Shut the fuck up and post frogs.
You know they won't.
>Sasha tried to kill herself in the S1 finale
>Marcy got herself killed in the S2 finale
What death related thing will Anne experience in the show finale
Wally is still a gigachad
40. OWL HOUSE DISNEY CHANNEL 9:00 AM 30 0.11 316
53. AMPHIBIA DISNEY CHANNEL 9:30 AM 30 0.09 292
Telling Marcy Taiwan has fallen to the PRC while she was away.
I can't believe sasha killed season 3b...
Darcy will save 3b!
It will involve an explosion.
Dorky is a joke.
That better not be Charlie Bigbottom...
Captcha rxxxx
Need more best girl.
>Pictures taken moments before disaster.
Nice. I got it.
Owlbros too strong... Frogbros, we must yield.
Mrs boobchuy
What is with the dichotomy? Lol cant people like different things or do we have to get political and divided over every fucking thing?
Marcy would catch fire if she stopped being gay for five seconds.
what did frogtard mean by this?
so who is hosting the streams now
You are.
Gotta wait till friday to see if anyone's gonna step up
Funny that the owltrannies are really quiet last week when Amphibia ratings mogging the absolute crap out of the owlshit house episode and now here they are again crawling out of their rathole just to seethe in amphibia thread.
Who would have guessed it's the owlspic that is trying to start shit. Go do your English Duolingo reps before coming back here, owlfaggot. Also, get fucked.
Way to prove my point, I don't know why you want to get yourself worked up overr nothing. I don't know why you think lesser of mentally ill people, maybe you should take care of your own mental health?
At least be semi on topic.
Endgame right here brothers
Made me laugh.
>brings out owl house in Amphibia thread
>call someone "obsses" which he even managed to spelled wrong
Imagine being this retarded owlspic. I'm losing brain cells just from trying to reread his post.
It's the tribefag. They're obsessed with TOH and being anti-yuri.
And honestly, a show lke Amphibia is a poor choice to be an anti-yurifag.
It's like being a homophobic musical fan.
i drawned some random shit
It's really funny considering Matt is a fan of yuri too.
Someone posted this in one of the threads.
I bet he waifus Amity.
>Frogs are nice
>But Toads are cooler
What did owls ever do to you? Settle down lol
That's the thing I never understood about people who make politics their identity, when you shout and ramble about nothing you just come across to the world as unhinged and embarrassing.
My advice to you, stop obsessing over politics, get a hobby, and meditate.
For some reason he does like Amity.
They co-opted the fry/burger thing too. Careful with your playful conflicts lest this nigga starts spam trolling.
I am excited for the new episodes. 3B has been going great so far, bros!
>homophobic musical fan
got a chuckle outta me
>everyone who disagrees with me is the tribefag
do frogfags REALLY?
>account doesn't even exist
Marcy's autism is equally annoying as hot.
Oh it doesn't? Oh well then I'll wait for the early mega
it's sad to see but it's true.
Dude it has been constant fucking tribemogging and spam shit in the last ten threads because of this one retard. If you aren't a tribefag or that retard spammer, then you might just wanna not start shit. Lincolnspic ruins these threads enough.
>Lincolnspic ruins these threads
he is the only reason why I keep coming back to these threads though
>the last ten threads
More like since season 2. 3A is when it got really noticeable.
She really is the perfect target for Sasha.
Is it appropriate that Anne had a stronger reaction to the reveal that Hop Pop buried the box to protect his kids than Marcy purposefully finding the box to steal her friends away from their homes just because she didn't want to move?
It's that damn blush that started it all. Or maybe TC, pick which is more preferred.
The irony coming from an owlnigger calling someone a tribefag. He actually ignoring the fact that his owltranny friend is the one who started the tribe warring in frog thread in the first place. He's not even hiding his own bias. Owltrannies are really the lowest form of inbreds, aren't they? Is this the side effect of getting their shitty cartoon canceled by Disney?
Get your eyes fixed, owltranny. Maybe you're the source of the problem here. Owlfaggot fans come into the thread, shit on the show by numberfagging and they don't see that they're at the fault here. That is a clear sign of mental illness.
Your right about the LoudHouse pedo but don't be a sperg and try to ignore the troll.
we lost...
always had...
Playful tribe posting has been a thing since basically the start (even precedes OH with Infinity Train). But it got way too sincerely volatile and looking back a lot of it was probably this one nigger's spamming. I always said not to reply to obvious trolls with the same images, lines, and autism.
Fair. I'll just go back to calling him a nigger. Here, watch:
>don't reply to anyone who disagrees with me and has an opinion outside the echo chamber
That guys not doing it
Yeah making Marcy a personal toy is good way to vent frustration and satisfy herself. She won't stop being autistic any time soon.
It'd be one thing if it were critical posts, but it's pretty much always just coming in and starting shit out of the blue. Fuck off m8.
I disagree with all of these except for maybe premise, and even that's shaky. They might have gotten sucked into different worlds, but OH is "wacky girl gets sucked into the world of her dreams" while Amph is "normal girl gets sucked into a world of her nightmares"
>le epic frogs are so scary lol xd
Imagine not being ranked in Disney+'s most-streamed TV show and then shamelessly claiming that your show is somehow winning. Birdshit in shambles.
Ok but why didn't you start?
They're disgusting but not that bad user.
You're talking about the frogs right?
>source? I dreamed it!
Hold up I gotcha user, I got a few to dump
Pathetic, m8. Go ahead and (you) yourself again. I'm not giving it to you.
you know, I'm a frogtard but he is kinda right.