Is he the BEST poet in english language?
Is he the BEST poet in english language?
who gives a shit
I care you fucking dumbass
Miles better than Toilets and the other burger faggot.
no, maybe in the 20th century though
Sometimes. I think his early stuff is a little too neo-romantic for my liking but he felt the same way.
His high points are extreme high points but he wrote a shit ton of forgettable trash.
Thomas Hardy is the thinking man's Yeats. Time will vindicate him as the superior poet.
not even close.
Is he? Why?
His stuff is just more developed, thematically.
Not arguing, just curious if you could make a contrast in their themes.
Fuck you don’t call him a dumbass you fucking cunt!
He's fantastic! Probably not the greatest poet of all-time though.
i hate this guys twitter
nope, this guy is.
a jew won't be never a good poet. They lack feelings
this /pol/ shit is getting old already
He's not wrong though. Jews are incapable of feeling normal human emotion. That's why all Jewish poets and writers write "quirky" "abstract" "surreal" work that masquerades as being deep, when really it is just trying to distract people from the fact that they can't feel emotions the same way you and I do. See Kafka, Dylan, Ginsberg, etc.
Quality rebuttal
You think I'm going to waste my time with your retarded /pol/ garbage?
(This to be completely honest with you)
>Just like a woman
>Sad eyed Lady
>It's alright ma
>Tambourine man
>Boots of spanish leather
>Not emotional
Here's an idea: maybe you should kill yourself.
Cant tell if bait, but just in case it isn't. It would be impossible for you to tell if someone else has feelings or not, no matter how mad they make you for being a (insert derogatory term here)
I wouldn't say he's better than Shakespeare or the Romantics necessarily, and he has some contemporaries who are just as great, like T. S. Eliot and Hart Crane, but he's definitely up there.
It's true that Jews can't feel emotion but that's only because I'm not a Jew and solipsism is true.
I always find David Jones so much more interesting than Eliot for his style. Comparing to Yeats is harder, though I find Jones and Eliot more to my taste.
I only ever see this guy being quoted by numales and blue check mark jews on twitter
The Trial is so deeply emotional it’s the only original work of modern literature that could be set to the same scale as ancient Greek drama.
I’ve been meaning to read him. Is ‘In Parenthesis’ a good start?
It is, but I'd recommend Anathemata unless you're looking for ww1 poetry.