I'm sorry for creating a meta-thread but I had to ask

I'm sorry for creating a meta-thread but I had to ask.

Do we post philosophy threads on Yea Forums or on /his/?
I had philosophy thread deleted from both boards because it wasn't humanities enough or not literature enough.
Other boards are much further removed from philosophy, so I can't pick any other.

Mods and admins have to really figure this out because philosophy as an interest is getting much bigger these days , so there are people wanting to discuss.
And it seems I have to always alter the thread so much to conform to the board that the thread become a chore and a bore, do I have to post in another website altogether?

This is silly, why do I have to beg you to allow MORE browsing time and engagement with your site.


Attached: Michel_Foucault.jpg (581x400, 52K)

For a sure way just mention one of their written works

Yeah but that's silly isn't it user.
Why put such an artificial barrier.

Even so, lets say there isn't any written work, lets say we create a speculation thread.
Should we not be able to do so? Are original idea thread out of question on this website then?

If so you recommend we go to another website for open phil discussion without focusing on specific literature?

basically everyone spammed the shit out of Yea Forums with them and half the Yea Forums users (those that posted in them) were fine with it and the other half (those that don't) fucking hated it and just wanted to talk about books and then hiroshimoot asked Yea Forums what they wanted and got enough feedback in the one direction to get /his/ to banish all the shitty philosophy threads too, but then also got enough pushback to put the weak caveat in the sticky about it's ok to discuss philosophy here if it's about a specific book, even though fucking no one does that and then it just slid and got messy and unenforced and Yea Forums is exactly the same as before except even more /pol/ for unrelated reasons

tl;dr fuck off to /his/ but you won't

/his/ is basically /pol/: Nostalgia Edition. It's absolutely pointless to discuss anything with these people.

i mean i'm here because i like literature, not because i like watching undergraduates wank each other off about what they think

100% should be on Yea Forums

Pretty much everything philosophers have said can be referenced back to some written work.

everything everything can be tenuously linked to a work of literature so should fucking anything be allowed on here?

Yeah basically. Just try to make it seem like you have a specific book in mind.

desu mods should just allow philosophy threads on Yea Forums its the only board worth talking about it on and most people here are interested in it

it would probably increase the traffic as well

Reading your post, you imply that it's bad that we have open philosophy threads without any hard-tie to some book.

And essentially your suggestion is to gtfo of this website for this type of discussion.
Everyone loses I think, the people who want to discuss philosophy (I'd say most if not all) and the owners that get less engagement, less posts, less visits etc.

And all that because of some categorizing of boards.
A good example of what pomos meant by constructed categories that interfere with the interests of people without any good reason, not even by some powerplay but sometimes just from randomness and inertia.

And there are rationalizations and defense from the status quo warriors (you).
It's a perfect cute mini example.

Is it wrong I actually care little about literature but dislike /his/ so I stay here?

The reason people talk about literature is mostly for philosophical reasons I think, so philosophy should be an integral part of Yea Forums desu.

What brainlet thought it was a good idea to put philosophy threads in /his/.

Also thisIf someone wants to discuss ABOUT literature, it's mostly going to be a philosophical, not academic philosophy per se but philosophical nonetheless.

i'm on one side of the argument for sure because i like books and book discussion and don't really care for the 'philosophical' discussion on Yea Forums which is often just terrible /pol/ at best or my diary desu at worst
but that was basically what happened and basically you guys won. a weak concession to the book people with an ill-moderated caveat that ensured nothing changed

keep doing your philosophy here you philosophers you

the idea wasn't for no philosophy threads, it was to literally create a board for them, which was /his/
but everything got messy and that turned into a sludgepile of /pol/ and countries arguing and so no one went there

As things currently stand, all philosophy threads should be on Yea Forums. I don’t know who some posters refer to when they say there are folks on Yea Forums whom dislike philosophy. If they exist, they are in a very small minority.

I want to add also that Yea Forums very much dislikes what is considered literature by most of our contemporaries today (YA and minority struggle novels) and pretty much only discuss old works. Needless to say older works are of more refined philosophical nature than contemporary works (take Dostoevsky as an example)

Lastly I want to say that /his/ are absolute brainlets, only slightly above /pol/

not him but board title matters alot
I didn't go to /his/ because I didn't want to talk about history.
Intuitively the closest thing to philosophy is literature so I came here.
>it says "and humanities"
Doesn't matter all that much, repetition and appearance wins over time, seeing /his/ hammers my brain each day that it's about history, and in a chained effect no one goes there so even if some people post phil threads they won't get any good discussion.

i don't like philosophy threads, and i don't like threads about YA
i like threads about literature and this is one of the few places on the internet that has them

ok big question coming to you.
What do you talk about in literature threads?

i like to talk about books and what happens in the books and how well the booksmith portrays the things he (or she) talks about and what he (or she) means by the things he (or she) portrays and how significant they are and how they might be related to other books written by authors and how they might portray the world and futhermore how they might portray the world of the fucking interior and the mind and what they might have to say and all this shit that can occur in a novel ALONG WITH not besides plot

is that so wrong?

>ITT a bunch of literal newfag redditors whine that they should be able to make 400 WHAT DOTH LIFE threads after /his/ got fucking created for you dipshit underage potheads
not our problem if you don't like your containment board, you're all insufferable. Reminder to report every philosophy thread for off topic and the deleuze discord gang threads for spam.

Not that poster but you should see that a lot of those themes inevitable delve into philosophy of some sorts. Usually in fiction (you mention plot) it's about morals and ethics. There is nothing wrong with reading for the reasons you do but saying "you dont like philosophy" while at the same time discussing, for example. what motivated this character to do X or Y is conflicting.

I might care if the rest o the threads were about literature. instead every day we have
>greentext cringe words
>booktuber threads
>write what's on your mind
>what am I in for?
>anglo hate threads
>womyn authors wrinkledpepe threads
>Finnegan's Wake wrinkledpepe threads
>general blog posts
>stack threads
overall clicking a random thread on Yea Forums, you are more likely to see people quoting/engaging with book in a philosophy thread than a non-philosophy thread. so, most everyone out there sperging about the cancer that is philosophy threads should take the time to make a decent literature thread, it would do far more good

You have to go back

there's literally nothing wrong with discussing a character's philosophical reasons for doing a thing and i have no issue with people doing that

but that isn't what is happening

Imagine being the people who make 4 "where to start with deleuze xD" threads a day wondering why people don't believe they're legitimate

well, newfag, if you want to stay on Yea Forums you learn to play by Yea Forums's rules or you fuck off

don't bitch and whine because you don't like how it is, you're free to fuck off back to facebook or wherever

i mean if people want to get into the specific philosophical implications of any literary character then fucking go for it
that's fine

>If someone wants to discuss ABOUT literature, it's mostly going to be a philosophical, not academic philosophy per se
This is the most pretentious, pseud thing I've seen and basically encapsulates everything wrong with faggots who talk about "philosophy" on Yea Forums. They don't know shit about philosophy. They can't actually talk about specific treatises or books or essays, they just want a place they can spout their ignorant opinions like anybody gives a shit what they think despite not having read the literature on the subject.

Talk about books or fuck off, cunt.

What about the philosophical intentions of the author?

Since /r9k/ keeps coming here and flooding the place, why don't philosofags just take refuge at /r9k/? You can't possibly lower the quality of that cesspit.

but if people want to get into it then sure

lmao like clockwork the dishonest deleuze thread is up now

Then what are the non-philo fags complaining about?

>complaining about board quality
>by creating a meta thread
lol :3

Use of signatures is against the rules and you are a fucking awful thread destroying poster so I have no idea what you're trying to tell OP

But it's also mixed with a tonne of STEMPinker fags.

you're an absolute brainlet subhuman

If you were the Owner of this website, where would you allow freeflowing philosophy discussion that isn't necessarily tied to literature.


nobody cares about your plight cancerfag. Maybe you can go make a nice WHAT DOTH LIFE thread on reddit.

You belong here.

I doubt you could discuss the first thing about post-pragmatist technogenic spectrality, kys brainlet

that would imply anyone on that board is over the age of 18

it is tweenage randroids who think they can be Caesar 2.0


kys brainlet

Philosophy fags shitting up r9k with poetry is why lit was created as a containment board for people who know how to use a dictionary or encyclopedia