Are you still watching season 4? Also, why do you wear your hijab?
Are you still watching season 4? Also, why do you wear your hijab?
Im so glad i never even bothered with this teen drama cancer show
No, I stopped after the mid season break.
I started S3 but haven't found the will to finish it
I'm finishing the EP now. And this happened.
Everytime she shows up and talks about Islam I have to skip to the next scene. Same shit with Lagaan and his wifes boyfriend scenes. Did Weisman convert to Islam or something? The whole Naveed reciting a surah in of the episodes made me cringe. The only good thing this whole season was Zatannas boobs being bigger than ever compared to previous seasons.
>t. ex-Muslim
Alhamdulillah sovl
>Did Weisman convert to Islam or something?
I know he's a jew, I'm just surprised he's giving so much discussion about Islam. Usually they make things about muh 6 million.
Chicken tikka masala my brother.
>hijab good
Isn’t it a part of «rape culture» ? Why do muslims get a pass with keeping patriarchal institutions because of «culture» ?
If a Muslim woman/girl takes her hijab off in an Islamic country she gets stoned to death.
I feel like there's some kind of monkey's paw at work here cuz in season 1 I remember wanting to know more about Mars and Atlantis and this is what we get.
Also I really, really don't like Halo. I feel like we've seen more of her identity issues and her dying then her being an actual hero. She's been relegated to side character mostly but even that feels like too much.
well good things indeed.
I'm still looking for the OG members team up. From some previews it's look like they are gathering in Tower of Fate
Because the left will betray any conviction of theirs as long as they can ass kiss a brown person for virtue signaling points
I fucking hate this future
Because white women see all the brown ladies doing it, so they want to do it too so they can be seen as cool. However they try to spin it as empowering because otherwise they'd have nothing to justify it, and anyone that dares to bring up how actually sexist it is is seen as a racist bigot. Crazy levels of mental gymnastics went into it.
>When that white women out muslim'd the paki at Marvel.
It always makes me laugh.
One things that kinda bothered me about the last set of episodes was the whole gene test thing, and how they knew to test for Vandal dna.
We the audience know the story of Vandal Savage and how he is related to lineage of Atlantis, but how the fuck does these fucks know? For all we know it all should be still in the dark for them.
i for one like muslim girls who are dark-skinned
it is funny they made a token character just to turn her into kenny from south park and kill her in grizzly ways every episode
Is this The Boondocks?
>Also, why do you wear your hijab?
As an atheist man, fetish reasons.
>Are you still watching season 4?
I have no expectations for it, but sure I am. Like Kengan Omega I'm just here to have a good laugh about how bad it gets before it's finally discontinued.
I still have a hard time understanding why it came back at all when so many other super hero shows were not only better but had larger followings.
Passion project of the show writers + passion project of the fanfiction writers is a powerful combo.
I haven't watched this show since S2, but in the comics isn't Halo a non-corporeal energy being wearing a dead human suit?
It's a constant mental gymnastics routine, they'll never acknowledge how fucked up Islam is because a lot of brown people believe it.
Genuinely curious what gymnastics they're doing to cope with the Taliban occupation.
There is broad consensus that Taliban a shit.
Bit also 20 years of occupation did nothing, so there is really little to be done, and blockading the nation isn't helping.
I don't need every Muslim to be depicted to be a bad person but stop pretending Islam is something that it is not.
Is this season worth watching just for her sake?
Yeah it's insane. Just hiw Disney is protesting Florida for the "don't say gay bill" while simultaneously launching Disney + in Saudi Arabia
No, not really. I was never really that into the chaos loli but she really doesn't have that many scenes. Also she pulls out a fucking Nine Tails transformation at the end.
It is annoying that there are people that literally think that bill is actually called that.
So non-binary Muslims can wear a hijab but do they have to get circumcised?
No that's the jews, muslims cut off the whole thing.
Because America bastardized culture
>Also, why do you wear your hijab?
In at least 29 out of 30 cases? Women wear it because they were pressured to from childhood. The exceptions are in Iran, where adult women were legally forced to when it became a theocracy. Not that it isn't a legal requirement elsewhere, Iran is just an example where the concepts of both modernity were deemed "decadent" and thus abolished. Then we Turkey, which was for a long time the opposite (the hijab was deemed illegal to wear in public), which resulted in fundies wearing it as an act of rebellion, which isn't really a women's/religious rights thing and mostly an attempt to preserve the dominant culture against (admittedly too strict) secularism. In largely western countries which have freedom of religion and muslims are a minority, the social pressure from family members is more or less the primary reason and not wearing it might be seen as an attempt to assimilate into the Christian/Irreligious majority, so discarding the tradition would be seen as a betrayal. The reason for the hijab being a thing in the first place is simple and really not as symbolic as some people pretend it is, a woman's hair is a feature associated with feminine attractiveness and is deemed necessary to cover up for the same reason breasts and vaginas are.
The idea that is about anything other than tradition, pressure or modesty is at best a secondary justification and a way to cover up how repressive it is at worst. These excuses are mostly something you hear in the west because can't really justify the truth while also claiming to be a feminist or an advocate for freedom of religion. Maybe someone genuinely believe these excuses while wearing it but I doubt it.
This was truly a monkey paw moment. I wanted this to come back from cancellation so bad but the resurrection was a maggot filled corpse that shits on everything good about what it was
I dipped out season ONE. This method of storytelling only gets worse over time
Hijabs are just tools to shame women for being women. I hate religion as a whole.
Brother, I'd say it right to his fucking face and then watch him prove me right.
I was about to say maybe Arion told him but Arion didn't know Vandal by the name Savage
I actually really enjoyed S1. But I don't understand why they decided to do such a large timeskip in S2 AND S3. I gave up half way S3 because the characters I became attached to in S1 just aren't there anymore, and I don't really care much about any of the new characters introduced in S3.
She's only in Zatanna's arc so you could just watch that. Dunno if it's worth it - the arc isn't as bad as Mars or Artemis' but there's still some boring stuff to get through. Maybe just watch her parts - though the boring stuff makes you appreciate her more.
A genderfluid non-corpeal energy in a dead girl that doesn't match their insides
With all the horrific ways she gets mauled and regenerates it’s probably stuck to her head.
I thought Season 3 got a little woke and preachy but Jesus fucking Christ, or should I say, by Allah? Season 4 is woke-A-palooza and that hijab episode is the most cringe so far. The "muh-non-beenaree" and the two husbands also came out of nowhere.
I was actually stupid enough to think they'd give valid reasons for the hijab thing, they did not even address the misogynic origins nor how most women who wear it have to wear it so they don't get stoned to death, no, instead they just gave two very stupid reasons.
1: "I use this very distracting and obvious piece of clothing so people don't judge me by the outside"
Seriously? It literally has the opposite effect.
2: "Because"
At least pro-hijab people on twitter come up with better arguments to defend it.
I thought he ended up being the most tolerable thing about the show but it was still hilarious how he's portrayed as one of the wisest, coolest, fittest to become the ruler of a kingdom person in the show when he spent a season helping Dracula with his genocide and another slaughtering towns while reciting the Quran just because the guards were rude to him but the christian priests were absolutely irredeemable cartoony evil monsters for killing 1 woman.
>Also, why do you wear your hijab?
Not "why" but "when". And the answer to that is "when I am enforcing Sharia law on disobedient women who believe they are equal to men"
If she was Christian girl this board will enjoy it.
Guys I think I've fallen for CHAOS
I think Muslims get a free pass at being guilty of everything the White Patriarchy is allegedly guilty of because of how they were treated & looked down on after 9/11. That, & all the wars that wouldn't have happened if the CIA didn't do their usual evil shit, gets them a lot of sympathy points.
Gotta get that oil sheikh money UwU
Yeah. That's why everyone should call it the "Anti Grooming Bill."
Without the hijab its impossible to tell if a cartoon is supposed to be Muslim or just black or Italian
Is it weird that I hate the hijab, niqab & the burqa? Like, I have no problem with yarmulke & silver crosses, I'm even cool with the Sikh head-wrappings. I just don't like how women are FORCED to wear them & how they do it out of religious shame.
The only "good" solution would have been a nuke. That land is cursed.
kissing chaos
You realize not all muslims are brown right? Plenty of arabs could pass for white
Yeah, I feel the same way. It’s bizarre how the same people who shit their pants watching that Handmaid’s Tale show about a Christian theocracy that oppresses women fall over themselves to sing the praises of a culture that does that exact same shit in real life all the time.
didn't she say she wasn't a muslim and then down a beer bottle in season 3?
>didn't she say she wasn't a muslim and then down a beer bottle in season 3?
Yes and She hasn't decided on being Muslim yet.
Do the USA have so many islam invaders as Europe? I thought you guys were safe.
I wear mine because it's more likely to catch cute people at the bar.
No, but our shitlibs are just as obsessed with worshipping them regardless.
Western liberals think that Muslims are like super cuddly teddy bears. And somehow have memed the hijab into a symbol of feminism. I don't even think it's necessarily some /pol/-tier schizo thing. I think it's coming from a good, but ultimately unrealistic and unhealthy place.
>Google is really pro-LGBT... In the West and makes their employees go to all sorts of weird workshops
>Makes sure to actively remove all LGBT apps from versions of the play store in very pro-Islam markets
>Entertainment companies curate and remove content that is considered haram in those markets too
Idiots who think big companies are their friends should be gassed.
Because rape culture and other prog talking points are based in oikophobia, i.e people who hate their home/civilization/nation/in group
Dropped like a hot potato
Stopped watching after they made her a dyke
Brion dodged a bullet.
>gets to be king and have a harem instead of seeing his ex go nuts
>tfw no cute hijabi gf
>You realize not all muslims are brown right?
You realise woke cultists don't give a fuck about reality, only the way it is interpreted, right?
> the middle east is located near the equator
> more sun means a deeper tan so people in the middle east are brown
> i'll just ignore that white-looking middle easterners who are non-muslims are treated as second class citizens or that african work migrants are treated as literal slaves, though
Stop talking about the robot piloting a corpse, and talk about the return of King Aryan
I’m just waiting for the Nightwing arc, it’s the only thing that I’m hoping will be good
Thats just proves why that funny hat is needed. Its the easiest, laziest way to tell the audience a character is supposed to be muslim
I don't really know why this one upsets people. It's just how it should work. He has another man to do the hard work plowing and fertilizing his wife, she lays the eggs, then he carries the eggs in his mouth for awhile. It's perfectly natural, people, ask any random person strolling through an aquarium.
because Habits and Hijabs are fucking sexy, fuck you for even questioning it
I might come back just to see Raven and Starfire show up. Ever since the revival they seem to very slowly be building up to the core five Teen titans
If I took that hijab off, would you die?
It would be extremely haram.