best tranny friend, we wont be able to hang out any more! SUCH a shame. i can still see you SOMETIMES unless i get more serious about my boyfriend and we move in.
>who knows! maybe we'll run into eachother in a womans restroom! hope not though!
Yes user evil is winning, everyone here is aware. Doesn’t mean you stop fighting, and it doesn’t mean I don’t show you what you and who you fight for
growing a pair would be a fair argument.
That's what it's become unfortunately. There are people out there who just want to be themselves. There are others who just come into these spaces to hurt people. Lately, it's been getting hard to tell them apart.
No they're toxic because once you question one fringe group the entire doctrine of pushing agendas for fringe groups collapses.
By forcing trans people to be cis and hetero and making them fuck women they don't love. Obviously
Yep. He has spent his entire life trying to be near children, before the comic was a thing he worked as a camp counsellor to be near kids.
What do you mean? Do you logically thinking talking about explicit sexual acts and sexual orientation to children is something good?
>its not political
Lmao. You faggots are such a parody.
Keep seething in these deleted threads, you might just win the culture war that way lol ;)
Holy shit I had no idea. Thanks for telling me.
Who cares. All the Disney princess are traced minors
you said wording. I assumed the phrase "Don't Say Gay" was the problem which is why I said that.
I support it.
>look it up
>penis inspection day
man meme magic is fucking powerful
Explain to me why banning talkling about sexual acts and orientation to children is bad.
For the record, STRAIGHT sex is not told to children at these ages either and the florida ban also covers that too.
Not really. People are born trans. It's impossible to stop unless you kill the parents of trans kids and their grand parents and their brothers and sister
when the real niggas die fake niggas gon multiply
I don't even hate trans people but holy fuck you people really need to do something about people like Billy instead of just "oh I don't follow him on twitter so it's okay."
Dudes and actual danger to children.
I think everyone agrees that showing kids explicit stuff is bad. What people are concerned about is the hypocrisy of the people making the bills.
>You faggots are such a parody
Ah right, I just glided past the retarded gaslighting and was talking about the actual content of the bill.
You’re only evil when you push it on children, outside of that you’re just misguided trying to find happiness at the bottom of a pill bottle. I want you to explain the difference between a discord pushing a prepubescent boy to stop puberty because he “feels weird” and what the internet in general did to Chris chan? Telling a young kid that the uneasiness of puberty is abnormal is short sighted and wrong, why is that the extreme view here? Why does that need to be a left or right problem?
I would beat the shit out of that guy if I could I promise you. The problem would be me getting fucked over because people like Sophie/Billy hate men, including trans men like me. Everywhere in lgbt spaces is unsafe for people like me and nobody says anything because they're in on it.
Ah yes, that's why people are calling it the "Don't say gay bill"
Because of the Hypocrisy right? Don't be dishonest, most of the people who are against it are either people who want to endlessly push a specific sexual agenda on kids or people who never read it and think defending the aforementioned people is honourable.