>His outward appearance thoroughly corresponded with Stirner's nature and character, whose basic trait was that of an unshakeable calmness and composure. He was polite toward all with whom he associated; he was never torn by anger or ever overcome by it. He was helpful where he could be---one of the two letters in his own hand that remain gives proof of his readiness to help. He was unobtrusive in every way, in word and in deed, was without presumption or vanity, and enjoyed universal respect and liking. It is said that never, but never did it happen that he accused anyone or admonished him, or said something unfavorable "behind his neighbor's back"-a proof of inner refinement, such as certainly only a few people may claim for themselves. Thus Stirner had not a single personal enemy. Since he himself through his person and his life did not invite judgment and he did not get close to anyone, no one judged him. But just as he had no enemies, so too he possessed not a single intimate friend. Thoroughly tasteful as he was, the brotherly hugs as well as the sentimental outpourings of youthful friendship must have been a horror to him, and in later years he obviously needed no close friend for what he could trust himself to cope with. He said the best and deepest things with amazing openness. He did not direct his words to those around or close to him, who were unable to understand him, but rather beyond them to those whom he did not know and whom he perhaps saw as his best friends. Who indeed could have offered him intellectual friendship, whom he would not have left behind him in his long course? He was in almost daily association with the most progressive people of his time; as far as they may already have gone, they all lagged behind him, stuck in their criticism of what he had already destroyed. Apart fr om his association with them, however, nothing is reported of any other acquaintances of Stirner. Since all his other personal relationships cannot be traced and no clues of any kind have turned up, it may rightly be assumed that he had formed no other acquaintances at all, that he, like his thoughts, went through life alone.
>This characteristic reserve also extends to his private life. One knew nothing of him: of his life, his income, his inclinations, his joys and sorrows. He hid them, never spoke of them, never expressed them. There must have been in his nature a silent, cold trait that did not allow impertinent and curious questions.
Thanks to the user that posted this in a previous Stirner thread. He reminds me of myself now.
>He reminds me of myself now. Kek Stirner was a shallow midwit piece of human garbage attention whore who took a certain infantile glee in shitting up other peoples threads with totally unwarranted, ostentacious faggotry? Fucking sage you sack of shit.
You're not a woman. You count as much as a dog or a carpet.
Are you really like this, user? You're totally open with your spiteful wretched self around others? How sad I now feel for you poor family.
Tyler Robinson
t. Marx
Benjamin Williams
>You’re not a woman Yes I am. I have a dick instead of a vagina, that’s the only difference.
Let’s play our little game butterfly. You’re thinking of it ;3
Nolan Smith
I'd say I feel bad for your family, but they're probably all scumfuck pieces of trash like you. The mongoloid tends not to fall from the mongoloid tree, after all, and whatever genes compel you to behave like a pathetic self-aggrandizing dipshit on an otherwise anonymous Taiwanese basket weaving forum of all places must surely have originated somewhere, from some greater source. You're a living example of why eugenics isn't necessarily the greatest evil in the world.
Why are "lesbians" always so proud of the fact that they are "lesbians"? (Quotation marks to indicate the non-existence of "lesbianism")
John Long
You can’t stop it, you can try in vain. It’s erect :3
Jonathan Cook
Butterfly has dick, she's a tranmy
Easton Miller
I was made to feel ashamed growing up. I came to Yea Forums back in year one (btards used to don names all the time) anonymous for much of it, I drifted from Yea Forums to Yea Forums to /u/ to /news/ etc. I would always AL-WAYS have to put up with so-proud straight boys. I came to Yea Forums and kept my secret, but anonymous pried and pocked and I didn't feel like denying it any longer. I say now to the troll. But he's not listening.
These guys are shitheads but honestly why not just go user?
Also stirner is based.
Colton Young
Ironically Stirner wouldnt have been a tripfag
Brody Harris
I see you don’t understand the pickle you’re in.
Jonathan Green
I actually don’t. What are you referring to?
Aiden Anderson
Stirner is so wrong it is laughable. Like all good boy liberals he assumes the Lockean state of nature; man voluntarily enters society, abstraction precedes sociality, society is merely a "spook". Contemporary anthropologic and linguistic theory proves otherwise. Rather, man by defintion is socialised. That is, the inception of sociality is the inception of man. Society is not a "spook", and in fact, it is as real as man himself.
Nathaniel Harris
Judging by your post. I don't think you have read him. ''That a society, for example, state society, diminishes my freedom doesn't much appall me. I have to let my freedom be limited by all sorts of powers and by anyone who is stronger, indeed by every fellow-human being; and ifl were the autocrat of all the R-(Russians), I would still not enjoy absolute freedom. But I will not let ownness be taken''
''The original state of the human being is not isolation or being alone, but rather society. Our existence begins with the most intimate connection, since already, before we breathe, we live together with the mother; then when we've seen the world's light, we immediately lie again on a human being's breast, her love cradles us on her bosom, leads us on a leash, and chains us to her person with a thousand ties. Society is our natural condition. This is why, as we learn to feel ourselves more, the connection that was once most intimate becomes looser and the breaking up of the original society more obvious. The mother must fetch the child, who once lay beneath her heart, from the street and from the midst of its playmates''
Justin Young
Elijah Cooper
Additionally. Stirner goes against the notion that the holistic subject of the system of society has inherent *right* to determine him. The whole is not realer than the part. But Stirner does not even speak of ''the part'' as the general particularity of, say, individuals in a society. This is the subtle thing you have to notice in the book. He isn't even prescribing anything, he even writes this concretely in one segment. There is no consideration of generality, even in particularity, here. Rather what he writes about is an ontological shift towards himself. The book has the ''unique'' in the title, where a literal translation would be ''the only one'', or something to that effect. Now, this is not a signifier of solipsism, but has to do with his notion of power and property, being fully grounded in the transient ontological point which is himself. There is much more to this, of course. Read the book even if you disagree, its quite nice. At least then you could make actual arguments against the work.
we know he had 2 wives which is more than most of you virgins will ever get
Jaxson Young
She was talking to me. :3 that’s what she’s referring to moron. You are using the name ‘Anonymous’. That’s the fucking retarded pickle you’re both in, dipshit. We’re trying to help you out of it.
You are interested in me a little. It’s clear you’re making an exception for me. But I’m not ‘so proud’ or anything like that.
Somehow, in some way, I think you know that. Either you realize it or you know it because of who I am. We both know you are much younger than you say, and I might be willing to forgive what you did, but I doubt that even happened.
I am going to read Stirner eventually. Just give me a bit cutie. Have a good day, I hope this reaches you
Asher Hernandez
ITT: >tripfag making the male sex she'd "never" fuck horny >tripfaghaters seducing the tripfag making her doubt her sexuality on a regular basis
Get a room and do the gangbang already. You all know You want it.
No one can make her doubt her sexuality except me. That’s my post above you you fucking retard.
I’m just Anonymous-hater
Alexander Murphy
And it’s not her doubting her sexuality either. It’s more like her making an exception
Aaron Turner
Well it seems that "the Nut of Your Life" wants all the cracking it can get. :3
Isaiah Adams
She may have been horny ITT for me. But you’re the first impersonator.
People aren’t really that bad, bud. You worry far too much. I’m the only guy she likes
Camden Martin
I ain't impersonating anyone, especially a retard whose identity on an Anonymous board is a fucking smiley. I just popped in this thread 15mins ago and saw this introduction to a gangbang. Hope You get to take Your turn in it. :3
Dylan Diaz
No one thinks you’re funny
Nathan Lewis
>No friends >Failed marriage >Wife said he was cold >No kids I wonder if he regretted it near the end
Leo Adams
Lmao you clearly haven't read the book. Stirner does not deny nature or society or empathy or love; he merely refuses to be subjected to a higher essence (i.e. "Spook") that denies him his ownness.
Caleb Cox
His kid died at birth. His wife went over to England and converted to Christianity, she said he was a sly man. He had friends, though later in life less so. Only one of the young Hegelians showed up at his funeral. I'm sure he regretted the failed milk business.