ITT: Yea Forums characters ruined by coomers

ITT: Yea Forums characters ruined by coomers

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Literally every character to ever exist on this board

There is a reason why the Yea Forums is short for Yea Forumsomer.

lilo dora lily loud maggie simpson lisa simpson...

You mean improved tranny. Sex is based. Now kill yourself.

There's a reason she has Wade do internet searches for her

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>Sex is based
then why don't you ever have any?

bitches don't know about my rule 34

Jenny and Frankie.

Jenny and Frankie would be forgotten alongside their mediocre shows if it wasn’t for coomers.

You’re retarded and a nigger.

Go back.

he's right though

If you’re a retarded nigger

I have, both sex as in I kept my genitals, and sex as in I used them, unlike you.


The obvious example is Erin Esurance.


How about characters improved by coomers

>Erin Esurance

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No better word for outing yourself as a stranger to this site.

use them as in piss or masturbate?

Literally all of them.

Rent free.

Used them to fuck your mother and give her a son who wont cut off his genitals.

Pics or it didnt happen kid.

gg wp
hang up yer keyboard faggot,
you are done for today.

He’s right. Especially when it comes to Modifyers.

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Zoomers will never know what she did for us.

why ruined? How did lewd fan arts ruined the character itself?

Frankie? Probably not, Foster's Home is one of the well-known CN ones during the 2000's.
Jenny? Maybe. Certainly a higher chance than Frankie because Nick did a Nick post S1.
But i think this post definitely applies to Agent Xero, i had no idea the Modifyers was even a thing thanks to Yea Forumsomers and maybe unironically thought it was a scrapped Butch Hartman show because of the artstyle at one point.

I didn't even know MLaaTR existed until I came to Yea Forums
Completely flew under my radar and I watched all kinds of obscure shit

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Wait people are drawing porn of me?

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They knew what they were doing with this design tho. Kim was never meant to be a sex symbol.

pepe and wojak associated terminology is equally cancerous as pepe and wojak imagery. Therefore, anyone and everyone who posts it deserves to be doxxed, hunted down, and murdered for being a blight not only to this board and this website, but also to the collective intelligence of the entire human race. Moreover, they must be reported as soon as possible and as much as possible for violating>>>/global/rules/6 and >>>/global/rules/10

I'm in agreement with this guy
Rule 34 has become an active challenge for people to try and ruin characters as fast as they can before we often even know anything about them

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How can porn ruin the source material? They are completely separate things.

Not him, but right back at ya.

call them perpetual masturbaters, then, would that not trigger you, you little snowflake?

It less that she was sexualized and more that people drew so much porn of her that esurance had to remove her from their ads

Hell even today when you search her you get lewds, even despite google censuring their results, which they didn't do back in 2007

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Not Yea Forums, but Palutina, Gardevoir and Dark Magician Girl

>every time people talk about ''worst episodes of animation'' some episode of foster is always there
why a ''good'' show has many bad episodes?


She didn't deserve it. It just isn't right.

Cope, nigger. Pepe and wojak are part of western comics and cartoons.

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troons btfo forever

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Astrid Oink Oink

More people remember Bloo and Wilt then Frankie

Why does this only seem to be an issue with western characters?
There's a near-endless amount of porn of every single anime character ever made and yet I never see these retarded posts about how "UGH, COOMERS *RUINED* TANJIRO!" or "FUCKING COOMERS, NOW I CAN NEVER LOOK AT HENRIETTA THE SAME WAY AGAIN!"

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full pic?

continue to seeth and cope tranny. Literally nothing in the rules you posted have anything to do with what’s been posted here. If you really care about what is posted on an anime meme website then I suggest going outside or having sex.

Like how Scorbunny had porn 10 minutes after it was leaked

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2ch isn't full of twitter troons and tumblrinas that have been groomed by their teachers into being Marxist gender goblins so it's not a big deal for them that a character is drawn to be attractive.

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We had r34 of Korra when we only had a pic of her from behind.

i said "well-known", not "good".

I don't think I'll ever get why fem-coomers seem to love Starscream so much.

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Is it so difficult to google 'pregnant Ty Lee'?

Apparently it is, I can't find it anymore.

pics or it didn’t happen

How the fuck could you tell she was pregnant? She looks like a kid.

>People drew lewd art of a character that I need to go out of my way to find and has in no way impacted the source material?
>The entire character is absolutely ruined I can never like them or watch their show again!!!
Do you not understand how retarded you sound?

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Because he's Megatron's bitch. Fem-coomers flock to that yaoi shit, especially if they are also weebs which let's be honest, most of them are.

There was also a deviantart chick who used to make a shitton of Animated Starscream porn.

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same with Meko from glitch techs

Many of those shows and manga aren’t aimed solely on children, or have a much wider appeal beyond having female characters in them. Also the series that are solely based around female characters at least are upfront about it and market themselves as such, because they have faith that an adult fanbase would support them through channels that aren’t readily available, like merch or Blu Ray. By contrast, Yea Forums sees threads dedicated entirely to female characters from young children’s media with very little discussion on the show outside of it. Nobody watches Glitch Techs or Twelve Forever or hell, good luck finding discussion on Star Vs or Gravity Falls anymore.