Does God want us to suffer?
Does God want us to suffer?
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God wants us free, and we ourselves turned that freedom into suffering.
God wants us to love and be purified and ultimately to know him. But in a fallen world suffering is inevitable and needs to be approached carefully.
Yes, God is sadistic
God wants me to be happy. My happiness is the most important thing to God.
there are plenty of disease and there's death, I doubt humans caused either one
at least I'm not directly responsible for it
God does not want
so how come you aren't? is He not omnipotent? even humans are capable of inducing temporary happiness via chemicals
He’s testing my faith first
There is no us. There is only me and my property.
Why would God want one thing, than put us in a world that is completely different? It is much more probable that what exists is as it should be, and any afterlife will be exactly the same.
You don't like living? Reject the material world, and hide a hole waiting for death? Too bad, rest of eternity won't be any different.
Suffering makes us perfect. People who've never suffered and lived the most comfortable lives tend to be the worst people and themselves the most decadent.
So you just need to believe and everything will be A-OK in the end? Foolish mortal, how could you be so naive
>You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?
>What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
God does not care about individuals. Not enough to relieve their suffering in this life, anyway.
No, God wants us to be happy and make children.
>Carl Panzram (June 28, 1892[1] – September 5, 1930) was an American serial killer, rapist, arsonist, robber and burglar. In 1903, at the age of 11, he was repeatedly beaten, tortured, and raped by staff members in what attendees dubbed "The Painting House", because children would leave "painted" with bruises and blood. Panzram hated this place of torture so much that he decided to burn it down, and did so without detection on[4] July 7, 1905.
>In prison confessions and his autobiography, he claimed to have committed 21 murders, most of which could not be corroborated, and over 1,000 sodomies of boys and men. After a series of imprisonments and escapes, he was executed in 1930 for the murder of a prison employee at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary.
*reverses your lmao*
>Wherefore, though good and bad men suffer alike, we must not suppose that there is no difference between the men themselves, because there is no difference in what they both suffer. For even in the likeness of the sufferings, there remains an unlikeness in the sufferers; and though exposed to the same anguish, virtue and vice are not the same thing. For as the same fire causes gold to glow brightly, and chaff to smoke; and under the same flail the straw is beaten small, while the grain is cleansed; and as the lees are not mixed with the oil, though squeezed out of the vat by the same pressure, so the same violence of affliction proves, purges, clarifies the good, but damns, ruins, exterminates the wicked. And thus it is that in the same affliction the wicked detest God and blaspheme, while the good pray and praise. So material a difference does it make, not what ills are suffered, but what kind of man suffers them. For, stirred up with the same movement, mud exhales a horrible stench, and ointment emits a fragrant odor.
Statistically, if you're abused as a child you think it has no impact on your adult life? Only makes you a better person? Same with poverty, single parents, drugs/crime in the environment?
No, you probably just die.
God is omnipotent so if we are suffering it's probably because he wants us to.
thanks satan
when has a word happened to you before?
In the beginning.
Likens was so pure and beautiful. She was never given a chance.
God does not want us to suffer. He wants us to fight against our suffering and those who force suffering upon others.
that's her sister though
God wants YOU to suffer
Well, sometimes you can't get what you want. I'm having a blast.
That..... isn't at all what they are saying...
Human beings are scarcely better than worms. I don't think I could respect a God who didn't deliberately cause us suffering.
>I don't think I could respect a God who didn't deliberately cause us suffering.
What about a God who created "beings scarcely better than worms"?
If he did it for his own pleasure, for the hell of it, then yeah I could respect that. Why not? He's omnipotent. Gotta flex those muscles once in a while.
No, it's just that we aren't different from a tree or a rock for god, we aren't the goal.
God is the personification of omniphobia, fear and hatred of all things, and from this hatred the desire to replace everything with an image of himself - to appropriate all as his own from the beginning to the end. This psyche is a projection of the fear of death that has turned into a hatred of life, and so forsakes worldly life for an illusory afterlife in which the fear of death and suffering is eternally satisfied. God is the ultimate projection of cowardice, and Christianity is a religion of cowardice to its very core. Christians desire others to suffer for their God, made evident in the common believe in eternal torment for those who defy their deified cowardice. No Christian would suffer in hell for their God, their endless cowardice has an endless greed for infinite reward without gain, "gifted" by a mentally ill schizophrenic 2000 years ago who is a sinkhole for their own suffering, the great self-sacrificial scapegoat.
The man who objects to suffering insults God and betrays his perspective: that God must justify man's suffering; that God must answer to man's laws. Every time we do this we build a human God out of our timidness. Every flowery poem praising God's bounty is an insult to God. It is the human cope machine flailing in the dark like a child. It is glorified masturbation. It pays no respect to Death or his power - it turns death into the devil so that suffering is properly contained FOR THOSE WHO DESERVE IT. The sniveling human cannot bear the storm, he cries "I AM WORTHY, I KNOW, I HAVE STUDIED, I DESERVE AT LONG LAST WHAT HAS WRONGFULLY BEEN STOLEN FROM ME - MY IMMORTALITY, WHY DO YOU NOT BELIEVE IN GOD?" this man never had any intention of facing any of God's creations on God's terms. Instead they must be humanized.
>their endless cowardice has an endless greed for infinite reward without gain
fucking this
Why do they always get so fat?
>Same with poverty, single parents, drugs/crime in the environment?
>drugs in the environment
Why do people act like drug addiction is equivalent to being hit by a tornado. There are people who got addicted because of bad medical practices, through little fault of their own, but don't act like there aren't also hordes of druggies who aren't victims. No, it's not "tragic" when Chad OD'd at Stacy's party, he shouldn't have been such a degenerate
hell yeah
>and from this hatred the desire to replace everything with an image of himself - to appropriate all as his own from the beginning to the end.
god doesn't want
God created tthe universe and it's laws. And he decides not to break em. At the same time he wants us to be free and with him. But there is no point in just giving us everything. See Adam and Eve. If you give everyhting to a child he will nnot appreciate what he has. Most of the suffering in the world is man created. And he will not go against our will.
>>If you give everything to a child he will not appreciate what he has
>literally projecting a guiding daddy into the sky for comfort
you know, I would criticize atheists for reducing the entirety of the wisdom of eons of Christianity to 'le sky daddy' but "Christians" don't put in any more effort. It is emblematic of their inexperience with God - 90% of "Christians" I meet would do well to just admit they are atheists. None of them are even enthusiastic about their ""BELIEFS"" or try to read anything outside of their tradition. They do not even have the conviction to carry what they claim is the will of their own God. They have no admiration for Christ, evident by their "leaving it to him!" They love a name, an idol. They know nothing Christ. To account for your own weakness you imagine a weak God. You make God human to "know" God. Suffering is called man-made because you have never faced the suffering of God.
>he wants us to be free and with him
>he wants
>he wants
>he wants
why did you have to remind me? why the fuck did you have to remind me?
i was having a good day, i was actually enjoying my time and now you ruined it
you know what? fuck you and fuck your god and fuck everyone who believes in a just world
this is hell
>there’s suffering in dying
I can only try to explain since I'm merely human. God created us. Therefore we see him as our father. Even if i try to see the world through heaven's eyes i can't. I can see the big picture but never the picture in it's fullness. We can only see what we understand.
"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone— while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?"
>I can only try to explain since I'm merely human. God created us.
>Oh, I am only human and flawed, and so I cannot know what God's will is! This is why I fervently insist that this God shall be called God, interpreted as a universal Father, understood as a creator first and foremost, and these things will be called knowledge!
Christians are disgusting. Your admission of flaws is a plee for attention. It is like a child who has discovered the art of self-deprecation. "Oh my writing is so bad, nobody would like it..." this is you when you let out the lie of "Oh my understanding is so human, God is so beyond it". Your insistence - the very bones of your words - the core of all of your acts is selfishness. It is the devil. I hope you and your kin are ready to face the hell you've conjured to secure your "safety in heaven". Christ was the son of God and in their supreme arrogance the Christians forgot his words.
While I'm not particularly religious, I will admit that if we can posit the existence of an infinite intelligence, it's kind of laughable to think 100-IQ primates would have a hope of comprehending anything said infinite intelligence was up to, or why.
its blasphemous to think that humanity, nevermind individuals, are objects of gods concern.
its much bigger than that.
Give me the answers then Mr. Big Brain. I'm sure you know more about the universe than everyone else. God gave us the ability to use reason. It is his greatest gift to humanity. Loving him is trying to understand the universe.
God is the cause of all existence
And for us to call him father works so we don't separate ourselves so much from that we forget about him. See the greeks. They had their own creator, so far above everything that they forgot about him.
We use mundane terms to understand what is above us and we can't comprehend
Suffering's necessary for growth, though. There really is no gain without pain
>Give me the answers then Mr. Big Brain. I'm sure you know more about the universe than everyone else. God gave us the ability to use reason.
Literally, and I quote, "No answers eh?! MUST BE CAUSE GOD ALREADY TOLD ***US*** THE ***REAL*** ONES!"
I really hope you're ready to enjoy your eternity in hell, friend.
>Loving him is trying to understand the universe.
>God is the cause of all existence
Oh such twisted Love you Christians express - to love the universe like the wolf's mouth loves the hare, the chomping finality, but to insist again and again "I AM BUT A HARE; THE WOLF IS EVIL".
Give your views then. It's human trying to understand the world in the best of our ability. Why is there suffering in the world? If you care you would illustrate instead of condemn. Being so high in yourself doesn't make you a better Christian
>Why is there suffering in the world?
Because you died and this is hell
Holy fuck, either put down the bong or get the fuck back to Rebbit
fucking based
Gain what? Just as there is no end to gain, there is no end to suffering, making both quite tiresome.