Your degree

>your degree
>your job
>favorite book
>book you are currently reading
>book you will read next

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The Book of Disquiet
Symbolic Exchange and Death / Watt
I don't know I pick up books randomly

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There's already a currently reading thread up, knifelet. Stop spamming.

Doing CS
The Bible
Fathers and Sons

Borges fictions
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace by Mishima
Lord Of The Flies

philosophy and comp lit
financial analyst
>favorite book
>currently reading
the baron in the trees
>book you will read next
I've been sitting on Europe Central for a while, son may that, or maybe The Melancholy of Resistance

>Master's Degree in Sociological Studies
>Practitioner at my mom's pedicure business
>The Bell Jar!
>Gender Troubles by Judith Butler
>Pride and Prejudice

>explosive engineering
>off the grid
>anti-tech:why and how
>there won't be a next book

>no job
>The Weather Vane
>The Weather Vane
>The Weather Vane


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>electronic engineering
>work at a funeral home
>Pedro Paramo
>The everlasting man, antologia de la poesia hispanoamericana & norton anthology of english poetry
>don't know yet

unfortunately I have no degree user lmao
I don't work (age)
Storm of steel (ernst junger)
against the method (Feyerabend)

>Information Science and UX Design
>UX Designer
>Moby-Dick, idk. I'm new to reading literary fiction
>Ulysses. 50 pages left
>Something short. Maybe that Julian Barnes manbooker novel

>bachelor biochemistry
>Invisible cities
>Karamazov brothers

History and business economics
Still studying
The ego and its own (no, seriously, it was a lot of fun for me)
Introduction to reading Lacan
Count Belissarius


murakami - after the quake
welsh - the acid house
mcewan - first love, last rites

>War and Peace
>War and Peace (4th time through)
>Maybe Proust

Session bassist / ghost songwriter
The Iliad
Ten Caesars by Barry Strauss
Planning a Shakespeare kick

Taking a PRODUCTIVE neet gap year before grad school.
Algebra Chapter 0 :)
Going through the Evola cannon.

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>Molecular Biology
>PhD Student
>Journey to the end of the Night
>Suicide of the West
>Dunno yet, any recommendations?

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Biomedical engineering
Animator, mostly freelance stuff
The wisdom of zhuangzi
Starting the metaphysics of sex by evola
Maybe process and reality or something by linkola

>Four Quartets.
>Newman's Grammar of Assent.
>Arnold's Culture and Anarchy.

Street of Crocodiles
The Box Man
Clark Ashton Smith's short stories

-Thus Spoke Zarathustra
-Crime and Punishment
-The Gulag Archipelago

Is going to medical school a good idea?

currently unemployed
a windup bird chronicle (i know it’s kinda pleb but I still liked it a lot)
Rich Texts by John Kelsey
Infinite Jest

>electrical engineering
>the brothers karamazov
>the waves
>blood meridian

>linux sysadmin
>hitchhiker's guide or cryptonomicon
>ego and its own
>tao te ching

questions about existence keep me up at night


>House of Leaves
>Poetics of Space
>Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

Economics & Mathematics
Logistics management
Sword of honour (Waugh)
Crime and Punishment
Maybe some short stories, not quite sure

>Chemical Engineer
>Catch 22(A Scanner Darkly was a close second)
>Consider the Lobster
>Haven't decided, maybe Temple of the Golden Pavilion or Remains of the day(recommendations?), I have the Selfish Gene lined up if i wanna take a break from fiction

Attorney (Work in oil and gas title and leases and other things related to energy sector.Therefore I am overpaid and have plenty of free time)
The Crimean War by Orlando Figés

>music by the numbers - from pythogorus to schoenberg
>not sure yet

information science, but dropped out because no money or motivation
was a server, looking for another job now.
>narcissus und goldmund
>confessions of zeno (or zeno's conciousness)
i dont know, ill figure it oout when im done with my current read.

English Education/Secondary Cert
Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities
Queen of Air and Darkness
The Hate U Give

>PHD in Mathematics, BS in Computer Science
>Senior Software Developer (Finance)
>Ccru Writings: 1997-2003
>The Bonnot Gang: The Story Of The French Illegalists
>Max Stirner's Dialectical Egoism - A New Interpretation

Possibly data entry soon, NEET right now
Litany of the Long Sun - Wolfe
Probably Difficult Loves - Calvino

Crisis Counselor
Varieties of Religious Experience
Blood Meridian
Anatomy of Melancholy
How is working at a funeral home?
How did you become a fisherman?
I've considered going on to pharmacy for the sake of comfy specialization but it sounds tedious, especially given that it appears to be an oversaturated field now and as such it (reputedly) requires academic achievement anxiety to distinguish yourself. Thoughts?
You don't need to go to medical school to be an EMT or a paramedic, let alone an EMT firefighter. The firefighters in my city will medically clear anybody who isn't literally on fire, it's embarrassing.

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>work at a funeral home
r u a necrophiliac?

Doctor of Divinity
English Teacher
The Arden Complete Works of Shakespeare
Infinite Jest
Weapons of Mass Instruction

Anatomy of Melancholy is great. There's something in there for everyone.

>Gravity's Rainbow
>don't know, I only plan things a few hours in advance

wow is Sword of Honor really your favorite?! Its my favorite by him, but never ever hear it talked about here. I really liked Helena also.

Agriculture Studies
College Professor
>Fav Book
>currently reading
Madame Bovary
>will read next
Mason and Dixon

>Fav Book
>The Bible

It gives me peace, I feel deeply in peace and close to God seeing someone dead. Also most of the time is a slow paced job and very meticulous.
No, I'm not but i feel interested in dead bodies in a poetical not sexual way



>favorite book
Bhagavad Gita.
>currently reading
An Eisenhower Bio (I have a side-bitch named The Concept of the Political though)
>book i'll read next
Upanishads, there are a ton of books I'm interested in, and I have quite a few I haven't read, but it takes awhile to get through that stack. This Eisenhower bio is 1500+ pages, so it's probably going to be awhile. I've noticed that the subject I read tends to go in fads. I've been putting off the Upanishads for some reason, so I'd like to get that off my plate. After that I want to really hit the biographies hard. I'm planning to use Kissinger to transition from biographies to International Relations, but I'm also getting that tick to get back into philosophy. I think it's because Schmitt reminded me that I'm a wee baby with Hegel. Those "A very short introduction to" books are looking pretty appealing, so is "Reading Hegel." Anyone care to give their thoughts on these books?

Sorry for the blog post. I never interact with anyone, so things worthy of a one sentence reply turn into multiple paragraphs of catharsis. I wonder if I should keep a diary, would that help? I should do it on the computer though. I hate writing by hand. With the computer you can just jet down thousands of words in ranting in a matter of minutes.

> Math
> Student
> Crime and Punishment
> Oedipus at Colonus, and Heart of Darkness
> Lolita, Moby Dick, Divine Comedy, Sound and Fury, and War and Peace

>favorite book is a holy text

I forgot to mention that I was planning on going from international relations to military stuff with things like Unrestricted Warfare as a transitory text. I like the idea of reading in a sort of string where every book you read is related to the one you read last. I'm not sure how I'll transition military strategy into philosophy though. Maybe I could just read some political books.

Do you still see beauty? Does music take you on an adventure? Can you feel a person's entire personality just by gazing into their eyes? There is nothing more fulfilling in this world than joy of the soul. All else is worthless in comparison. What better text could there be than religious texts? They are dreams manifest!

>computer science & cognitive science
>software developer/researcher
>based on a true story by norm
>the denial of death
>black swan

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>fav: Novel with Cocaine, but it can change depending on the weather
>current: Alone in Berlin
>next: probably Maqroll (Alvaro Mutis) or Chronicle of a Death foretold (Garcia Marquez), but it too depends on the weather

>your degree
>your job
>favorite book
Brothers Karamazov
>book you are currently reading
Submerged Reality - Sophiology by Michael Martin
>book you will read next
Dark Night of the Souls by St. John of the Cross
or some Jakob Boehme

>Grad. Student
>Hunchback of Notre-Dame
>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
>Either Master and Margarita or An Inquiry into the Good
Am I Yea Forums enough?

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Philosophy and film
Presocratics and sophists
The simulacra

>>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>Media/Graphic designer/illustrator
>The Waste Land/Ariel
>Discipline and Punish By bald guy
>Borges Fictions

>i feel interested in dead bodies in a poetical not sexual way
so u sublimate ur desire for corpse pucci into poetry? nice

Sleep Science
Casual job at a local bookstore
The Iliad
The Book of the New Sun
After Virtue

part time job at a hotel
demosthenes' speeches
some attic greek textbook

>philosophy, math and law
>remembrance of things past
>six four by hideo yokoyama but i doubt i'll ever finish it
>i hope i'll never start another book

>archetypes of the collective unconscious by jung
>probably more jung

>>philosophy, math and law
Did you finish all of these? Why are you unemployed and why don't you want to read anymore?

i did. both of my parents and my sister died in 2016 and i suffered some kind of nervous/mental breakdown and am practically illiterate and retarded ever since

Write a book, I'd read it

The Brothers Karamazov
The Road to Serfdom

>Pre-veterinary, in final year
>Laboratory technician, student
>The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
>The History of Henry Esmond

How is being a farmer teacher?
Sounds like a larp tbqh
Why is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance good?
>philosophy, math and law
>remembrance of things past
Makes sense

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based Nietzschean Akagi.

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>Electric Engineering
>slavery with extra steps
>a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again
>I don't know

>Blood Meridian
>Either Human Acts by Kang or Aristotle's Metaphysics
I want to kill myself. Accounting was a meme and a mistake

English teacher
Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
20.000 Leagues Under the Sea
Plato's Republic or 1984

>your degree
Dropped out of CS, think of going for English/Chemistry/Biology/Dentist
>your job
>favorite book
Haven't read enough for a favourite, though No Longer Human was fun
>book you are currently reading
The Hobbit
>book you will read next
The Master and Margarita, Crime and Punishment, The Magus, The Setting Sun

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>The Idiot
>Joyce maybe, or I'll just continue Dosto
>Taking a PRODUCTIVE neet gap year before grad school.
that's what I'm considering after this semester, any suggestions to make it productive?

ma man. nice major choice

>The Master and Margarita
It's a fun book. You'll enjoy it.

>>your degree
History Masters
>>your job
>>favorite book
No Country For Old Men
>>book you are currently reading
Collected Poems of Lord Byron
>>book you will read next
Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola

Law office task bitch
Donny q
Butchers crossing
Samurai by endo

Confessions of a Mask

It changes - Moby Dick or The Bible currently
The Oxford Intoduction to Proto-Indo-European and The Proto-Indo-European World
Gaskell, North & South

>Literature professor
>I can't read
>See above
>See above