They did it. That crazy of a bitch they actually did it

They did it. That crazy of a bitch they actually did it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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cuz she's armless like venus de milo do you get it 🙂

Still better than Jennika.

but how is she going to kung fu fight
true and based facts

>Is literally a idol sculpture created as a mans "art"
Thats actually a little clever.

then her boobies should also be hanging out.

Already better than the old one.

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Please god not another "i'm either sassy or angry" resting bitch face female character.

Can not one just be fucking different than every other woman in this comic?

I've never really understood the TMNT franchise and it feels like the gap widens every time I see more of it

Is this from the Annual that came out yesterday?

No, issue 127.

lemme guess... lesbian? gonna chide Raph for making a pass at her?

The fuck just happened

The prophecy has been fullfiled, Yea Forumsntrarians are bitching about how IDW ruined Venus as if they have always cared for the character.

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I'm not the biggest TMNT fan
and I know it used to be super edgy originally
but this seems needlessly edgy

It only seems that way because everyone has forgotten we already got a flash forward into the future where she's got limbs and is some kinda zen master along with the shark.

venus was such a catastrophically bad decision that Eastman and Laird actually had it in writing that they couldn't make female turtles in any future adaptation without his explicit approval.

I unironically love this.

>it used to be super edgy originally
I guess, but it was never meant to be taken that seriously. Like how Judge Dredd was always meant to be a satire, but then just... forgot. The violence was watered-down like any other superhero cartoon adaptation.

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TMNT is weird because it goes back and forth. The original comic is sort of a gritty parody that steals heavily from Marvel, then it gets turned into a saturday morning cartoon that's zany and safe, then Image gets a hold of it and tortures everyone, and so on.

More of a pastiche than a parody, but yeah, it goes back and forth a lot, when I'm sure most of us would rather it find a decent middle-ground.

No one cares these two shit characters.

>asanagi is making turtle comics now
Bold move

Has anyone noticed that the four turtles getting weaker in combat? I always like to see their combat skills get stronger. I don't even mind that they let Leo learn some mystic ninja magic and Donnie got more new super hight tech tools. But for now they can't even beat these stupid frog.

>Eastman and Laird actually had it in writing that they couldn't make female turtles in any future adaptation without his explicit approval.
>Adds in someones mary sue insert into canon years later
More things change the more the stay the same I suppose.

The 2022 Annual from 4 days ago addressed this and had them talk about how they've gotten out of shape and unfocused, hopefully this means that the regular ongoing will acknoledge this and their combat skills will evolve again

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Composite Ninja Turtle

i dig the techno voodoo doll style of this design. i vaguely watched Next Mutation growing up so what kind of Venus is this?

The Ninja Turtles comics are a lot weirder than what I was expecting

It's Waltz, he's the one that'll be writing the next arc, the solicits basically confirm this, but honestly I doubt they'd make an annual where a big point made in it was to point out that turtles have gotten less precise and focused (And then get better by the end) and never acknoledge it considering it's explicitly canon, but i'm not sure if it takes place before or after the current arc so it might take a bit for the ongoing to catch up, you could honesly even make a point that getting their asses kicked by the Punk Frogs prompted the turtles to do this quest in the annual

>Deletefag struck again

>Teenage Mutant Turtle Titties
Yes please. 👌

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But who asked for this?
Who had nostalgia for fucking Next Mutation? Even as a dumb kid I didn't like Next Mutation and I liked the third movie so you can imagine how low my standards were.

>Female Turtles
>makes the turtles loses all meaning.

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After they fully sold the rights, I assume.

I don't think that story was even "canon". Worse even, remember how it could get worse in v4.
Not even defending the IDW crap btw.

Her missing arms look like a straight up reference to the Venus of Milo sculpture

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Who cares if it canon or not, the point of Turtles is they're the only ones.

amputee porn when?

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>their combat skills will evolve again
I really doubt it because it always depends on the author. We've seen how Waltz turned them into ninjas who are not allowed to kill. And now Campbell turned four turtles into loser dogs. And also Hob become a mastermind for no reason.

>Hob become a mastermind for no reason.

Hate this so much. He's an idiot who thrives due to bad writing protecting him and making others idiots. And if the turtles must never kill stop making the villains so unhinged deranged violent psychos. Never expected bumbling comedic idiots like Bebop and Rockteady to be mass murderers who I want to see killed off.

I dunno, man. If I was some freaky-deaky-Franken Turtle, I don't think I'd be all sunshine and rainbows either.

>Writes her self-insert in TMNT who is stronger and cooler than original Turtles.
>Also the author has a masochistic amputee slave fetish, decides to add that in too.
Honestly she would be better off writing Taimanin VNs than TMNT.

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What's not to get?


>, when I'm sure most of us would rather it find a decent middle-ground.
I used to like that it runs the gamut because it meant that in discussions everything was valid.
Then Rise happened and everyone started screeching about april being a nigger and one 2k3fag showed up making 5 threads at a time acting like their preferred version was the only good one. So congrats on turning us into another Transformers Yea Forums.

Still seething, I see.

>Come on, pleeeease? Let us do Venus, just this one time!
>Only on the condition that nobody could conceivably find her attractive.

>Writes her self-insert in TMNT who is stronger and cooler than original Turtles.
What comic have you been reading dude Jennika gets her ass handed to her constantly the only time she was actually able to properly win something was in the battle of the bands arc where she had to ask for help from a bunch of other mutants and admit to her faults, even in her minis her only big accomplishment was beating the Scorpion woman (Which was part of Null's plan anyway)

Jennika isn't really a good character but she's not really le ebin self-insert mary sue that is really strong and cool

Nah, it was a gritty parody of Daredevil. Remember how the turtle got hit by the same stuff Matt did. They both have a much older mentor who teaches them martial arts and ninjutsu. Ninja clans named after body parts.

You wish, shit like nechronica exists for a very specific "broken dolls" fetish.

There's no fucking way that's the cover

So hey, are there any stand alone Turtles comics from IDW that doesn't have ties to the comic continuity? Aside from Last Ronin?

I want to enjoy some new Turtles stuff without any of Cambell's hot mess.

also what is with the emotes? New thing or April fools extended{/spoiler]

Outside of Last Ronin, Batman/TMNT and the Cartoon comics everything is at least connected to the main continuity (Though the 2022 annual that came out a few days ago actually pushes all of the Campbell elements aside and focuses on the 4 main turtles so that is a pretty good thing to read if you're looking to get a decent turtle fix)

There was a Funko Pops one shot set in the 87 cartoon.

I would like to get a few Funko Pops of the IDW characters.

You sound like someone who hasn't actually read the original TMNT. Just because the origins were a parody of Ronin and Daredevil that doesn't mean the series wasn't created with sincerity.

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But wear are her signature tits?

I highly doubt Campbell has the guts for the bottom surgery.

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She had to "put" her face on.

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Having read the history behind the character behind the scenes, I actually feel kind of bad for the Venus character and their creator.

>hey sophie what is the next issue about
>its about an abomination no one likes
>sophie please don't self insert

the annual was trying to deal with sophies shitty writing she wanted to make them more down to earth furries rather then bad ass ninjas. You can't have them learn life lessons if they can just win all their fights

Is the IDW series any good, anons? A turtle fan friend of mine actually love it, but he is like 100 issues behind.

It's a matter of perspective and tastes. You just need to read it and decide for yourself.

This is some geoff johns levels autism

Request it from ShindoL.

after issue 100 it becomes a slice of life furry comic "they gotta start a band arc" "We need a good president for the furies arc" basically read up to 100 skip the rest until the new writer comes on

Yes, it smacks of Campbell thinking of Geoff John's trying to ride the body horror fad of Ewing during his run on the Immoral Hulk. Yes.

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Jokes on you, the last three issues are probably ghost written.

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We know sophie plotted out most of what happens in the mutant town arc, but seeing as how the technodrome forums were saying its bad MAYBE they did that issue with out any dialogue to give them time to replace sophie, they are stuck with the plot points but with a better writer at the helm.

That could be it because Technodrome sucks every dick that visits the site but sophie got shit on hard with how bad her mutant town arc was disliked after going on for 25 issues

>cry when it's furry slice of life with no consequence
>cry even harder when it goes back to sci fi civil wars and horror

Here's a better question: How?

Although there are a lot more mutants there are not so many that corpse robbing the green ones to make the thing wouldn't go unnoticed.

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Let me ask you this, zoomer.
Do you remember Green-Grey Sponge-Suit Sushi Turtles?
Because I remember Green-Grey Sponge-Suit Sushi Turtles.

Literally furry amputee fetish bait.

Absolute trash.

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Cloned tissue, it seems.
The panel before this shows where at least some of those parts are coming from.

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so why are there like 8 punk frogs now are they not named after conquerors

I actually want the vampire woman from next mutation to be in like a halloween issue of the comic

The main series? The first 50 issues are really good, 51-60/70 are a bit of a mixed bag and it's pretty good again until 100. 101-124 are a total dumpster fire, never read them unless you're a completionist. 125 up until we are now are... Well I'm just going to say it, an obvious case of the book being written more by it's editor (who was the writer of the first 100 issues BTW) than the official writer, so it is improving but we can't say for certain if it will stay that way. The current official writer will probably "stop writing" the book (Translation: The pretense that this person is still writing the book will cease) by the time we get 150 and the current arc to look forward to is written by the previous guy.

As for the minis. Just stay away from the Casey/April one as well as the ones focusing on Jennika. The rest are mediocre at worst. The ones I really recommend are Shredder in Hell, Destroy Everything, Hit the Road and Secret History.

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>That could be it because Technodrome sucks every dick that visits the site but sophie got shit on hard with how bad her mutant town arc was disliked after going on for 25 issues
That's how you know the writing really sucks, not even the sycophants can stand licking the writer's boots.

Yes they are, look em up.

I can only handle one autistic site, can you give me a rundown on what the technodrome said about it?

1. Does anyone actually care about the Punk Frogs enough to be faithful to what they were?
2. Campbell probably wanted there to be female Punk Frogs, that's about the only reason there are more of them.
3. The names of the original four are there and aside from the Bonnie and Clyde reference (yeah, I know...) they are still named after conquerors.

I liked her too. It was actually a good idea to have a whole arc where the turtles met an opponent that was so out of their field of expertise that they had to not just change their tactics but learn whole new rules as they got kicked around by her and her servants. It also gave splinter and venus more impetus as they had incomplete knowledge of this specific field.

Also she had great tits.

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seems about right, how many new use less characters did she make?
The edgy fat punk rock pig
the fight club girl she is definitely pushing to be important (I know she is from some other material)
the additional punk frogs
mona lisa is pretty much useless but people were happy she was included
Tokka and rahzar being included and immediately sent to the future

then we had the changing of Hobs motives which I think Sophie was to retarded to notice he is pro mutant not pro human turned mutant, Maybe later issues rectify this but it was so out of character for him

the fuck is she covered in stitches

Basically what said. It's strongest during 1-50, and weaker but still enjoyable 51-100. After that it's like watching a dumpster fire where some issues are explosive garbage and while other issues are boring stink.

>then we had the changing of Hobs motives which I think Sophie was to retarded to notice he is pro mutant not pro human turned mutant, Maybe later issues rectify this but it was so out of character for him
The Slash funeral issue was entirely about Hob changing his filosofy to no longer be completely against human mutants, I don't get why people are so hung up on this detail, there are a LOT of problems with his character in mutant town but this isn't really one of them

>how many new use less characters did she make?

Just let it go man.

What about him working with a human scientist to make a mutagen bomb? That seems against the character.

Not really, after Slash died he realized that he needed every weapon and strategy at his disposal to win and had to make big statements to do so, it turned from a small insurgent force of animal mutants against the world to an actual attempt at creating an army and a nation for anyone that was on Hob's side Shame Campbell did absolutely nothing with this and had Hob do basically nothing for 20 issues

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The site was originally meant to be about the Fred Wolf show. However, the site has been around for over 20 years now and understandably that has largely shifted. A lot are people who grew up with the FW cartoon but the discussions can't stay focused on that because it's a shrinking part of the franchise. Most discussions are instead about TMNT in general. Having so many people who joined because they grew up with the FW show in particular means plenty of members have problems letting go of it as "the" version, which annoys people who care for versions and/or thin the FW show sucks.You get arguments like "Turtles Forever sucks because it didn't pretend the sloppy sitcom I grew up with was serious" and "Who cares if this cartoon is terrible , it made the franchise popular!".

As for the current run of IDW, that takes even more explaining. The problems with Campbell's run are that it is slow and nothing happens. So while some users are able to discuss the very genuine flaws of Sophie Campbell as a writer and that's usually how arguments about the book start out, there is this one retard called Sumac who simply can't go without saying something "Trannies are mentally ill and that's why this book sucks!" and this followed by a few others who seemingly agree, which derails attention from the actual problems. Then there is this other guy, hypered1, who is this... Let's just say the opposite and pretends all criticism related to transphobia. Then there are users like Tiger Claw who is just in it for the furry shit and pretends there are no flaws.

Annoying but the reason people think there is a ghost writer involved is because Campbell's writing was slow and very light on plot (not to mention fill of shitty dialogue) and the most recent issues are pretty much the opposite. It is a genuine discussion to be had but the retards who keep making it about gender shit distract from that and one side just can't accept the possibility that there is a ghost writer.

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Do tell.

so basic rundown is no one likes the campell issues and some retards are being stupid and making it so all complaints are being lumped into hating trannies? is that what happened. I just wanna know if sophies issues are unamiously hated

Well, she was first "hired" at gun point.

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>they introduced my boy Slash
>to kill him off

>I just wanna know if sophies issues are unamiously hated
By people who are honest and not retarded? Yes, pretty much anyone who is able to form an actual argument about the comic itself hates the Campbell run. It sucks that these arguments are lumped in with mindless tranny hate but that doesn't invalidate them.

As for the people who like them... Like I said, it's pretty much this guy Tiger Claw and a few others who claim to like it without bringing up political bullshit but their arguments are thinly veiled declarations of "I like that the book is full of furries now and I don't care about plot or anything that would normally make for a good book", they're even bigger retards than the tranny-haters. Then there is hypered1 and his ilk who clearly just defend the book because it's written by a transperson and not because they like the book, although they do pretend to do so.

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He was around for about 70 issues before they killed him.

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You just reminded me to check this comic for updates only to find out it stopped getting updates like 5 months ago. What a bummer.

You forgot that the humans under good writing would have killed Hob for ruining their lives. And really hate how Michelangelo said that people should be happy being normal in the new issue.....hey idiot writers most normal people do NOT want to look like animal freaks that belong either in a laboratory or zoo.

This kind of shit is ruining the comic because the villain survives through shit writing and the so called heroes are enablers who also don't feel like helping the innocent. The longer this series goes on, the more I want to see these turtles get killed due to being unlikable. And in turn want to see the villains killed off by those they have crossed since the turtles are wusses.

>battle of the bands arc
This is most stupid story arc ever. Karai still won't regret her action, after she have done so many shit, The writers still let The Turtles have to clean up her mess. Fuck this adult Lita's future. And also stupid Leo/Koya forced relationship. Where is the real ninja action fighting? The Turtles are weaker than before.

It even says "pastiche" on the wikipedia page.

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Then go read the Image series.

I loved seeing Tokka and Rahzar.

Love those two.

And Slash did NOTHING. He spent most of his screen time being retarded until the mutagen was perfected for him to become an actual character. Getting real tired of idiots pretending this Slash was great when he is not. He may be the best Slash compared to other incarnations, but you know what? That means nothing. Slash has always been a faux superfluous character who has failed at being an edgy counterpart to the morals of the main characters. Characters like Vegeta and Shadow the Hedgehog have stood the test of time. Slash? Most people don't even know who this trash character is. Even less because he's inconsistent, sometimes he's a villain, sometimes a rival, and sometimes well a brainless thug. Slash didn't spend much time in this comic as a character before Bishop kidnapped him and took away what little personality he had. And the despite dying? This comic is bloated with a lot of superfluous characters who no one cares about and they bring nothing to the table. And that includes African American Mona Lisa who mostly exists to be a callback to the first cartoon since she was the first TMNT love interest. This comic is a mess.

You gotta admit, Campbell does do good character designs.

>He may be the best Slash compared to other incarnations,

And this is how I know I can ignore your stupid ass.

Well, more than I already do.

These turtles are not ninjas and they are not samurais either. These turtles are wusses wannabe bitch boys. And what's the point of a story where you know the main characters are wusses who won't kill their enemies? These turtles are so lame they are up there with the main characters of the anime One Piece, an anime about pirates who refuse to kill their enemies.

These turtles are weaklings. How sad is it that the first cartoon turtles don't mind seeing a villain die, Chrell in Turtles Forever when Bebop and Rocksteady killed him by comedic accident, yet these turtles who have grizzly origins (they used to be human kids who got murdered by Shredder and his thugs) have no spine at all. I've seen Disney characters with bigger balls than these losers in a half shell.

My recommendation is do NOT read IDW TMNT unless you like pacifist loser main characters who enable psychotic villains. Even Batman at least throws his enemies in prison or the insane asylum, these turtles? They don't even try to do that with normal enemies like Hun who is a normal human much less the stronger villains who they should aim to kill to stay safe.

>Make them babies
No wonder they can be easily forgiven. Just like these stupid weasels.

Ibet you this gets deleted.

They were always babies, you idiot.

Except 2K3.

>Campbell's design
The female human character is ugly and always has big nose.

Well to quote Shredder...

Yeah, while Campbell should never have been put in charge of writing the book (I seriously don't understand why none of the side-book writers took over, there are plenty of them) I can't deny the character design is really good. Like the Mona Lisa design is really good, it just sucks that it's attached to such an unlikable garbage character. If I was tasked with taking over after Campbell, while I would probably abruptly de-mutate all of Mutant Town with minimal explanation as a necessary evil, I'd probably just retcon Mona Lisa as being a Salamandrian sleeper agent just so I could preserve the design but not the character herself.

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At least they can get defeated, but what about IDW? IDW turtles can't even beat them.

They've never been beaten, either. In the movie they had to trick them, in 87 the turtles could never touch them, 2K3 had to be run over, Nock Rahzar died to Leatherhead, and Nick Tokka was a fucking kaiju.

>Be given the return of the Shredder
>Do not use him in your run at all aside from non-speaking cameos where he's an astral projecting fairy godmother.

Shredder should have stayed dead until this current run was over.

He and his demigod bitch deserves to be in hell. Suffering in hell for thousands of years, then reincarnated as human or animal.

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I always don't mind some ugly character if they have unique, fleshed-out personalities.

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>In the movie they had to trick them
Didn't the turtles force feed them the retro mutagen cubes?

Hid them in donuts and convinced them to eat them.

Clearly you haven't heard about the ancient ritual known as the "Prefight Doughnut" before death matches.

Sophie saying the comic has always been a furry comic pissed me off because it had animals but if they were humans it would be the same it is like if you called power rangers a furry cartoon because all the monsters were monsters.

Her arcs have been dumb with future can only be saved by a rockband, and WE HAVE TO RUN FOR MAYOR YAY DEMOCRATIC PROCESS

From what I recall, they broke the donuts apart and found them.

Still ate enough of them for it to work. Then they had to be held down and fed fire extinguisher liquid.

And then Rahzar turned back into a pupper.


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Yeah, that was it. They just hadn't eaten enough.

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new update coming soon, mid april, he had a baby and had to adapt to things

I dont know, like twenty I think. Literally everyone in mutantville can die next issue and no one would care.

No, the annual was the best TMNT comic in years.

Read the new annual, you will love it.

It funny that Alopex, Jennika and Leo are still mad at Raph for he play the cop, only for him not show up to save his family. But at least, Raph is more responsible than other turtles. Especially for Leo, I am disappointed in him. He became a martial arts teacher, but his skills were still getting worse.

No, Campbell will keep them alive, and this comic will only get more childish.

Honestly, If their character development can't be improved in the main story. This book will be just redundant.

To clarify what others are saying, after issue 100 the main writer took a break from the book and someone else took over. Along with that the setting was largely changed to focus on the new area of mutant town and a new turtle was added to the group. The main complaint is that every issue since 25 has been mediocre to outright shit filler content that squandered any potential this new stuff might have had. The new turtle especially has brought nothing new to the table and clearly didn't need to happen.

Sine issue 100 I mean

anyone wanna story time it?

Don't forget diamond, who was introduced as some big new character with a completely different design than every other mutant shown so far only to be completely forgotten about 2 issues later.

>If I have no choice but to admit the writing was good, it HAD to secretly be a writer I'm not obsessed with hating

Good fucking grief.

I'm ashamed to think this is kinda hot

i aint reading all that what is the saga of pedro

But these issues is still shit. Maybe even ghostwriter can't save this comic.

I still don't understand the "Mona is unlikable!" nonsense. She's been more cute than not. She had a breakdown when her parents (understandably) freaked out, and she got worked up (understandably) over Hob. I'm meant to hate her for this? Get outta here.

I already did on Wednesday.

>a good issue isn't good if the canon doesn't acknowledge it
Nigger what?

link to the archive?

Hob plans another terrorist act. If Lita's future is canon, we will see New York city full of mutants. Remember Mikey did said this future is cool. So I want to see April, Casey or Woody fall victim to mutant bomb. Don't know if he can dare to say it's cool.

Just like most capeshit comic.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I think the issue is that they're clearly trying to ignore the myriad of issues human mutants bring to the table. We've gotten one token "Im sad" scene per new character introduced then it's never really brought up again. If the plot of mutant town was them actually trying to get these people help instead of just dicking around acting like all this is normal then this arc would be infinitely more bearable. It would also give these new characters like Mona and Diamond something to actually do along with legitimate stakes in general.

but what about Dark Mu?

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> We've gotten one token "Im sad" scene per new character introduced then it's never really brought up again.
Agreed, This terrorism should spark an international incident. What if some of victims are foreigners? And this is why this comic became shit now.

>When you realize you were trying to have a discussion in good faith with deletefag

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Oh, hey: it's that shitty artist that makes Jennika look like a frog...and now we see they just don't know how to draw humanoid turtles in general.

We will never see Raph smoking and drinking because Viacom doesn't allow it.

Wait until they do a "prom issue".

Not that guy but TMNT is an absolute clusterfuck of a franchise, the tone is all over the place and they’re running out of interesting takes on the concept. It was never meant to be taken seriously as a narrative since the original was a parody of Frank Miller’s daredevil.
It’s Wuxia, Jidai-geki, funny animal, film noir, superhero, and space opera all at once.
The 2003 cartoon is the definitive incarnation of the franchise anyway so why make anything else at this point?

>The Shredder is an alien
>Several fan-favorite characters never appear

It came the closest, but I'd argue that we've yet to see a definitive TMNT.

>the turtles cant kill
>but everyone else can what a weird rule that i thought idw was lying but I asked who i know and its a legit rule from viacom

While not as good as the original 100 issues, I didn't really mind the 25 chapters we got
Probably because I didn't get them once a month and just caught up with the series
Also fuck them for what they did to my boy Casey

>Dump Jennika for no reason.
>His friendship with Raph has been ruined.
This is how Campbell ruins every male human character.

Idk, 2012 Leo can kill Shredder. But why IDW comics can't do this?

he didn't die the 2012 team said reviving shredder let them do it as thats how they pitched it to nick

When did Dredd ever forget it's a satire?
There's a story every other few months that drives home how evil and corrupt the Judges are.

technodrome forums fucking suck for discussion. it's full of 40+ year olds that think everything is SJW shit and political and ruin every discussion thread spouting their right wing propaganda and how they're victims of the left.

Threads just become circle jerks between that faggot Andrew and Leo with all their ass licking followers spouting fake news and conspiracy theories in every god damn discussion. You get more in depth discussion of TMNT on fucking furry tumblr than that boomer shithole.

Especially since this was one of my favorite versions of Casey
Now he's in the worse place he is
And when the fuck did the purple dragons disband?
Literally first issue of jannika they were helping getting mutants back into town so the epf doesn't catch them
Then next time we see him apparently the dragons are gone and he has nothing?
I know his dad died but still
And where the fuck did he come with the whole "oh raph can't hang out with me because he has a girl"
Bitch he had this girl since more than 50 chapters ago

Casey's been a bad place since fucking forever, dude. IDW had a promising start to the character, but it slowed down rapidly, and then the Casey/April issue broke down why it's just not plausible that a smart gal like April could last with a dude that charged into fights against Triceratops-aliens without a helmet.

Casey's been pretty much adrift since then. Not saying it hasn't gotten worse in the last few years, but it's like watching the explosion of a train that had already crashed and sunk into a swamp.

Dredd as a whole hasn't been pure satire in decades. They still do satirical stories from time to time but the vast majority of dredd content is serious in universe stuff.

Long, long ago.

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There's the personal angle as well. If I got turned into a mutant and locked into a quarantine zone not only would I be freaking out but so would my whole family. People would be desperate to get out AND get in, and civil rights groups alone would be constantly putting pressure on the city and epf. Why didn't the epf go after hob? Why aren't the turtles trying to help people reconnect with loved ones or working with their alien super science buddies to find a cure? Why aren't they working to put pressure on stockman or get more aid sent to the city? Why aren't people actively demanding to be let out day and night? What the fuck was the point of doing all this if the writers had no intention of actually using the setting?

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I think I think that it is acceptable if a character improves in a side book and that change is acknowledged in the main book then that is acceptable.

If they have this big adventure and change and it means no change to the character in the main book then that is not acceptable.

A sudden change after almost two years of shit writing is a bit off. There is also that writer's fingerprint thing.

Wait, am I meant to hate this? Because I don't.

SJWs like the writers at IDW are very rarely close with their families, usually moved to the big city to get away from them, and wouldn't know what it's like to have people who want to see them or get them out if something happened where they live.

I think it's because Stockman is the mayor of New York or that is the best explanation given. He somehow stops all organizations from interfering and builds a giant wall around the mutants. I dont think Campbell actually knows what a mayor does or the powers they have.

Another point is that FEMA literally has everything already planned for a scenario like this: Bus everyone to a field camp a safe distance from population centers where they are to be treated.

Those proportions make me think she was based off those rule 63 designs Chochi made up. Especially the head and neck shape.

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Wait, if all the clones are male then why is she a female?

Campbell never explain what Stockman or EPF are doing now. Everyone outside the wall knows that this is a quarantine zone, and the mutant town thing will soon spread on the Internet. I don't think Stockman has the power to control the entire government or even suppress related information. It's more like the writers make most of the story's characters idiots for no reason

They really waste 25 issues writing these unnecessary slice of life drama. I don't know if it's because they must wait for Tom Waltz to come back.

Campbell will say Venus is transwoman.

Wouldn't that make worse than Luffy and his gang because while they don't kill their enemies, their enemies can't really beat them?

IDW turtles fighting skills seem to be worse than other version of the turtles. I can even say 87 turtles or Rise turtles are better than them. I only want to see they or even just one turtle can beat these villains and solve things.

Mikey, no!

>You can't have them learn life lessons if they can just win all their fights


Just got done reading IDW up to issue 100 but apparently it shits the bed after that so I'll just quit now. Excellent fucking comic, especially the trial of Krang arc. I wish there were more comics about fun space adventures with weird ayys.

I heard that Saban intentionally made The Next Mutation horrible because Power Rangers, its real money cow, needed to look good in comparison. Is this true?

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Loved it. The ultimate TMNT experience next to Turtles in Time.

Does her vagina still work? Asking for a friend

The water turned her gay

Looks like someone else got permanently disturbed by that scene from alien resurrection.

Some guy who hasn't posted in well over a year.

Short answer, he's some guy who is obsessed with things from his childhood and nothing else. The idea that the FW cartoon is terrible and might not be the most relevant version of the TMNT anymore is something he finds unacceptable and has demanded people who express such opinions ought to be banned. In fact, a lot of what he said can be boiled down to "My nostalgia is good and the things I am nostalgic for are perfect, new versions that threaten to change public perception of those things are abominations". The image is a compilation of posts he made where he basically revealed that he had been banned from various different forums for acting like an asshole, blaming it on the mods being "left-wing elitists", when in reality he did shit like brag about pirating movies and going out of his ways to discredit things that didn't warrant it.

She has unrealistic expectations and chastises people for not meeting them.

Missing limbs isn't my kind of thing but she is kind of cute

Don't think we've ever seen them smoke

That seems backwards. Raph should be the calbrese since it's spicier. Neopolitan is the basic bitch choice so that's more in character for Leo.

The original Mirage with some of guest era issues,Image and some issues from the later Mirage stuff are really only TMNT books worth a damn. The Archie stuff gets kinda stupid but fun I guess and 2003 tie in didn't last long enough to really be anything of note, I don't know about other cartoon ties but not fan of those shows.

Sounds like a lot of people.

I'm personally not a fan of the more mutant side of Turtles and honestly believe mutants work best as just villains to the turtles besides maybe Leatherhead but even then I rather have other types of villains and but MUTANT in Turtles should be least used part but all modern stuff tends to uses it turns into furry city or whatever, why not big fan of the Archie comics. TMNT should just street stories with some fantasy and sci fi here and there like 2003 and Mirage basically did but when you get into like mutant furry stuff na fuck that.

Good female OCs in IDW's TMNT:

That flower who sprayed Hakk-R in the fucking face with acid pollen

Shit taste.

They could simply write the four turtles as the few successful mutant experiments. Most of other mutants are fail experiments and they are mindless and bloodthirsty monsters. A few seem to be successful experiments, but they all are high-functioning sociopath. I would like to see a pure evil mutant turtle character. A clever sadist who hunting human as prey and love to torture them.

Well the writer known as Waltz may have sinister plans. Remember the old Shredder Micro Issue explaining about how Shredder dodged death? Anyway according to that issue, the future Shredder will witness is a grim one for humans. Shredder will be basically the last human on Earth and every other living creature will be a demon, mutant, or straight up freak. Mankind basically dies out. No word if Casey and April will be survivors.

What I'm getting at is the reason for example the government does not go after Hob or why the human victims don't go after Hob is to continue the trajectory of Humans Will Die Out. Except that it will be done through the power of forced bad writing. Meaning that humans will tolerate and enable their own extinction in the story of this comic. There will be no resisting, only acceptance. Remember what Michelangelo said in the recent comic issue, that he wishes people would be happy the way they are without seeking Doctor Barlow's services. And I guess this is what will happen, nonsensically billions of humans will happily live like freaks. It will be bad writing, but it is the nonsense these trash writers want to enforce. And I include Waltz in there as being trash.

Just pull an Archie Sonic and have the mutant town obliterated by the Foot from offscreen so we never have to mention any of it again.

So where do you start with the turtle comics? Is it less of a clusterfuck than cape or Judge Dredd?

because as you know
parody can only be seltzer and friedberg shit

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That certainly sounds in character for Haim Saban all things considered but I severely doubt it. I think he was just an incompetent fool who lucked into success with Power Rangers and couldn't replicate the formula.

Isn't that all the superhero comics?


Turtles are really killers but they will kill and let villains die even the cartoons they kinda like that even if they can barely get away with it.

aren't* well 2003 cartoon

So what are some good turtles stories to read/watch?

>I think he was just an incompetent fool who lucked into success with Power Rangers
That, he wasn't. He had a bit of a history with classic 80s cartoons.

The first movie is top tier

2003 before season 6,1990, Eastman and Laird issues of Mirage though some of one shots,minis and guest era stuff is good but lot it is very much it own thing same with later Mirage,Image is love it or hate it series but basically anything more based on original Mirage versions is ones that tend to be best imo even if I enjoy 87 show as just fun kid show and stuff based around it, that stuff isn't my favorite

If it was a dubbed anime in the 80's early 90's, there's about a 75% chance Saban had a hand in it.

Isn't Saki redeemed? If they dare to make him a Shredder again. I will have more reason to hate this comic. Splinter/Yoshi's sacrifice was wasted.

Serious and satire aren't mutually exclusive

Why is her belly made of metal when there's clearly enough turtle belly to around? Why does she have a crotch when the regular turtles don't? Some things mankind was not meant to know.

Something can make fun of something and still be completely straight and genuine, early TMNT was that till just became a regular genuine comic book and Dredd is still that.

Campbell is trash

Honestly I wonder how the perception of this series would've been if it ended with 100, has the Mutant Town era permanently damaged the reputation of the comic to the point where people can't admit it used to be on of the best incarnations of the franchise?

The only one that can be hard to follow is Mirage and that's only because Volume 3 isn't canon anymore

user didn't mention it but of you do like the 87 show then you should read the Archie comics

... I'm aware of the universe being reset to streamline things (Ken Penders' characters never existed and Eggman was never called Robotnik for example) but I never heard of characters being killed off-panel.

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Mirage vol 1 after issue 20 or so is basically not canon until City At War. Volume 4... let's be charitable and call it not canon. Also I dunno if most people know the series continued in Tales of the TMNT in the meantime.

I don't anyone would call the guest comics canon so that seems fine

Is Volume 4 noncanon at this point or just not liked?

I think unexplained demutation would be a bad way of doing it, it would probably be better to have a huge war in the town that takes out most of the population and the remaining Mutanimals, keep Mona and maybe one or two other mutants and then be done with that chapter of the story forever
I mean you could cut most of the cast out in the Rat King arc (it's literally called armaggedon game), just blow most of them up or some shit like that, we're probably getting a new status quo once that arc ends considering it'll probably go with issue 150 and we've always had status quo shifts every 50 issues, so i'd be surprised if we actually stick with mutant town

Couldn't you just dump mutagen on more turtles? Are they special chosen one turtles or something?

There is no more mutagen.

Mutagen is super rare and I'm pretty sure the turtles' mutagen was special somehow.

Hob and what's her face are making more right now

I mean in Mirage.

IDW it's not really a question because there are female turtles running around already. Mirage is the one where they really are the end of their line.

>not Bonesteel on a good mutant hunt

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My personal theory for what happened is that whatever plans there were for mutant town got put on hold when the writer switch happened and that Campbell was allowed to do whatever he wanted EXCEPT move the plot forward. So we get all these pointless characters and drama with no real pay off and now we're going to have to wait another 2-3 years to actually see the conclusion to all of this.


I thought it was always shaky canon, I mean, if you wanna follow Laird's canon I guess it is, and I'm sorry for you, but last I checked it had kinda stopped.

>that pic
I honestly don't know whether to be pissed off or impressed that a furry webcomic can handle these concepts better than a big budget professional comic

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Only because it was a waste product of making the teleporter

The Utroms could make more

Thats 2K3. In Mirage it was some kind of experiment that, for whatever reason, they abandoned after leaving Earth.

(The real life reason being Laird was deadset against making more mutants, obviously.)

She's also been going out of her way to help others, and her "unrealistic expectations" aren't stuff that's physically demanding or anything like that. I'd argue that she has some reasonable flaws for someone that's Been Through Shit.


A quick glance through issue 7 they don't really say what the ooze was

Just that it was one of the last things they were moving

It's a fucking chemical you stupid niggers, anyone could make it if they knew the formula. And considering there are only a finite number of possible combinations of elements on the periodic table it's inevitable that eventually someone will rediscover it.

I hate how retards treat science like some kind of magic that you have to have the "spark" to understand. It's like how in the story of Captain America some scientist from the 40s is able to develop the super solider serum and 80 years afterwards still nobody knows how to duplicate it, unless he was a literal wizard that's impossible.

I mean in TMNT it's basically magic extradimensional space fuel. It's extremely limited in supply. The scarcity of it is a repeated plot point

Not to mention she was an ordinary average human/New Yorker. I mean look what happened when Donnie talked about his past.

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You're really questioning comic book logic?

Ooze is literally the rarest substance in the known universe. It's Unobtainium. Stockman's "mutagenic soup" doesn't work without Ooze, which lets people recover from damn near anything, including sudden massive mutations that would normally kill someone in seconds.

That shit hasn't been relevant in decades.

Murphy wrote that story coming at it from a convervationist angle, looking at the sadness of "these are the last of their species."
Murphy also came up with Radical and Ninjara, the original "hey, look, a turtle has a love interest!" stories. People who hate romance love to post that "these are the last of their kind" page, and stick their fingers in their ears when it's pointed out that no author (especially not the one who wrote that page) wrote the boys as tragic characters that made a habit of sitting around going "I'll die without kids..."

We've already crossed the bridge of saying "okay well it won't 'save the species,' but the boys can fall in love and have relationships."
Having "girl turtles" doesn't change the basic math. That's not going to be enough genetic variation to make "mutant turtles" a viable species.

>that no author (especially not the one who wrote that page) wrote the boys as tragic characters that made a habit of sitting around going "I'll die without kids..."

Jim Lawson did once.

key word: habit. I'm sure there's been the odd panel/scene, but that sure as fuck hasn't been a significant part of how they've been written. If anything the franchise swung far in the opposite direction.

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Its still funny how whenever writers wanna do a story where one of them goes existential, its always Raph.

>Young kid turtles break into the zoo at night
>Kid Raph just stares at the fox exhibit all night
>"One day..."

>It's like how in the story of Captain America some scientist from the 40s is able to develop the super solider serum and 80 years afterwards still nobody knows how to duplicate it
I think the serum was duplicated kinda easily, but without the vita rays without the machine that was fucking destroyed and the scientist killed, it backfires. So it's a combination of getting the serum just right, then a machine that radiates the right energy. It's not "lol let me just make some gamma dogs"

Well, either him or Mike is the least likely.
Though I'm sure it's been done at least a bit with Leo. Maybe Don after City At War was the intention, but don't recall if it was followed up.

Yeah, they've done a few stories where some guy goes "I've done it, I've recreated the serum!" and he administers it without the right ray ratio or whatever and... it ends badly.

But they're the only connection to get the final GOOD tmnt comics. I think they said Chris Allan only has to finish drawing 5 more pages of the final issue.

>Please god not another "i'm either sassy or angry" resting bitch face female
Imagine how we feel when we see real women.

He can't keep getting away with it!!

What kills me is the way they've drowned out reasonable discussion by shoving their politics into chatter in ways that TECHNICALLY aren't breaking the rules.

"Krang's good side? More like Krang's 'global warming' side, because neither one is real and you'd have to be an idiot to believe in it, amirite?"

Nah, it'll be an emotionless "Kill me, I can't stop attacking you" bio-robot. Donnie will probably end up "fixing" her and Mona will fuck off. Not that there was anything there in the first place.

I think there's a spark that just need to be fanned.

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>Shit, here we go again
Did IDW make an Arcee AGAIN? When will they learn?

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People liked Arcee, and there was gender-weirdness with the origin of the IDW version.
Venus doesn't really have fans, and you can discuss her without the conversation instantly derail.

Or at least you could in most places. Yea Forums will derail a thread by its first reply, regardless of what the topic was.

That would imply they took a male and made her female.

We honestly still have no idea what Venus used to be, in gender, species or even living status.

Wasn't there a missing Punk Frog? I recall it was a female one too so she could've been the base for some of Venus' parts considering she even has a frog hand, although i'm hoping it's Sheena

Its too vague. Theres a missing frog, and they also claim to have seen a turtle with a "fake" shell. Then in 127 Barlow says that one of his test subjects is currently MIA, so maybe Venus isn't his only turtle creation.

Mark my words, Venus will do a better job of sticking around and becoming acceptable to fans (as a background character, like Angel or Leatherhead) than Jennika will. I think Campbell has the better approaches to introducing female-turtles comparison to Waltz.

Waltz wanted to introduce Jennika as a human, take some time to build her up and give her emotional likes to the cast, mutate her, and turn her into a turtle. It was ambitious but it might have worked, except he fucked up the "build her up and give her emotional likes to the cast" part, so when she got mutated she still felt like someone barely on a first name basis with the boys.

Campbell went with Lita, a little kid mutated into a turtle, that one day becomes Renet's apprentice. Her grown up self can show up in Renet stories, her "kid self" can be a distinct "third tier supporting character." It's easier to deal with long-term.

And Venus is a patchwork Frankenstein's monster, who'll almost certainly end up some sort of "not really a villain, but keeps to herself" antihero or something, along Leatherhead's lines. This also works better than Jennika.

Nah. Everyone bitch about Venus, but the reality is that she wasn't the reason that show sucked. It was everything else in reality.

When was Radical a turtle love interest?

She and Leo fucked years in the future.

aw god damn it Miragebros they never learn

It's Nu-Mirage though, even if I did quite enjoy that story. But Nu-Mirage feels almost like its own thing outside TMNT vol.1 and Tales vol.1 and all associated anthology stories/minis/one-shots.

In the future-story where she "died" they revealed that she and Leo had been together. I'd argue the story was even framing her to be his common-law wife. If you're gonna have a hero go "Nooooo, I'll kill you!" over a girl, may as well make her as close to him as possible.

Jennika brings nothing to the table besides being Raph 2.0. She has no real connection to the rest of the group, and at best she's just an extra pair of hands to have around. A position other characters already filled. She's just a ninja that happens to also be a turtle.

>"Nooooo, I'll kill you!"

Even though he didn't. Until later.

The point isn't that it was a good romance. The point was that Murphy wrote it, and he's the one who wrote the "the last of their kind" story. He clearly didn't believe the turtles should be played up as sexless perma-virgins.

Yeah. They should've gone straight serious with it, ages 13-16, or whatever the post-Power Rangers Turbo demographic was. The costumes were great, but god-DAMN, they OBVIOUSLY made that show for ages 6-12. It was for the Tattooed Teenagers/Beetleborgs crowd.

Well, at the time Beetleborgs was kicking Power Ranger's ass in the ratings.

I am saying sophie made the turtles pathetic so it can read like a furry webcomic where they have to solve their problems through an election and a rock battle did you not read the whole post? issues 101-125 the turtles did not win a single fight they won their battles through webcomic style adventures

Like I said, the biggest problems are from Waltz. You're right that as a mutant she's nothing necessarily unique enough to demand inclusion in the core group. She's a person that "fell to the dark side" then got saved by the boys. TMNT is full of those, from Danny to Angel. It's not a terrible character idea, but if you want to make her part of the core team you need a lot more scenes building up her relationship with the guys and establishing what she brings to the group. Waltz didn't do that before she was mutated and made "Number Five" and the story suffers from that lack of building a framework.

Capbell's turtle girls are just a kid With A Destiny that's hanging around in mutant daycare, and a patchwork Frankenstein that'll hang out in the shadows. Both with an appropriate amount of "buildup" for what they're meant to be.

did you miss the part where that was the whole election arc, there was no plan no goal it was just hob is bad we need to replace him with good leader. Sophie is retarded

I can see them needing Splinter back and the only way to do it is by "killing" Saki and have the Takeshi Tatsuo use his body as a meat puppet.

That way we get Splinter back to save everyone from the Rat King, Oroku Saki gets to die an honorable death as a heroic sacrifice and the comic gets an evil Shredder back as its main focus.

Unless they just use Ch'Rell as Shredder seeing as he's already a mainstay in the comic.

The idea of mutant town trying to find a leader to organize the community is fine, the real issue is what the end goal of it all will end up being. They need to start trying to get talks going with the outside world/stockman/the epf in order to end this whole thing. At this point, it's starting to feel like mutant town might as well exist on another planet.

Campbell said she's part of Venus.

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I like how they played so hard against the shell boobs that she just has a big fucking metal plate on her chest

This shit reminds me of a fucked up twist in a comic I had ideas about. Though it was a human being held in a tank with her limbs severed.
I was reading too much Nana's Everyday Life at the time.

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Waltz said jennika story turning to a mutant was his idea but her development past that is sophies thats not fair to waltz saying its his problem. Waltz could have made it feel natural we don't know

This is some fucking Cronenberg almost Junji Ito level body horror.

>Her missing arms look like a straight up reference to the Venus of Milo sculpture
I feel fucking stupid for not getting it.
I even own that Figma of the statue.

But 99.99% of the problem is the setup. She didn't get the framework needed to be suddenly "the fifth turtle" and have it feel natural, and we DO know that, because we were saying as much before Campbell penned a single issue. Campbell took two classic characters, Mona and Venus, and retooled them well to fit into what's been going on. Mona got redone as a college girl that got mutated in Waltz's mutagen bomb, and fell in with the boys because she's a good outgoing person that wants to help. She works pretty well. Venus got originally turned into Lita, and the story there's fine too. Little kid that can show up in backgrounds, an adult that can pop up in particular stories. Venus got redone again once permission came to CALL her Venus, and this time it's a good fit for the creepy IDW universe, and having her be a shadowy monster lets her pop up in future stories without crowding into the core group unasked-for.

Campbell reintroduced Venus (twice) and Mona better than Waltz introduced Jennika as a new major element.

>I always don't
How 'bout "i never" ? Jfc...

she was a turtle for 5 issues under waltz she did not become the fifth till they made her the fifth in the early 110s. You can't blame waltz for her not earning it when he had only 5 issues to have her earn it and they were dealing with a bigger issue at the time

>He had only five issues
No, he had PLENTY more. Jennika as a human was where the setup was needed. You can't do "she's justified as a fifth turtle, because she was already so close to them!" if you botch the "making her close to them" part. Campbell could've done a better job with integrating her, but the biggest problem is that she feels intrusive as "one of the family," like she didn't earn that place. And that's on Waltz. He put in some scenes with Leo and her, but never took it far enough.

I think Sheena's pretty cool.

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Hope she's OK.

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>Try again to catch up with my comixology account
>Nope, Amazon's still got it turned into a mangled mess

I want Amazon to burn.

Now Raph just need a human girlfriend. And let her die in front of his eyes one day.

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Another human became turtle? Just like Jennika and Lita. They don't deserve to be called mutant turtles.

I think she's the frog parts and maybe the brain.

>Cambell's design
>Junji Ito level
Is this joke?

I'm going to do all the TMNT comics in a storytime when I am done with Transformers.

There's a ton of good ideas just sitting on the back burner, like that merc squad of humans with mutagen tanks from the issue of TMNT Universe that introduced a MUCH better version of Dreadmon.

Looks like tattoo girl became a frog and then those frog parts get used to make a frankenturtle.

I think that was what made the first 100 better because it had multiple titles going on. I mean would you be throwing such a fit if Campbells run would have been a side series like Jennika called Mutant Town with the main series still done by Waltz?

My god it must be exhausting to experience TMNT through your eyes.

They really should did this.

>MUCH better version of Dreadmon.

Joking, yes?

I'd be down for it. There's a few storylines I'd enjoy having another look at.

Like mirage and dark horse and the Archie's and all that?vm2rs

nonsensically billions of humans will happily live like freaks.
I don't know if this is look like a SJW writer would write, but why don't try something like Devilman? Because of the Utroms invasion and Hob's terrorist attack on New York City, humans began to slaughter mutants or alien creatures on Earth out of fear, and even The Turtles's human friend were attacked.

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>Have you heard of Grimdark?

Please don't.

As much as I love what I'm seeing for Shredder's Revenge - and I really really do - I hope it goes the extra mile with references and Easter Eggs. I'd love to see some Usagi, Casey, and original Mona, and maybe 1987-style takes on characters that never appeared in the OG cartoon, like Karai, Hun, Ninjara, Shinigami, and Bishop.

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Yes, IDW's Dreadmon was better than Archie's. I'm not talking backstory, he just looked WAY better and was a better fighter (possibly due to the Archie version suffering from shitty paneling on fight scenes, but more likely cuz Capoeira on a semi-quadruped character is pretty sweet).

>I'm not talking backstory
That's a pretty huge thing to "not be talking."

"I was a child soldier. I have seen some shit..." is not the dialogue of someone I want around.

Glancing through recent issues, and dangit, I just really like this scene. The cast don't get many nice cozy "everyone's safe, there's no juxtaposition of happy people and people in trouble" moments like this.

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Too many slice of life shit.

Horses for Courses. I enjoyed it.

Gotta love what a piece of shit Ch'Rell is in every continuity. "Hello, yes, for my first act of real villainy I'm thinking... the murder of a newborn, as a first step toward war and reestablishing slavery."

>Ghost written
Not a hope in hell. You're just upset that the Barlow story is shaping up to be fun and darkly atmospheric. It's working because the villain is a decent one that Campbell made up, that doesn't have any "ongoing plot" from Waltz, tangling things up, like with Stockman and Hob.

Laird was the one that REALLY hated her. Always kinda makes me laugh that the one that was passionately going "this ruins so much about what makes TMNT work!" is also the one that gave us "April's actually a drawing that was brought to life" not even a decade later.

>Barlow story is shaping up to be fun and darkly atmospheric.
Just a mad scientist and his body horror experiment shit. It seems that Campbell can only write such shallow shit like this.

So there is no reason to bring Krang back again. There are many villain need some story development.

>Having read the history behind the character behind the scenes, I actually feel kind of bad for the Venus character and their creator.

Never heard anything about this. There any info worth knowing?

I mean... it's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, my dude. I'm not here for the next V for Vendetta, Blankets, or Bone. Our guys are going to be up against twisted Frankenstein monsters with machine parts and a tendency to bite, and I am 100% down for that.

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Aw yea. Giving kids an amputee fetish early. At least she doesn't look grotesque this time.

Bad romance drama can always ruined a good character.

Using the dragon scale as a new Unobtainium to make this all possible was legitimately clever. "A patchwork person reanimated by the power of a dead evil dragon god" is metal as fuck.

Campbell wanted to let The Turtles to save this shit character's life. Just like Karai.

What the fuck are you going on about?

Honestly, if Barlow has no connection to Rat King then that's just kinda sloppy worldbuilding.

Are they even a different species really? They're mutants but they're still turtles. Could they not just jizz on some non-mutant turtle eggs and call it a day?

Yeah man, aside from Rat King, where are you going to find any rats to get mutated by in New York?

>the point of Turtles is they're the only ones.

Been beating my head against the keyboard trying to figure out if there's anything more to be gleaned from this page. Who's the benefactor? What specimen? Procedure?

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Cept Venus comes from one of the most despised things. That damn Fox Kids show.

Is "Ziggy" a reference to something? Groundchuck and Dirtbag are obvious references, but that's such a distinct name it feels like it might be something too.

Stop at Issue 100 of the series. Done

I'd argue that part of IDW's charm is that it tried to use stuff from ALL the different types of TMNT. Sometimes it works pretty well (Hob, Slash), sometimes you get misses (Angel, Bishop). Venus was a big enough part of fanlore that it makes sense to put her in somehow.

And "she's their sister, sorta, because some of her organs are made from dead clones of them" works way better than "she's their separated-when-they-were-kids long-lost-sister."

Null or Stockman. Another assumption is that Barlow is Rat King. He is demigod so he can disguise himself as a mutant or human.

>And "she's their sister, sorta, because some of her organs are made from dead clones of them" works way better than "she's their separated-when-they-were-kids long-lost-sister."

Not really. Original Venus was explicitly not their sister so she could be a love interest. And frankly just making her a fifth extra pet turtle would've been far more streamlined.

My money's on Metalhead, "alive" in a computer and trying to arrange a suitable cyborg-body to inhabit.

Null is the obvious answer, Stockman/the epf could also be involved considering it would finally give them an excuse to keep mutant town going as a testbed.

Despite what peeminist say-

Barlow's trying to create clones of mutant turtles, and has been experimenting with brain implants to make people do what he wants them to do.
What POSSIBLE specimen might he had been trying to get his hands on to help with those particular branches of research?

the character should never ever appear under any circumstances

it was expressly written as a satire of Frank Millers work on Daredevil

She's "not really their sister" in the same way they weren't "really" brothers. The idea of there just being a fifth turtle in the original bowl feels forced as fuck.

The first issue started as a satire of Frank Miller's work on Daredevil - that kind of "hard boiled urban ninja war" with absurd elements thrown in. But while they were working on the first issue they were clearly having lots of fun riffing on the absurd elements ("And they'll be named after renaissance artists!"), developing that stuff into its own thing.

It was a very strange comic, and honestly there was genuinely was a good bit more there than just "a satire of Frank Miller's work on Daredevil."

>Another human became turtle?

The turtle parts are cloned from the boys, actually. There's a little dead-mutated-human in the mix, but she's not a human-become-turtle.

Did she just


Did she just tongue-kiss a giant fucking rat?

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Why are moles so fucking powerful in this comic? Karai's mole was bigger'n Letherhead.

>a giant fucking rat?

Splinter: "Oh sure, defeat alien invasions, thwart death itself to be reincarnated, rule over a ninja empire and reshape it for the better... but you fuck ONE giant, and you're a giant fucking rat..."

She's made from turtle bits, and bits from a punk frog girl, and probably other things as well. Considering the clones just-plain-died, presumably they're good for a few spare parts, but you can't build a working humanoid out of just them. Suffice to say Venus is a "she" because of the parts that came from girl mutants.

>tfw told a variation of this joke to someone only an hour ago for the first time in years


So is this the culmination of what they were doing to poor Seymore Guts?


There's a finite amount of Ooze on Earth. The first few mutants were choppy prototypes, then for a while things were going smoothly. But now we're getting down to the last of the Utrom Ooze available. Hob's got some he stole, and Null and Baxter probably have a smidgen squirreled away, but going forward it'd make sense if any new "mutants/monsters" were the result of people desperately trying to make do with random things now that Ooze is back to being scarce. Like a creature patched together from clone corpses and bits of random mutants.

What happened to draining mutant blood, like they wanted to do with Splinter? I mean Leo's blood created Jennika and there's tons of mutants now.

My "No Prize" answer is that it's a diminishing returns thing. The boys had a high degree of ooze exposure, you might get a few more mutants from their blood, or other mutants made early on. You probably can't get any from Jennika, nor from the mutant town denizens (who got funky gas-mutagen that probably watered down the ooze to the barest amount safely possible). I mean it's all nonsense comic science, but it's not hard to think of a spin that works for where we're at.

>My very specific phobia


She just went missing after visiting an insane vivisectionist that's been chopping people up and playing mix-and-match games with their parts.

What's the worst that could've happened to her?

what? the scientist didn’t have blueprints saved anywhere?

based KSBD enjoyer

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Yes, all of it.

Well this has immediately piqued my interest. Never cared for Venus's original iteration but I've been hoping she'd get reintroduced at some point and done better. I'm also a sucker for mild body horror with things like Frankenstein abominations, so I'm on board. I just hope she doesn't get killed off after her story is concluded. I like the idea of an undead antihero Venus skulking around trying to find purpose in her existance.

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Probably not as a safety measure, though I'm a bit rusty. I think the serum might have been recreated from notes by the second, "commie smasher" Captain America (but still without the rays). It's been a while.

I wonder if she heals or the scales just keep reanimating her damaged corpse.

Judging from the magic blue aura around her stitchwork spots, I'd say she pulls herself back together ala Monsoon from MGR

Attached: Monsoon.jpg (1280x1828, 138.25K)

Was just about to mention this. I kinda feel the scale will eventually heal her into a "normal" state

I think Campbells work is better when read as a whole. The 30 day wait makes it more discombobulated. Some time read Wet Moon.

Will Venus show up in media like video games, movies, and new cartoons now that her ban expired?

Turtle tits are back on the menu, god help us all

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Industrial working knowledge is a thing.
For example, the US government keeps an abrams tank production line going to this day. We dont NEED new abrams, we have thousands in storage. But still we keep the production line going and popping out a tank a month or so. why?
because theres a lot more that goes into production than just having a spec sheet and materials. certain little details that only come up when you’re actually trying to piece these things together.


Technically she did since she's based on Lotus Blossom

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They should give the original four turtles more power, better weapons or something. Consider that their next main enemies is a demigod , Stockman, Krang and Null. If they must have another new mary sue to help them win, they will never get stronger. I'm sick of Campbell treating the four turtles like little babies.

Well that ain't right

People still read this trash?

Place ya bets:
>Goes crazy and fights the turtles for an arc, good after: 3:1
>Goes crazy and fights the turtles for an arc, reccoruing villian after: 5:1
>Goes crazy and fights the turtles for an arc, Gets Killed: 7:1
>Secretly, Dr.Barlow is evil and Venus is part of his plans 10:1
>Venus is genuinely good but the turltes get upset about the moral implications of playing god and also how damn creepy she is all the time: 25:1
>I wanna fuck Frankenstein's turtle: Even Money

I could see her and Leather head being bros. Once they deal with Leatherhead's... unpleasantness.


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Ziggy is a Palladium character according to Campbell. Not sure which one though.


It's probably fine

Counterargument: The Pantheon were a bad idea. The boys have swords and sticks, they're up against gods that can manipulate memories and stop the flow of time. They'll win because Comics, but you can't write this shit well.

She fights 'em for an arc and is "good?" (with a question mark) afterward.
And I wanna fuck Frankenstein's turtle.

They can try something like 2003 Ninja Tribunal or Rise. Give them a mystic weapons and let IDW Leo learn some magic.

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It wouldn't surprise me if Venus "unleashes" the power of the Dragon, saves the day, and seals the Pantheon away for 1000 years.

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I hate it, but I hate it less than "we beat up the Pantheon because someone put a magic emerald in my nunchucks!" like suggested by

If Waltz or Campbell dared to write this scene. This sucks. The four turtles were still the weak in the end.

Top left.

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Why are turtle comics so feel good.

Glimpses into the future like that are always just POTENTIAL futures. There's no reason to assume things will definitely turn out that happy (and that's a New York that's been reduced to Mad Max, so it's not exactly standard-issue happy).

Gotta say, I wish we'd seen a little more of that world. Not even with dialogue, I kist love the aesthetic going on and wish I could've seen more of it. Mona, Pepperoni, Alopex and the weasels are really rocking that post-apocalyptic look. And Casey looks... happy. Which is nice. I'm assuming the three mutants standing around him are is harem.

Wanda and the lizard maybe but I don't think so for Jay the frog since he's gay and all.

I can't believe how much Mona's feather/hairs grown.

user, him being gay is 100% why I assumed that was Casey's harem.

>peperoni mutaated
>something everyone said was stupid
>campell keeps pushing it

Thats a POSSIBLE future, relax.

You do not speak for us, little boy.

>and Mona will fuck off.
PLEASE. Mona is fucking insufferable, every line of dialogue is her just being a bitch I don't understand how anyone can like the character.

>venus was such a catastrophically bad decision that Eastman and Laird actually had it in writing that they couldn't make female turtles in any future adaptation without his explicit approval.
Didn't E&L sell off their rights wholesale to Nick? Are Nick currently the ones allowing IDW to make a TMNT comic? Or do Nick only own the cartoons or something?

Nick owns it lock stock and barrel. They licensed it to IDW.

Also, only Laird was deadset against girl turtles. Eastman didn't care.

I just caught up on the book, reading from 122-127. You're going "ugh, she's such an insufferable bitch" about a character that's barely said more than a few sentences in half a year, and was overwhelmingly kind and giving in the things she did do. At this point you're just not making much sense.

That cover is amateur as fuck what is IDW doing over there? Are they just letting their 5 year old kids work on the comics now?

Man, if that was the real cover and I was IDW that would've hurt.
The actual cover is apparently What you replied to might be a one-store variant or something, but I'm pretty sure it's just fanart.

>No, the annual was the best TMNT comic in years.
>the annual was trying to deal with sophies shitty writing
>Read the new annual, you will love it.

Holy fuck you guys I was browsing this thread and didn't even realize an annual had dropped. But fuck me if this wasn't a fantastic issue. Holy shit I'd forgotten what GOOD TMNT was like after so long. The return of the red bandannas the hello father fuck this one got me. I want more of this. The bit where they bro out for two panels and acknowledge current continuity was such a breath of fresh air from all the shit the recent issues have been I almost forgot how good the bros are.

Mikey, say it. Cheesy as fuck but yes it was rad as fuck.