>sued for foiling a suicide
>had to let a supervillain get away with a bank robbery because otherwise a kid would have died
>abandoned the chase to the cops pathetically because he couldn't give up his secret identity's priorities
>literal dead-end job where he gets reprimanded for letting the company lose money despite the fact that their earnings graph has literally no momentum
>four of the supers he trusted enough to attend his wedding die to capes
>he stumbles upon the fifth's corpse months after reading about his secret identity going MIA
>speedforce kid not allowed to compete in sports
>eventually learn the kid he saved the life of went on to murder basically everyone he ever knew from the old days apart from his wife and frozone
>all because he told him off too callously for trying to be a wannabe boy wonder
>gets to hear a full live broadcast of his entire family apart from his baby (apparently) getting vaporized over the pacific
is there any Disney character more utterly JUSTed than Robert Parr across 3/4ths of The Incredibles?
Sued for foiling a suicide
Other urls found in this thread:
>>eventually learn the kid he saved the life of went on to murder basically everyone he ever knew from the old days apart from his wife and frozone
first time considering it more deeply now that you mentioned,seriously fucked up
and all to beta test a superweapon for the purpose of fake hero theatrics.
most of those supers have biographies in the DVD bonuses btw
If It makes you feel better, he died shredded alive by a jet engine. That's one of the most gruesome deaths of a disney villain ever
If it came out today it would be be considered some weird trans acceptance allegory by twitter
Can I ask what that term means in context?
user, wat?
>dude ask a legit question
>could be new on the board
>immediately treated with hostility
Go back to r9k you autist.
Brendan Fraser
Social distancing made him lost his mind
Do they ever explain what happened to the Supervillains?
Just because Supers are outlawed doesn't mean they would simply stop
Desu probably a mixture of getting old and retiring or getting locked in federal max.
Never even seen those movies but reading that gave me a pretty hearty chickle, thanks OP!
Take your meds
lurk more has always been the acceptable response you fucking nigger
just watch the first,ignore the soulless cash grab that the sequel is
>is there any Disney character more utterly JUSTed than Robert Parr across 3/4ths of The Incredibles?
This more than evens out all of that bad shit that happened to him.
Got shot up by cops. In the Incredibles-verse, black neighborhoods get firebombed every week.
Are you sure?
Yes? This happens right before Syndrome dies
Bob can't be held to the responsibility of what Buddy did. Buddy did it in defiance of Bob in fact, it was his childish ego that prevented him from seeing the logic in Bob not wanting a power-less child to be involved in terrorists and bank heists. Maybe Buddy should have had a school counselor tell him straight but otherwise that shit's all on Syndrome.
Go back to your board robot
Id believe it, fucking everything is a woke bogeyman nowdays
whats turning red a bogeyman for
>Ya gotta hide being super!
Even though it has nothing to do with the story whatsoever and is utterly retarded I could see twitter trying to insert the gay into anything they can get their grubby hands on. (and I dunno make a fuckton of Mr.Incredible x Frozone art)
I thought the sequel was alright.
Robert gets one of the hottest wives in animation history, he's doing alright.
It's kind of explicitly a theme in 2 tbf, though it has nothing to do with Bob and frozone.
Honestly I think Buddy had some serious mental issues that went past a school counselor. My read of the Incredibles was that Buddy used Mr. Incredible as a crutch in his home life. Since his father is never explicitly talked about, my head cannon put him in a single mother household. He puts Mr. Incredible on a pedestal because he wants a stong father figure in his life (think batman and robin). Then when that moment comes he's given the 'I work alone' treatment. What really pushed Buddy over the edge here was.
>[hands Buddy to the police]
>Take this one home. And make sure his mom knows what he's been doing.
Bob just shattered this kids world, and to top it off he throws him to the wayside to continue his hero work. I get that he's just a kid, putting him danger's a bad idea, but things could have gone a whole lot better if Bob gave Buddy a chance. Put him out of harm's way to start with yes, but nurture his heroic spirit and innovative nature.
You are such a newfag
That's a kind idea, maybe if he'd have seen the merit of his tech perhaps but there's still the fact of having powers and not that makes this all a grey area. Wven if legislation wasnt a thing I doubt Bob would want to put him in harms way even if he cared to train him.
You make a good point, and Bob could have been less of a dick. Boomers I suppose.
Buddy put himself and others in danger for no reason. That deserves scolding, and Bob was under no obligation to be kind to him.
If you spend decades concocting a scheme to murder dozens of people because someone barely related to them was mean to you, the problem is you. Nothing Bob did or could have done would've made him any less or more responsible for Syndrome.
Jesus. I saw this movie like 5 times, but it looks like I completely forgot about all the murdering.
Nah that user is a bitch.
Return to reddit please
The Incredibles works so well because it wrapped a classic midlife crisis story around Superhero action.
The first two acts are pure kino
it literally means "cheated", or cheated in life
Has 'lurk moar' really become outdated? Being hostile to newfags has always been normal, nothing wrong with it.
>calling anyone else reddit
Yes, because many people, even a "niggers eating money" oldfag like me are sick and tired of people treating Yea Forums as their own personal toilet. We just want to discuss media and hobbies god dammit
>as their own personal toilet
Who's doing that? Simple gatekeeping can keep a degree of quality. Yea Forums still does it and is a markedly better media board than the rest.
A shitpost response turns into six more shitposts.
the bast bob could have done was take him home himself and give a heart to heart about the reality of superheroes while considering buddy's feelings
>That's one of the most gruesome deaths of a disney villain ever
Are you sure?
When you think about it like that, it's no surprise he almost choked out Mirage. Hell, if his family actually died, going full villain would have made perfect sense. And there'd be no one to stop him. Fuck, I want that AU.
>click expecting to see atlantis
>it’s just a simple instantaneous hanging
Probably one of the most humane ways to day.
With super herorics illegal, police can treat anyone using powers the same as someone firing a machine gun at civilians. Small calibers bounce off a few supers, but police snipers can handle the job 99.9% of the time. And if the cops can't handle it, the military probably can with even bigger guns. It's probably a lot safer to deal with them that way than having a second superhuman wrecking up the place.
Very believable, “oldfag”.
Don’t make me pull out Buck Cluck again, the old man that only sees objective value in his son and abandons him when they make a movie out of him.
You might say he had... Hero Syndrome
Should've been a criminal.
>it literally means "cheated", or cheated in life
Thank you, user.
I was just curious, that's all.
If Bob somehow learned of that ahead of time, would he have let him fall?
..Actually Based for once.
>I'm sick of Yea Forums being a toilet so i scream at anyone that asks questions about old memes
All of the family member's arcs were not only grounded in realism but very well done given the runtime of the movie. Helen being the overworked mother who has to confront the possibility of a cheating husband, Dash being a troublemaker due to no outlet for his gift, and Violet slowly gaining confidence in herself are all handled alongside Bob's midlife crisis plot. The Incredibles 2 had no chance of being as good writing-wise because the first movie was just so tightly written.
In order to have a sequel you need something to say. The sequel said nothing. It was fanfiction. The first one has no jumping off point, every arc was concluded. Same with Finding Dory, where are you gonna go? What else do the characters need to do?