What would Nietzsche think of them?

What would Nietzsche think of them?

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Spineless limp dicks. But he'd be wrong, they are among his progeny

"The case of Freud himself, founder of ‘psychoanalysis’, is quite typical in this respect, for he never ceased to declare himself a materialist. One further remark: why is it that the principal representatives of the new tendencies, like Einstein in physics, Bergson in philosophy, Freud in psychology, and many others of less importance, are almost all of Jewish origin, unless it be because there is something involved that is closely hound up with the ‘malefic’ and dissolving aspect of nomadism when it is deviated, and because that aspect must inevitably predominate in Jews detached from their tradition?"

source fils de pute

It's from the footnotes to Guenon's essay 'The Misdeeds of Psychoanalysis' which can be found online

It's irrelevant, there is no definite "what would nietzsche do" just interpretations.

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based and redpilled

Would Nietzsche support abolishing the age of consent in France?


Bluepilled idealism and hardcore cope for obvious redpill truth of materialism

sure, censoring of child sexuality is a symptom of christianity.

Guenon was a Nazi

Childreen dont really have that strong sexual urges user.
This is more about adults taking advantage of kids. Which if we dont take from a moral standpoint its also ok, same should go for rape desu.

>Children don't really have that strong sexual urges user
>This is more about adults taking advantage of kids
only if you think children are innocent, angelic-like creatures that cannot enjoy sex and cannot give consent. which is pure christian ideology. child-adult sex is not automatically rape, there are accounts of those, who had sex in childhood and perceive their experiences as positive thing.

I was masturbating multiple times daily by the age I was 13. Age of consent is 18 in America. I think lowering it is wrong because of the pedophilia tendency of incels and perverts and paraphiliacs but there should be some way to rework romeo and juliet laws slightly better so teens can do what they do which is now less dangerous than ever.

>only if you think children are innocent, angelic-like creatures that cannot enjoy sex and cannot give consent. which is pure christian ideology.
lol, a kid is anything from 0 to 13 which is the age most kids start having sexual impulses. Thing is that everyone develops at a diferent rate and you still have plenty of people whose impulses dont come until later in life which can lead to people being mislead.
And no kids dont start having orgies thet moment you leave them alone in a group, they in fact can even accidentally do pseudo-sexual acts and not being driven by sexual urges. Stop dancing around at the christian boogey man doing everything in the reverse just because some neckbeards told you to. Most of those christian values even come from pagan descent.
>there are accounts of those, who had sex in childhood and perceive their experiences as positive thing.
I think you might have read too much greek and roman mithology. You have more accounts today of childreen getting fucked up in the head latter in life than reporting anything positive.

Its by 13 that you no longer are considered a kid and start hitting puberty. Just because you now have birth control pills and condoms it doesnt mean sex is less "dangerous", since it also has hormonal and psicological impacts, oxytocin and vasopressin play a huge role in sexual relations and bonding between two individuals. It doesnt take to be a sex ED teacher to tell you that sex and relationships early very early in life can make huge impacts on you later. Would also argue that many of the early sexual behaviour in kids can be traced back to their exposure to TV and internet talks, but this is already a very vague statement give from my expirience with kids from diferent generations.
The reply above also fits you.

"There will always be a market for third-rate writers" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Yeah but what would Nietzsche think of the guys in OPs pic?

By materialism you mean Descartes applied cartesian mathematics (since you don’t have the intelligence to even begin to understand something as complex as quantum physics), and Guenon pretty succinctly destroys this worldview in about a dozen pages.

>I think you might have read too much greek and roman mithology
"I'm talking about today: Indeed, we must concede that, in exceptional cases, the child might not only fail to be harmed but might also, retrospectively, view the incident positively. This conclusion is backed up by empirical findings. In an influential meta-analysis of 59 studies, Rind, Tromovitch & Bauserman (1995) looked not merely for harm or lack of harm, but also for reports of positive experiences, and found that a minority of college students who had had sexual contact with an adult when they were children, and who retrospectively described this experience as positive"
source: ntnu.no/ojs/index.php/etikk_i_praksis/article/view/1718/1836

>a kid is anything from 0 to 13 which is the age most kids start having sexual impulses
did you mean children start having sexual impulses by 13? i was beating my meat already when I was 7-8. either you're delusional, or I'm degenerate.
>Thing is that everyone develops at a diferent rate and you still have plenty of people whose impulses no kids dont start having orgies thet moment you leave them alone in a group, they in fact can even accidentally do pseudo-sexual acts and not being driven by sexual urges.

I'm not saying that children are hyper-sexualized being, im not denying the fact, that most of children can be sexually indifferent. I'm only saying that certain children are capable of enjoying sex (if we are to believe their accounts) without later viewing it as some kind of traumatic experience. And I'm talking about christianity only insofar as it functions as ideology, that mystifies children sexuality.

idk chief, a case study in a article named "The ethics of pedophilia" seems pretty sketchy but there are still a lot of variables that are needed to take into account. Namely what those collegue students thought by "when they were children" and if what they reported as a "postivie" experience didnt manisfest into something else. You can deem something as a "positive experience" and still cause a long term change in your behaviour that is linked to that event and you fail to associate. But i think i will leave this pretty much in the open since there are also plenty of other articles regarding sexual acts on kids with negative consequences aswell.
>i was beating my meat already when I was 7-8. either you're delusional, or I'm degenerate.
Well those things can still manifest even earlier in some particular cases but 7-8 seems pretty pushed up. In my case and most of my friends we didnt learn how to touch our own meat until 13-14 for the most time.
> I'm only saying that certain children are capable of enjoying sex (if we are to believe their accounts) without later viewing it as some kind of traumatic experience. And I'm talking about christianity only insofar as it functions as ideology, that mystifies children sexuality.
Thing is that most of those "ideologies" already knew it was important to keep kids away from sexual acts since it clearly had impact on their health later in life, its like a grey area buffer zone that was created in order to guarantee that once you are out of that age you are for sure already psicologically mature enough to handle intimate acts without developing traumas and stigmas. I dont think you take into account the fragility of the mental in kids.

Fuck didnt address well the reply.

>Guenon DESTROYS this world view
You sound like a child and the fact that you are a poltard as well goes to show the sort of people this moron caters to

>seems pretty sketchy
this article only cites this study, my bad not pointing that out.
>there are still a lot of variables that are needed to take into account
same could be said about people reporting negative experiences
>seems pretty pushed up
guess I'm anomaly
>since it clearly had impact on their health later in life I dont think you take into account the fragility of the mental in kids
you're just following the same victorian era explanation of sex evils, positive sex experiences of children confirm, that sex between adults and children aren't inherently bad. On top of that, Susan Clancy in her "The Trauma Myth" claims, that the negative experience of adult-child sex is mainly determined by the post-hoc explanation of it. The stigmatic narratives that explain child-adult sex create psychical traumas, so there is no appelation to "Fragile Sate of Child's Mind" needed.

probably that they’re all fags, except I think he’d like derrida because of the philosemitism

What? I’m not the guy you were responding to, and I only come on Yea Forums. And yes, he does destroy it. Sorry if that terminology offends you.

>same could be said about people reporting negative experiences
>you're just following the same victorian era explanation of sex evils, positive sex experiences of children confirm, that sex between adults and children aren't inherently bad. On top of that, Susan Clancy in her "The Trauma Myth" claims, that the negative experience of adult-child sex is mainly determined by the post-hoc explanation of it. The stigmatic narratives that explain child-adult sex create psychical traumas, so there is no appelation to "Fragile Sate of Child's Mind" needed.
I honestly dont know what to add here since we are diving into the psicology field. Maybe you are right that a sexual experience on a kid can be something positive part but i really dont know where Susan Clancy is coming from with her truama myths and as far as i can tell, the psicology field seems to be so divided and always changing that i for sure cant take anything for granted. I've been in contact with plenty of sex ed teachers and psicologists in my life that always explained those things as bad and very risky for the child's mental health. And i also dont think the "Fragile Sate of Child's Mind" is false in anyway since its at the stage when we are kids that things have more impact on us and take their imprints.

I think its a very touchy subject since it also has to do with laws, the state and taking into account also the very diferent exploits it can have. Even accepting the fact that it can have a positive impact on the child i still wouldnt take the risk and no one besides pedos is suffering from this law being imposes.