Will reading a lot help me become a fast and smooth speaker? Should I read out loud? Should I speed read?

Will reading a lot help me become a fast and smooth speaker? Should I read out loud? Should I speed read?

Attached: Shapiro.jpg (1600x900, 102K)

Count your blessings.
Fast and smooth speaker = slow brain.
Good hand writing = slow brain

Negroes never search for what they want to say.
Most idiots I know write surprisingly well. Brilliant physicians have awful handwriting.

>Most idiots I know write surprisingly well.
And by write, I mean handwrite.

>two conspicuous signs of intelligence = slow brain

something tells me you're farting out bad advice

Naw. It will help with vocabulary and knowing what the hell you're talking about, but practice speaking, reading aloud. Take a debate class or take up poetry reading maybe

Attached: 1509409528087.gif (400x320, 2.28M)

There is no shortcut to good public speaking except doing public speaking.
I could give you all kinds of tips but they won't be any use if you don't have an avenue to practice.
The more you do public speaking, the less nervous you will get when doing it, which will lead to better speaking, which will lead to better reception which will lead to greater confidence.
God speaking stems from a positive feedback loop. Once you have that established, you can focus on style, but before then don't.

if you want a book, i'd recommend Dale Carnegie's 'Public speaking for success'. I'm not sure about the efficacy of all of it's points but it should help you get some confidence.

>ben shapiro
>good public speaker
Pick one

>greentexting something i never said

Ben Shapiro thinks that speaking too fast for your opponent to respond constitutes winning a debate. he's surprisingly uncharismatic and his claim that 'facts don't care about your feelings' is a ridiculous denial of the power of rhetoric. it's no wonder that Ben ends up backing stiff, uncharismatic candidates (Romney and Cruz) who much to Ben's rage were smashed by more rhetorically savvy opponents.

Ben Shapiro is not someone to learn good public speaking from. OP is the one suggesting he is, not me.

No I have noticed the same. A simple mind that can't grasp varying shades of reality will find it easier to argue. It's like laser focusing and never moving from your position

not that I agree with that guy but how is good handwriting a sign of intelligence?

Not him but disagree. Its easiest to argue when you're confident about your poistion and can readily anticipate counterarguments. I dont know anything about specfic brain processing speeds but whatever "grasping varying shades of reality" means here sounds irrelevant. If you're well read and experienced on a topic you'll be savy to argue. What the hell is a simple mind to you anyway? Sure plenty of ignorant people argue fervently but so do "educated" people. Being articulate and a strong rhetorician is a skill hosted by a wide variety of people.

Studying communications and the art of rhetoric in general will help you. But in my opinion, the greatest rhetoricians have a natural penchant for it that completely overshadows anyone who learns the craft academically. I had a communications teacher who was incredibly eloquent but completely without charm. Charm is an indenspensible quality for the rhetorician, and charisma of course. As much as this board gives shit, id say black Americans are very strong rhetoricians politically, as these qualities are often produced aptly. People like Baldwin, Carmicheal, Washington, X, etc. Anyway, I'm rambling but yeah you can learn it but don't expect to be brilliant if youre not a natural.

Yes, if you read well-articulated text and reformulate them in your mind, in your own words, as you read.

Every you read hear and say will affect your brain.

I literally only listened to top academics from Oxford talk for years, only read the classics and avoided humans. Now I everyone says I sound posh.

I've unironically developed a stutter since I started browsing Yea Forums.


You're reading what autismos have written. That's affect you just as reading milton affects you.

Whenever you're short of words just repeat the words "bing", "bang" :DDDD until God provides you with what to say. Guaranteed win in every argument.

Don't think I'm not watching you.... I'm monitoring your "bings" and "bangs"...

So am I going to start talking like Joe Rogan?

Based Rhetorician