How do you make Amity gayer?
The Owl House
By becoming OP
Give it a couple of days
Given how her mother and father are the focus of the next episode.
Please dont redeem Odalia. I dont care HOW BAD or how SHIT this show gets just DONT redeem Odalia and I will NEVER say anything about this series EVER again.
So the manchildren can cry about that next?
Make her Canadian
You don't, she is already as gay as she can be.
This is how Eclipse Lake should have ended.
Not that I give a shit that Hunter is redeemed since the outcome was inevitable but fuck, are we still pretending Hunter is a threat when he exists only to be emasculated by everyone?
Like the people who defend his character arc and writing are completely fucking full of themselves they're not even doing a good enough job bothering the people who only participate in these threads for the shipping aspect
What do you think her full routine looks like?
Considering what the leaker said I'm convinced she'll be redeemed
give her more girlfriends. just make her the star of a harem anime with lots girls
Hunters whole existence comes down to being a tool, and this till only has a life expectancy of one more month
And hunter gets mind broken in hollow mind
Situps, weight lifting and hugging Hunter
seperation 9s needed
All of this and i still don't get whay you're trying to convey? why do you dislike Hunter in particular?
Me, i think he hasn't been writen well, the story can't decide what it wants to do with him. Couple that with the cancerous fanbase he amased for the unfortunate luck of being the closest thing to a male character on the main spot and you get the worst of both paths: people that hate him for reasons that don't have to do with his character and a fanbase that doesn't see him as a character at all. Is sad, i'm sucker for abuse victims finding peace and i still think he can be funny at times with his interactions with Rascal. But i can't be bothered.
damn more popular artists are getting in on this couple. Steli and Lara Jena is also drawing something for Huntlow.
>Why do you dislike Hunter
He isn't a Character. Anyone who claims Hunter is a Character is retarded.
He's a plot device PRETENDING to be a Character. Nothing about him feels important other then Belos supposedly needs him for the day of the Titan and he's too dumb to figure out he's suppose to be the sacrifice
The Time Travel episode couldn't make it more abundantly clear what Hunter's gonna be used for.
Well the leaker said that when it came down to it they would choose the right course of action and protect their family
Something like that
They also insinuated that Belos would use blackmail if Hunter gets too out of line and that he will have massive issues after he realizes he isn't 'a real boy'
Otherwise it seemed really cryptic
They also said ' all well be revealed in hollow mind' and 'titan where at thou' but mostly in hollow mind
I hope we get to learn where Belos gets the Hecate statue from which can petrify people
Damn poor Hunter...I hope the hex squad will save him. (let Willow have her Boyfriend.)
Does he has reasons to imply he is the sacrifice? He isn't aware of all the owl has seen.
Nothing. This leak means absolutely fucking less then nothing and this is just this general getting worked by shitposting
Odalia has shown up 1 TIME and then disappeared for several months and not showing up in episodes it would make sense for her to be in. You know LIKE ECLIPSE LAKE
Hey Amity that's a neat looking Palisman. Where did you get it? You actually knuckle down and use money or the company credit card to buy yourself a really nice palisman? Did your mom buy it for you? Did you mom insist that no daughter of a Blight heiress is gonna get a used Palisman made from inferior Palisman wood?
Is the show gonna address any of this? FUCK NO!
Doing the best for her family doesn't necessarily mean she will be redeemed. She can care about her family and still be a bitch.
Given this last episode she might be one of the most important bonds to get through to him. Along with the rest of his friends he keeps in contact with.
The picture of them has to be important just like the grom pics.
>you're not allowed to like Hunter
>you're not allowed to ship him with who you want
>you're not allowed to enjoy the show the way you want
Fuck off.
Literally what could be meant by that is her going over to Luz and telling her "As much as I dont like my daughter risking her life for YOU if the Emperor is gonna doom all of us and all of magic in general then I have no choice. If you bring her back safe we'll talk but if she dies and i'm still alive come the day of the titan I will get an abomination to kill you. I'll even have Alador make it for me."
Begrudging Compromise is the ONLY acceptable "redemption" for a character like Odalia and even then when the crisis is over she should then be pressuring Amity to consider taking the spot of the now empty Emperor's Coven.
Imagine Hunter losing control and turning into a monster and the only way to get to him is through his anchors like in Kipo. Flapjack, Willow and the Emeral Entrials would be the one who help him get back to be himself.
I think so too. It's interesting how much this ep is like a combination of WiLW and EGF.
It might make him realize just because he was made, he's still a real person/witch with friends that care about him. They can remind him he's still Hunter inside, if Belos tries to control him.
You should believe more in Dana's hack writing which only exist to push through here wish fulfillment fanfic
Yeah the leaker also said his friends help him
It is going to be important to deliver an important message of hope social media can and we'll ruin your life when you just pay pics willy-nilly and how everyone at the coven now knows he has a palisman which will cause him more suffering
>Hey why does the golden brat gets to keep his palisman?
>You see hunter i have to take flapjack, it is just had PR is I treat you differently, i feel no joy in this
>Then Belos laughs when he finally is alone and turns to flapjack: wow what a loser am I right?
Dana wouldn't even redeemed PACIFICA'S PARENTS which are what Amity's parents are based on.
I dont give a flying fuck if Alador gets redeemed. He seems like a nice guy who Amity has a stronger connection to anyway but fuck me if they take the Steven Universe or god forbid the She-Ra approach to this show then there is no hope
Better to go in a blaze of glory if Dana is NEVER finding work in the industry again after this is over. She cant even sell merch for this show anymore since that is owned contractually by Disney
And they have no interest in selling any merch unless its got that marvel or star wars logo plastered right on it.
Sorry they have just become my favorite group. So lively and just fun to write about!
Can't blame you the Entrails are friendship goals.
I hope we get a little more time with the two we never really saw much of, they seem fun
>Hunter: aren't you going to take my scroll?
>Belos: of course not, i mean i already know what you are doing ,but reading through your thoughts like this is kind of amusing. It's like I'm reading your diary except you spill it out all in the open. I haven't had so much fun in 100 years. Keep up the good work, 'sport'.
>Hunter: I don't know who I am, I'm not even a person
>Willow: You're a real person, you're an important member of the Emerald Entrials, you're Hunter, you're our friend.
I'm already crying
So am I the only one seething how what is clearly suppose to be Boscha's only real friend left in the world is now friends with Willow
Boscha isn't gonna knuckle under and be friends with Willow is she?
I'll fucking scream.
Boscha is still a bitch. Maybe during the final fight she'll have something. But she isn't a Entrail, let them have their moment.
I wont lie I did laugh for like 5 straight minutes how Dana is clearly just being spiteful towards the people who still like Boscha
>Luz did you hear something? It sounds like a Season 1 Side Character losing her relevancy given the current developments of the show
Somewhere Odalia was crying into a pillow. SHE LIKED BOSCHA!
Maybe Hunter was made to be with Willow all along?
I could give a shit. Pairing worst girl with worst boy?
Better then pairing worst girl with best girl.
Boscha deserves to be with Skara and now THAT isn't even an option anymore because she's friends with Willow.
Tell me more about the past golden guards, were they also homunculi? Why did they have witch powers and hunter doesn't?
>I wonder if homunculi just develop them way later but are therefore way stronger too
>The past guards just managed to stay alive until adulthood
>Something happened to the past guard 16 years ago and he was going to be the original sacrifice
>But then Belos had to make a new one who is literally half-baked
Skara has a boyfriend.....
It wouldn't surprise me, they complement each so well, they give me Lake and Jesse vibes
Bullshit. Who?
I see those two getting together in the future, all while their feelings grow for each other. (and after Hunter gets is WELL NEEDED THERAPY!)
They just seem like a post timeskip, but it's strongly hinted in the series.
Damn Willow looks way better in shorts than dresses.
The best part is how they help each other to be better, mostly Willow helping him. That's why they remind me of Lake and Jesse and how Lake helped Jesse to make his own decisions and to stand up for what he believes in.
I'm just here waiting for Belos to do a kegstand in the bat queen, would he drain her slowly over the curse of the month or gay in one go?
Nothing gay about going on a date with your bro, user.
so the people addicted to twitter can be angry at manbabies and strawmen that may not actually exist or care.
You're right, but he's also helping Willow in away. Letting her take command and stuff. They balance each other out really well.
I honestly love that Hunter can call the Entrails by their name so naturally but hesitate with Willow. He respects her so much.
One day Belos will be able to fish in peace
I just hope Vee will be relevant again before the season ends
The more I watch this scene, the more I like Darius. I already liked him but this makes him more than clean-freak villain or Alador's Rival. He's sensible, understanding and caring. Is Darius the coolest character in the show?
Willow is genuinely too much of an absolute cinnamon bun for this world, Hunter doesn't stand a chance at staying loyal to Belos with someone like her being nice to him
Dont care for Vee unless they wanna do a "Meanwhile back on Earth" episode which is about Vee learning human interactions and companionship and forming her own Lumity style ship with that one cheerleader girl who looks like a human Amity.