What a useless fukking letter. What a waste.
It either makes a "K" sound or an "S" sound, and offers no original sound of its own.
We have to kombine existing letters to get unique sounds like "TH" and "SH", but we have this loathsome waste of a letter that only makes the sounds of two different, perfektly fine letters.
Fukk C.

Attached: C.png (1200x1200, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Q is even more useless

Spanish shouldn't have the H.


c > k or s
qu > kw
x > ks, gz, s, or z

Attached: based mark twain.png (981x418, 76K)

It's necessary for the ch sound. It could just be the ch sound by itself, but English is dumb.

TOP KEK couldn't stop laughing

Only words I don't understand are


orthographical and throughout

Fuck, I can't figure out what "doderez" means (I'm not an English native speaker)

Kek, what's this from?

that's what you get for stealing an alphabet instead of coming up with your own, albionigger

Would never have gotten throughout but for some reason I kept searching just "orthographic" which is a different thing entirely apparently, so I thought I was completely wrong

x replaces ch, sh and th

"dodderer" basically just a typical old person with hindered movement

some issues with this:
keeping w but not y is stupid. do not respell year as ier
do not spell ch, sh, and th as c, y, and x. keep ch > c, but have sh be x and th be q
I'm noticing some missing r's in the final sentence. r's are necessary, do not remove them

overall, decent try, but could have been better

english is the poor man's german

I think its colloquial--"dodderrers" or something--as in a doddering old man.

English looks more like scandinavian languages than German.


it's a joke

English should have kept thorn and eth.

there have been legitimate attempts to do this sort of thing, though. how do we know Twain was joking here?

There's this norwegian linguist that thinks that English is a scandinavian language


>how do we know Twain was joking here?
user, do you know where you are?

Because he wrote other stuff like this with a humorous tone and he was a humorist.

For example, there's this one where he rants about German
>The Awful German language
