Hero fought for the Confederacy during the civil war

>hero fought for the Confederacy during the civil war

How did DC get away with this with Jonah Hex

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Was he created before or after the Comics Code?

Simple: he didn't like slavery and deserted after the Emancipation Proclamation.

He actually surrendered to the Union Army, and refused to sell out his former Confederates during his imprisonment. They found out anyway because apparently time lost Batman was in the Union army at the time or some shit, goddamn.

The Confederacy prior to the late 90s was seen as a weird regional anomaly that was kind of bad but mostly just exotic and different, which made it a perfect origin background for edgy antivillain and antihero characters. The South in general was stereotyped as weird and exotic as often as it was stereotyped as backwards, which gave it a sort of macabre allure, until the 2000 election and subsequent events ramped negative attitudes towards the region and its history into overdrive and mass interstate migration concurrently eliminated its mystique as an isolated and exotic place.

>Was he created before or after the Comics Code?
He was created in 1972, right after the Comics Code got loosened up.

Hex is a turbomurderer and generally a bad person, no one gives a fuck that he was a confederate because he's not supposed to be a moral paragon.

Because the Confederates have some edge to them and they weren't retroactively made super turbo evil by then, they were still humans just on the wrong side
probably this

When he was made most people understood Southerners who fought for the confederacy fought out of loyalty to their state/the south, and/or they believed in states rights strongly not just because they loved slavery or some shit

Later on they retconned his whole backstory so he was a literal slave to native Americans anyway lol, so he deserted when the emancipation proclamation happened

A morally ambiguous series with former Confederate leads is pretty much a Western subgenre.

>Southerners who fought for the confederacy fought out of loyalty to their state/the south
Sure this makes sense
>and/or they believed in states rights strongly not just because they loved slavery or some shit
I mean come the fuck on dude, no one fought to keep niggers as a legally official lower class? It was their love for states rights?

NC user here, last in and last out bitchnigger and you better believe the vast majority of people fought for states rights. How can I be sure? Because there are still hillbillies passing down the oral history and you know what? The vast majority of people in the south didn't own slaves and didn't interact with slavery outside of the economics (jews did, but that's a different talk entirely) and had no interest in slavery beyond the federal government's ability to impact their livelihood.

Literally only a tiny minority of the super rich actually owned slaves.

The vast majority of the soldiers who fought for the south did so because they believed in a USA that put states rights higher than federal ones. Slavery was just the wedge issue that forced it at the time.

The south has spent over a century whitewashing the Confederate history and glorifying traitors.

I don't think farmer joe took up arms against the North because some plantation owners in his state were gonna lose some slaves.

You don't have to own slaves to benefit from having an established underclass, it makes your goods cheaper because they're produced by slave labor, it means that you will never be expected to do the really shit jobs if you live in any kind of populated area because slaves will do them, and if you do happen to be a poorfag white with a hateful heart, it means you get to feel superior to the pitiful niggers regardless of how bad your life gets. You actually think at 1860 education level the average soldier was making some nuanced decision to fight for states rights? As I agreed loyalty makes the most sense but the tangible benefits of slave labor also makes sense.

Oh surely that oral history hasn't been altered after violent repression of those who continued to beat the drum for slavery after union occupation.

Imagine thinking confederates were fighting to enslave blacks.

Is not a white man entitled to the sweat of a black man’s brow? That’s commie talk, user.

It’s funny that Hex came out before the Clint Eastwood movie, The Outlaw Josie Wales, which follows an ex Confederate Soldier in the Wild West.

The economics of the South didn't really work that way, as slaves were used to produce cash crop commodities, with most manufactured products and finished goods needing to be imported.

being an Ex confederate soldier is a somewhat standard origin for western/pulp characters John Carter is another example

People only started taking a wide heavier issue with romanticizing or tolerating a group that ultimately wanted to put the ancestors of their countrymen in chains recently.
We're probably unironically going to start doing some stuff with founding fathers iconography before too long. I don't feel they should be reduced to "slave owner assholes" considering their importance to the forming of our nation but it's hard for me personally to rebuke someone saying they're not sure how they feel about working under the watchful eye of a dude that for instance knew slavery was wrong but just couldn't feel strongly enough to actually free his.

I don't know about your state, but the Mississippi articles of secession plainly state the maintenance of slavery as their primary ambition in fighting the union. The Lost Cause Myth is just that, a myth, and it has been perpetuated by bad actors like the Daughters of the Confederacy and misleading historians like Shelby Foote. The South seceded and attacked the Union in order to maintain its amoral and extremely profitable institution of slavery for the benefit of its land owning elites. States Rights is just a flimsy excuse fed to the rank and file who otherwise wouldn't give a fuck about black people.

>Literally only a tiny minority of the super rich actually owned slaves.
They still went to war over it, and the vast majority of Confederate soldiers were not humane towards black slaves nor did they wish for them to be freed.

Here's a question. What's something you think people will think we're disgusting for today in a few hundred years?

January 6th
The Big Lie

How much of the furtherment of our technology is built off child work camps and mines in third world countries.

>John Carter of Mars was also a Confederate.

The Trans-cult.
Tolerating the existence of the CCP.
Either eating meat if lab grown takes off hard, or eating lab grown of alternatives are found.
Jan 6th.
The COVID reaction will probably be seen the same way the dancing plague is.

>John Carter of Mars was also a Confederate.
>His character and courtesy exemplify the ideals of the antebellum South.
this is probably another reason we will never get a john carter of Mars film ever again, but that would probably be a good thing.

Honestly I'm happy for Hollywood to leave things I love the fuck alone. It's better this way.
I'd rather wait for their inane faggotry to finally implode, hopefully the next generation after them are willing to put aside their personal politics and just stay true to the art they produce.
Maybe then we'll get a decent film. But until then let the franchise slumber.

The 1% running the Confederacy were the slave owners. The people fighting and dying for the confederacy were common folks who loved their states.

>The people fighting and dying for the confederacy were common folks who were bullshitted by the 1% that they were losing "their way of life".

Wasn't Hex rasied by natives? This tribe more then likely would have been 100% fine with slavery.

Oral history is great and all but we have the confederate constitutions declarations of independence and they all mention slavery by name.
What other rights didn't they have?

And what was the result of the war?
>Federal domination of the states
>Complete demonization of southern culture
>'All Southerners are filthy redneck hillbillies and dangerous ones at that!'
>Complete poverty in the region when before it was an agricultural powerhouse
Me oh my, it's almost like they did lose their way of life.

Yes, the CSA was constantly plagued by issues of soldier retention that only grew worse as the war dragged on.

Most people fail to see the dramatic irony in having an ex-slave get suckered in by CSA rhetoric.

And if Oedipus had stayed his ass home he wouldn't have ended up a motherfucker.

You won't get more John Carter movies because it's an expensive premise and people don't give a shit about pulp created over a century ago. People aren't even interested in Tarzan anymore.

>Complete poverty in the region when before it was an agricultural powerhouse

Because of slavery.

states rights to do what

Yeah and the way you solve that problem is you do what the bongs did
>You can't have slaves but we're going to pay you to free them since they were property when you bought them, so, we buy them, we free them, no more slaves, done
At which point the South can afford things like those new fangled tractors and shit.
As oppose to
>Hey fuckboy, your property is no longer yours, eat a big fat dick.

>Federal domination of the states
>Complete demonization of southern culture
Southerners never gave a single fuck what Yankees thought of their ways
>>'All Southerners are filthy redneck hillbillies and dangerous ones at that!'
Redundant with above
>Complete poverty in the region when before it was an agricultural powerhouse
You realize it was the 1% getting rich with the "agricultural powerhouse", and this continued after the war. The only thing that really changed was the mechanization of cotton farming.

To murder niggers, which is based

Bong slaves were man servants for the most part, not bought in bulk for manual Labor.

bought *and bred*

And what's that got to do with the price of bread?

>Yes, we have this massive labor pool, taken by force, that runs against not only the basic fundamental principles of this Union we willingly joined, but is also completely contrary to the teachings of Christ which we proudly proclaim ourselves to be adherents to.
>Oh you want us to stop this barbaric shit? Then pay us off!
Shooting them was the correct choice.
Are you going to start buying little realdolls for child-fuckers too?

i think this counts as ad hom

>Oh your property is your property? Thing again fuckbag, any time we, the glorious United States Government, deign, we can proclaim that your property is retroactively illegal and seize the shit out of it without any compensation. And what can you do? You can suck a dick pleb.
What was that about 'Federal overreach' being Hyperbole?
Eminent Domain and Asset Forfeiture are both direct results of your way of thinking. Get fucked if you think people who did something legal at the time should be punished after the fact for having done it. Post-Hoc law application is the sign of a barbarian nation and always has been.
But oh, you don't care because it's something you disapprove of. Well that changes it entirely! Who needs principles or restraints on the power of the state when you can divide the entire world into two categories
>Things that make pp go PP
>Things that make PP go pp
It'll work out great, fan-fucking-tastic.
As long as the government agrees with you.
The day it doesn't, that's when it'll click why people were kvetching about those weird things you didn't understand like 'fairness' and 'reasonable application of the law'.
That is if you ever have the courage enough to form a fucking conviction on anything rather than just going 'I always supported the current standards!'

Human beings should never have been classified as property. It runs contrary to the word and intent of the founding documents and principles of America, and the teachings of Christ.
It'd be like you buying a bunch of orphans on a black market and putting them in a sweatshop, and insisting the government compensate you for taking them away.

You know nothing of Bong colonial slavery.

The pre- and post-war economics of the South are an entire topic among themselves. But I doubt anyone here is going to talk about how cotton production remained the primary export and industry in the South post-war, the inherent instability of agrarian economies, or the lack of liquidity and its impacts on economic growth and diversification.

Yeah but they were and it was legal so cope harder on the Jesus-groping.
Anyone buying slaves after it's declared fully illegal can eat a dick, but anyone who did it before the official legislation that made it illegal has to be compensated. It's not their fault that you declared something illegal after they already did it. Why should they be out of pocket because of your whimsy?
>Not that you'll answer that because you can't answer it, all you can do is fall back on 'Muh Jesus' and 'Muh founding document (That didn't make it illegal at the time but muh intent)'

i honestly just think slavey was kind of awkward

owning slaves in the UK itself was a weird Gray area in the UK Law. they were court cases in the mid 18th century in Scotland to prove slavery was illegal in Scotland (Knight v Wedderburn (1778). most of the slaves that emancipated by them were in Colonies in the Carribian, Bermuda, Belize, and Africa.

I agree, but we're talking about what's the fair and legitimate way to deal with ending it.
We have two options:
>Buy them and release them
>Big war and lots of people die
First is more practical, why didn't the North do it if it was just about ending slavery and not a single other thing honest guv?

Slavery was broadly legal in America while it was a British colony, it was made illegal in Northern states post-Revolution. The South felt reliant on it and wouldn't follow suit, so after a lot of argument it was eventually decided to shoot some motherfuckers.
Really, the only bad decision was to stop the shooting, and not hanging the ringleaders.

war is fun

>It wasn't illegal in the south
And again you side-step the question without engaging, because you're a fucking brainlet and a coward.

Shooting people you disagree with is THE founding principle of 'Murrica.

I hate all of you, this is why we can't talk about the best run of comics this side of TLaToSM. Even the new 52 reboot with it's forced relevancy with the Gotham mythos wasn't too bad. It gave us hot motorcycle hex and a golden ending for our boy.

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But we're literally talking about his background and conception which is using the Confederate soldier thing fo make him an edgy western character

This is what Confederate larpers refuse to accept.

>>Complete poverty in the region when before it was an agricultural powerhouse
Gee, I wonder what changed to cause this...

I think meat eating and certain consequences under capitalism are both pretty plausible. Both things a lot if not most people think are kinda fucked up in the back of their minds but are feel they either can't do anything about but are still unwilling to change for some reason or another.

>*but feel
>*or are

.Fair. I guess I'm just mad it's always the civil war shit flinging and now how good Grey and Palmiotti at comics. Not only were each issue a good stand alone read but you had
>Tallulah black
>El Diablo
>Old west hawkman and hawk girl
>Hot Chinese Kung Fu Chick
it was a full world Hex lived in but just this side of feeling like a batcomic stuffed to the gills with too many failed pushes

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You think the meat eating is bad; watch this
>What we're going to do with all the animals we've raised for meat after we make the switch across.

>Really, the only bad decision was to stop the shooting, and not hanging the ringleaders.
This. Reconstruction was a mistake.