tests to see if a thinker is worth their salt
>proposes linear history
>bifurcates nature
>proposes a philosophy of interiority and transcendence
if they pass any of these they should be thrown in the garbage
Tests to see if a thinker is worth their salt
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what is correlationism?
Deleuze was a correlationist.
"The case of Freud himself, founder of ‘psychoanalysis’, is quite typical in this respect, for he never ceased to declare himself a materialist. One further remark: why is it that the principal representatives of the new tendencies, like Einstein in physics, Bergson in philosophy, Freud in psychology, and many others of less importance, are almost all of Jewish origin, unless it be because there is something involved that is closely hound up with the ‘malefic’ and dissolving aspect of nomadism when it is deviated, and because that aspect must inevitably predominate in Jews detached from their tradition?"
Deleuze philosophy is autonomous legislation, the creation of the superior forms of what is; it is not speculative comprehension.Deleuze actually affirms a strong version of correlationism in that the correlation itself becomes the absolute in Deleuze’s system. With the traditional understanding of correlationism, the real is always and only real as correlated to a subject that has access to it. One can entertain the thought of a world without correlation, but then again this would be a thought and we are once again within the circle of correlationism (hence the problem of ancestrality). Deleuze does not even entertain the possibility of a world without correlation, but absolutises it.
Read Guenon instead, don't waste time with Deleuze.
>they're here
>proposes a philosophy of interiority and transcendence
into the garbage
>doesn't know that the Atma of retarded kikes is still Brahman regardless
What about the spontaneous image of thought and the plane of immanence? I think he has a pecuilar view of what the object and subject of the object / subject dichotomy is.
So which philosophers do I read that dont pass these tests?
>memed on Yea Forums
that means they are high iq
nah deleuze was a retard
How can philosophy, written in human terms, to convey human ideas, to other human beings not be anthropocentric?
you can have ideas and not consider your kind the center of the universe(?)
does how tiny we are in the universe affect how valid a philosophy is? if there were only 100 people in the universe which was the size of an ikea, what philosophies would no longer be garbage?
what does bifurcates nature mean
Philosophy is written by human beings, for human beings, to make sense of the world as humans experience it.