""""""""""""""American"""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""comics"""""""""""""""""""""" lololololooololollo
""""""""""""""American"""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""comics"""""""""""""""""""""" lololololooololollo
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Sorry bro, can't show exposed bellies in a medium clearly meant for children.
Think of the autistic feminists who might be offended.
I think I see OP's problem. Unlike a yuro comic, both characters are over the age of 12. For shame, OP
why do these companies bend the knee whenever three schizos on Twitter that don't even buy their shit freak out
the only reason this happened in the first place is that Aaron is at the same time smart while being a massive retard, choosing a historical name for Pochahontas as an in-joke/reference for this character which so how to gain the notice of even more idiots on Twitter who complained to Marvel and Jason Aaron being too pussy that he is Capiulated to these people for whatever reason.
The question is why did they even need to do that when the mistake was letting Aaron use the name "Pocahontas" to begin with
If it was just some character with a random name no one would've cared
This was one of the stupidest overreactions I've ever seen
the simplest answer is that the Editor was most likely unaware is was a name for Pochantos so let pass though.
This, why do the opinions of feminists on twitter outweigh everyone else upset by the appeasement those three dykes online get? Theyre far more people upset by these changes then pleased with them
i dont understand the logic. im not american and idk who that person is but cant you use historically prominent figures in fictions because some of them have to be saints or something?
I doubt they were unaware but I think they were probably kinda dumb/naive and thought people would react differently since a lot of times people find real life historical characters appearing in fiction awesome. Like, Teddy Roosevelt shows up in a movie or a videogame and people are all "HOLY SHIT IT'S ROOSEVELT SO COOL" so I think they probably thought something similar would happen here
There's no reason not to use a name that pochahontas had.
It's just a fucking name.
i gotchu family
Americans get kinda asshurt about specific depictions of historical figures (usually the ones that aren't white/male).
It's not like with Japs where you'll get a depiction of Harriet Tubman as a magical girl who transforms at night to help slaves escape in some gacha game.
Why do companies just ignore the pearl clutcher sjws that get offended
Because they're stupid.
At this point modern American culture is largely dictated by who can get the most offended the loudest.
I cant wait until someone kills a bunch of feminists and scares the media into never bending the knee towards sjws again for fear of further similar violence
My point is they could've just changed the name instead of change the design of the character
I can look up tits on the internet. I don't need a coomer writing my comic books.
They could have, but the issue is kind of dumb to begin with, they shouldn't have to change anything.
I can look up pretty pictures on the internet, I don't need to read comics.
There is no piece of media that you've consumed that hasn't been massively altered before being released.
Do you think you're making some kind of coherent point here?
Nah, I'd move on to movies if that was the case. I read comic books, not just look at them, weeb.
Probably because they use the algorithm for their own gain
Sorry, but comic writing is so shit that I can't see myself reading them.
If I want to read something I'll go read an actual book, in an actual medium, not just one for children.
There is no piece of media that exists in a pristine, unaltered state. Everything you've ever experienced has been edited or changed to better suit your interests. Your dichotomy is simply false.
It's okay, illiteracy is nothing to be ashamed of. You can go back to your Harry Potter books. I hear they have some nice pictures.
Again, what is the point you're trying to make here?
Are you actually trying to compare a creator making changes to their own work while creating it to a corporation mandating changes to an existing work because of complaints on the internet?
This is the kind of shit you would see in defense of China censoring movies.
But I guess movies are a real respected medium, unlike comics, so maybe it makes sense.
>medium for children
>comic is literally rated Mature
>they definitely knew this name nobody knows but they’re probably naive.
Dumb logic.
It was the difference between a garish, coomer-tier design and one that actually fits the character. I'd say the corporation was right here. You're welcome to suggest whatever censorship fantasy you got going on in your head.
The opposite would happen, they would be martyrs. That should would just lead to calls to ban guns and more gay shit.
>It was the difference between a garish, coomer-tier design and one that actually fits the character.
Wow, again, the exact same kind of justification that China has for censoring movies.
I guess you Americans are more like the Chinese than you want to admit.
>Like, Teddy Roosevelt shows up in a movie or a videogame and people are all "HOLY SHIT IT'S ROOSEVELT SO COOL" so I think they probably thought something similar would happen here
Because you knowz sexualising Teddy is the same thing as an underage child bride who was kidnapped and ransomed by colonizers.
>muh china
Just about every rating board has a tendency to reduce sexual content in media. You're acting like a child who just found out Santa Claus isn't real. Do try to keep up with reality.
>Just about every rating board has a tendency to reduce sexual content in media.
Not nearly to the same extent as Americans, and this wasn't even a ratings board, it was a corporation.
Ironically, American laws are very lenient when it comes to the depiction of sexual content, it's just that American people such as yourself have some kind of brain rot that makes you even more insane than the Chinese.
I'm sure you wouldn't be making these arguments if a gay sex scene was censored, but we all know how you Americans are nowadays.
>Not nearly to the same extent as Americans
This coming from a histrionic retard who cries about China? Give me a fucking break lmao
>I'm sure you wouldn't be making these arguments if a gay sex scene was censored
I don't watch gay porn.
>This coming from a histrionic retard who cries about China?
I'm only comparing you to China since you Americans tend to bitch about China more than anyone else despite being just as retarded.
>I don't watch gay porn.
Could have fooled me.
Because everyone from boomers to zoomers were pussywhipped as children.
Because these creators live in San Fransisco where streets are full of fat rainbow hairs.
What issue, these will probably become valuable will scoop them up
Discord tranny detected.
>I'm only comparing you to China since you Americans tend to bitch about China more than anyone else despite being just as retarded.
This word salad makes no sense. China censors fucking ghosts. We're talking about sexual content, which just about every fucking rating board has a bias against.
Go watch porn already, good lord.
>We're talking about sexual content, which just about every fucking rating board has a bias against.
So Russia banning homosexuality from all media because its "pornographic material that harms children"-sounds right with you? Cool.
>So Russia banning homosexuality from all media because its "pornographic material that harms children"-sounds right with you?
Would you like me to nuke the fucking country or something? You're such a fucking idiot, dude. Your arguments are all over the place.
Rating boards have a bias against sexual content. That's reality. Cope with that.
>China censors fucking ghosts. We're talking about sexual content
China also censors gay sexual content.
Is this okay or is this bad?
So how do you fight back against them if we cant just kill them or use violence to scare them into shutting up?
funny that anglos and woke indians are slaughtering indians again lmao. they will simply lose their representations in media bc without the approval of anglos in high positions and woke indians, indian characters cant get any "rights" to exist there. i dont really know what normie indians think about it but if they keep leaving the woke alone then it just virtually means they also accept the indian genocide ver 2.0
We don't need some kike ratings board trying to dictate what we can and can't do.
>Didnt answer the question.
Tell us of your hate of the gays. Also I'm not the same user.
>Rating boards have a bias against sexual content.
user, you're pulling this out of your ass.
The OP wasn't censored because of a ratings board, it was censored because American corporations capitulate to retards on Twitter.
You simply can't, fat! Now go on back home while we make America truly great again.
Lol, I can't think of a single non-Chinese/Russian ratings board that would ban the depiction of an exposed belly in a fucking comic, what the fuck are you even talking about?
There's a difference between something like the censorship of genitals and the censorship of something innocuous like a fucking exposed stomach.
Stop acting like you don't know that.
>Is this okay or is this bad?
I don't care. It's not my country. I literally can't do a fucking thing about it, unless you want me to invade the chinks to get you that gay porn you keep asking for.
>I don't care. It's not my country.
Okay, if it was happening in your country, would it be okay?
Would you be okay with a conservative American state doing something like, say, banning the depiction of gay relationships in children's media?
Have fun with the rise of rape and misogynist crimes then, you foids deserve it for taking away our sexy comic book women
You don't care about gays being censored? You must be an alt-right nazi.
>user, you're pulling this out of your ass.
user, X-rated movies are not massively distributed. The Saw series went on for a decade. Think for a fucking second before posting.
i like both, silk draped bust is my fetish.
your move faggot posting reddit pictures
Cant wait till sleepy joe gets his head ventilated
>user, X-rated movies are not massively distributed.
The OP isn't X-rated, are you fucking retarded?
And X-rated movies are still distributed regardless, they're not outright banned.
Seriously, you must be trolling, you can't actually be this fucking stupid.
>Okay, if it was happening in your country, would it be okay?
I think my country's doing just fine in that area. Y Tu Mama Tambien is universally praised.
Ahh, right, there it is.
Definitely a troll.
Tits and ass were already covered, so the comic turned from PG-13 to PG-13. So the censorship was completely pointless from a financial standpoint.
Meanwhile, where artistic freedom is preserved...
Have fun when the next hitler gets elected because you feminazis couldnt leave our sexy cartoon women alone
>The OP isn't X-rated, are you fucking retarded?
I wasn't talking about the OP's pic, you fucking retard.
>And X-rated movies are still distributed regardless
I'm sure your amateur gay porn is doing decent numbers on faggotass.ch, but that doesn't mean you'll get a massive distribution. It is therefore inconsequential.
>Seriously, you must be trolling, you can't actually be this fucking stupid.
You're so fucking dumb you can't even keep up with me. Not a good sign lmao
Then don't buy products from a company run by a guy literally named Kike Perlmutter you fucking retard. I'd say vote with your dollar but you've never purchased a comic in your life which is half the reason you're chimping out because you know you have zero influence here to begin with even on the most minute scale. If you faggots wanted to send a message about cheesecake being loved you'd go and make Zenescope the number one market share publisher next month, but you won't because you aren't actually moving the needle in the comics industry in any way, because you're casual outrageniggers, the tails of the coin to the SJW heads.
>le coomer meme
Time to play the game of "trad or troon"
Sad because your gay argument died on the spot? I mean, Jesus, Brokeback Mountain came out in 2005 was a success and it didn't even need graphic sex. How fucking wrong were you lmao
>fucks given when the issue came out
0, doesn't fit the narrative
>censor happen
I hate how now the left are conservative prudes just like the right are
I fucking despise purity culture
Just about every piece of media you own was reviewed by a ratings board. You're not a brave rebel. You're a consumer.
Okay, groomers.
Not him but the mpaa should be dismantled and we should have nudity and gore in all future content
>You don't care about gays being censored? You must be an alt-right nazi.
Not that guy, but yes, I am.
The entire political left has abandoned any pretext of having values beyond wanting to rape children and turn them into mentally ill tranny abominations, so I am going to become Giga Mecha Death Hitler 9001, except I'm actually going to commit genocide against them, unlike the holohoax.
>Sad because your gay argument died on the spot?
It really didn't, you just never answered the question because you're retarded.
Kids unironically deserve to have sexy naked women in their media, you troglodyte regressive prude
Because somehow these people tend to snowball their ideas out of proportion and gain traction
Ahh, Japan.
Even their kid's media is less scared of exposed skin than American media supposedly aimed at adults.
Someone sure is having an embarrassing meltdown over ancient news in this thread.
Any CEO that caters to and obeys twitter SJWs should have their head blown away
Why because the thought of children viewing sexy material turns you on? You enjoy corrupting the youth and making them brainless coomers like you?
I don't actually believe this but see how easy it is to make a MUH GROOMER argument?
The question was whether I hated gays or not. I don't. When that gotcha failed, you wanted me to hate other countries as if hating them would help in any material way. Then you wanted me to hate my own country, and I told you it was okay with gay content in films.
What else can you cry about?
Based on his posts and the fact that he's a Mexican, seems like he's a tradfag.
Turns out that they love censorship just as much as troons, which surprises no one.
jesus Oda is a fucking hack huh? If this arouses you you've never even been to a beach let alone had a sexual interaction with a woman.
All this pearl clutching is just going to make rapes and hate crimes against women skyrocket. We need cheesecake so we dont have to resort to getting our sexual fill through force
>i should be able to sexually titillate kids
Okay, groomer.
>The question was whether I hated gays or not. I don't.
Right, so you would not be okay with a gay scene being censored in a movie.
Kids deserve sexy media, fuck your backwards puritan fascism
I don't think marxists should be censored, I think they should be killed.
Tradcuck it is then.
Take your meds and go back to your containment board
Yeah, it's a shame we have to battle censors on multiple fronts now. Horseshoe theory is real and it's exemplified in these fuckheads.
>Any CEO should have their head blown away
Because contrary to popular belief, they buy the shit as often as anyone else does. If only to rip on it.
Yes, you've spammed your little fantasy more than enough times here. We get it.
>if i can't sexually arouse kids, i'll just rape women instead!
Gee, why would anyone want to stay away from your ilk.
Ah yes, the adventures of Conan Barbarian, minus the violence and people wearing very little clothes. I'll definitely spend money and read this heavily neutered incredibly generic version of Conan where nothing interesting happens, instead of just reading the versions that are closer to the original books.
Quality product Disney, I'm sure Conan fans love it and casuals will doubtless just blindly consume it and spend a lot of money on it.
>just put a dirty potato sack on her lmao
And video games cause mass shootings too right? You know other companies than Marvel publish comic books with tits in them right? No? You've never set foot in a comic book shop? Oh dear.
That's not the issue, tourist faggot.
Because the marketing departments are made up of the same schizos on twitter.
>i should be able to arouse kids
Okay, groomer.
>they buy the shit as often as anyone else does.
They really don't.
>bait thread that will reach bump limit
>Yeah, it's a shame we have to battle censors on multiple fronts now. Horseshoe theory is real and it's exemplified in these fuckheads.
I cant stand it anymore and i genuinelly want to go postal against all the prudeniggers and prudenigger enablers, i dont want to live in this puritan dystopia anymore
>not wanting to sexually arouse kids is "traditional"
I'd call it normal, really.
I'm just here to see if the mods will actually do their jobs and nuke the guy who's broken the global rules like 50 times.
I'm guessing no.
Have fun getting pumped full of aids and other diseases, itll all be your fault for taking away our sexy cartoon women
>And video games cause mass shootings too right?
Thats what you SJWs think though you projecting cuckold
Then you must not see much children's media in countries outside of Mexico and America.
Kids deserve sexy fan service and if you disagree you should be hanged unironically
>implying people who want sexuality in fiction are all groomers who want to fuck kids
"think of le children" has always been the hill people like you die on when it's children consuming media that they shouldn't which is the real problem
Learn to parent your fucking kids and don't just leave them with an iPhone to do whatever the fuck.
Why don't you just read Zenescope or Avatar (press, not the last airbender because I know that's what your casual brain will default to) retard? Marvel is obligated to publish sexy comics for you?
Specifically I assume it's because the historical Pocahontas, at least in the part of her life we remember, was 13 which clearly means this is a.) the same Pocahontas and b.) she's also 13 ergo c.) pedophilia, somehow.
Honestly, if I were doing any work that was in the public eye, I'd just declare myself trans, keep the same him/his pronouns, and dare anybody to challenge me. Nobody will because its the Third Rail of our culture currently, just create yourself a Get Out Of Jail Free card and move on with doing whatever you wanted to do in the first place with your newly-found teflon immunity to cancellation.
>Then you must not see much children's media
No adult does.
user, chances are he would just read manga instead.
Like most of the rest of the populace.
>Marvel is obligated to publish sexy comics for you?
Yes, any prudefag sentiment should be violently expunged from companies
Oh right I totally think that, that's why I just made fun of it as a concept and compared your retarded rape fantasy to it. Does your IQ get anywhere near the temperature outside your window?
Okay we will design her accurately
You can't win when dealing with these faggots
>>implying people who want sexuality in fiction are all groomers who want to fuck kids
Most of them are.
No they're not, take your meds and stop watching Infowars
Okay, buy a shitload of shares at Disney and make it happen. What's that? You're a raging poorfag? Oh boy.
You want to erasure sexy comic women so you absolutely also want to erasure violence in vidya next too, SJW prude
>is aware of media that panders to his tastes
>deliberately chooses one that doesn't
Sounds to me like you're a bunch of obnoxious retards.
>hurr im rich so i can do what i want
Funny how the left will betray all their convictions in the name of purity culture
Great, do that instead and fuck off to
No more like marvel shouldnt be pandering to feminist dykes who dont read comics
>Conan Barbarian without scantily clad women
>Written by Aaron Diaz.
That is definitely the main issue of this run of Conan. Take all the fun away from Conan license, then hire a certified retard to write it.
>>hurr im rich so i can do what i want
That's how it works, wagie. Get grinding.
>BTFO me?
Jesus fucking christ
So much for the workers party
user, believe it or not, it is possible to read a manga and shit on puritan American culture at the same time.
Or you can buy a shitty manga series and look at the tits. You've bragged about that much at least.
and their porn is censored to shit and back.
thanks for outing yourself. firefuck had a strong start until it devolved into your usual run of the mill garbage. if anything i hope david productions used that show in terms of objective quality and attention to detail to better themselves for their future projects.
>im here to see some sperg talk to themselves for 400 posts expecting moderation on a board with no basic moderation
my little pony scat porn is what you're looking for if you want a staff member to look at this thread. if the scat porn gets delete and the thread says up then you know someone is endorsing this behavior.
Nice headcanon, ideological traitor
Oh no, a coomer design in a barbarian comic you say?
>and their porn is censored to shit and back.
No, the issue is that he retardedly associated a character with a relatively respectable historical figure who is also a child, and then they responded with more clothing instead of simply leaving it at changing her name so it's not a reference. No one was complaining about bikinis in Conan. That's the standard dress code.
You don't read comics either retard. You just chimp out when you see things people tell you to get mad at on social media. When was the last time you bought a cheesecake comic like Grimm Fairytales?
Too late for that, theres nothing but retarded feminists at Marvel Comics, they fired the actual talent long ago. Go look for entertainment somewhere else. Marvel comics are aimed at trannies who don't read them. The whole division is kept afloat by MCU movie money and nothing else.
I'm pretty sure that has always been the case
For the record, this is still extremely offensive but now they covered the T&A. I don't know how you fuck up in a way where the problem is still there.
Wonderful example using fucking Boichi, who can't draw women to save his life.
This guy makes the ugliest females ever, putting the How to Draw Manga series to shame.
They complained about the name first: Then bikinis after the first change. Fuck off with your history revisionism, tranny.
But that's not what these retards are doing, they're demanding that Marvel publish cheesecake because if they don't it will ruin their way of life. You don't even actually read manga though, it's just you're superiority boogeyman for when you post in culture war threads, because that's what you're all actually here for, your little culture war.
What revisionism? You're agreeing with me.
>Only one type of person can think I'm retarded, anyone who disagrees with me fits into a neat little box
Except people complained about the bikinis after all and they censored it.
Funny how the legbeard with no interest in need media except to dismantle it because she hates anything that men enjoy would tell me that i dont read comics
indians are becoming very touchy characters thanks to woke shit. foreign countries are also starting to notice it. which means even if they have their modern character in media, to avoid cultural appropriation bs from america, it wont have any "cultural" features/personality.
its purely counter productive. ironically people who dont give a shit about cultural appropriation bs will have much more representations in modern media like many western nerds, even woke ones, freely use japanese names as online/fictional names.
>You don't even actually read manga though,
I'm literally reading a manga as we speak.
I'm also playing RDR2.
I don't think you even know what Grimm Faiytales even is.
You love cheesecake user right? Please show me all your Vampirella and Robyn Hood comics that you totally routinely buy to make an impact on the sales figures and show comic book publishers that cheesecake sells.
>indians are becoming very touchy characters thanks to woke shit.
Campus feminists and Karens with self-proclaimed 1/25th Cherokee genes are getting touchy.
Ah autism and ADHD what a combo
>indians are becoming very touchy characters thanks to woke shit
>why don't these fucking pajeets laugh when i mock their accents??
user, he literally said both name and appearance would change in the same public statement.
feather, not dot.
Which kinda proves the point in a way.
Well first thing you can do is stop supporting big cuck corporations and support indie coomer comics instead.
How many of you are actually getting off to this? It's like the degree to which you're complaining gives the impression that there's some kind of chronic masturbation habit at play or you're genuinely too scared and ashamed to just find actual porn like everyone else, because I don't really see any other reason you'd care about left to right unless it's factored into a compulsive behavior you've long lost control of.
I'm just assuming there's someone genuine in here and this isn't all just tard rage put on autopilot to keep this miserable website alive.
>"feather, not dot."
>implies i'm the racist
lol those get pirated even faster.
Yea Forums loves to scream about how sex totally sells but then ask for the receipts and they start yelling about how (((((((((artists)))))))))) should get a real job.
To be fair, these people have been fucked over by white people more times then they can count and casinos don't help most of these people as they struggle with alcoholism and obesity due to literally not being built to tolerate either.. I'd be petty as fuck if I lived in these conditions.
I'm sorry you're too low-IQ to multitask, user.
Native Americans publicly taking issue with white people repurposing them for white people entertainment has been a thing for decades, long predating any of you faggots crying about wokeness even being born.
user, you don't get it. Men are conditioned in such a way that it's impossible for them to read anything unless their dicks are hard as diamonds. It's a physiological condition.
i think you're missing the point so let me explain it in a very simple post.
because their porn is censored they are more likely to focus on softcore shit which is exactly what you're posting. the shit only exist to ogle. its never related to whats going on in the show it just happens. its never ever just subtle either which is the main aspect i dont like. teenage media from other countries dont need to do that because why obese over softcore tease shit in a kids show when i can just go watch or read or play uncensored porn games.
yeah. because you can't even tell them apart.
that's some Columbus style racism. very old school. good job.
Is this for real? the after looks more racist in fact, actually makes her look more like a stereoptype.
They sure are smaaaaaaaaart
>because their porn is censored they are more likely to focus on softcore shit
Stopped reading there.
France has uncensored porn and they also put out tons of cheesecake.
i think it probably has to do with the whole native american genocide thing too
The female body is real and it can hurt you.
-some faggot on social media
The idea that even 3% of the retards chimping out in this thread know what a series like Grimm Fairytales or Vampirella is, is laughable. They are raging as nothing more than a Pavlovian response at this point.
>because you can't even tell them apart
You just called them feathers and dots, dummy.
Yes, you're super convincing.
I actually am a sperg with ADHD myself bro. I was being genuine when I said it's a fun combo. I'm currently playing Arkham City and reading comics lol
>>deliberately chooses one that doesn't
To be fair, modern comics don't really appeal to anyone's taste, which is why they don't sell.
yeah. that's two separate groups.
Right, Marlon fucking Brando refused to accept an oscar over portrayal of Native Americans in Hollywood for fuck's sake.
>historical figure
there you go, american education at it's finest
People like Aaron's have been living on borrowed time anyway. A bunch of people enjoyed Scalped but now the revisionist point of view looks back on it like it is the most problematic shit ever. All that Vertigo shit people enjoyed in the 00s is now a problem even though it catapulted his career. BKV is a great example. Many people enjoyed Y the Last Man but the TV show adaptation capitulated to those types and the whole premise was damaged by "updating" it. Scalped is meant to be getting a TV show and I presume that would end the same way. All these creators would honestly do better just avoiding social media.
Both of whom might have a problem with being identified as such, which I'm sure you'd call woke poisoning.
What point do you think you're making?
To be fair Grimm Fairytales kinda sucks. I can see why no one would read it. Vampirella is okay in a campy kind of way but even that doesn't have a lot going for it (although that might just be because my exposure to it is from the 2000 era anime inspired version)
Yes and you don't realise the original design just looked like a random franzetta pinup model while the update looks like something off a banned maple syrup bottle
To be fair, you're a faggot.
Clearly you never did any research.
As does america you fucking retard, go buy a cheesecake comic from another company instead of melting down over the fact that Marvel isn't publishing one (which isn't even true, they had a pure black cat/mary jane cheesecake spider-man issue last fucking month, Mary Jane in the black cat outfit and Black Cat talking about how juicy MJ's ass is and everything)
Shh, it's okay user, no need to be angry.
Doubling down on your laughable false concern doesn't make you more believable.
You don't need to genocide natives to be a historical figure, my Brit friend.
Butter box.
Maple syrup is black people. Native Americans get butter.
Reminder she wasn't actually named Pocahontas, she was named Matoaka which was just a reference to her birth name and this isn't the same character because she's a Hyborean age princess. People googled her name saw Pocahontas and then got angry.
>As does america you fucking retard
American "cheesecake" is utterly sad compared to France or Japan.
Largely because Americans have been brainfried by porn.
to be fair noone asked for your opinion so whatever helps you get off at night
I know. Feels good to know you'll never enjoy some of the best comic books in the world. Makes them all the more special.
...user, this is about a character named Matoaka. We're just using Pocahontas out of habit.
>some of the best comic books in the world.
Sorry, I'm not white enough to believe that.
As opposed to being called pajeets, which they'd throw a parade for.
So you don't even like what you're crying about needing? Jesus fucking christ
>non-white is uncultured and illiterate
Such is life.
Uncensored porn exists in Japan.
And I didn't ask if you wanted my opinion. Don't post on Yea Forums if you're going to shit your pants because someone told you you're not false flagging believably.
Not who you're responding to, but isn't that the issue? The hypocrisy? Like that writer of Spider Gwen who went angry at Frank Cho for drawing pictures of his "baby" (he didn't invent the Gwen character nor multiverse idea). Then Marvel are fine making a tight sexualised outfit for the female cosplayers. That old Spider-Woman controversy over Milo Manara got big but then Marvel have had plenty of sexualised stuff since. It feels like controversies are often arbitrary and wouldn't even be a story if people didn't capitulate to them.
>Posting bobs burgers in the same post
Delicious fucking irony
Sorry user, comics are for children, they're not cultured.
You're just agreeing with me lmao
People are arrested over it. Because the japanese are insane.
I fail to see the irony there.
>children have no culture
Spoken like a true non-white.
She's as real a Hercules or King Arthur retards.
Your own source admits as much
>but uh uh she's mentioned in written text by multiple people
So are the other two i mentioned
He's pointing out that on Yea Forums, Non-Americans become dumber than Americans after staying too long but keep thinking they're intellectually superior as a cope
I'm sorry user, but your kiddy books are not cultured.
who said anything about france?
even the most childish shows or comics in america draw stacked women in their shit, cg studios making it an objective goal to give any female character over the age of 30 a fat ass. that fucking tangled show for little girls has breast physics if you look close enough but its subtle. Subtle is the objective, not in your face as the camera pans from her poorly drawn feet to her chest.
im sure there is.
Oh great you cry about hypocrisy online, you big virtuous strong man! I don't buy Marvel comics if they aren't out of a back issue bin, you're welcome to do the same. I don't buy cheesecake comics either because I'm not a retarded coomer but if you really want Marvel to believe they should have a strong stance on publishing cheesecake, make a cheesecake character outsell their female characters with your coomer buddies.
Why do I get the feeling you throw a tantrum when they made Heimdall into a black guy?
Hercules and King arthur are fictional and have never been portrayed as anything but fictional.
Are they too rarted to realize this is puritan christian-tier censorship? Lmao
It's a terrible american series with hideous characters while you're complaining about the quality of American comics..
>even the most childish shows or comics in america draw stacked women in their shit
That's mainly because they're fat, since y'know, America.
Took you long enough.
>no more smug memes
My guess? You can only pretend to be illiterate for so long before feeling like a fucking idiot.
Sorry to dissapoint but i don't watch capeshit or Netflix ''originals''
I was talking about Marvel's hypocrisy, not your own, so you've completely missed that point. And my main point was about the arbitrariness of the controversies. But all you're doing is throwing insults around. I didn't express an opinion on cheesecake. I was simply saying that Marvel is all over the place on this point and so are the people on twitter.
But you've gone off on a completely different tangent.
It's a reaction image.
Do you think everyone who posts a reaction image has actually consumed whatever that image comes from?
You think I've ever watched the turd that pic related comes from?
I know, just checking.
You sound like the kind of person who only watches those things, so I don't believe you.
>They don't know where she's buried so she didn't exist, checkmate
>pwease don't look at the previous paragraph that establishes a well documented English lord married her and that she even spent time in England up to her death
Is that highlighted segment supposed to prove your point?
Because not knowing the exact place someone is buried, especially after a fire, doesn't mean that person doesn't exist.
>Calling someone illiterate as a defense of your children's media
>Do you think everyone who posts a reaction image has actually consumed whatever that image comes from?
Do you think you're less of an effective shill because you're not getting paid?
He'll claim you're stupid Americans in order to pretend he isn't dumber than an American
>immediately goes back to posting memes
Good dog.
Yes and Marvel wouldn't have a wishy washy stance on publishing cheesecake if they believed cheesecake was a key part of selling comics, which they would believe if cheesecake comics outsold their comics. But fuck doing anything besides crying online right?
>Do you think everyone who posts a reaction image has actually consumed whatever that image comes from?
Not that user but this kind of behavior just makes people seem like they're here to shitpost and don't actually consume any of the Yea Forums media they claim to give a shit about.
>Using children's media as a reaction image to be smug
rolling threads through is optimal.
Really?By whom?
Reddit experts and american macadamians whose only proof was a lack of some actual solid evidence like p.ex an actual grave?
Which makes it perfect for shitting on comic elitists.
Do Americans live rent free in your head?
Bob's Burgers is not a comic, user.
It doesn't need to be, the point is using a cartoon to shit on comic elitists.
>muh grave
ahahahah holy shit. We don't know where Jimmy Hoffa was buried so he doesn't exist right?
not really.
But Bob's Burgers is insipid, boring shit. I don't feel threatened by it, instead leads me to believe you're the one who enjoys that insipid, boring shit.
Do you see why people are making fun of you right now?
Firstly user, I'm not crying about it online, you seem really mad at me and completely missed my point. Secondly, the idea Marvel cares about sales is difficult thing. The comics are mostly an IP farm. Captain Marvel has had so many series over the last decade that have sold awfully. But they care about movies and merchandise and not selling comics. America Chavez had one of the worst modern series and is appearing in a movie. So what sells or doesn't sell in comics isn't really part of the debate. But go on troll some more and fling some more insults instead of debating.
>I have a 36 IQ and am a faggot
we know
>But Bob's Burgers is insipid, boring shit.
All the more reason to use it to shit on comicfags.
It's not a comic book, though.
Maybe you should ask the feds where they put him
I don't think you understand the point.
Let me dumb it down.
Cartoons = not elitist
Comics = elitist
Therefore, using the former to shit on the latter will always be appropriate.
>hate modern comics due to all pandering to twitter trannies
>hate modern manga due to most of it being fetish crap aimed at coombrains of both sexes
how are the europeans doing?
>t-they don't care about sales dude trust me dude, they don't care
Then why does a "cancellation threshold" even exist you retard? Why do writers who sell like Donny Cates (he's dogshit, fuck anyone who buys his garbage) then get put on bigger titles and get to do event comics? If you actually think Marvel wouldn't care about literally who cheesecake characters outselling their aforementioned global IPs you're even dumber than I thought.
No I don't think you understand your own argument. Bob's Burgers isn't a comic.
user, he doesn't exist, he doesn't have a grave. Look at this schizo thinking Jimmy Hoffa existed. No grave, not real, as I always say.
better, but thier art is naturally coombrained because every European is by default.
Yes, you do have to explain incredibly retarded thought processes like these in such terms otherwise non-retards will not understand them, you are right.
It's not a comic book, user. Why would it bother anyone who likes comic books?
whatever, what I truly despise the most in manga is how the herbivore male phenomenon seeped into the medium and now every male protagonist looks like this
Do you have brain problems?
Unfortunately it seems like Yea Forums is even dumber than previously expected since it seems like people STILL don't understand after it's been dumbed down.
Notice how you keep resorting to this kind of stuff?
>why does a "cancellation threshold" even exist you retard
Did you even read my post? Shit gets cancelled and yet they keep trying. Both Captain Marvel and America Chavez have kept selling like dogshit. If they cared as much as you claim about the economics of things they wouldn't keep flinging the same shit at the wall. Of course things are about money, but that cancellation policy doesn't stop them trying to make the same rubbish work constantly. Are you so retarded you actually think the comics matter more than the films and merchandise.
yeah europe is way better in that regard.
With Japan, its like 80% that crap, 20% actually interesting stuff.
Bob's Burgers is not a comic book.
>Then why does a "cancellation threshold" even exist you retard?
Not that user but the "cancellation threshold" seems to be fluid enough and certain titles get a pass despite falling short of it that I think it exists as a hypothetical excuse they can trot out to cancel books for other reasons without admitting to them.
The fact of the matter is that certain Captain Marvel runs did fall short of the stated thresholds but were still allowed to keep going. Which indicates it was more important to someone in the company that Marvel have their Wonder Woman equivalent for marketing and IP purposes than the sales of the actual book itself mattering.
Kind of like how DC would call certain characters toxic despite them selling, because they wanted those characters to die so that they could bring back the Silver Age versions. Editorial shennanigans looking for a reason.
I recognize the guy from Highschool of the Dead
>how are the europeans doing?
>America Chavez
Has had 2 solo titles in a 5 year span? Fucking Ben Reilly has had the same amount of titles. This is the best you've got? Captain Marvel you are right they shill her for the movies desperately hoping for synergy sales (because again it's all about sales), whoopdy doo, 1 title, how's it feel to be worse than a broken clock, which is at least right twice. I love that you ignored my point about writers who sell being shortlisted for big ticket titles though
Because they believe the title will get a sales bump every time she appears in a film or when her solo films' media hype train begins. It's still all sales related. But again, when you can only cite a single title this applies to, that's obviously an exception rather than the rule.
>Do you have brain problems?
>Two people point out Bob's Burgers isn't a comic book
>Go into schizo rant about elites or some shit
Sounds more like you're the one with brain problems here
Your points aren't always relevant to the point at hand because you're shit flinging. Again, I offered no opinion on cheesecake but you decided to go off on one about me. And yeah plenty of dogshit writers sell. The economics of Marvel comics aren't as straight forward as you're making out, and like you have conceded, there are titles that show this. Of course now you're moving the goal posts. If Marvel really cared about sales of comics they would do shit as simple as advertising them, using the movies to push more units but comic sales are tiny, especially compared to manga and other things. It hasn't been about the comics for a long time.
American comics are largely aimed at children and manchildren, so it makes sense that they would censor mild partial nudity.
This is why manga and euro comics are forever superior.
In America, comics are largely considered children's shit, so they tend to get upset about things like nudity.
fire force
>about elites
I...do you seriously not know what an elitist is?
Are you retarded?
I have conceded there is a single title with a character who has her own solo movie series and appears in other films that Marvel attempts to use to gain sales, because my point has always been that marvel cares about sales so no I haven't moved the goalposts you fucking retard.
or >>>/hell/ you dumb nigger
>schizo resorting to the "are you retarded" argument
Every time
So I take it that's a yes.
Would it be easier for you to understand if I referred to them as snobs instead of elitists? Since you're clearly an ESL?
Manga doesn't even capitalize 5% of the direct market which is what is being discussed when talking about monthly floppy sales. If you don't even know this then you're completely out of your element and need to shut the fuck up.
No one would have had a problem with this if the character wasn't based on a real person
Oh and my point wasn't that Donny Cates was bad and sells, my point was that he now gets big titles and events because his smaller titles sold. Indicating Marvel does in fact care about sales, rewarding writers that sell with a bigger role in their major books, so good job being fucking illiterate and obsessing over my "shitflinging" you retard.
What happened?
For someone who keeps making schizo rants about snobs and elitists you sure act like one
Aaron is one of those Twitter schizos.
I don't think calling you an ESL who doesn't understand what certain words mean because it's a language that you're not fluent in is snobbish.
As evidenced by the fact that you thought "elitist" refers to actual elites, in some kind of Alex Jones-like rant, and not just to snobbish people who think they're better than someone else because they read specific picture books.
you know the usual. wearing clothing bad. be in the bikini 24/7
See this is why physical media is important
nearly all american companies have been infiltrated by those twitter schizos and now they are in positions of power
Is the un-edited physical copy being sold for profit on eBay?
This is what happens when boomer retards don't retire, they just say to a braindead hiring manager
"get me somma them twitter kids!" and then this happens
They're marxists.
Don't fall for their name games.
They aren't "progressives".
They aren't "social justice warriors".
They are marxists.
All they do is subvert, degenerate, and destroy, in that order.
>I don't think calling you an ESL who doesn't understand what certain words mean because it's a language that you're not fluent in is snobbish.
Writing snobbishly doesn't really prove that you aren't snobbish, schizo
You're ascribing snobbishness where it doesn't exist because you don't want to back down from a perceived argument wherein you think you've been slighted.
Snobbish would be me calling you mentally ill or telling you to take your meds.
1. Oda didn't draw that, it's the Dr. Stone artist
2. Both of these guys fuck their hot Asian wife's probably every night since they're millionaires
What I don't understand is why his male characters always look good and unique but his female characters always have the same fetal alcohol syndrome face
Midget arms get you off? I guess that's not gay but it's certainly a form of faggotry. If you live anywhere near an ocean you can see hot girls in less clothes for free.
Assuming the person you're dealing with doesn't speak your language because you struggle to make a salient point is absolutely a form of elitism.
Well, at least it's still better than Platinum End.
Not when it's obvious that they don't understand the language when they see the word "elitism" and immediately think "this person is an Alex Jones schizo ranting about the elites" and not "snobbish."
as much as I hate Ben Shapiro for being a controled opposition kike he was 100% right when he said companies owned by people of the opposite side of the political spectrum should treat liberals the same way libtard companies treat conservatives(or just anyone that doesn't drink the liberal kool-aid). The said that wants to win will always beat the side that just wants to be left alone.
>the side
What if we made a bunch o fake tranny/feminist accounts on twitter and started fake seething about every single thing Marvel and DC announce just to see how far would they go with their walking on eggshells policy?
that's a lot of work for shit that i get for free
At least the New Right is waking up to this fact.
>nonono we have to take the high ground and not wield any of the power we have becau
no, fuck that, marxists should die in prison screaming in pain over any given excuse to put them there
>companies owned by people of the opposite side of the political spectrum should treat liberals the same way libtard companies treat conservatives
By funding them behind the scenes while pretending not to for marketing purposes?
Forget the console wars where can I read this.
I thought Boichi was just doing the Ace sidestory. When did he do a Enies Lobby redraw.
(Wish it was Shun though but I guess he's doing the Shokugeki no Sanji stuff)
>on topic zootopia thread got deleted
>this thread is still up
This is why you should kill any tranny you see.
There's a non-zero chance they're a janitor on Yea Forums, and killing them will allow you to talk about whatever comics and cartoons you want again.