I dare you to do it, Yea Forums
I dare you to do it, Yea Forums
OP pressed "Post"
OP is faggot
Pedocide cock shit
tfw no gf
S(he) be(lie)ve(d)
I browse Yea Forums
my favourite is
Go and fornicate
Baby shoes unworn
me so horny :(
I was smart
Why me, God?
I am alive
this thread sucks
i will wait
Table for one
The birth rates
Crying while masterbating
A sad story
For sale, baby.
Here it comes.
But she died.
gods not dead
13% commits 50%
You are dead
D sharp minor
white people exist
Thank you for the (you)
Everyday it rained
i want die
Enough is enough.
Post body
Nothing happened really
Why don't you?
can't take it
Hi, Mom, I
If you don't
[set in Japan] Call me sometime
you're kidding her
dude, don't not
Takes one to
>He he e?
this one's actually pretty good, good job user
show vegene pls
Not tall enough
so that's that
resources are finite
I loved you.
My diary desu
They slapped me
Irish not welcome
my writing career
sagging husk untouched
boring faggot poster
Niggers raped me.
How's your writing going Daizaanon?
He wasn't enough.
Is it in?
13% of population
World is fuck
bites the dust
Went on a long walk today, maybe four hours, worked on it a bit this morning and will do some more tonight though. It's progressing very well, thank you for asking. Still trying to get it sad enough that the readers will commit suicide. Poor business model but a great aesthetic.
The plague ended
white pride worldwide
If only i...
I miss you
I missed home
I miss home
I missed you
Lucky died alone
White birth rates
Dad, I'm female.
Women? Voting? Yikes.
Mom. I'm male.
>Abridged classic
No can do.
Ah great. So did you have sexual intercourse this past weekend? Or did you reject people for me?
I'm fine. Really..
I’m :3 ofc no face necessary
never been kissed
You got bamboozled
Entwined explosive abandon!
based and redpilled
Show me your naked body NOW.
Life is futile
What's your order?
Not me :3
>for sale: children's shoes, never used.
No, it has to be three words.
>for sale: children
Yeah that works.
My life desu
Exclusively for women
/pol/ was right
haha..........please laugh
mom made pancakes
And me right?
Please, PLEASE tell me that two weekends ago you were lying.
I know now that you were lying about your age, if you had sex two weekends ago I suppose I’ll have to leave you alone but I very much doubt it. What did she look like :3
Op's mom's anus.
Laid down dying
The Jews won.
He was right
Of course not
But you were lying about your age yes?
But her emails
mistakes were made
he said a sad story
My diary desu
Not his baby
I loved him....
Dad, wake up.
Not Penny's boat
Two, counting God
I failed you
Entry, inquiry, loss
An empty life
This guy is creepy
pp poo poo
A sad story
If you find anything about the butterfly tripfag attractive you're fucked.
Waiting for salvation
You should go...
She left again
Please move on
Hoping doesn't work
Are you there?
i'm still alive
publish this before someone else does
"You're still waiting?"
Still no GF
Mom is dead
Wait for me
maybe tomorrow's better
Not you. Him.
Perception is fantasy
Things always change
Oh sorry i guess this is more of a horror story than a sad one
Never said goodbye.
It’s not creepy for simply remembering things that someone said. I’ve caught her lying red handed btw, that is a smoking gun if you actually care.
There’s no way she had sex two weekends ago
I'm an artist
Mister Nigger McFuckjew
Pillow and duvet
Yes, you are creepy. Fucking weirdo
Hitler was right
No, one cares.
None even knew.
Gay, for pay
Why man? I’m not really stalking her or something. Over time she has shown interest in me. At one point I kept the screencaps now I don’t even bother.
She was basically asking me what kind of movies and shit I liked, where I worked etc
She did this thing that women do where they just say we don’t have anything in common, despite the fact that she and I do have a few things in common.
But that was the block for her and I. She is making an exception for me and not you. And you’re just pissed because I want her to not have sex, and it looks like she isn’t.
Women like attention dipshit
Please, stop replying to me. Pic related is me every time I read one of your posts.
is this the real butterfly? i thought the real trip started with an “o”
You’re just trolling me I take it. You see her responses. She isn’t creeped out at all. We have a good time actually and many times I can guarantee I’m making her laugh.
You’re just jealous.
>Butterfly is sockpuppetting again
I'm gay btw
Nope, it’s not me.
Naw. Both are mine. I hate trips. Wish I wasn’t forced to use them
still love her
Oh, not you
>she isn't creeped out at all
Well, I am
more like tampon-puppeting haha
>It's a attention whore tripfag derails the thread episode.
shidding and farding
Because creative differences.
I don’t care about you
She never cared
I'm always alone
I should go
Sit somewhere else.
i-is it in?
But Hitler failed.
mother died today
The others lived
This post seriously makes my penis hard.
My life. PepeHands.
i like this one
I failed her
tomorrow is undesired
I lived, once.
i love anime
based instagram poster
I could have
here are your final grades
congratulations to all
He never scored.
My son died.
My wife died.
Death never comes.
I tried again.
You're not funny
Really I'm fine
I'm not okay.
Life never ends.
And she left.
And yet... Yet...
Darkness overcame all.
The light faded...
my balls itch
He was small
Acknowledge my existence!
I was here.
babby shoe pooped
they died quietly
Thanks mate. first time somebody acknowledged my literary talent.
Returned baby clothes
I couldn't help
Baby meat: FRESH
are you done?
Waited, nobody came.
Seasick,still docked
Moot left forever
No internet connection.
These stories are supposed to be sad, not hilarious, uplifting, or life affirming.
It won't be
I'm not here
It's not now
>flowers for algernon
Now that was actually good.
That's five words, idiot.
Expected to see a variation of this, couldn't think of one myself. Well done.
My own life
Woke up again :(
Made me drink
Niggers are immortal
Dad Beat Me
Alone among many
Shart after fart.
Please, rape her.
All an illusion
Do you have discord?
Muslims in Europe
shidded, farded, cuumed.
And She left.
fucking kek i laughed so hard that i had to explain it to my boomer dad
/pol/ was right.
My dog died
Where is God ?
not into guys
"Our nigga dead".
What is left
oh you, lol
Maybe one day
Miss you Mom.
Mother died today
Too many notes.
Old pains remain
His light dimmed
His colors dulled
I am tired.
Too short, sorry.
I really liked the last one
And but so
So (Redd)it goes
Self published author
So it goes.
He never lived
You're so quiet
s a d
CRASH, golden retriever.
Yea Forums. sleep. repeat.
I'll make it.
No more tendies
i was born
I stopped wanting
Wait, that's too many
I am unwell.
t. David
The pair split
She wasn’t her
He still waits
Not to be.
Oh, it's Christmas.
>that feeling when
Hours in WoW
Just one twin.
A lone twin.
I am sane
Father, please, no
All can't out
Me, all along.
No more time
Half-Life 3
Straight to DVD
Rape train conductor.
Parkinsons jenga tournament.
Dumpster meth baby.
That's 2 words you dumbfuck neckbeard.
>user can't count to three
Is that you, Gabe?
Why'd you come
Ca-ca poo-poo pee-pee.
Not bad!
Never loved twice
Time for work
Never seen light
She adored horseradish.
Spank me, master.
I'll be home.
Her charming farts.
God is silent
Premature hair loss.
I'm still here.
global nigger tumult
Butterfly posted something
The evil west
Kramer from Seinfeld
USA past 1960
Expired condoms sale.
Subscribe to Pewdiepie.
Jennifer dumped me
gamers rise up
My peepee small.
She had headcrab.
Alexa, play Despacito
live in society
awoke, friends gone
dream not real
drunken erectile dysfunction
And he tried.
My whole life
Please release me.
Why even exist
Third world immigration.
I remember Dimitri Martin managed to make a 4 word joke work. It was:
Cannibals make me dinner
he never tried
You look different.
Your ass smells
Nothing is important
Mapmakers were Kings
Even Doctors die
Both guns fired
Tanks destroyed grass
The coffin screamed
Empty wheelchair found
Food didn't last
Nooses were hanged
The mute cursed
long live napoleon
"After careful consideration..."
Let hit juul
I followed paranoids
balls hanging low
testicles after decades
penis cannot reach
micropenis, great depression
varix on scrotum
Raise him well
son began transitioning.
Honk honk honk
There it is. Was waiting for it.
Last cell dies
We are real.