Cat loaf haha

cat loaf haha

Attached: cat-loaf-27.jpg (1200x894, 115K)

Only on 4channel!

Le Mao


I do love that thing that cats do where their limbs just disappear beneath their bodies.

Yea Forums - Literature

What the frag? What's a cat doing in there?? lol

Epic win!

finally an on topic post

fuck you cuck


I agree and also I love cats :^) I was actually distressed when Yea Forums stopped having caturday after the icanhazcheezeburger bullshit. I have two right now and I miss my boy Ruggles who we knew would eventually die from his FELV and did about 18 month ago dearly ;_; he had a good 3 years though, little bastard

That cat loaf looks a little underdone, might want to put him in for a bit longer.

From now on when I pull the weeks bread out of the oven and set them on the rack to cool, I am going to find myself wishing I was small enough to snuggle into the loaves and enjoy their warmth.

As I was scrolling through I could have sworn there was just an off topic thread that said ‘cat loaf haha’ with the picture of a cat loaf in an oven.

Then I scrolled back and lo and behold that absurd thing actually existed. :3 wtf

Bitch-made punk-ass feline busters swerve, Yea Forums is a pige board.

any love for a kitty croissant?

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Sorry. Sounds like a glad lad.

Kitty :3

that's not where cats belong!


huge teeth
gnaw on bones


based and breadpilled

Have sex, incel.

blessed thread

Which cat breed is the most Yea Forums one?

He's a cutie.

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russian blue imo

Cat potato

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Scottish Fold

Attached: Lilac_Scottish_Fold.jpg (1024x768, 88K)

posting best kitty

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#cool #nice #2k19 #cat #lit #420 #qt3.14 #epic #EA #car #lolz #cool&nice #NOgays #EpicGames
#meme #memez #sub2pewdiepie #youtube #4cannel #9gag #pussy #book #cook #loaf
#360noskop #deepEcology #Linkola #ted #bed #bomb #usA
#Anonymous #user #JohnZorn # music #cool #potato #best #cutie #hat #incel #AI #blessed #XD #sex

haha cumtown

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based and literature pilled

cow haha

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Best Cat Book

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>not i am a cat

this is a moderator of the four channel dot com website. cease this off topic posting immideatly or face severe consequences

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this is cat board

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a party hat for a party cat :-)

Attached: cat.png (234x233, 100K)