The Hive, Camilo Jose Cela

>The Hive, Camilo Jose Cela
>The Adventures of a Photographer in La Plata, Adolfo Bioy Casares
>Cities of Salt, Abdul Rahman Munif
>Captain Michalis, Nikos Kazantzakis
>Outlaws of the Marsh, Shi Nai'an
>A Sportsman's Sketches, Ivan Turgenev
>Men of Maize, Miguel Angel Asturias
>Urupes, Monteiro Lobato
Do you know any youtube channel, blog or instagram that discuss and suggest hidden gems (some aren't that hidden) like the titles above?
In the past, I would find about it here on Yea Forums, but the board is turning into a mix of /pol/ bait and memes about literature instead of book discussion. The sticky is outdated and limited too.
People who speak Spanish and have read Paradiso by Jose Lezama Lima in the original language. Do you think the translated version takes too much of the light of book?

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>hey guys
>first of all
>fuck you all
>now where can I go other than here for XYZ
lmao try reddit faggot

Reddit is even worse.
I used to like here but Yea Forums is turning into a board about memes with literature themes. If you guys can't find some good mods and jannies, it's going to be shit just like /fit/.

>I hate Yea Forums grrrr

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OP it's not a discussion forum but the blog "Neglected Books" is filled with great recommendations.
He's right, this board is filled with newfags such as yourself. Individual board culture has been replaced by globohomo /pol9k/ immigrants.

lol I STOPPED using this shithole in 2014 because it's the same threads and books and has been and always will be. I only just came back in january and lo an behold it's exactly the same except there are retarded whiners like you here who think it was ever any different
>globohomo /pol/turds durrrr
next do the one where you call racists "low IQ subhumans" who "get the rope"

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I'm racist but I'm capable of using a board without being obsessed with race. Why should Yea Forums be just another variation of /pol/? Why not just Yea Forums?

Thank you.

OP here.
I don't give a shit about racism, nazism, communism or Trumpism/judaism. But when I'm on a board about LITERATURE, it would be cool to find discussions about LITERATURE.

You're about 6 years late to be asking that question but lemme shoot one back at you: why can't I stop listening to Kodachrome by Paul Simon? I accepted long ago if I want to listen to music I'm playing with jewish tricks but this is another level

You actually do care, or you wouldn't be bitching. Nothing has changed. Yea Forums has always been a shitty board full of

>You can either become a philosophy poster or try to make better threads
These are opposites lol. For the record I do make and post in on topic threads but they can't compete with /pol/nigger birthrates. A discussion of Comte de Buffon doesn't lend itself to hundreds of replies the way a twitter screenshot about women or minorities thread does
I feel that, I can't stop listening to Irving Berlin, who I detest

Who, White people? Aboriginals and Amerindians?

You're so dishonest. My God.
There is no problem going to Yea Forums, talking about Paul Simon and his race, religion or political views appearing in the thread. But Yea Forums isn't a board to go and discuss only about Paul Simon's race, religion or political views.

>A discussion of Comte de Buffon doesn't lend itself to hundreds of replies the way a twitter screenshot about women or minorities thread does
That is why you need good janitors to delete threads about "lol niggers amrite?" and keep the board clean.

>for pointing out the truth and history of the board
kek blow it out your ass faggot. You are obviously some lying newfag who probably hasn't even been using Yea Forums since 2012. You're not going to change anything, nobody is going to change anything for you, and you can't do a fucking thing about it. Hah hah, hah hah, hah. Why don't you suck some joycean farts out of my asshole and run back to whatever shithole you inhabit to whine about how your favorite internet hate machine website has "changed" because "all of those pedophile hackers are RACIST now which is a new development or something right? That's what my friends told me to say when I started coming here ;_;"

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>he wants jannies and thinks they do anything but make the situation worse
Go ahead and report my post right now you retarded niggerloving kike. Let me tell you something: I'm already going to have a new IP and no cookies before you even see this post. Go back to retarddit.

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just learn another language fampai
i learned spanish and literally all the ones you mentioned as "hidden gems" are really well known authors.

>People who speak Spanish and have read Paradiso by Jose Lezama Lima in the original language. Do you think the translated version takes too much of the light of book?
There's a translation by Gregory Rabassa (the only one that exists), who is a legendary translator known for having translated García Márquez, Cortázar, Vargas Llosa, Lispector, De Assis, among other authors. I'm not familiar with the Paradiso translation itself, but Rabassa has been praised by García Márquez and many critics, so you're in good hands, user, and if this is your only way of reading, by all means do it.

Good luck when Yea Forums turns into the twitter+tumblr of the right.
You really don't get it, do you? People got tired of the SJW stuff because it was ridiculous. When you need to be woke on everything and anything can turn into a political battle, people get tired.
Sometimes, people just want to escape the shitshow or do something not related to what is important to you, doesn't matter if it's a book, video game, football, maybe just a few tips to get a better body or how to fix their computer. Turn the place they go for these things into a political+meme comments section and many will leave.


Things changed and you know that.
Check the catalog right now, see for yourself.

Yeah man it's so different from 2013, no mira gonzales twitter caps, no good night tao threads, no current "harry potter and the silly thing" threads, no active "can black people even write a book lmao" thread and not so much as a gravity's rainbow thread on page 1. How shall we ever recover?

>Paradiso by Jose Lezama Lima
does anyone have an epub copy of this?

there's a french/italian translation of it on libgen but not english.

Thank you.