>while you were writing poems about her beauty
>chad was balls deep in her booty
While you were writing poems about her beauty
I do both things with my women
This is so sad
Can I get 5 Like!s to help me get skelly?
This is good. Too bad it's just a one-liner.
assuming that the poem itself is a masterpiece of poetry, which would you prefer, anons? being balls deep in her booty, or writing a masterpiece of literature dedicated to her beauty?
>while you were studying Shakespeare after class
>chad was eating her ass
>You loaned her your favorite book
>but chad, her virginity took
'swiggity swooty, I'm balls deep inside your booty'
truly a sentiment for the ages
all based
>>You loaned her your favorite book
>>but chad, her virginity took
is this poetry or a mockery of a poetry like they do on tv shows
Lmfao I'm not even chad, ur just a nerd
while you were reading like a fag
by her hair drag she, did chad
This concept makes me so overwhelmingly sad. I hope it's just negative internet anons who fabricate such notions from their own personal pessimism. I just can't stand to believe that my oneitis, back in highschool, was having s*x with crude, popular guys while I was lonely and lost in admiration towards her, feelings I still haven't entirely cut myself off from even years later...I really hope you guys are not right... :(
I try to be a good, kind-hearted person, I don't drink or do drugs, I am trying to volunteer on weekends now because I want to help people, I try to always be of service to others and never harm them. I hope these are all nice qualities to girls and that one day one of them sees all of these and falls in love with me because of it, and then goes on to be the dominant caretaker in the relationship, leading me and letting me sleep on her chest and always making me feel protected and safe and warm and loved. I don't like s*x either so we won't be doing that, and I hope she's okay with it and understands that my absence of sexual desire, is replaced by an excess of need for love from her...I always want to be in her embrace, every day and as many hours as we can. But these are just fantasies and likely won't ever come true. But I wish they would...
:) this post made me smile. good people still exist in the world
user, you need to understand that real people are just filthy animals. You need to learn to see the quality you perceive in humans as detached from them. For example, if you admire a woman for her kindness, you need to detach that beautiful kindness from the actual person and concentrate on the trait you found so attractive. It's irrelevant whether she's actually kind as you think she is, or whatever else she is. People already do this to some extent. After all, you don't truly know the people you interact with. You just build a picture of them in your head, and from that point on you just modify refine that picture to suit your broadening set of experiences unless of course they do something that radically alters the picture to the point where it disintegrates and the relationship is doomed. You need to take this concept one step further. Create the "rough sketch" of the person you fancy, and then abstract to the point where the picture takes a life of its own and is no longer shackled by the meatbag that served as its inspiration. The image then becomes more beautiful and inviolable. Chad can't go balls deep into your brain after all.
>After birthing this shit thread with a dumb green crying elf
>You should sincerely consider fucking killing yourself
this guy posts like every other day about wanting a mommy gf
>Chad can't go balls deep into your brain after all
No, but I'm sure he'd be willing to put forth a good effort
>Resorting to calling Pepe an elf to force your rhyme and make it work
Megaton cringe m8
>OP is faggot and so is his racist green frog
>He should fire a shotgun at his vacuous nog
>vacuous nog
Holy shit, cool it with the racism Tarrant, yikes... Pretty rich reading you call out Pepe as a hate symbol only to start dropping slurs one line later...
I meant nog as in noggin, not as a slur
>Too late for apologies you hateful white man,
>Now light on your fate and enjoy your ban
I think you vastly overestimate the degree to which people are interested in harming you. This isn't middle-school.
>dedicating your masterpiece to the town slag
the true Yea Forums thing to do
>i posted my novel ideas to a Pige
>some user went and stole them, made millions he did!
Yep. That's the life of Yeats.
A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, he shall abide between my breasts.
A cluster of cypress my love is to me, in the vineyards of Engaddi.
Behold thou are fair, O my love, behold thou are fair, thy eyes are as those of doves.
Behold thou art fair, my beloved, and comely. Our bed is flourishing.
The beams of our houses are of cedar, our rafters of cypress trees.
the pen is mighter than the penis
>while you dedicated yourself to brains
>chad was leaving semen stains
The Gods are always amused by the literary goof
Whose romantic prospects occur as a spoof
Conceding in private he's caught in a rut
He'll always be true to his first love cyber smut
And while poor damsels in his intimacy grimace
They always seek reprieve by Chad's penis maximus
And there split their lady beef parts and gushes
Burping and flowing viscous and luscious
They demand Chad's all even a disease
"Please fill all my guts. That would be the bee's knees"
O' the queefing cadence of her quacker
Such pistoned air in her brapper n' snapper
The Gods titter and holler at the goof's comedy
Yet another ex is better and fizzing audibly
So careful young ladies with any chap that's Literary
Your cunt risks the meek coitus of a rotten berry
>After birthing this shit thread with a dumb green crying frog
>You should sincerely consider drowning yourself
in a bog
What a niggardly poor excuse.
Honestly who cares
Sex is unfulfilling
whilst you put on airs
that you didst not cares
chad had affairs
with your lady's derriers
Upon the Sight of Stacie on Chad's Arm
user doth rage, and wish on both them Harme
But not a Word, til he at Home, lets slip,
When he his Pen and Penis both shall grippe!
>while you were writing poems about getting cuck'd
>Brad was at the bar, trying his luck
someone should do a revenge themed one where an user gets back at Chad by loving himself in the midst of rejection by finally keeping his mouth open during the self facial and instantly regretting it...but not hating it.
>so precise are your movements
>that not a drop of giz is spilled
>and tucked behind the dumpster
>you leave your signature scrawled softly in your moans and grunts
>'cause you're a fag
>so kill yourself
>and descend
>into the depths of hell
>as chad was making her pussy real loose
>you were putting your head in a noose
>while chad was making her scream for her daddy
>you were still being called a fatty
>while chad filled her up all the way with his cum
>you still felt superior to those who are dumb
>while you posted online for all to see
>chad was making her drink his pee
You chrortled and tittered before your screens
She retched and queefed out thick cum sheens
>you watched cuckhold porn and came in your sock
>while chad was thrusting her with his large cock
Chad fucky fucky your wife
You yucky yucky her life
Chad sucky sucky her implants
You tucky tucky in your pants
Chad cucky cucky forevermore
You mucky mucky on the floor
>you cried in your bed as a wretch so deplorable
>she sucked his cock clean and felt so adorable
You clocked another coin for your NoFap records
She's bent in a booth sheathing strange gourds
That's the poem of our time lad.
>Whilst you wasted your time shitposting on Yea Forums
>Chad spent his nights shooting loads on her clit
>You made your jokes, you had your fun,
>But Chad made her choke on gallons of cum
>Dreaming of her as you sat in class, she
>Screamed Chad's name as he stretched open her ass
She waddles to the toilet her puss bursting with cum
While literary types research odd toys for their bum
>she thanked you again for doing her homework
>as she texted chad of his cock she would jerk
>while you were reading Balzac
>she was worshipping Chad's ballsack
Years pass and Chad is forgotten
But thanks your literary prowess
A bestial slut is immortalized as goddess
And future generations, by your words smitten
Forever remember you and everything you've written
Forget the hole and choose Eternity
Ensure your words are studied at Harvard University
The best replies should be compiled to a complete poem
genuine lol
This is why I come back to this cesspool
>Chad fills her to bursting with gobs of his seed, while,
>Jobless, you fill mom's basement with jars of peepee
Honestly? Pretty fucking based
Yea Forums is the cruelest board, stroking
Chad's chest is your Stacy, crying
From his dick all night, loping
At your laptop alone, lying
To your parents as if you are he
while you were studying baudelaire
chad slapped her ass and pulled her hair,
and learning Latin verbs by rote
chad shoved his dick inside her throat
while you did study aristotle
chad gave her ass a right good throttle,
and read plato for wisdom's sake,
chad fucked her till her legs did shake.
I hope you're ESL because this is awful
>behind her "ok" to your literary dissertation
>her fair hand filled by Chad's erection
>while you were getting deep into Dickens
>she was this line basically writes itself
>get fit
>realize there are barely any chads and you mog them all
>your novel, memoirs of cuckold
>her vagina, chad's new cock mold
oh user why so pale and glum?
just tell yourself that chad is dumb
and that you are smarter than he
even though you a virgin be
>studiously you pay your dues
>while chad gives her facial abuse
> Hoosh, woman! I am getting mad
> Fantasticating your hard sex with Chad
holy shit pathetic
>You want her heart and want her pussy
>But women only have the pussy
>So you're not getting any pussy
>Since Chad has gotten all the pussy
where did slang like *.maxx and "mog" originate? i only ever encounter these in cyber sadsackvilles
Who is that "she" anyway?
>dedicating your poems to earthly roasties and not to the Muse
chad mantled the muse within the last two centuries. it’s over. do not associate with her or you’ll get muse stds.
>why you in darkness sit and sob
>chad has his cock inside her gob
while you’re crying to fictions
chad’s giving her “the fixin’s”
It's true, these bitches will take what they can and leave your heart all muse'd up.
>while you're wasting time arguing about politics and race
>based Chad is cumming on her face
Would I get paid for the poem?
>while you about your IQ lie
>chad blows a load into her eye
Would I get paid for the booty reaming?
Pretty good
>while you were tending to the gentlest thought
>he was reaping the fruit you sought
Truly a masterpiece of modern literature.
Goddess please bless my own labia beef
And speed to my gash sturdy flaps as its wreath
Do spirit our cunts from all sexual grief
And to you we promise our every climax and queef
Your powers make the glisten inside of our sheath
And in your name we sing these pleasures beneath
Though soggy and soiled our snatches and flaps
There's none so holy as our va-jay-jay gaps
We seek only those phalli that draw such applause
Without foreskin or blemish or circulatory flaws
Into our vaginal maws we stuff them to gorge
And deliver the Fempire by this our yonic forge
Goddesses of the Yonic, help my words I do pray
So that to herstory comes news of such sexual fray
Where coital mileage dwarfed the greatest whores of yore
And grizzled each my sisters' chaste peaches to gore
These sisters won such great acclaim by their story
Their spread legs and agape cheeks beckoning Glory
Barely battened crowds were thusly mad with lust
Setting upon any woman like the wind's fickle gust
To our sisters bodies the men drew their best pucker
To kiss, lick and win the best body-part sucker
But woe to those tongues that knew any taste of our snizz
And suffered no allergies when sprayed with female fizz
Because darkly hides a monster in each our cunt floccules
A certain face-melting disfigurement alights from but one globule
This is the prime example as to why Yea Forums is the most beautiful place on the Internet. Sometimes.
Include me in the screencap reddit.
I wrote a poem about my crush, but it went unnoticed. It's shit I know, but that's how my heart talks to her, it's raw and uncontrolled emotion.
>Oh I bequeeth, where has all the women of yore gone? Oh Miranda, Miranda, your angelic face beyond compare descended upon our land of filth. As quick as you came, you left without a word, now all I have is the burning feeling of trying to find you, trying to find anything to compare. I know it's all for naught, for your visage is the anchor that keeps me in place. Oh Miranda, Miranda, will you grace us once more? For evermore I peek at you behind the young saplings of spring and bless the heavens when your innocent smile penetrates the foliage. Oh Miranda, Miranda, you are enough, you are.
Has Miranda read this?
No, and I daren't show her, at least not anymore. The time we had together was nice and in hindsight, she was interested in me, but I was only content with being friends. To put it into context, we knew each other quite closely for 7 years. We grew apart and haven't talked with each other for a few years now. Honestly, she was perfect. Smarter than me, better with words and expressing herself, yet I never felt like I was inadequate in her presence. My feelings for her dissipating through time, though never snuffing out, I'll treasure the memories of her forever.
Beautifully put my dear, I also remember those days not so long ago. Sadly, just like your case,we remained only friends.