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Solely to piss you off, user. No other reason. Just for you.

>make her black
>make her completely unlikable and in the wrong wanting Mark to value her over helping people
What did they mean by this?


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White liberals wanting to jerk off their ego about how progressive they are

America's nigger fetish


Because when they auditioned people they found Zazie Beetz the best fit for the role. You aren't allowed voice act outside your race anymore so they made her black.

Because it’s 2022 not 2002, user.

Why do you think Mark himself is half Asian?

chocolate pussy
shes's a bitch anyways so who cares anymore

Right is way hotter. But for whatever reason they made her an asshole.

Propaganda to try to make Asian men fall for black girls.

Viltrumite DNA eventually takes over and replaces all the other DNA so he won't be half Asian much longer.

At least Amber will never cuck Mark

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ignoring the bad personality change, that was original Amber's problem too. She liked regular Mark and really didn't want any part of Invincible especially once the newness wore off. In general dating a hero would suck for most people


How do modern writers manage to create absolute cunts of female characters when they mean to write strong characters? I'm trying to create a character that takes a jab at the bulldyke archetype, but I keep thinking I'm being too on the nose. What is the key to it? Do I watch analysis of these characters, or do I watch them in action despite trying to avoid that sort of media like the plague?

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>Because when they auditioned people they found Zazie Beetz the best fit for the role

You don’t actually think that’s how they got the roles, right?

I refuse to believe you’re that naive

I geniunely think if people stop getting mad they'll at least slow down with it.

Because megacorps love to suck the dick of identity politics, and black washing gives modern cucks a raging hardon.

Until you taste that super dick

>she fit the character so well they had to redesign her and change her personality!

>change her personality
The reworked plenty of characters user. Monster Girl got less pervy, Damien Darkblood was more competent, William was out from the start etc. All of those characters changed despite their race being the same.

ESG funds

How’s the podcast going, Adam?

Literally all the characters got personality changes. Damien Darkblood is way better in the show. He's like Rorschach meets Hellboy without being a clone of either.

>that was original Amber's problem too
no, she didn't have a problem with Mark helping people over spending time with her--she had a problem with the fact that she couldn't keep up with his whole other, dangerous life.

Old Amber is rationally and reasonably selfish. Nu-Amber goes far beyond that point.

Tourists have to pretend Kirkman hasn't been quite open about editing this story he wrote many years ago to create what he thinks is a better version of itself. Otherwise they can't cry about their precious almost all white cast that lives in a big city.

>d-d-duh mean WAYCISTS!!!
Are you REALLY going to pretend that a majority of posters' issues are with Amber being black, and not an her being an absolute cunt who's never allowed to be wrong?

wrong service

Imagine how insane the spawn of a hapa and a black woman would be.

If they were doing it for woke points they wouldn't have race bent someone who stops appearing about halfway through the next season. Plus the also got a couple black reps already with Titan and Samson.

Do you actually think they wont rewrite the story to force this character to appear later on?
Clearly they've made an investment here, they are not going to just toss it in the bin.

Muh representation.

Once Mark gets with Eve they need her to drop out. One of the big themes is that he finds himself becoming detached from humanity when he becomes a superhero full time and trying to regain that. It would be a complete wet shite on the story if they kept her around say past Conquest.

>It would be a complete wet shite on the story if they kept her around say past Conquest.
Yeah, and? Do you think they care?

At least it wasn’t the ginger for once.

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not a majority but a LOT of people here just hate her because she's black, her being a cunt obviously doesn't help but its disingenuous to act like people that hate her because raceswap are by any means a vocal minority

Trust me, you don't wanna go there.
You get Kimora-looking bitches who are batshit insane.

They have to pretend its always racial because their strawman narrative collapses if they don't huff it 24/7

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>best fit for the role
>doesn't fit the established character
then she wasn't the best choice

I guarantee you her boyfriend that beats her will be depicted as some alt right chad

She didn't pull the "Oh I knew you were Invincible but still expected you to make time for our retarded teenage relationship shit instead of helping people" she did the normal thing of "Sorry I can't handle you being Invincible, we're breaking up"

No way Kirkman was letting his waifu get niggafied.

Well for one they live in a suburb which if you're such a good little SJW I'm sure you know are redlined and segregated to all shit so the cast being mostly white with the diversity coming from the hero side makes a lot of sense. For another the changes to Amber's personality are not for the better or even lateral, they're horrendous character assassination turning a fairly good portrayal of a superhero girlfriend into a laughable parody of a domineering feminst GF from hell. She literally expects Mark to spend time with her instead of helping people for fuck's sake.

>Red hair and pink
Wtf were they thinking? It's one of the golden rules.

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When they hire writers, they don't pick the best, they pick based on low pay or nepotistic/crony/blowjob referrals.

But seriously why does it matter?! After she gets knocked around by her next bf she becomes irrelevant.

I'm going to guess a lot of these writers have poor relationships with their mothers and have never had a good, platonic or otherwise, relationship with a woman that isn't BPD as hell.

white incels would have raged at a hapa getting a wyte gril.

i don't see the problem.

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I’m going to cum buckets when she becomes a braphog in the show

>are you going to pretend something you didn't say is true
What would be the need for that?

>tourist attempts to pretend he's not screaming and crying about black people again
>can't even make one post without calling someone an sjw because they noticed what a pathetic racist faggot he is
>pretending for even a second that amber has any value as a character in the comic he hasn't read

>one character in a high school is black
>no, that's impossible, it would never happen in any suburb ever, this is inexcusable

The chances that a white guy dates a black girl is less than 3%
It's one of the most uncommon pairings in the world

No they won't. It's not about pissing people off its about normalizing interracial relationships in an attempt to destruction of specific cultures.

>It's one of the most uncommon pairings in the world
I thought it was black-asian, which is funny because Mark is half asian

Don't forget that most of the people in the comic are even more emotionally detached than me, and I'm autistic as shit.
There really wouldn't be a problem if Mark didn't just take like 40 minutes out of his day to talk to Amber, and set up some ground rules for heroing with Cecil.
TAS Mark is kinda annoying with all his attempts at do-goodery, but none of the characters in the comic really gave a shit about civilian casualties or just the general loss of life. Mark was personally responsible for the death of millions, from the just Dinosaurus event alone, and probably millions more from the Invincible War. But he shows basically no regret, and rather uses it as a moral high ground to lord over people.
Point being, comic versions of characters are just kinda shitty in overall. TAS are kinda cringe sometimes, but now you only have 1 or 2 characters that act like unapologetic asshole rather than most of them.