What's your favorite Transformers subgroup? I've always been partial to Combaticons
What's your favorite Transformers subgroup? I've always been partial to Combaticons
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Insecticons don't get enough luv
The cassettes.
A shame. Their introductory episode was fun.
>half the constructicons are badly damaged
>starscream asks if they should jettison some weight on their spaceship
>the constructicons who aren't damaged vote yes and throw their own damaged team-mates off the astrotrain
Never stops being funny to me.
I love generation 2 colors and im tired of pretending that theyre bad
Also to answer your question i love decepticon pretenders
coolest back story, great episodes
G2 colors are just too way past cool for some people
I like the micromasters and pretenders
Always thought they were interesting
I really do enjoy the generation 2 transformers
They were truly illin
They literally one of the driving forces in the comics right now, wtf are you talking about
>IDW1, both the main trio and the Deluxes, the latter of which had brief group additions of Waspinator and two Kamen Riders
>Multiple Generations toys, including a new one right now
u wot m8
Generation 2 really needs some attention
The Combaticons are WARRING!
Onslaught is ROARING!
He is one metamorphing DUDICUS!
They all combine to kick Superion's behind
As the big bad battling BRUTICUS!
Dinobots and Stuntcons
>IDW turned my boys into homos then doubled down
I like the stunticons, but sadly they always end up getting screwed over. Their toys are usually terrible and whenever they get any kind of story focus it's rarely anything worthwhile.
No love for the terrorcons?
>two Kamen Riders
What now?
For me, it's the Seekers.
I believe they are talking about these two background characters from the comics
But that didn't happen, all six Constructions stayed.
They're my favorite combiner team, but you're sadly right. Anything after the G1 cartoon hasn't done anything good with them, IDW turned them into the jobber of all combiners.
This is the correct answer.
They turned ONE gay and then kept him gay for his next iteration. And he's the one that was described as chronically lonely in his original 80's bio.
So weird that even amongst the Seekers they have their own sub-groups like The Coneheads, The Rainmakers, and Cyberjets.
I hope we get more of them as we see in a few episodes that there are even more members beyond the combining team.
The cyberjets aren't seekers. Some of them are Autobots.
>IDW turned them into the jobber of all combiners.
Pretty much. Both times they were used in IDW all they were used for was to prop up Swindle's focus. Dreamwave didn't even use them seperately, just one scene using Menasor to stall for time.
Onslaught also got literally mindraped into being gay, that's not hyperbole, at least that ended with him hating Blast Off after Starscream admitted to everything.
It literally killed the entire group dynamic.
I kinda liked Brawl being traumatized by the combination and deciding he didn't want the war to come back.
My favourite incarnation has to be the FoC version. The team banter and how they worked together to salvage the operation Starscream bottled from the beginning was great.
For like, the duration of three issues. Which was reversed. You're not making a point here.
That's not what's in question here.
Brawl wasn't traumatized by the combining itself, he was traumatized by the near-death experience he had while combined. Which happened before the brainwashing.
>That's not what's in question here.
This started off with user said they turned his boys into fags and they did in fact turn Onslaught and Blast off gay. There was never a question and it did ruin the group and Bruticus by extension.
I'm convinced they decided to make Onslaught and Blast Off gay because the two in particular were always the ones talking with one another in the G1 cartoon.
>and it did ruin the group and Bruticus by extension.
It didn't ruin shit and you know it. By then the continuity was about to be over and almost inmediately after Onslaught found out.
>and it did ruin the group and Bruticus by extension.
No, Rattrap ratting out Starscream for his crimes against Cybertron and Caminus, culminating in Starscream not being reelected and being arrested, causing his other associates to be arrested for their involvement, THAT'S what stopped the team.
It's the Combaticons that are always remade, reissued, etc. Stunticons are usually forgotten in most later series.
Why are you acting like "lonely" = "it makes sense to make him gay"?
Out of all the Combaticons, it makes sense for him to want a relationship. Most of Cybertron is male.
The context of it is that his alt-mode means he spends long periods out in space alone, and was written at a time when nobody would have dared pitching gay Transformers to Hasbro. IDW really should have read the room after IDW1 ended, and taken the hint that nobody wanted gay Combaticons except the type of readers who want 100% of characters to be gay.
People have loved the Blast Off/Cosmos thing. It's not even Tuesday and you're out of touch.
>People have loved
More like tumblrfags and trannies but then again that comprises the vast majority of the Transformers fanbase nowadays.
This. Those aren't "people" by any definition of the word.
I've no interest in gay transformers. Or trans ones. They're robots. The most especially toy-centric franchise doesn't need to tackle complex gender issues.
>People have loved the Blast Off/Cosmos thing.
I doubt the shippers that "loved" it even picked up the comic.
Transformers aren't actually robots. They're energy beings running around in mechanical bodies.
They're called super robot lifeforms.
A term created when the vast majority of them across the franchise didn't have sparks
If that's all they are, then the gender and sex stuff is just as silly.
I like em
Somewhere between the Combaticons and the Conehead Seekers. However, have taken an interest in the sparkless variants of bots that popped up in WFC Siege.
Horrorcons also cool