post great edits
Other urls found in this thread:
Did the booru get deleted?
Damn. That sucks.
This is some fetish shit, isn't it?
Any more Danny Phantom stuff?
Yes it's slime 99% of it is fetish garbage that should be on /aco/'s version but isn't because "reason"
yes, its on slimeanons imgur
>slimeanons imgur
sauce plz
You first.
Jannie's a slimefag, pass it on
Edited screencap by w-oo-t, of a western animated movie, btw, for clarity
Muscular edit when
Here you go man
let the edit speak for itself, quit slapping this garbage onto it
taking requests?
not like there was a lot of quality content there anyway
I guess I can take a request
shit, sorry for the low res pic
there are a couple Jackie pics i've seen and set aside recently that really make want to try to request nacho cheese edits at the /aco/ edit threads. I'm still surprised some decided to do this one.
These threads are 80% tumor tits edits that are 98% re-posts, so yes.
I'm surprised of this thread so far not being tumortits, it appears some slime homo is posting his rainbow diarrhea girls instead.
>Doesn't like big tits
Are you one of those homosexuals I keep hearing about?
Screw it, mind turning Verosika into a sexy slime girl?
>big tits
Based on your image that's nothing compared to past threads, those fuckers cream their pants every time they see two beach balls next to each other.
Quick rundown of how you sketch out the slime effect?
Well, I stand corrected.
Hi fatfag
Do you have other Verosika refs? Human Verosika's fine, but it feels like it'd look awkward with her hair blowing up like that, and I don't feel like doing a lot of background work to change it
It reminds me of an image where a guy leaked a bunch of nudes, and the girls were pissed at him. One of them said that her topless pictures had to come down because "only her husband and her daddy could see them". Them being her tig ol bitties.
It depends on the picture in question, and a lot of it is basically just down to personal preference and figuring out what looks good, but after you get the basic body shape down, it's mostly a matter of adding rounding off sharp corners, bridging together any close spots, and adding some drips hanging down off of hair, fingers, elbows, or rolling down longer vertical areas like limbs.
It also helps to try and find examples in the show itself of slimy effects or even characters to work off of, like my Demencia and Heed edits. G-Lo informed a lot of how things work there, particularly with regard to transparency.
Of course, there's no exact science to it, you could probably ask a bunch of different artists that draw slime stuff and they'd all give you a different answer, ultimately you just need to figure out what works for you.
that's great
care to do this one
Gave it a shot but the lens flare and grainy effects are making it look like shit and I don't have the energy to make it look presentable, sorry man.
is this ok?
I can probably work with that, yeah. Might have to wait til tomorrow though, it's getting late here
I sure do. My apologies for not getting back to you sooner
What is Jenny thinking about?
Biased mods and jannies the thread
No problem man, this thread moves at a glacial pace anyway so there was no real risk of me missing it.
Great work! I'm digging the patterns you gave for Verosika.
Fetish threads go on /d/, /aco/ or Yea Forums, regardless of sfw or nsfw.
I've been saying that to hyper tits and slim posters here... for a while
Since you're already familiar with turning Demencia into a goo girl, feel like giving her ripped replacement the same treatment?
Is this SFW?
Bit of a freudian slip fatfag
Not an edit, it is cool to see an edit design get some original art though.
>creamed corn star and banana janna
Kek I forgot all about these.
The look all Marco's face says less shock and more horror.
>Marco has the distinct taste of banana in his mouth every time after regaining consciousness from Janna's hypnotism.