Who do you like better, Yea Forums? Kara or Jess?
DC Super Hero Girls
big lois
Would fuck all the main girls, but ranking wise, I'd say
frump rump
Jess because she's bossy and motherly and I have mental problems
For me, it's Jess
nursing handjob from jess
Pfft. Power Girl is better than both of 'em.
>Kara or Jess?
neither. yes, definitely neither.
Dare I say, based.
So cute
too bad she literally did nothhing
Not Kara
i want kara to impregnate me until i cant walk anymore
She couldn't compete with the Bee.
Nobody asked you
oh god
Karenbut in Jess's outfit
Leslie is the best because she looks like the type of girl who posts Superman x reader fanfiction on Yea Forums
I wanna pump that plump frump rump.
booty mommy D:
Ooh these are higher res than this pic. Missing some tho.
Where can I find these?
Lower case Zee.
early bloomer
Jess is objectively the hottest one
How big is she?
>tmw no cute thick blonde gf to cover up your lies
Probably Jess, cause she's the brown one, and considering how thin she is, having thighs and hips that thick is even more impressive
Just post Jess tummy already
post the full pic
Kara, of course.
It's been like 6 months since the last episode in the season, wtf is wrong with the people running this show?
Biggest ass on the show and I'm not even memeing
It's not them, it's cartoon network sabotaging anything that isn't GO
fucking lel, you shouldn't put these 2 so close to each other
I like Jess more. Diana is still best girl.
I have nothing against Kara but girls are not girls if you can't use their hair as a blanket.
I like both but Jess' mommy vibes and pear shape give her the advantage.
No special reason. I just think she’s kind of cute.
It's a tight race
Very cute
I have a mighty need for the girls to get fat.
Of course, the villain girls should be first
>Giganta is a mutt
Barbi needs even fatter thighs.
Ypu mean Leslie right? Shes a twig
>Nooo, don't fuck me with your tits. Anything but that
Wonder what her max limit is. Got the impression that she could’ve eaten more.
I wish the fatfags would die from high cholesterol or choke on a deep-fried stick of butter or something
just die okay?
>The greentext
They both tickle my fancy in different ways
that wide open mouth has so many possibilities...
She probably wasn’t even close to full, kryptonian stomachs can take a lot of punishment.
Jess. Mireya Mendoza's voice makes me feel funny
If that was the case then I’d love to see just how massive her gut would get when she reached her limit.
based latinobro. best girl with the best voice by far
i like Kara. she seems like she'd be a lot more fun to hang with.
We All Make Mistakes In the Heat of Passion, Jimbo
We just need to give her a reason not just to pig out, but to push her appetite to the very limit and beyond.
>tfw no small 5'0 tech wizard kaffir that drains my balls every day after work
>Good taste in music
>She's not a worried fanatical bitch
Perhaps entering her into an eating contest could do the trick.
I could see her trying to be a record at an all-you-can-eat wing night or something.
I could see that working.
based and indeterminate rockpilled
christmas episode never ever
stop or you will be lecture!